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3 September 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Boloh nggak minta contoh dari kalimat  descrivetive,recount, report, narrative,
tolong ya buat To

Terima kasih atas pertanyaannya, tolong anda lihat pada menu utama <br>

Cari bahasa Inggris kemudian klik pada teks yang anda butuhkan. <br> 

M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

3 September 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

<p>Minta contoh textnya anecdote dunk...</p><p>Makasih</p>

Contoh anecdote :

How would you like to find a snake in your bath?
A nasty one too! <br>

Orientation <br>
We had just moved into a new house, which had been empty for so long that everything was in a terrible mess. Anna an I decide we would clean the bath first, so we set to, and turned on the tap.<br>
Crisis <br>
Suddenly to my horror, a snakes head appeared in the plug-hole. Then out slithered the rest of his long thin body.He twisted and turned on the slippery bottom of the bath, spitting and hissing at us.<br>
Incident <br>
For an instant I stood there quite paralysed.Then I yelled for my husband,who luckily came running and killed the snake with the handle of a broom. Anna, who was only three at the time, was quite interested in the whole business. Indeed i had to pull her out of the way or shed probably have leant over the bath to get a better look!  <br>

untuk yang lainnya, bisa mencari di situs situs yang ada di internet, anda masukkan kata kunci di textbox di mesian pencari tersebut <br>

M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

1 September 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

bagaimana penjelasan tentang report text



General classification <br>

Australia is a large continent. It has six states and two territories.<br>

The capital city of Australia is Canberra. It is in the Australian Capital Territory. <br>

Description <br>

The population of Australia is about 20 million. The first inhabitants to live in Australia were Aboriginal people. After that people came from all over the world. The main language is English, however many other languages are spoken. <br>

There are many plants and animals that are only found in Australia, e.g. kangaroos, platypuses, gum trees and Waratahs. <br>

The main products and industries are wool, minerals, oil, coal, cereals and meat. <br>

Some famous landmarks are the Harbour Bridge, the Opera House and Uluru (Ayers Rock). <br>


M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

31 Agustus 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong kasih tau report text tentang benda.Misalnya:pakaian,televisi,dll

Penulisan report untuk benda tidak jauh beda dari penulisan tentang binatang atau tanaman <br>

Selalu diawali dengan general classification -- yang menggambarkan gambaran umum tentang benda yang akan didiskusikan <br>

Dilanjutkan dengan description-- yang menggambarkan benda tersebut, mis. bentuknya, jenisnya, bahkan sampai karakteristiknya secara umum. <br>

Contoh :

Drugs<br>General Classification: <br>Drugs are chemical substances. There are three different types of drugs: stimulants, depressants and hallucinogens. <br> Descriptions: <br>Stimulants speed up the central nervous system. They increase heart rate, blood pressure and breathing. Examples are caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, ecstasy and cocaine. <br>Depressants slow down the central nervous system. They decrease heart and breathing rates. Alcohol, heroin and analgesics are common examples of these types of drugs. <br>Hallucinogens change mood, thought and senses. LSD is the most well-known example of this type of drug. <br>


M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

27 Agustus 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

bisa tolong kasih tau semua tentang procedure text ? makasih sebelumnya

Procedure, tujuan komunikatif nya: memberi petunjuk cara melakukan sesuatu melalui serangkaian tindakan atau langkah. Struktur Teks (Generic Structure): Goal/Aim – Materials/Tools – Steps/Methods<br>
Ciri Kebahasaan teks Procedure:<br>
- pola kalimat imperative: misalnya, Cut, Pour, Don’t mix, dsb.<br>
- action verbs: misalnya turn, put, don’t, mix, dsb.<br>
- connectives untuk mengurutkan kegiatan, misalnya then, while, dsb.<br>
- adverbials untuk menyatakan rinci waktu, tempat, cara yang akurat, misalnya for five minutes, two centimetres from the top, dsb.<br>
Berikut in adalah contoh teks Procedure:<br>
How to make Lemonade<br>
For each glass use:<br>
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.<br>
- 2 tablespoons of sugar.<br>
- 1 glass of water.<br>
1. Slice a lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a cup.<br>
2. Take out the seeds.<br>
3. Pour two tablespoons of juice into glass.<br>
4. Add sugar.<br>
5. Add water and stir well.<br>
6. Taste the lemonade. You may want to add more sugar or more lemon to make it taste just right.<br>
7. Put it in ice cubes. A drop of red food coloring will make pink lemonade.<br>

M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

27 Agustus 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong bantuin q cari text report,selain tentang library n whales.....please!!!!!


General Classification: <br>

Drugs are chemical substances. There are three different types of drugs: stimulants, depressants and hallucinogens. <br>


Descriptions: <br>

Stimulants speed up the central nervous system. They increase heart rate, blood pressure and breathing. Examples are caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, ecstasy and cocaine. <br>

Depressants slow down the central nervous system. They decrease heart and breathing rates. Alcohol, heroin and analgesics are common examples of these types of drugs. <br>

Hallucinogens change mood, thought and senses. LSD is the most well-known example of this type of drug. <br>


27 Agustus 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

ech text report tuch contohnya gmn???selain tentang library n whales,pa ada contoh laen???tolong blz cepet


General Classification: <br>

Goannas are large Australian lizards which belong to the reptile family.<br>


Description: <br>

Goannas are yellowish-brown in colour and grow to about a metre in length.<br>

They live in burrows and eat insects, lizards, mice, eggs, and flesh of dead animals. <br>

To breed, the female goanna lays about six eggs in a termite mound.<br>


24 Agustus 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

tolong berikan contoh dari text-text di bawah ini:

2.prosedural text
7.analytical exposition
8.hortatory exposition item
masing-masing 2.tolong secepatnya di balas.

Terima kasih atas pertanyaan Anda. Kalau Anda menginginkan contoh teks - teks tersebut di atas, silakan Anda cari di Menu Utama, silakan klik Bahasa Inggris, ketik kata kunci yang Anda inginkan.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

24 Agustus 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

tolong jelaskan pengertian dari narrative, orientataion, complication, dan resolation

Teks Narrative: Teks yang didalamnya ada konflik/ masalah yang diakhiri dengan penyelesaian. Teks Narrative bertujuan menghibur pembaca.<br>

Generic Structure: Orientation - Complication - Resolution<br>

Orientation berisi: Pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita.<br>

Complication berisi: Puncak masalah/konflik dalam cerita<br>

Resolution: Pemecahan masalah.<br> 


24 Agustus 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

tolong berikan contoh text explanation yg sederhana tidak rumit, pleasee

Contoh teks Explanation:<br>
How a Spider's Web forms<br>
A spider web looks delicate but it is very strong. It can hold 4000 times a spider's weight. But how does it form.<br>
The spider spins a thread of silk. The thread gets blown over to a branch by the wind. Then she makes another two thread and makes a Y shape. Next she makes more thread and they look like spokes off a wheel. Then the spider goes in a spiral, out and back in, sits middle and waits for food.<br>
This is how a web is formed.<br>
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd


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