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20 November 2009
annisa rizky
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

tLong krimin rumus tenses smua na bserta contoh na..

cpetan ya kag..





Present Tense
I do do, I do
Present Continuous Tense
I am doing, I am doing tomorrow
Present Perfect Tense
I have done
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
I have been doing

Past Tense
I did do, I did
Past Continuous Tense
I was doing
Past Perfect Tense
I had done
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
I had been doing

Future Tense
I will do
Future Continuous Tense
I will be doing
Future Perfect Tense
I will have done
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
I will have been doing

Operator 20 November 2009 0:0

20 November 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11


tlong krimin rumus tense bserta contoh klimat na..



Present tenses
Simple present: She wants a drink.
Present continuous: They are walking home.

Past tenses
Simple past: Peter lived in China in 1965.
Past continuous: I was reading when she arrived.

Perfect tenses
Present Perfect: I have lived here since 1987.
Present perfect continuous: I have been living here for years.
Past perfect: We had been to see her several times before she visited us.
Past perfect continuous: He had been watching her for some time when she turned and smiled.
Future perfect: We will have arrived in the States by the time you get this letter.
Future perfect continuous: By the end of your course, you will have been studying for five years.

Future tenses
Simple future: They will go to Italy next week.
Future continuous: I will be travelling by train.

Conditional tenses
Present conditional: If he had the money he would go
Present continuous conditional: He would be getting up now if he was in Australia.
Perfect conditional: She would have visited me if she had had time.
Perfect continuous conditional: I would have been playing tennis if I hadn't broken my arm.

Operator 20 November 2009 0:0

19 November 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

ka, tolong bikin kan contoh dialog expressing scare ???????????????????????

There are many words and expressions for talking about fear.


afraid: "Are you afraid of the dark?"
frightened: "I'm frightened of spiders."
scared: "He's scared of making mistakes."
feel uneasy: "I felt a bit uneasy when I walked home in the dark."
spooked: "My cats are easily spooked before a thunderstorm."
terrified: "She was absolutely terrified when she heard the noise."
petrified: "The building began to shake and we were all petrified."

Operator 20 November 2009 0:0

19 November 2009
bagaiman pengertian using adjektive and noun to modify noun
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12


bagaimana pngertian using adj and noun to modify noun...

sekalian contohnya ya...

sy bingung maksudnya itu...

In grammar, a modifier (or qualifier) is an optional element in phrase structure or clause structure[1]; the removal of the modifier typically doesn't affect the grammaticality of the construction. Modifiers can be a word, a phrase or an entire clause. Semantically, modifiers describe and provide more accurate definitional meaning for another element.

In English, adverbs and adjectives prototypically function as modifiers, but they also have other functions. Moreover, other constituents can function as modifiers as the following examples show (the modifiers are in bold):

  • [Put it gently in the drawer]. (adverb in verb phrase)
  • She set it down [very gently]. (adverb in adverb phrase)
  • He was [very gentle]. (adverb in adjective phrase)
  • [Even more] people were there. (adverb in determiner phrase)
  • It ran [right up the tree]. (adverb in prepositional phrase)
  • It was [a nice house]. (adjective in noun phrase)
  • His desk was in [the faculty office]. (noun in noun phrase)
  • [The swiftly flowing waters] carried it away. (verb phrase in noun phrase)
  • I saw [the man who we met yesterday]. (clause in noun phrase)
  • She's [the woman with the hat]. (preposition phrase in noun phrase)
  • It's not [that important]. (determiner in adjective phrase)
  • [A few more] workers are needed. (determiner in determiner phrase)
  • We've already [gone twelve miles]. (noun phase in verb phrase)
  • She's [two inches taller than me]. (noun phrase in verb adjective phrase)

A premodifier is a modifier placed before the head (the modified component). A postmodifier is a modifier placed after the head, for example:

  • land mines (pre-modifier)
  • mines in wartime (post-modifier)

Operator 20 November 2009 0:0

18 November 2009
nico kinanto
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

pak tolong dong buatkan saya artikel bahasa inggris tentang bahaya merokok dan larangnya dengan menggunakan generic structure..ty pak

Recently most people own mobile phone. Why does mobile phone user increase dramatically in recent years? First, the feature and functions has increased. Mobile phone is not used just for calling, but sending text, taking pictures, recording videos, accessing internet, playing games and much more. Second, mobile phone has also become a lot cheaper. Now this communication device does not only fill the pocket of adult but also teenager and student. Even a lot phones are intentionally designed to teenaged market. However should they be allowed to bring them to school?
Many schools do not allow students to bring cell phones to school. It is very reasonable because bringing phone to school potentially disrupts the learning process. Most students use cell phones irresponsibly. They use cell phones to talk to their friend during class time. They also use the calculator and camera features in the class as well. Those potentially lead less concentration in the time of learning and teaching process.
Students go to school to learn and behave fair way. Mobile phones provide a large temptation to cheat in tests. They can communicate to anyone and almost anywhere in the world. Because of the small size of the cell phone, students can send a text quietly and discreetly. The text can go unnoticed anywhere to get help on answering tests, homework, and other class assignment. Learning in school is to behave fair not cheating.
Therefore, schools should ban students from bringing their cell phones. However it should be done fairly. In case of an emergency some student need a call for help, providing easy access to phone is better.
Operator 20 November 2009 0:0

18 November 2009
mutiara komang sari
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

mohon di cariin atau di jawab sendiri juga boleh..

1. definisi brochure

2. characteristic atau general structure brochure

3. 2 contoh brochure

semuanya dalam ya..

kalau bisa besok siang sudah ada ..karna penting sekali buat saya.. 


Brochure is a flyer or small book used to advertise or describe a product for sale or service available.



Robert Talbott

Sport Shirts
Dress Shirts
Seven Fold Ties
Pocket Squares

Clearance Section
(non Holiday)

 According to me brochure is free designing. The point is that we make it to advertise somtehing or a product. Then no fixed general structure.

Operator 20 November 2009 0:0

17 November 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

apa materi semester satu ?????

Terimakasih atas pertanyaan anda.Sayang pertanyaan anda belum jelas untuk materi kelas berapa?

Secara umum isi materi kelas IX terdiri dari:

a. Monolog teks : Report dan Procedure texts

b. Short functional  texts : Announcement, invitation, advertisement, notice, short message, etc.

c. Interpersonal dan transactional expressions: Expressiong certainty/uncertainty,  Complimenting, etc.

Atau anda bisa mencari dari internet : Standar Isi KTSP SMP


Operator 18 November 2009 0:0

17 November 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

the fllowing warning means that pedestrians should ... keep of the grass


the following warning means that pedestrians should not step on the grass
Operator 18 November 2009 0:0

17 November 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

the following warning means that pedestrians should .... grass 


the following warning means that pedestrians should not step on grass.
Operator 18 November 2009 0:0

17 November 2009
Rizal SMA 1 Demak
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

Mbak / Mas, bagaimana perbedaan banner, pamflet dan poster itu. Tlng jg kasih contohnya!

banner adalah sepanduk atau sejenisnya yang terbuat dari kain berisi tulisan , gambar, atau simbol simbol. contoh spanduk, bendera lambang gereja, lambang pasukan jaman dulu.

Poster terbuat dari kertas dan untuk ditempel di dinding, berisi tulisan,gambar atau simbol2.Ukuran kira-kira 60cmx100cm

pamphlet terbuat dari kertas dan ukuranya lebih kecil.

Operator 18 November 2009 0:0


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