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8 Januari 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong berikan contoh teks review...

saya sangat membutuhkannya... 

Contoh teks Review

Since the first production of ‘Private Lives’ in 1930,with the theatre’s two leading sphisticates Noel Coward and Gertrude Lawrence in the leads, the play has tended to be seen as vehicle of stars
QUT Academy of the Arts’ production boastedno’stars’, but certainly fielded potential stars in a sparkling performance that brought out just how fine a piece of craftmanship Coward’s play is. Evaluation
More than 60 years later, what new could be deduced from so familiar a theme ? Director Rod Wissler’s highly perceptive approach went beyond the glittery suface of Witty banter to the darker implications beneath.
With the shifting of attitudes to social values, it became clear that Victor and Sybyl were potentially the more admireable of the couples, with standards better adjusted than the volatile and self indulgent Elyot and Amanda. The wit was there, dexteously ping-ponged to and fro by a vibrant Amanda (Catherine Jones) and a suave Elyot (Daniel Kealy)
Julie’s Eckersley’s Sibyl was a delightful creation, and Phillip Cameron-Smith’s more serious playing was just right for Victor. Jodie Levesconte was a superb French maid. James Maclean’s set captured the Thirties atmosphere with many subtle.
All involved deserve the highest praise.


8 Januari 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong berikan contoh teks review

Contoh teks Review

Since the first production of ‘Private Lives’ in 1930,with the theatre’s two leading sphisticates Noel Coward and Gertrude Lawrence in the leads, the play has tended to be seen as vehicle of stars
QUT Academy of the Arts’ production boastedno’stars’, but certainly fielded potential stars in a sparkling performance that brought out just how fine a piece of craftmanship Coward’s play is. Evaluation
More than 60 years later, what new could be deduced from so familiar a theme ? Director Rod Wissler’s highly perceptive approach went beyond the glittery suface of Witty banter to the darker implications beneath.
With the shifting of attitudes to social values, it became clear that Victor and Sybyl were potentially the more admireable of the couples, with standards better adjusted than the volatile and self indulgent Elyot and Amanda. The wit was there, dexteously ping-ponged to and fro by a vibrant Amanda (Catherine Jones) and a suave Elyot (Daniel Kealy)
Julie’s Eckersley’s Sibyl was a delightful creation, and Phillip Cameron-Smith’s more serious playing was just right for Victor. Jodie Levesconte was a superb French maid. James Maclean’s set captured the Thirties atmosphere with many subtle.
All involved deserve the highest praise.


7 Januari 2008
Matematika Kelas 9


Yang dibahas dalam aritmatika sosial antara lain:

- Nilai keseluruhan dan nilai per unit 

- Uang dalam perdagangan 

- Persentase untung dan rugi:

   a. Persen

   b. Menentukan persentase untung dan rugi           

   c. Menghitung harga Penjualan

   d. Menghitung harga pembelian

- Rabat(Diskon),Bruto, Tara, Neto

- Aplikasi bentuk persen dalam tabungan dan koperasi.

- Bunga tunggal dan pajak

Itu saja Non yang dibahas dalam aritmatika sosial. Met belajar mudahan sukses menghadapi UNAS. 

Murni Kusumawati, S.Pd

7 Januari 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong berikan keterangan tentang coperlative dan superlatif .segera di balas ya ....

Yang Anda maksud adalah Degress of Comparison (Tingkat Perbandingan)

Dalam bahasa Inggris ada tiga perbandingan:

  1. Positive Comparison
  2. Comparative Comparison
  3. Superlative Comparison


Positive Comparison (Perbandingan Sama)



- Lusi’s bag is as expensive as Dewi’s.

- I am as beautiful as Dian Sastro.

So the pattern is : as + Adj + as


Comparative Comparison (Perbandingan Lebih)

àOne Syllable Adjectives (Adj dengan satu suku kata)

Tambahkan '-er' di akhir Adj (kata sifat)

(Catatan: Jika Adj diakhiri huruf ‘y’, maka hilangkan huruf ‘y’ tsb dan gantilah dengan ‘ier’)

Example: hot - hotter

- Yesterday was hotter than today.

- This book is cheaper than that book.


àTwo Syllable Adjectives Ending in '-y' (Adj dengan dua suku kata yg diakhiri huruf ‘-y’)

Example: happy - happier / funny - funnier

Example : Sentences

- I am happier than you.

- That joke was funnier than his joke.


àTwo, Three or More Syllable Adjectives (Adj dengan dua suku kata atau lebih) tambahkan ‘more’ sebelum Adjective.

Example: interesting - more interesting / difficult - more difficult

- London is more expensive than Madrid.

- This test is more difficult than the last test.


Superlative Comparison (Perbandingan Paling)

Pola penyusunan Superlative:

Tambahkan ‘the’ sebelum Adjective dan tambahkan ‘- est’ diakhir Adjective.

àOne Syllable Adjectives (kata sifat dengan satu suku kata)

Example: cheap - the cheapest / hot - the hottest / high - the highest

- Today is the hottest day of the summer.

- This book is the cheapest I can find.


àTwo, Three or More Syllable Adjectives (kata sifat dengan dua suku kata atau lebih)

Tambahkan ‘the most’ sebelum Adjective.

Example: interesting - the most interesting / difficult - the most difficult

- London is the most expensive city in England.

- That is the most beautiful painting here.


àTwo Syllable Adjectives Ending in '-y' place 'the' before the adjective and remove the 'y' from the adjective and add 'iest'

(Dua suku kata yang diakhiri ‘-y’, tambahkan ‘the’ sebelum kata sifat tersebut dan ganti ‘y’ dengan ‘-iest’.)

Example: happy - the happiest / funny - the funniest

- New York is the noisiest city in the USA.

He is the most important person I know.


EXCEPTIONS (Pengecualian)







the best


- This book is better than that one.

- This is the best school in the city.







the worst


- His French is worse than mine.

- This is the worst day of my life.


7 Januari 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

berikan keterangan yang jelas tentang coperlativ dan superlative .segera di jawab ya......

Yang Anda maksud adalah Degress of Comparison (Tingkat Perbandingan)

Dalam bahasa Inggris ada tiga perbandingan:

  1. Positive Comparison
  2. Comparative Comparison
  3. Superlative Comparison


Positive Comparison (Perbandingan Sama)



- Lusi’s bag is as expensive as Dewi’s.

- I am as beautiful as Dian Sastro.

So the pattern is : as + Adj + as


Comparative Comparison (Perbandingan Lebih)

àOne Syllable Adjectives (Adj dengan satu suku kata)

Tambahkan '-er' di akhir Adj (kata sifat)

(Catatan: Jika Adj diakhiri huruf ‘y’, maka hilangkan huruf ‘y’ tsb dan gantilah dengan ‘ier’)

Example: hot - hotter

- Yesterday was hotter than today.

- This book is cheaper than that book.


àTwo Syllable Adjectives Ending in '-y' (Adj dengan dua suku kata yg diakhiri huruf ‘-y’)

Example: happy - happier / funny - funnier

Example : Sentences

- I am happier than you.

- That joke was funnier than his joke.


àTwo, Three or More Syllable Adjectives (Adj dengan dua suku kata atau lebih) tambahkan ‘more’ sebelum Adjective.

Example: interesting - more interesting / difficult - more difficult

- London is more expensive than Madrid.

- This test is more difficult than the last test.


Superlative Comparison (Perbandingan Paling)

Pola penyusunan Superlative:

Tambahkan ‘the’ sebelum Adjective dan tambahkan ‘- est’ diakhir Adjective.

àOne Syllable Adjectives (kata sifat dengan satu suku kata)

Example: cheap - the cheapest / hot - the hottest / high - the highest

- Today is the hottest day of the summer.

- This book is the cheapest I can find.


àTwo, Three or More Syllable Adjectives (kata sifat dengan dua suku kata atau lebih)

Tambahkan ‘the most’ sebelum Adjective.

Example: interesting - the most interesting / difficult - the most difficult

- London is the most expensive city in England.

- That is the most beautiful painting here.


àTwo Syllable Adjectives Ending in '-y' place 'the' before the adjective and remove the 'y' from the adjective and add 'iest'

(Dua suku kata yang diakhiri ‘-y’, tambahkan ‘the’ sebelum kata sifat tersebut dan ganti ‘y’ dengan ‘-iest’.)

Example: happy - the happiest / funny - the funniest

- New York is the noisiest city in the USA.

He is the most important person I know.


EXCEPTIONS (Pengecualian)







the best


- This book is better than that one.

- This is the best school in the city.







the worst


- His French is worse than mine.

- This is the worst day of my life.


6 Januari 2008
Bob rachman
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

aduh mbak. tolong dong. teks transaksional, interpersonal, fungsional. cepatan dong. 

Teks fungsional pendek adalah teks pendek yang bermakna, misalnya: iklan (advertisement), pengumuman (announcement), notice, memo, shopping list, cards, message, etc.

Teks Transaksional adalah teks / dialog yang dilakukan karena memiliki tujuan tertentu ( to get something done)

Teks Interpersonal adalah teks/ dialog yang hanya berisi obrolan, basa-basi.



5 Januari 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tlgin aku dong,,, kasi penjelasan tentang spoof,, tq ya..

Spoof is like a recount text, but the ending is usually funny.

The function is to retell an event with a humorous twist.

The generic structure of this text  is: orientation – event(s) – twists

This text uses past tense.

One day, two villagers went to Jakarta. They went to the biggest mall and saw shiny silver walls that could open and move apart and back together. They were amazed when an old lady rolled in to the small room and the doors closed. A minute later, the doors opened and a young beautiful lady stepped out.The father said to his son "Go, get your mother now."


5 Januari 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong beri saya contoh report teks tentang teknologi dan hewan?

Contoh Report tentang hewan


Goannas are large Australian lizards which belong to the reptile family.Goannas are yellowish-brown in colour and grow to about a metre in length.They live in burrows and eat insects, lizards, mice, eggs, and flesh of dead animals. To breed, the female goanna lays about six eggs in a termite mound.

Contoh Report tentang tekhnologi

Fax Machine


Fax, the short term for facsimile is a telecommunications technology used to transfer copies (facsimiles) of documents, especially using affordable devices operating over the telephone network. The word telefax, short for telefacsimile, for "make a copy at a distance", is also used as a synonym. The device is also known as a telecopier in certain industries. When sending documents to people at large distances, faxes have a distinct advantage over postal mail in that the delivery is nearly instantenous, yet its disadvantages in quality and its proprietary format have relegated it to a position beneath email as the prevailing form of electronic document tranferral.


5 Januari 2008
Matematika Kelas 9

tolong beri bocoran tentang ulangan semester ganjil tahun 2007/2008?

Ulangan semester ganjil sudah lewat kan?

Maaf terlambat jawab ya.

Mudahan nilai Raport non Rihana yang cakep Tuntas semua ya.

Salam manis dan met belajar. 

Murni Kusumawati, S.Pd

5 Januari 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong beri saya contoh report teks tenteng teknologi dan hewan? secepatnya ya mbak!

Contoh Report tentang hewan


Goannas are large Australian lizards which belong to the reptile family.Goannas are yellowish-brown in colour and grow to about a metre in length.They live in burrows and eat insects, lizards, mice, eggs, and flesh of dead animals. To breed, the female goanna lays about six eggs in a termite mound.

Contoh Report tentang tekhnologi

Fax Machine


Fax, the short term for facsimile is a telecommunications technology used to transfer copies (facsimiles) of documents, especially using affordable devices operating over the telephone network. The word telefax, short for telefacsimile, for "make a copy at a distance", is also used as a synonym. The device is also known as a telecopier in certain industries. When sending documents to people at large distances, faxes have a distinct advantage over postal mail in that the delivery is nearly instantenous, yet its disadvantages in quality and its proprietary format have relegated it to a position beneath email as the prevailing form of electronic document tranferral.



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