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4 Januari 2008
bob rachman
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

 tolong saya. apa yang dimaksud dengan text fungsional atau fungsional pendek.juga transaksional dan interpersonal. trim ya!

Teks fungsional pendek adalah teks pendek yang bermakna, misalnya: iklan (advertisement), pengumuman (announcement), notice, memo, shopping list, cards, message, etc.

Teks Transaksional adalah teks / dialog yang dilakukan karena memiliki tujuan tertentu ( to get something done)

Teks Interpersonal adalah teks/ dialog yang hanya berisi obrolan, basa-basi.





3 Januari 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

procedure dari funny stories apa saja?
generic functon nya juga apa?
dan generic stucturenya apa?

What do you mean by funny stories? Is that spoof or  anecdote? Because, both of the texts are telling us about something funny.

If what you mean is anecdote, here is the explanation:

Function: to share with others an account of an unusual or amusing incident.

The generic structure of the text is: abstract, orientation, crisis, reaction, and coda.

 But if what you mean is spoof,here is the explanation:

The function of the text is to retell an event with a humorous twist.

And the generic structure of the text is orientation, event(s), twist. 


29 Desember 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

saya mau minta tolong. tolong diterangin penjelasannya dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris.tentang 12 text yaitu :narrative,report, news item, recount, analytical expo, hortatory expo, dan strusnya.

 tolong diterangkan beserta generic structurenya dan contohnya.

 atas perhatiannya terima kasih. saya merasa sagat senang dan salut bila dijawab.

News Item

It is factual text which informs readers events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.

And the generic structure of the text is: newsworthy event(s), background event (s), sources.

This text has language features such as: short, telegraphic information about story summarized in one sentence headline, use of material or action processes to retell story and it oftens dramatic use of participant structure.

Ciri Kebahasaan:   Menggunakan action verbs, misalnya eat, run; binatang, benda tertentu;   Disusun Menggunakan past tense; Menggunakan keterangan waktu dan tempat;  sesuai dengan urutan kejadian.

Russian Nuclear Catastrophe
(Elaborasi kejadian): Moscow-A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.

(Komentar saksi kejadian): Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of Shkotovo-22 near Vladivostock.
The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobly disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor class sub marine during a refit had been a 'thermal' and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean-up operation to remove more than 600 tons of contaminated materials were sworn to secrecy.

(Pendapat para ahli): A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.


Hortatory Exposition


The function of the text is to persuade the readers or listeners that something should or shouldn’t be the case.


The generic structure is thesis, arguments, recommendation.



Country Concern


In all the discussion over the removal of lead from petrol (and the atmosphere) there doesn't seem to have been any mention of the difference between driving in the city and the country.



While I realize my leaded petrol car is polluting the air wherever I drive, I feel that when you travel through the country, where you only see the another car every five to ten minutes, the problem is not as severe as when traffic is concentrated on city roads.



 Those who want to penalize older, leaded petrol vehicles and their owners don't seem to appreciate that, in the country, there is no public transport to fall back upon and one's own vehicle is the only way to get about.



I feel that the country people, who often have to travel huge distances to the nearest town and who already spend a great deal of money on petrol, should be treated differently to the people who live in the city.


Analytical Exposition


The function of this text is to persuade the readers or listeners that something is in the case.


The generic structure is thesis/statement of position, arguments, reiteration or summing up/ reinforcement of position statement


This text has language features such as: focus on generic human and non human participants, reasoning expressed as verbs and nouns, use of material, relation and mental process.




(Statement of position):<br>

I believe that you should always wear a hat at school when you are playing outside , to stop you from getting sunburn.<br>

(Argument 1):<br>

Firstly, if you don’t wear a hat, you will get sunburn ant the sunburn is painful.<br>

(Argument 2):<br>

Secondly, sunburn could lead to skin cancer. Sunburn can lead to health problems later in life. Many older people suffer from skin cancer which can kill them.<br>

(Reinforcement of position statement):<br>

In my opinion all school students should wear hats.<br>




(Statement of position):<br>

I believe that music should be compulsory in Junior High School. Firstly, everyone likes music of some kind. Music is enjoyable.<br>

(Argument 1):<br>

Secondly, the music industry is very popular in our society and the music industry is a very big one. It is important to know something about it.<br>

(Argument 2):<br>

Thirdly, learning to play music and to play an instrument helps you with other subjects. Studies have shown this. Playing an instrument is interesting and enjoyable. Also, songs tell stories, help us with English and make us happy.<br>

(Reinforcement of position statement):<br>

In conclusion, for the above reasons, I believe that music should be compulsory inh Junior High School.<br>



The function of the text is to present (at least) two points of view about an issue.

The generic structure of this text is: issue, arguments for and against or statements of differing points of view, conclusion or recommendations.

 This text has the similar language features as anal;ytical exposition.



By Kerry Williams

There was a lot of disscusion about whether boxing should be banned.

The  people who agree with this idea, such as Sarah, claim that if they do carry on boxing they should wear something to protect their heads. They also argue that people who do boxing could have brain damage and get seriously hurt. A further point they make is that most of the people that have died did have families.

However, there are also strong arguments againts this point of view. Another group of people believe that boxing should not be banned. They say that why they ivent it if is a dangerous sport. They say that boxing is a good sport, people enjoy it. A furthermore reason is if they ban boxing it will ruin people’s careers.

After looking at the different points of view and the evidence for them i think boxing should be banned because five hundred people have died in boxing since 1884.



The aim of an explanation is to explain the process involved in the formation or workings of natural or socio cultural phenomena.


The generic structure is a general statement to position the reader, a sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs.


This text has language features such as: focus on generic non-human participants, use of simple present, etc.




Carnivorous plants

These students wrote their explanations after watching a video about carnivorous  (fresh-eating) plants. These plants live in places that have very few nutrients in the soil. To survive in this hostile environment, they capture and eat live prey. Most eat insects, but some can swallow rats and small birds.


Venus Flytrap

The Venus Flytrap is an extraordinary plant. It is a carnivorous (flesh eating) plant which can digest flies and other insects.


When the ‘trap’ is open, it looks like a large seashell with sharp, spiky ‘teeth’. It has bright colours and a beautiful scent.


Insects are attraced to the plant because of its vibrant colours and its sweet-scented nectar. The insects land on small ‘trigger’ hairs of the trap and this pressure causes the trap to close. If the insect is too small, the chamber will not close, because there is not enough pressure. Once the trap has swallowed an insect it takes ten days to diggest it.


The Venus Flytrap prefers tropical weather and so it is found in places like South America. It is often used by people to catch the annoying insects that fly around their houses. In my opinion it’s very useful plant!


Bradley Aldous



The Picher of Death

You may have heard of a plant called the Picher of Death. As you can probably tell by its name, it kills and eats insects. If you want to know how, read on!


To catch flies and other insects, this  plant needs a bait and a trap. The bait in this case in nectar. The trap is the cup or ‘pitcher’ shaped leaves which have short hairs at the top to give the insect a sure foothold, but slippery hairs pointing downwards, so it can’t escape once it falls in. the other part of the trap is a digestive fluid inside the cup.


How it catches the insect is really quite simple. First the insect is attracted by the nectar. Then it slips on the smooth inner surface of the plant. Next it is forced downwards by the slippery hairs. Then it falls into the digestive fluid and is drowned.


An interesting fact about this plant is that the pitcher leaves can grow to the size of a fully grown adult’s hand.

A brief Summary of Speech Production


General statement to Position the Reader

Speech production is made possible by the speciallised movements of our vocal organs generate speech sounds waves.



Like all sound production, speech production reguires a source of energy. The source of energy for speech production is the steady stream of air that comes from the lungs as we exhale. When we breathe normally, the air stream is inaudible, the air stream must vibrate rapidly. The vocal cords cause the air stream to vibrate.



As we talk, the vocal cords open and close rapidly, chopping up the steady air stream into a series of puffs. These puffs are heard as a buzz. But this buzz is still not speech.



To produce speech sounds, the vocal tract must change shape. During speech we continually after the shape of the vocal track by moving the tongue and lips, etc. these movements change the acoustic properties of the vocal tract, which in turn produce the different sounds of speech.




The function of the text is to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.


The generic structure of the text is orientation, event (s), reorientation.


This text has language features such as: focus on individual participants, use of past tense, focus on a temporal sequence of events, etc.



Last Friday our school went to Centennial Park for a picnic.<br>

First our teachers marked the rolls and the we got on the buses. On the buses, everyone was chatting and eating. When we arrived at the park, some students played cricket, some played cards but others went for a walk with the teachers. At lunchtime, we sat together and had our picnic. Finally, at two o’clock we left for school. <br>

We had a great day. <br>




The function of the text is to describe a particular person, place, or thing.


The generic structure of the text is: Identification - Description<br>


This text has language features such as focus on specific participants, use of simple present tense, etc.


Example: My House, My Favorite Teacher




The function of the text is to describe how somethings are accomplished  through a sequence of actions or steps.

Generic Structure: Aim/Goal - Materials/Tools - Steps/Methods<br>

Aim/Goal, misalnya: How to make Brownies Cake.<br>

Materials berisi: bahan - bahan dan atau alat - alat untuk membuat Brownies tersebut.<br>

Note: Materials are not required for all Procedure text<br>

Steps/Methods berisi: langkah - langkah membuat Brownies

Example:: “How to make fried rice”, “How to insert SIM Card into Handphone”, dll




The function of the text is to amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or various experience in different ways.


Generic Structure: Orientation - Complication - Resolution

Example: “Snow Maiden”, “Cinderella”, “The Legend of Banyuwangi”, dll




The function of the text is to describe the way things are, with reference to arrange or natural, manmade and social phenomena in our environment. 

Generic Structure: General Classification – Description


Example of Report: “Plants”, “Hospitals”, “Whales”, dll.<br>




The function of the text is to share with others an account of an unusual or amusing incident.


Generic Structure is abstract, orientation, crisis, reaction, coda.


This text has language features such as use of exclamative, rhetorical questions and intensifiers to point up the signifficance of events, use of material or action processes (in present and past tense), etc.


Example: “Snake in the Bath”




The function of the text is to critique an art work or event for a public audience.


Generic Structure is orientation, interpretative, recount, evaluation, evaluative and summation.


This text has language features such as focus on particular participants, direct expression of opinions through use attitudinal texts, use of elaborating and extending clause and group complexestp package the information.


Example: “Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets”


Note: Sorry for not giving all of the examples, but we suggest you to browse on the internet or read any kinds of English books. Tq


27 Desember 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

contoh paragraf analytical exposition dan contohnya jangan sama kayak contoh yg sudah ada karna tmn saya banyak yg punya cos kt guruku gak boleh sama.pleeeeassssseeee!!!!!!!!!

Maaf ya, kalau hanya contoh teks, anda bisa cari sendiri di buku mata pelajaran bahasa inggris. Kami disini hanya melayani konsultasi bila anda memiliki hal-hal yang belum jelas. Thanks

27 Desember 2007
Purwo Budi
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Saya minta tolong diberi contoh descriptive text. dan kalau bisa bersama lesson plannya. sekarang ya.......


Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb. 


Teks Descriptive

Adalah teks yang isinya mendiskripsikan sesuatu/ seseorang secara spesifik. Generic structurenya: Identification – Description. Identification berisi: Identifikasi tentang topik yang akan dideskripsikan, Description berisi: deskripsi rinci tentang bagian - bagiannya, misalnya tentang physical appearance (ciri - ciri fisik), sifat - sifatnya (characteristics) dll.

Tenses yang digunakan : Present tense.

Contoh Teks Descriptive:

'ISSIS' Cafe.

'ISSIS' is Javanese word meaning ‘cool’. So, besides the food, ISSIS Café offers a spacious, fully air-conditioned, cozy place.

Located at Jl. Cilacap No. 8, Jakarta Pusat, ISSIS Café is famous for its European food, especially steak, barbecue ribs, salad, and soup. You might find this kind of food anywhere else, but there is no other place that offers great meals at better prices than ISSIS Café.

You can enjoy a delicious imported sirloin steak for only Rp. 25,000 and ice cappuccino for only Rp. 5,500. There is also a salad bar with eight different vegetables. You can make your own salad which you can eat as much as you like, for only Rp. 12,000. The customers are mostly college students, office workers, and families.

Contoh ke 2:


Hi friends! This is my friend Miranda. She comes from Sulawesi. She was born in Makasar on June 12, 1980. her hobbies are singing and swimming. She also likes planting flowers very much. She lives at 12 Jalan Jaya. She lives together with her parents and two sisters. They are Mr. and Mrs Yudhatama, Sherina and Tiara.

            Miranda studies at SMP 7. Her older sister is

           in the first year of SMA,

            and  Tiara is still in SD. They all love one



Mohon maaf untuk Lesson plan tidak bisa kami berikan, karena itu hanya untuk guru. Jadi siswa tidak perlu memilikinya. Thanks


27 Desember 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong dijelaskan apa perbedaan folktales dan fairy tales? dan apa saja yang termasuk dalam folktales

The difference between fairy tale and folk tale


Fairy tale is story for children about fairies, or about magic and enchantment // a very improbable story // a lie. Example: Snow Maiden, Cinderella


Folk tale is a traditional narrative, usually anonymous, handed down orally -- e.g., fables, fairy tales, legends, etc.


24 Desember 2007
Farichul Huda (Jombang)
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Bapak/Ibu guru yang terhormat dan baik hati. Tolong berikan penjelasan tentang jenis-jenis text terutama discussion text, explanation, analytical Exposition, Hortatory Exposition dan News Item beserta Generic Structure/Significant Lexicogramatical Featuresnya. Kalau bisa beserta contohnya.(Kalau bisa semua jenis text ya... Bapak/Ibu). Sebelumnya saya ucapkan terima kasih banyak.

News Item

It is factual text which informs readers events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.

And the generic structure of the text is: newsworthy event(s), background event (s), sources.

This text has language features such as: short, telegraphic information about story summarized in one sentence headline, use of material or action processes to retell story and it oftens dramatic use of participant structure.

Ciri Kebahasaan:   Menggunakan action verbs, misalnya eat, run; binatang, benda tertentu;   Disusun Menggunakan past tense; Menggunakan keterangan waktu dan tempat;  sesuai dengan urutan kejadian.

Russian Nuclear Catastrophe
(Elaborasi kejadian): Moscow-A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.

(Komentar saksi kejadian): Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of Shkotovo-22 near Vladivostock.
The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobly disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor class sub marine during a refit had been a 'thermal' and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean-up operation to remove more than 600 tons of contaminated materials were sworn to secrecy.

(Pendapat para ahli): A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.


Hortatory Exposition


The function of the text is to persuade the readers or listeners that something should or shouldn’t be the case.


The generic structure is thesis, arguments, recommendation.



Country Concern


In all the discussion over the removal of lead from petrol (and the atmosphere) there doesn't seem to have been any mention of the difference between driving in the city and the country.



While I realize my leaded petrol car is polluting the air wherever I drive, I feel that when you travel through the country, where you only see the another car every five to ten minutes, the problem is not as severe as when traffic is concentrated on city roads.



 Those who want to penalize older, leaded petrol vehicles and their owners don't seem to appreciate that, in the country, there is no public transport to fall back upon and one's own vehicle is the only way to get about.



I feel that the country people, who often have to travel huge distances to the nearest town and who already spend a great deal of money on petrol, should be treated differently to the people who live in the city.


Analytical Exposition


The function of this text is to persuade the readers or listeners that something is in the case.


The generic structure is thesis/statement of position, arguments, reiteration or summing up/ reinforcement of position statement


This text has language features such as: focus on generic human and non human participants, reasoning expressed as verbs and nouns, use of material, relation and mental process.




(Statement of position):<br>

I believe that you should always wear a hat at school when you are playing outside , to stop you from getting sunburn.<br>

(Argument 1):<br>

Firstly, if you don’t wear a hat, you will get sunburn ant the sunburn is painful.<br>

(Argument 2):<br>

Secondly, sunburn could lead to skin cancer. Sunburn can lead to health problems later in life. Many older people suffer from skin cancer which can kill them.<br>

(Reinforcement of position statement):<br>

In my opinion all school students should wear hats.<br>




(Statement of position):<br>

I believe that music should be compulsory in Junior High School. Firstly, everyone likes music of some kind. Music is enjoyable.<br>

(Argument 1):<br>

Secondly, the music industry is very popular in our society and the music industry is a very big one. It is important to know something about it.<br>

(Argument 2):<br>

Thirdly, learning to play music and to play an instrument helps you with other subjects. Studies have shown this. Playing an instrument is interesting and enjoyable. Also, songs tell stories, help us with English and make us happy.<br>

(Reinforcement of position statement):<br>

In conclusion, for the above reasons, I believe that music should be compulsory inh Junior High School.<br>



The function of the text is to present (at least) two points of view about an issue.

The generic structure of this text is: issue, arguments for and against or statements of differing points of view, conclusion or recommendations.

 This text has the similar language features as anal;ytical exposition.



By Kerry Williams

There was a lot of disscusion about whether boxing should be banned.

The  people who agree with this idea, such as Sarah, claim that if they do carry on boxing they should wear something to protect their heads. They also argue that people who do boxing could have brain damage and get seriously hurt. A further point they make is that most of the people that have died did have families.

However, there are also strong arguments againts this point of view. Another group of people believe that boxing should not be banned. They say that why they ivent it if is a dangerous sport. They say that boxing is a good sport, people enjoy it. A furthermore reason is if they ban boxing it will ruin people’s careers.

After looking at the different points of view and the evidence for them i think boxing should be banned because five hundred people have died in boxing since 1884.



The aim of an explanation is to explain the process involved in the formation or workings of natural or socio cultural phenomena.


The generic structure is a general statement to position the reader, a sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs.


This text has language features such as: focus on generic non-human participants, use of simple present, etc.




Carnivorous plants

These students wrote their explanations after watching a video about carnivorous  (fresh-eating) plants. These plants live in places that have very few nutrients in the soil. To survive in this hostile environment, they capture and eat live prey. Most eat insects, but some can swallow rats and small birds.


Venus Flytrap

The Venus Flytrap is an extraordinary plant. It is a carnivorous (flesh eating) plant which can digest flies and other insects.


When the ‘trap’ is open, it looks like a large seashell with sharp, spiky ‘teeth’. It has bright colours and a beautiful scent.


Insects are attraced to the plant because of its vibrant colours and its sweet-scented nectar. The insects land on small ‘trigger’ hairs of the trap and this pressure causes the trap to close. If the insect is too small, the chamber will not close, because there is not enough pressure. Once the trap has swallowed an insect it takes ten days to diggest it.


The Venus Flytrap prefers tropical weather and so it is found in places like South America. It is often used by people to catch the annoying insects that fly around their houses. In my opinion it’s very useful plant!


Bradley Aldous



The Picher of Death

You may have heard of a plant called the Picher of Death. As you can probably tell by its name, it kills and eats insects. If you want to know how, read on!


To catch flies and other insects, this  plant needs a bait and a trap. The bait in this case in nectar. The trap is the cup or ‘pitcher’ shaped leaves which have short hairs at the top to give the insect a sure foothold, but slippery hairs pointing downwards, so it can’t escape once it falls in. the other part of the trap is a digestive fluid inside the cup.


How it catches the insect is really quite simple. First the insect is attracted by the nectar. Then it slips on the smooth inner surface of the plant. Next it is forced downwards by the slippery hairs. Then it falls into the digestive fluid and is drowned.


An interesting fact about this plant is that the pitcher leaves can grow to the size of a fully grown adult’s hand.

A brief Summary of Speech Production


General statement to Position the Reader

Speech production is made possible by the speciallised movements of our vocal organs generate speech sounds waves.



Like all sound production, speech production reguires a source of energy. The source of energy for speech production is the steady stream of air that comes from the lungs as we exhale. When we breathe normally, the air stream is inaudible, the air stream must vibrate rapidly. The vocal cords cause the air stream to vibrate.



As we talk, the vocal cords open and close rapidly, chopping up the steady air stream into a series of puffs. These puffs are heard as a buzz. But this buzz is still not speech.



To produce speech sounds, the vocal tract must change shape. During speech we continually after the shape of the vocal track by moving the tongue and lips, etc. these movements change the acoustic properties of the vocal tract, which in turn produce the different sounds of speech.




The function of the text is to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.


The generic structure of the text is orientation, event (s), reorientation.


This text has language features such as: focus on individual participants, use of past tense, focus on a temporal sequence of events, etc.



Last Friday our school went to Centennial Park for a picnic.<br>

First our teachers marked the rolls and the we got on the buses. On the buses, everyone was chatting and eating. When we arrived at the park, some students played cricket, some played cards but others went for a walk with the teachers. At lunchtime, we sat together and had our picnic. Finally, at two o’clock we left for school. <br>

We had a great day. <br>




The function of the text is to describe a particular person, place, or thing.


The generic structure of the text is: Identification - Description<br>


This text has language features such as focus on specific participants, use of simple present tense, etc.


Example: My House, My Favorite Teacher




The function of the text is to describe how somethings are accomplished  through a sequence of actions or steps.

Generic Structure: Aim/Goal - Materials/Tools - Steps/Methods<br>

Aim/Goal, misalnya: How to make Brownies Cake.<br>

Materials berisi: bahan - bahan dan atau alat - alat untuk membuat Brownies tersebut.<br>

Note: Materials are not required for all Procedure text<br>

Steps/Methods berisi: langkah - langkah membuat Brownies

Example:: “How to make fried rice”, “How to insert SIM Card into Handphone”, dll




The function of the text is to amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or various experience in different ways.


Generic Structure: Orientation - Complication - Resolution

Example: “Snow Maiden”, “Cinderella”, “The Legend of Banyuwangi”, dll




The function of the text is to describe the way things are, with reference to arrange or natural, manmade and social phenomena in our environment. 

Generic Structure: General Classification – Description


Example of Report: “Plants”, “Hospitals”, “Whales”, dll.<br>




The function of the text is to share with others an account of an unusual or amusing incident.


Generic Structure is abstract, orientation, crisis, reaction, coda.


This text has language features such as use of exclamative, rhetorical questions and intensifiers to point up the signifficance of events, use of material or action processes (in present and past tense), etc.


Example: “Snake in the Bath”




The function of the text is to critique an art work or event for a public audience.


Generic Structure is orientation, interpretative, recount, evaluation, evaluative and summation.


This text has language features such as focus on particular participants, direct expression of opinions through use attitudinal texts, use of elaborating and extending clause and group complexestp package the information.


Example: “Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets”


Note: Sorry for not giving all of the examples, but we suggest you to browse on the internet or read any kinds of English books. Tq


23 Desember 2007
Matematika Kelas 9

bagaimana cara menyeselesaikan soal in?

Nilai x untuk  3/x-5 = 3/5 

 3/x-5 = 3/5

3/x = 3/5 +5

3/x = 28/5

28x = 15

x = 15/28


tapi kalo maksudnya 3/(x-5) = 3/5

maka penyelesainnya sbb:

3(x-5) = 15

x-5 = 5

x =10 


23 Desember 2007
Matematika Kelas 9

bagaimana cara mengerjakan soal di bawah ini?

Nilai x untuk 3/x-5=3/5


3/x-5 = 3/5

3/x = 3/5 +5

3/x = 28/5

28x = 15

x = 15/28


tapi kalo maksudnya 3/(x-5) = 3/5

maka penyelesainnya sbb:

3(x-5) = 15

x-5 = 5

x =10


22 Desember 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

minta teks narrative, report, recount, review, discussion, explanation, analytical, hortatory besrta contoh soalnya masing- masing 5 . . . tolong

Trimakasih atas pertanyaannya. Kalau hanya contoh teks, Anda bisa mencari sendiri contoh-contoh teks di buku mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Atau buka aja di arsip KBS dengan cara klik 'menu utama - pada bagian Bahasa Inggris. Disana banyak sekali. Dan maaf, sebenarnya Kami hanya melayani konsultasi bila ada hal-hal yang belum dipahami. Thanks.


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