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6 Februari 2013
tuti alawiyah
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

bagaimana contoh expression of complimenting dalam acara wisuda

Nabila : Hi, Sari! How are things?

Sari : Fine, and you?

Nabila : I’m feeling great today. How was your weekend at the beach?

Sari : Terrific! We had a lovely time there. You should go there.

Nabila : Really? Hey, what a beautiful blouse you are wearing, it matches your skirt.

Sari : Thanks. My mother gave it to me on my birthday.

Nabila : Wow! That’s wonderful. Oh, Sari, I almost forget. Can I ask you something?

Sari : Oh, sure. What’s up?

Nabila : Have you finished typing the annual report we made last week?

Sari : Yes, mean this?

Nabila : Yeah, Hmmm, I think this report is excellent. Thanks a lot Sari. You did a great job. Now I have to give it to the director immediately.

Sari : OK. You’d better hurry. He may be waiting for it.

Nabila : Well, he probably is. Thanks again, Sari. Have a nice day!


Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 7 Februari 2013 0:0

25 Agustus 2012
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

tolong kasih soal teks rumpang Anouncenment. terima kasih

o: All employees
From: Hilal
Director, Personnel

Date: June, 27th 2012
Subject: Charitable Leave

The corporation is pleased ... 1 a new policy which will allow employees to take paid time off for volunteer activities. Employees may take ...2 to eight hours of paid leave per month to volunteer for charity organizations. Employees are ...3 for this programme if they are full-time and have been employed here for at least one year. Charitable leave must be requested in advance; otherwise, employees will not be paid for that time. Charitable leave must also be approved by the employee’s supervisor.


A.        Announce

B.        To announce

C.        Announcing

D.       Announces

E.        Announced


A.        In

B.        On

C.        Up

D.       With

E.        By


A.        Eligible

B.        Profitable

C.        Visible

D.       Valuable

E.        avoidable


Wirastuti S.Pd M.Acc 7 Februari 2013 0:0

3 Februari 2013
nabilla dhani
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

tolong buatkan contoh tentang hortatory "A damage school with lack of facilities" dan "Ilegal Traficking" tolong ya buat hari senin 4 februari soalnya dan tolong dikirim ke email 

makasih byk

Human Trafficking

Indonesia is primarily a source, but also a transit and destination country for human trafficking. UNICEF estimates that 100,000 women and children are trafficked annually for commercial sexual exploitation in Indonesia and abroad, 30 percent of the female prostitutes in Indonesia are below 18, and 40,000-70,000 Indonesian children are victims of sexual exploitation. The East Java Children’s Protection Agency estimates that at least 100,000 women and children are trafficked annually from, through, and to East Java.

Indonesian women and children are trafficked for sexual and labor exploitation in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, and the Middle East. A significant number of Indonesian women voluntarily migrate to work as domestic servants but are later coerced into abusive conditions. Some Indonesian women are recruited by false promises of employment and are later coerced into prostitution or forced labor. Ethnic Chinese women and teenage girls in the West Kalimantan district are recruited as mail-order bridges for men in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

Indonesian women from the Riau Islands, Bali, and Lombok are used for sex tourists from Malaysia and Singapore.

Indonesia is a destination country for women and children who are trafficked from the People’s Republic of China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Uzbekistan, the Netherlands, Poland, Venezuela, Spain, and Ukraine for sexual exploitation.

Internal Trafficking
Indonesia has a significant amount of internal trafficking of victims who are trafficked from rural to urban areas for sexual and labor exploitation. The NGO, Abdi Ahsi, reported that 3,000 women per year were trafficked from rural East Java to Surabaya.


There are many causes of human trafficking in Indonesia. UNICEF argues that the lack of birth registration increases the vulnerability to trafficking. About 60 percent of children who are under five years old do not have birth certificates; about half are not registered anywhere.


The Indonesian Government
The Indonesian Government was placed in Tier 2 in the 2007 U.S. Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons Report for not fully complying with the Trafficking Victims Protection Act’s minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking but making significant efforts to do so. There are reports of military members, police, soldiers and some government officials who are complicit in trafficking.9

Indonesia passed a comprehensive anti-trafficking bill in April 2007. The bill criminalizes debt bondage, labor exploitation, sexual exploitation, and transnational and internal trafficking. Penalties range from three to 15 years of imprisonment. The bill also contains provisions to prosecute corporate entities and government officials involved in trafficking. Penalties under the Child Protection Act for child trafficking are three to 15 years of imprisonment.


In 2006, the Japanese government arrested 78 suspected traffickers, prosecuted 17 cases, and convicted 15 traffickers with penalties ranging from one to seven years and suspended sentences. There were two prosecutions for labor trafficking in 2006.

The Indonesian Government increased efforts, at the national and local levels, to protect victims of trafficking in Indonesia and abroad; however, available victim services are overwhelmed by the large number of trafficking victims. The Indonesian government supports shelters for trafficking victims in Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Singapore. The Indonesian Government does not adequately identify all its trafficking victims; some victims found in prostitution have been treated as criminals and deported.

The Indonesian Government collaborates with NGOs and international organizations to raise awareness. The Women's Ministry conducted awareness-raising efforts in 16 provinces and sponsored a televised public service announcement on private national television stations. The government also distributed child sex tourism materials in Bali and Batam.

International Cooperation
The 2005 MOU between the Governments of Indonesia and Malaysia allows Malaysian employers to confiscate passports from its migrant workers. This MOU is widely recognized as facilitating involuntary servitude.

The U.S. Department of State recommends that Indonesia make greater efforts to prosecute and convict public officials who profit from or are involved in trafficking. It is essential that the government implement a migrant manpower recruitment and placement system that incorporates measures to protect workers, rather than benefiting exploitative manpower agencies and employers. The government should also greatly increase its budget for the prevention of trafficking as well as the repatriation, treatment and rehabilitation of victims, relying less on international donors.


Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 4 Februari 2013 0:0

20 Januari 2013
fadlul syawal
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

tolong dong mas/buk,buatkan saya sebuah kalimat yang menggunakan 10 past perfect dan 10 simple past


ditunggu ya mas/buk


PAST Perfect Tense adalah bentuk lampau (Past) dari Present Perfect Tense itu, makanya disebut Past Perfect Tense, sama-sama Perfectnya! Jelas ya? Kalau Present Perfect Tense menggunakan rumus S + Have/has + V3 maka Past Perfect Tense menggunakan bentuk lampau dari Has/has yaitu “HAD”.

Rumus Past Perfect Tense

Positif: S + had + V3

Negatif: S + had + not + V3

Tanya: Had + S + V3

Past Perfect Tense sering digunakan dengan menggunakan kalimat lain yang berbentuk lampau (Past Tense) yang dihubungan dengan kata sambung seperti When (ketika), After (setelah) untuk menekankan bahwa Perfectnya (Sudahnya) itu adalah di masa lampau.

Tenses Past Perfect Tense ini jarang loh digunakan, tetapi tentu saja ada baiknya Anda memahinya dengan seksama. Jangan dianggap enteng!, suatu saat Anda akan perlu menggunakannya, hehe..

Contoh kejadiannya seperti ini:
“Kemarin Dia berangkat ke rumahku pagi-pagi bener, tetapi waktu ia sampai eh saya SUDAH pergi”. Tuh, lihatlah SUDAH perginya itu kan Perfect. Anda ingat pelajaran tentang Present Perfect Tense bahwa SUDAH itu adalah ciri-cirinya. Hanya saja SUDAH nya itu adalah kemarin (lampau). Itulah mengapa dalam kejadian ini kita menggunakan Past Perfect Tense.

Contoh kalimatnya:
-I had gone When He arrived at my home

“I had gone” adalah Past Perfect Tense, dengan subjectnya adalah I. Lihat ada “had” nya, dan kata kerja bentuk ketiganya (V3) adalah gone. Sesuai rumusnya S + had + V3. Kalimat pembandingnya adalah bentuk past tense: “When He arrived at my home”.

Contoh kalimat lainnya:
I had written 3 articles when you visited my blog for the first time.

Jadi Past Perfect Tense adalah tentang “Sudah, masa lalu”. Present Perfect Tense tentang “Sudah, kini”. Rumusnya mirip, karena sama-sama Perfect. Setiap Perfect pasti pakai kata kerja bentuk ke-3 baik itu pada Kata Kerja utamanya atau pada kata kerja bantu-nya.

Contoh kalimat lain dalam Past Perfect Tense:
-I had studied hard but I didn’t make good result in the exam.
-You had told me twice before I understood.
-Coba buat kalimat Anda paling tidak 3 biji, ayoo..

Past Perfect Tense Dalam Kalimat Negatif

Gampang saja, tinggal tambah NO setelah HAD. Contoh berikut telah disederhanakan:
-I had not studied hard, so I didn’t make good result
-You had not told me that, that’s why I didn’t understand

Perhatikan kalimat past tense di belakangnya sengaja saya ubah agar mengandung arti yang masuk akal saja. Jika tidak diganti kan menjadi aneh itu kalimat. Betul?

Past Perfect Tense Dalam Kalimat Tanya

Tinggal dibalik, Had nya di depan.
Rumusnya kan: Had + S + V3

-Had You studied hard bla bla bla?
-Had You told me …?
-Silahkan buat sendiri contoh Anda.

Saya yakin dengan pemahaman yang cukup tentang Present Perfect Tense maka Anda pun akan lebih mudah memahami Past Perfect Tense ini.

He had cleaned the house Dia telah membersihkan rumah The sun had risen before I awoke Matahari telah terbit sebelum saya terbangun The rain had stopped when I left Hujan telah reda ketika saya pergi John said he had seen a ghost John berkata dia telah melihat hantu Bob said he had met Mr Robin Bob berkata dia telah bertemu Tuan Robin Bill said he had written a poem Bill berkata dia telah menulis sajak When I had finished the book, I put it down Ketika saya sudah selesai membaca buku itu, saya menaruhnya When we entered the cinema, the film had already started Ketika kami masuk gedung bioskop itu, filmnya sudah mulai When Thomas entered the room, the meeting had already started Ketika Thomas memasuki ruangan, rapat sudah dimulai They reached the village before we had returned Mereka mencapai desa itu sebelum kami kembali Jack had combed his hair when he came to breakfast Jack telah menyisir rambutnya ketika dia muncul untuk makan pagi I thought you had finished your homework Saya pikir kamu telah menyelesaikan PR-mu If Tom had plyed better,he would have won the match Jika Tom telah bermain lebih bagus, dia akan bisa memenangkan pertandingan itu If anything had happened, john would have telephoned Jika telah terjadi sesuatu, john akan menelpon If Janed had taken a taxi last night, she needn’t have got wet Jika Janed naik taksi tadi malam, dia tidak harus basah kehujanan I wish I had bought the car Seandainya saja aku telah membeli mobil itu She wished she had taken her umbrella Seandainya saja dia telah membawa payung itu Unhappy people sometimes wish that they had never been born Orang-orang yang menderita kadang-kadang berharap bahwa mereka tak pernah dilahirkan



Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 4 Februari 2013 0:0

19 Januari 2013
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

tlong bwt kn sbuah crita masa lalu atw pngalaman sndiri dlm bhsa inggrs

Femi,  I send you a recount text (tell past experience) as follows:

It happened on Sunday morning a few days ago. When I was about to have my routine cup of coffee along with a bagel, I realized that I did not have any bread at all. I have to admit that I am unable to enjoy coffee without some kind of baked goods.
Then I decided to run out to buy something, but all the stores were closed, but one. That store did not have any fresh pastries, and I ended up buying four slices of wheat bread. I was frustrated for two reasons: firstly, I couldn’t enjoy drinking my coffee on Sunday morning; and secondly, the sales woman charged me $3.00 for four slices of bread!
Next, I returned to the building where I live on the tenth floor, stepped into the elevator, pushed the button, and got out. When I reached my apartment and tried to unlock the door, I could not turn the key. I made a few attempts without success. I started banging on the door hoping to wake up my daughter. I was not successful at that either.
I can’t explain how it crossed my mind to check the number of the apartment. The apartment number was correct, except for the first digit: the apartment was on the ninth floor, but the tenth. I was shocked to realize that I had been banging on somebody else’s door.
I still muse over what might have happened if somebody had opened the door and what he or she would have said to me at 8:00 am on Sunday morning.


Wirastuti S.Pd M.Acc 4 Februari 2013 0:0

9 Januari 2013
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

sore . tolong buatin cerita pengalaman pribadi liburan sekolah 4 paragraf dong . buat tugas besok pagi ni. secepatnya dijawab ya :)

Dias, I send you a recount text as follows:

Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Smith Beach, which is only five kilometres from where I live.  When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there.  After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people there.  It was also quite windy.

After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand.  We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach.  Before we made the long trip back, we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down for a rest.  While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that all the way back, we would be riding into the strong wind.

When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted!  But we learned some good lessons that day.


Wirastuti S.Pd M.Acc 4 Februari 2013 0:0

13 Juli 2012
daya mirsya
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

tolong berikan contoh dialog 2 orang tentang asking promise,offering a promise,asking about thoughts(feelings),expressing wonder,asking about possibility dan stating possibility . semua expressing dalam satu dialog. dimohon cepat ya . untuk ambil nilai besok .

silakan klik

pilih materi kelas XI , pilih sendiri expresinya

selamat belajar

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 4 Februari 2013 0:0

31 Januari 2013
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

pak bu tolong buatkan satu dialog yang memuat expression love, sad, dan embarrassed dong. sekarang ya

Agus: Hello honey, what's up

Adel: I'm so sad

A: Why are you sad honey

Ad : Dont leave me my heart

A: I have to leave you honey for two days

Ad: I will be so lonely. I love you so much

A: I love you too, honey don't worry

Ad: Okay, I will wait you come back again

A: see you honey

Ad; see you too. honey

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 2 Februari 2013 0:0

30 Januari 2013
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2

"This is enough for me. My stomach can't take any more food."

Kalau jadi kalimat tidak langsungnya gimana ? 

"This is enough for me. My stomach can't take any more food."

He said that that was enough for him because his stomach could not take anymore food.

Wirastuti S.Pd M.Acc 2 Februari 2013 0:0

25 Januari 2013
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Mohon bantuan nya  dan terima kasih sebelum nya.

saya mau tanya. ada contoh essay writing ga ya tentang Yogyakarta dalam bentuk argumentative / exposisi text.? 

Fika, biasanya kalau teks tentang kota berbentuk descriptive. Kalau exposition berbentuk argumentasi tentang suatu masalah.
Wirastuti S.Pd M.Acc 2 Februari 2013 0:0


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