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10 Februari 2013
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

Contoh hortatory exposition tentang kebersihan sekolah itu seperti apa?

Tolong berikan contohnya!


Nindy, untuk membuat teks 'hortatory exposition' tentang kebersihan sekolah di paragraf kedua disampaikan alasan2nya mengapa diperlukan atau pentingnya kebersiha sekolah. Intinya di paragraf ini menyampaikan pendapat bagaiman untuk membuat pembaca percaya dengan pandanagan/argumen penulis tentan kebersihan sekolah. Untuk itu saya beri contoh teks hortatory exposition sbb:

Students’ cheating is one of the biggest problems faced by teachers nowadays.
Despite the fact that teachers advise their students not to do dishonest acts during tests, some students still do cheating. There are many kinds of cheating that students do during the test or examination, such as looking other students’ work, put some notes under their clothes, write notes or formulas on their desks make hand signals or go to rest rooms to get the answers from their friends.
In my view, students who do cheating are committing a crime. It is a sort of taking something illegally. This crime causes negative results to the students. Students who always cheat deteriorate their mental capacity. Cheating acts also create dependence. They weaken their self confidence. Instead of preparing for the coming test, they are busy to organize notes on a piece of paper. If this awful habit continues, the students will lose their opportunity to develop their intellectual and mind.
Therefore, school should consider cheating as a very serious problem. School board and administration should go hand to overcome this matter. Honesty must be put in school’s vision. Harsh punishment must be applied to students who commit this crime.


Wirastuti S.Pd M.Acc 14 Februari 2013 0:0

25 Juli 2012
gatra satya
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

assalamualaikum wr . wb


buat bapak / ibu guru saya mohon di bantu membuat contoh dialog expression blaming,accusing,admitting mistake dan making promise.

mohon di jawaban secepatnya ,,

di sampaikan terima kasih atas perhatiannya


silakan klik

pilih materi kelas XI atau XII

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 14 Februari 2013 0:0

25 Juli 2012
gatra satya
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

assalamualaikum wr . wb


buat bapak / ibu guru saya mohon di bantu membuat contoh dialog expression blaming,accusing,admitting mistake dan making promise.

mohon di jawaban secepatnya ,,

di sampaikan terima kasih atas perhatiannya


bisa di jawab lewat sms (085230541641)

silakan klik alamat ini

pilih materi kelas XII

selmat belajar

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 14 Februari 2013 0:0

12 Februari 2013
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

buatkan 5 cth kalimat dengan too much + uncountable , 5 cth dengan too many +countable, 5 cth dengan  not enough+ uncountable , dan 5 contoh dengan not enough + countable .


too + adjective or adverb
too much/many + noun
too much/many + of + pronoun/determiner

adjective or adverb + enough
enough + noun
enough + of + pronoun/determiner


  1. We use too to mean more than sufficient or more/less than necessary.
    • It's too late to stop him.
    • Jerry was too young to watch the movie.
    • There are too many people on this train, there's nowhere to sit.
    • You have too much money, give some to me.
    • You've eaten too many of those cakes.
  2. We use enough to mean sufficient.
    • Your clothes are big enough to fit me.
    • You've done enough work. You can stop now.
    • Have you got enough money to buy me a drink?
  3. We use enough in negative sentences to mean less than sufficient or less than necessary.
    • You're not working fast enough, you won't finish on time.
    • Sorry, I haven't got enough food for everyone.
    • Not enough of my friends are coming to the party.

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 13 Februari 2013 0:0

10 Februari 2013
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

kak, bisa tolong buatin contoh dialog asking,giving, and deny information...

 4 org yah ka...

Asking information:


There are a number of formulas used when asking for information in English. Here are some of the most common:

  • Could you tell me...?
  • Do you know...?
  • Do you happen to know...?
  • I'd like to know...
  • Could you find out...?
  • I'm interested in...

Some expressions on how to deny something:

* Sorry, I can't say anything

* No comment

* I'd better not say.

Saya menyarankan anda untuk mencoba membuat dialog terlebih dahulu sesuai dengan konteks yang anda mau. Lalu kirim ke kami apabila ada kesulitan atau keraguan. Kami akan membantu menyempurnakannya. Selamat mencoba.


SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 13 Februari 2013 0:0

21 Januari 2013
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

contoh percakapan asking, giving, and refusing tentang meminjam barang dalam satu kalimat yang sesuai untuk murid kelas 8. Terimakasih

Offering, Asking, giving, refusing things:


Daddy: Okay kids, tools is ready. Would you like to try some?

Greg     : Wow looks great! May I have that spanner for me now, Dad?

Daddy: Sure, dear help yourself. And for you Ron, would you like to try it too?

Ron: Not now maybe. But I’d like that scissors for my board.

Daddy: That would be better for you, dear. Here is the saw for you too.

Greg     : Strong enough, huh?

Father  : Of course, for my power test.

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 13 Februari 2013 0:0

12 September 2012
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

Asslamualaikum Pak Guru mohon bantuannya untuk mrnggunakan situs ini bagaimana caranya melihat jawaban pertanyaan saya atau yg DLL 

Terima Kasih Pak Assalamualaikum 

setelah buka web, click admin pertanyaan, lalu pilih media, kelas, mata pelajaran, dll sesuai keinginan anda.
SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 13 Februari 2013 0:0

30 Agustus 2012
Akbar dwi purnomo
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

saya mau nanya . saya di suruh membuat 1 paragraph dengan menggunakan verb 2,dalam bhs inggris. tolong di jawab skrng. kumpulin nya besok

Teks yang ingin anda buat bisa berbentuk recount berupa pengalaman masa lalu, biografi atau laporan peristiwa. Saya sarankan anda untuk mencoba sendiri terlebih dahulu. Bila ada kesulitan silahkan kirimkan pertanyaan kepada kami.


My Holiday in Bali
When I was 2nd grade of senior high school, my friends and I went to Bali. We were there for three days. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation. First day, we visited Sanur Beach in the morning. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. It was a great scenery. Then, we checked in to the hotel. After prepared our selves, we went to Tanah Lot. We met so many other tourists there. 

They were not only domestic but also foreign tourists. Second day, we enjoyed the day on Tanjung Benoa beach. We played so many water sports such as banana boat, jetsky, speedboat etc. We also went to Penyu island to see many unique animals. They were turtles, snakes, and sea birds. We were very happy. In the afternoon, we went to Kuta Beach to see the amazing sunset and enjoyed the beautiful wave. The last day, we spent our time in Sangeh. 

We could enjoy the green and shady forest. There were so many monkies. They were so tame but sometimes they could be naughty. We could make a close interaction with them. After that, we went to Sukowati market for shopping. That was my lovely time. I bought some Bali T-Shirt and souvenirs. In the evening, we had to check out from the hotel. We went back home bringing so many amazing memories of Bali.

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 13 Februari 2013 0:0

11 Januari 2013
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Computers should be placed far away from an area with strong magnetic field

Just like other electric devices, a computer is very vulnerable against some materials such as water. It is also important to keep it from area with strong magnetic field. By avoiding your computer from some of these factors, you can make you computer have longer lifespan.

A computer is an electronic device. This device is pretty vulnerable against strong attractive field. If it is placed in an area with strong magnetic field. it will damage your computer. Strong magnetic field is quite harmful to every electronic device; the same thing goes with your computer.

Due to this reason, using magnetic tool when fixing a computer is strictly prohibited. By following this rule, your computer can last long, and it can be used for long period of time. Knowing about this fact, every computer technician prefers to use non magnetic tool when fixing a computer.


From the text we can learn that the writer wants us

a. to avoid placing our computer near the strong magnetic field

b. to believe that our computer is similar to other electronic devices

c. to use magnetic tool when fixing our damaged computer

d. to follow the rules of how to make our computer last long

e. to know that our computer is vulnerable against water.

Yg benar A / D ? Mohon penjelasannya. Terima kasih 

Sela, menurut saya yang benar A karena sesuai dengan judul dan dijelaskan dalam kalimat dengan jelas. Yang D juga benar tetapi tidak jelas (rules yang mana belum jelas), kalau kalimatnya 'avoiding placing our computer near the strong magnetic field makes our computer last long' ...baru tepat.
Wirastuti S.Pd M.Acc 9 Februari 2013 0:0

13 Januari 2013
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

contoh kalimat giving exlamination dari kata guess what


Berikut ini contoh dialog yang anda inginkan.

Ani  :  Hii ... Guess what! I have news for you.

Ria  :  What's that? Tell me, please.

Ani  :  Our new friend, Yanti has a new car. It's a birthday present from her father.

Ria  :  Really??  How good her father is! Where is she now?

Ani  :  May be on the way here..... Look! She is coming with her new car.

Ria  :  Wow!! What a nice car! It must be expensive.

Ani  :  I think so. How lucky she is.



ENDANG TRININGSIH 8 Februari 2013 0:0


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