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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
tlg jlskn purpose+ciri2 kebahasaan dr narative,procedure,spoof,recount,news item,
Purpose: To entertain/to amuse the readers.
Ciri Kebahasaan:
- The past continuous tense
- The present perfect tense
- Modals: can, may, must, will
- Indirect speech (simple)
- Gambits
- Mental verbs
- Text structure: Orientation - complication - resolution - re-orientation.
Purpose: To tell how to do/to make something.
Ciri Kebahasaan:
- Noun phrase (number + adjective + thing)
- Adverb (frequency, manner)
- Conjunctions (then, after that, before that, first, finally)
- This, that, these, those
- Text structure: goal-materilas-steps
- Gambits (look! Attention, please etc.)
Purpose: To tell past events/experiences.
Ciri Kebahasaan
- The Simple Past Tense
- Regular / irregular verbs
- Gambits
- Text structure: Orientation -events - re-orientation
Purpose: To inform readers, listeners or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
- Use of Material Processes to retell the event.
- Use of projeting verbal Processes in Sources stage
- Focus on Circumtances (ex: mostly within Quslifiers).
seorang siswa bertanya pada saya, apa bedanya teks procedure dengan teks explanation. Ia merasa bingung karena teks procedure juga menjelaskan sebuah proses. Lalu apa tidak boleh teks procedure kita masukkan dalam teks explanation karena sama-sama menerangkan proses. Saya mengharap jawaban ibu.
Teks Prosedur adalah teks yang menjelaskan tentang bagaimana melakukan atau membuat sesuatu.
Generic Structure dalam teks Prosedur: Aim/Goal - Materials/Tools - Steps.
Sedangkan teks Explanation menjelaskan tentang proses alami terjadinya sesutau.
Generic Structure dalam Explanation: General Statement - A sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs.
How to Plant a Flower.(Ini adalah Aim/Goal)
Materials and Tools:
A pail, a flower pot, a water dipper or water hose and a pair of gloves, soil and manure.
- Take a pail of soil from the backyard. Mix the soil and the manure.
- Put the mixture in the flower pot.
- Plant tha flower in the flower pot.
- Take some water using the water dipper. Sprinkle the plant
- Put a little soil around the plant.
Tenses yang digunakan adalah Simple Present dalam bentuk Imperative.
Contoh Explanation:
How a Spider\'s Web forms
A spider web looks delicate but it is very strong. It can hold 4000 times a spider\'s weight. But how does it form.
The spider spins a thread of silk. The thread gets blown over to a branch by the wind. Then she makes another two thread and makes a Y shape. Next she makes more thread and they look like spokes off a wheel. Then the spider goes in a spiral, out and back in, sits middle and waits for food.
This is how a web is formed.
tolong diajarkan bagaimana cara mengetahui maksud soal apabila kita belum banyak mengetahui vocabulary.
Untuk mengetahui maksud bacaan/soal tolong dibaca dan dipahami baru tentukan maksudnya apa. Tidak perlu semuanya diterjemahkan tetapi dicari ide utamanya.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
tolong jelaskan semua tentang explanation, secepatnya
Explanation bukan materi SMP namun materi SMA. Untuk contoh-contohnya silakan cari di buku SMA. Thanks.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
tolong jelaskan tentang explanation...soalnya di sekolah kami sedang membahas materi ini untuk persiapan di sma nanti...tolong jawab secepatnya...terima kasih
Explanation bukan merupakan materi SMP namun materi SMA. Mohon maaf saat ini kami utamakan pertanyaan untuk materi yang berhubungan dengan persiapan pendalaman materi dan UN siswa SMP. Thanks.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
pgn tau c0ntoh speech yg temanya education ama natural disaster donk. trus metode bwt news reading biar bgs gmn sih..Bingung..what should I do? Thnx b4,,bls yaa sangat pntg
Untuk speech coba anda membuat dan konsultasikan pada guru kelas anda. Karena pertanyaan ini sudah lampau kami hanya bisa menjawab demikian karena saat ini kami utamakan pada pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan pendalaman materi dan UN.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
give me a kind of review text and the generic structure now,,,please,,,,
Good evening, thanks for the question given. Unfortunately \"REVIEW\" doesn\'t belong to SMP materials. It belongs to SMA KTSP.
In conclusion, we\'d like to say sorry not to answer this question. Hope you don\'t mind. Thanks.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
tolong donk,kasih contoh text anecdote tapi selain cerita yg \\\"snake in the bath\\\" udah sering sih.Dan situs apa utk nyari contoh2 anecdote.thanks so much!
Good evening, thanks for the question given. Unfortunately \"ANECDOTE\" doesn\'t belong to SMP materials. It belongs to SMA KTSP.
In conclusion, we\'d like to say sorry not to answer this question. Hope you don\'t mind. Thanks.
You can open the sites related to English Texts by using Google search Engine.Thanks.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd