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7 Mei 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

contoh descriptive text yang mudah dan gampang diingat max 100 kata, please

1. ISSIS is Javanese word meaning ‘cool’. So, besides the food, ISSIS Café offers a spacious, fully air-conditioned, cozy place. Located at Jl. Cilacap No. 8, Jakarta Pusat, ISSIS Café is famous for its European food, especially steak, barbecue ribs, salad, and soup. You might find this kind of food anywhere else, but there is no other place that offers great meals at better prices than ISSIS Café. You can enjoy a delicious imported sirloin steak for only Rp. 25,000 and ice cappuccino for only Rp. 5,500. There is also a salad bar with eight different vegetables. You can make your own salad which you can eat as much as you like, for only Rp. 12,000. The customers are mostly college students, office workers, and families.
2. Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving day is a day for giving thanks to God for the blessing during the year. It\'s celebrated once a year. It\'s always on the fourth Thursday. The holiday is celebrated in the United States and Canada. On this day, people give thanks by feasting and praying. Thanksgiving day is usually family day. Family enjoy the big dinners and joinous reounion. The tables are crowded with delicious food to eat. American visit their family on thanksgiving day. They visit their grand mothers, grand fathers, aunts and uncles. American usually eat turkey on thanksgiving day. They also eat mashed potatoes, cranberry saved, squash and pumpkin pie. Million of American visit their relatives on thanksgiving day. They go by car, bus, train and plane.


2 Mei 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Boleh minta contoh Report Teks yg ada kalimat passive nya??thx

Some supermarkets are enormous these days.
Supermarkets come with aisles of different kinds of food and products. For example, you can find fifteen to twenty different kinds of cheese in the dairy section. You can find many different brands of toilet tissue in the paper products section. The frozen food section has everything from cans of frozen apple juice to bags of mixed vegetables and frozen pizza.
Many supermarkets also have a big health care products aisle. This section is like a small drugstore, with different brands of medicines, shampoos, toothpastes, and other health care items.
Magazines, books, shoes, underwear, gardening tools, and other household products are also sold in supermarkets. Here you can also use your card in money machines to take money out of your bank.
Snacks and cold drinks can be bought by shoppers from vending machines. In some places, tired and hungry shoppers can sit down and enjoy a fresh cup of coffee and a donut at a supermarket snack bar or coffee shop. Supermarkets with their variety of products and services are more popular today.
Kalimat Pasif (Passive Voice)memiliki pola: to be + Verb 3
Kalimat passive dalam contoh teks Report di atas terdapat dalam kalimat:
- .... and other household products are also sold in supermarkets.
- Snacks and cold drinks can be bought by shoppers from vending machines.


2 Mei 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

bagaimana cara untuk belajar berbahasa inggris dengan cepat dan tepat

Yang namanya belajar adalah proses itu sendiri, dan jangan takut melakukan kesalahan dalam proses pembelajaran. Seorang ahli TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Language) berkata \"Mistake is not always mistake\", itu artinya kesalahan yang kita buat dalam proses pembelajaran justru akan memberikan feed back atas kelemahan kita. Anda tidak akan pernah tahu kesalahan Anda jika Anda tidak pernah mencoba. Akan tetapi untuk mencapai ketepatan dalam penguasaan materi, Anda perlu seseorang sebagai pembimbing. Jadi, kata kuncinya \"Keep on trying, and never give up, and don\'t be afraod of making mistakes\" Remember! \"Practice makes perfect.
Good Luck

2 Mei 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

contoh report,procedur,narrative

Contoh text Descriptive
1. ISSIS is Javanese word meaning ‘cool’. So, besides the food, ISSIS Café offers a spacious, fully air-conditioned, cozy place. Located at Jl. Cilacap No. 8, Jakarta Pusat, ISSIS Café is famous for its European food, especially steak, barbecue ribs, salad, and soup. You might find this kind of food anywhere else, but there is no other place that offers great meals at better prices than ISSIS Café. You can enjoy a delicious imported sirloin steak for only Rp. 25,000 and ice cappuccino for only Rp. 5,500. There is also a salad bar with eight different vegetables. You can make your own salad which you can eat as much as you like, for only Rp. 12,000. The customers are mostly college students, office workers, and families.
2. Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving day is a day for giving thanks to God for the blessing during the year. It\\\'s celebrated once a year. It\\\'s always on the fourth Thursday. The holiday is celebrated in the United States and Canada. On this day, people give thanks by feasting and praying. Thanksgiving day is usually family day. Family enjoy the big dinners and joinous reounion. The tables are crowded with delicious food to eat. American visit their family on thanksgiving day. They visit their grand mothers, grand fathers, aunts and uncles. American usually eat turkey on thanksgiving day. They also eat mashed potatoes, cranberry saved, squash and pumpkin pie. Million of American visit their relatives on thanksgiving day. They go by car, bus, train and plane.
Contoh teks Procedure
How to make Lemonade
For each glass use:
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
- 2 tablespoons of sugar.
- 1 glass of water.
1. Slice a lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a cup.
2. Take out the seeds.
3. Pour two tablespoons of juice into glass.
4. Add sugar.
5. Add water and stir well.
6. Taste the lemonade. You may want to add more sugar or more lemon to make it taste just right.
7. Put it in ice cubes. A drop of red food coloring will make pink lemonade.
- Heavy paper
- Ribbon or string
- A plate
- A pencil
- Paste
1. Use a half circle of paper to make the cone basket.
2. Draw a whole circle on paper using a plate as the pattern to make a half circle.
3. Cut out the circle and fold it in half.
4. Cut the two halves apart along the fold.
5. Twist the half circle into a cone shape and it in place.
6. Use a ribbon or a string for the handle. Paste the ends of the ribbon in place.
7. Decorate your cone basket.
Contoh Narrative
Once there were two him thin goats. Both of them were hungry. They were tied together with a brown rope. They wanted to eat the green leaves from two separated bushes. One bush was on the left. The other bush was on the right. The goats thought they could do everything on their own. The first goat wanted to go to the bush on the left, but the second goat wanted to go to the bush on the right. However, the rope was short. They tried but they could not reach the bushes. They were sad. Then, the goats decided to work together. First, they are the leaves of the bush on the right. Then, ate the leaves on the left. The leaves were delicious. They were happy.

M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

1 Mei 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

contoh text \"spoof\" ya..

Contoh teks SPOOF
Penguin in the Park
Once a man was walking in a park when he came across a penguin.
He took him to a policeman and said, \"I have just found this penguin. What should I do?\" The policeman replied, \"take him to the zoo\".
The next day the policeman saw the same man in the same park and the man was still carrying the penguin with him. The policeman was rather surprised and walked up to the man and asked, \"Why are you still carrying that penguin about? Didn\'t you take it to the zoo?\" \"I certainly did\", replied the man.
\"And it was a great idea because he really enjoyed it, so today I\'m taking him to the moviest!

1 Mei 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong buatin pidato lengkap ttg manfaat membaca

Example of speech
Topic: The advantages of Reading
The honorable teachers and the distinguished audiences.
In this very nice occasion, I\'d like to deliver my speech about the advantages of reading.
Before going further, first of all I\'d like to explain some reasons why people read. Some people read to get current knowledge and some other ones just read for pleasure. So, do you belong to first or the second one?
Ladies and Gentlemen?
You don\'t need to be worry whether you belong to the first or the second because both of them will enhance your knowledge.
Do you remember? The wise word said that \"Reading is the window of the world?\"
That\'s definitely correct because by reading we can access the information as enormous as possible. For instance, we can easily know the latest issues that happen in distance without being there. Besides, you can enrich yourselves related to your interests or needs.
Ladies and Gentlemen
In spite of having those advantages, reading is not a demanding activity either time or money. You can read every time, while you are waiting for the bus or someone, while you are on public transportation or other spare time. You can also read from many resources, such as mass media and electronic media. If you don\'t want to spend much money, you can get it free by visiting public libraries. And if you want to find the newest information, you can browse through internet.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, those are my point of view about the advantages of reading. Hopefully, it makes you more aware about the importance of reading.
Thank you for your fully attention and see you next time.

30 April 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong saya d berikan bhn2 unas kls 9

Bahan UNAS khan sudah ada dalam SKL ( Standar Kompetensi Lulusan).
Kalau kita jabarkan adalah antara lain Sbb:
1. Teks Monolog ( Descriptive, Procedure, Recount, Narrative dan Report)
2. Teks Fungsional Pendek ( announcement, advertisement, notice, Memo, Post card, Surat, Undangan,dll. Yang pertanyaannya meliputi:
- Gagasan Utama
- Gagasan Pendukung
- Informasi Faktual
- Informasi Rinci
- Informasi Tersirat
- Rujukan Kata
- Makna frasa dan kata
- Vocabulary
3. Transaksional-Interpersonal Teks (tapi prosentasenya sangat kecil)
4. Tata bahasa (tenses, comparison, dll), tapi jg hanya sedikit soal saja.
5. Kalimat dan Paragraf Acak
6. Teks Rumpang
7. Dll

30 April 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

bagai mana cara belajar bahasa ingris agar cepat bisa, dan saya mau belajar bagai mana caranya. tolong ya

Caranya :
1.Cintai dulu bahasa Inggris,hal itu akan memotivasi anda.
2. Banyak berlatih dan jangan malas membuka kamus bila menemukan kosa kata baru
3. Jangan takut membuat kesalahan pada waktu belajar bahasa Inggris, karena kita bisa belajar banyak dari kesalahan yang kita buat.
4. Banyak membaca dan mencermati hal-hal baru yang berhubungan dengan bahasa Inggris baik melalui media elektronik maupun cetak.
5. Beranikan diri berkomunikasi dengan native speaker dimanapun anda berada.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

30 April 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

kirimin aku contoh pidato bahasa inggris donk,,tentang hari pendidikan nasional!!! kirim secepatnya ya.... coz bsok aku harus berpidato di depan guru2!!! thx,,,,

The outline of Speech
Topic: The Essential of Education
-Why do Education play an important role in order to develop the country
-The historical background of Education in Indonesia
-The urgent of developing Indonesian Education System as the solution of Indonesian problems.
-How do we give meaning to \"Hardiknas\", ceremonially or practically?
Silakan Anda kembangkan outline di atas.

30 April 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

bagai mana cara belajar bahasa ingris agar cepat bisa, dan saya mau belajar bagai mana caranya. tolong ya

Yang namanya belajar adalah proses itu sendiri, dan jangan takut melakukan kesalahan dalam proses pembelajaran. Seorang ahli TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Language) berkata \"Mistake is not always mistake\", itu artinya kesalahan yang kita buat dalam proses pembelajaran justru akan memberikan feed back atas kelemahan kita. Anda tidak akan pernah tahu kesalahan Anda jika Anda tidak pernah mencoba. Akan tetapi untuk mencapai ketepatan dalam penguasaan materi, Anda perlu seseorang sebagai pembimbing. Jadi, kata kuncinya \"Keep on trying, and never give up, and don\'t be afraod of making mistakes\" Remember! \"Practice makes perfect.
Good Luck!


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