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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
jelaskan tentang narative,recount,report,descriptive,and explain
Narrative dan recount sama-sama memakai simple past tense dan menceritakan hal yang sudah terjadi. Bedanya untuk narrative ada konflik antar karakter d
disana,sedangkan recount tidak.
Report and descriptive hampir sama. Sama-sama menceritakan tentang benda/binatang. Report mendeskripsikan secara umum,sedangkan descriptive mendeskripsikan secara spesifik.
Explaination belongs to SMA material.Thanks.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
ada contoh naskah drama ga??? aq lagi butuh banget neeh... !!! please balas yach...!!!
Untuk naskah drama mohon maaf kami tidak dapat menyediakan sekarang karena kami utamakan pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan persiapan Pendalaman Materi dan UN. Thanks.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
naskah daramanya cepet di balas yah & mohon ditampilkan pada situs ini ! saya tunggu sampai besok. Tolong di usahain Pak !
Mohon maaf saat ini kami utamakan pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan persiapan pendalaman materi dan UN.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
pengertian tentang spoof, narrative dan recount dalam bahasa inngris donk !!!!!!!!!! bsok dikimpulin neeeh...
Trims pertanyaannya. Untuk materi spoof tidak masuk dalam kurikulum SMP.
Narrative dan recount bercerita tentang hal yang sudah lampau. Sama-sama memakai simple past tense.Bedanya didalam narrative selalu ada konflik antar karakter yang ada disana, sedangkan recount tidak. Recount sekedar bercerita tentang past experience.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
tolong kasih contoh text anecdote tapi selain\"snake in the bath.Trus, situs apa utk nyari anecdote text.trims
Terima kasih atas pertanyaannya. Untuk saat ini kami utamakan pertanyaan dari siswa kelas 9 yang akan menghadapi ujian.
Untuk contoh anecdotev silakan cari lewat google search dengan tajuk anecdote atau English anecdote. Thanks.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
Bagaimana cara pembawaan pidato dan puisi berbahasa inggris? Tlg jelaskan secara rinci mulai dari intonaso, kecepatan bicara, dll!
Terima kasih atas pertanyaannya. Untuk membaca puisi atau berpidato yang utama harus tahu isi dari puisi dan/pidato tsb.
Setelah tahu isinya didalam kalimat pasti ada satu focus utamanya. Pada saat membaca focus tersebut kita perlu memberikan \'stressing\' atau \'tekanan\' pada kata atau frasa yang mengandung inti kalimat tersebut.
Begitu juga dengan kecepatan berbicara sangat berhubungan dengan isi/content puisi atau pidato tsb.
Yang jelas membac puisi/pidato termasuk seni.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
Dear, Teacher I\'d like to ask about How can we know whether, it’s an announcement, notice, advertisement, a memo, note, or another? Can you give me identifying marks of those kinds of short functional text? I\'m still confused \'bout that. I also have a suggestion, If you are the person who make the Ujian Nasional for English subject, please, don\'t make questions with super hard level (don\'t make as hard as geladiwidyatama quest.s). I expect that u can answer my question clearly. Thanks
Thanks for your question esp. about short func.text
Actually there\'s no identfying marks for what a memo is,a notice is etc.
What you need to pay attention to is the content of the text,there\'ll be no question whether it\'s a memo/notice/ads. The questions are about the content of the texts.
Thanks for your suggestions,but I\'m not the one.So, don\'t worry ther\'ll be no such difficult question like geladi, be sure ok.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
tolong berikan saya contoh teks bhs inggris descriptive, report, recount, analytical dan hortatory exposition, spoof, dll masing2 250 kata. secepatnya ya! Terima kasih
1.Descriptive Teks
If you go to Jakarta, you can visit the Imax Theatre where you can see many shows.
It is located in TMII complex, East Jakarta. Many people call it “Keong Mas� because the building has a shape like a snail. It looks amazing. The shape makes this place unique. It also has a large parking area. Besides, you can find a beautiful garden at the front of this building.
How to Plant a Flower.
Materials and Tools:
A pail, a flower pot, a water dipper or water hose and a pair of gloves, soil and manure.
- Take a pail of soil from the backyard. Mix the soil and the manure.
- Put the mixture in the flower pot.
- Plant tha flower in the flower pot.
- Take some water using the water dipper. Sprinkle the plant - Put a little soil around the plant.
I was driving along the coast road when the car suddenly lurched to one side.
At first I thought a type had gone but that then I saw telegraph poles collapsing like matchsticks. The rocks came tumbling across the road and I had to abandon the car. There was an earthquake. When I got back to town, there wasn’t much left.
Whales are sea-living mammals. They therefore breathe air but cannot survive on land. Some species are very large indeed and blue whale, which can exceed 30 cm in length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth Superficially, the whale looks rather like a fish, but there are important differences in its external structure: its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). This is up to 30 cm in thickness and serves to conserve heat and body fluids.
This is the example of Snow Maiden
Once upon a time there lived a couple in a village. They had got married for a long time, but so far they did not have a baby yet. Every single minute they prayed to God, begged for a baby, but it never came true.
Oneday, they went to snow mountain. They made a girl from snow and they dressed her beautifully. When it got dark, they decided to go home and left the snow girl alone. The following morning, someone knocked the door. \"Any body home?\", she said. The old woman inside opened the door and asked, \"Who are you?\" The girl said \"I\'m Snow Maiden, your daughter\". The old woman was surprised and happy. \"Oh really? Thanks God! Come in, please!\"
Since that meeting, they lived happily. Snow Maiden was beautiful, kind, diligent and helpful. Her parents and all of her friends loved her very much Oneday, Snow Maiden played with her friends. They played fire. At first, Snow Maiden just looked at their play. Suddenly, her friends asked her to jump on the fire. Of course she refused it because one thing that made her afraid was the fire. It\'s because Snow Maiden was made of snow, so she should avoid the fire. But her friends kept on forcing her to jump on. Finally, she could not do anything then she did it. She jumped on the fire and she melted. Her friends was so sorry about this, they cried and cried hoping Snow Maiden could live again, but it was useless. Snow Maiden would not be back anymore.
Her mother tried to entertain Snow Maiden\'s friends and asked them to make a new Snow Maiden. They went to a snow mountain and started making it. They expected to have the new Snow Maiden. Days passed but their dreams never came true.
Into the Mouth of Babes
We are writing to you because we are concerned about the way food is being advertised to children.
What we eat now affects our health in years to come. Bad dietary habits start while we are very young. For this reason, your government support health education that encourages a balanced healthy diet. Australians are encouraged to get the bulk of their nutrients from fresh fruits, vegetables, and wholegrain cereals, a lesser amount from foods high in fat, salt and sugar.
TV advertising to children presents a completely different message. Nearly 80% of food advertising pushes fatty snacks or sweets - the very foods that should be eaten least. To make matter worse, these ads take up much of the advertising time. This must be stopped.
TV advertising is powerful and influential. Parents, however strong-willed, find it hard to resit pressures created by this advertising. Children are least able to understand the tricks of the advertising industry.
For the hours when children are the main audience, TV advertising of foods must be made to reinforce, not undermine, the message about a balanced diet. We appeal to you, as Prime Minister, to take the lead in calling together the advertisers, TV networks, consumers and public health bodies to decide how this isn to be done.
Thesis:In Australia there are three levels of government, the federal government, state government and local government. All of these levels of government are necessary. This is so for a number of reasons.
Argument 1:
First, the federal givernment is necessary for the big things. They keep the economy in order and look after things like defence.
Argument 2
Similarity, the state governments look after the middle sized things. For example they look after law and order, preventing things like vandalism in schools.
Argument 3:
Finally, local governments look after the small things. They look after things like collecting rubish, otherwise everyone would have disease.
Thus, for the reasons above we can conclude that the three levels of government are necessary.
Oneday, two villagers went to Jakarta. They went to the biggest mall and saw shiny silver walls that could open and move apart and back together. They were amazed when an old lady rolled in to the small room and the doors closed.A minute later, the doors opened and a young beautiful lady stepped out.The father said to his son \"Go, get your mother now.\"
Dengan ini saya ingin meminta salah satu contoh karangan bahasa inggris berbentuk naratif dan deskriptif kelas XII. Saya berharap balasan dari KBS Jogaja. Terima kasih banyak
Terima kasih ats pertanyaannya. Untuk contoh karangan berbentuk naratif silakan cari pada situs-situs internet lewat google, tulis naratif text.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
Cara mudah menghafal kosakata dalam bahasa Inggris antara lain adalah:
1. Dengan sering menggunakan kosakata tsb dalam kalimat ataupun dlm percakapan.
2. Milikilah kamus pribadi. Setiap menemukan kosakata baru, tulislah di kamus pribadi anda lalu baca disetiap ada kesempatan sesering mungkin.
3. Kalau anda suka musik atau lagu-lagu dlm bahasa Inggris, Belajarlah menguasai kosakata lewat lagu tersebut. Semakin kita sering mendengar, semakin kita hafal dan menguasainya.
4. Practice makes perfect. So, please practise English as often as possible. Last but not least, Reading is a good hobby, so read any english books to improve your english and enrich your vocabularies. Good Luck.