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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
Good Morning , Dear, Teacher! I\'d to consult, but the topic is may be different among other questions. God\'s Praise, I can do all of English test include tryout and Pendalaman Materi well almost without obstacle. With that reason, some of my friends ask for my helps. But, what a pity, I have no aptitude of teaching anyone. I gave unacceptable lesson. Often I feel dizzy bout it. So, because you\'re a teacher, I\'d like to ask “How to teach someone with the best way?\" \"What should I do?\" I have no idea... Please, I want to see all of my friends can do English test with their best. Give me suggestion immediately please... Oia , I also want to inform Bu Anggoro Rini , that the information that she gave was little wrong. This web Address is not but . Thanks for the attention and answer.
Dear Safina,
Thanks for the challenging question!
If you could do the try out and PM well, it means you got ten, right! No wonder if your friends ask for your help. But remember, each student has different characteristics, so you must know his/her characteristics first. If you teach your friends clasically (in groups), you may do the followings:
1. Motivate your friends first to love English like you do. Because if they have fallen in love with it, they will easily understand your explanation.
2. Ask your friend\'s problems then solve them by explaining systematically.
3. Explain the materials briefly.
4. Be patient in explaining.
5. If your friend are still confused, repeat the explanation again and again patiently until your friends understand.
6. Give more other exercises to your friends to check their understanding.
Those are some techniques in teaching, we still have some other more, but you must remember that not all people/ teachers have a good teaching talent, so not all people can transfer the knowlegde or teach well. Just to inform you that each good teacher must have good classroom management, performance, classroom language, skill of teaching, teaching method, etc.
And they are not only done theoritically but also practically .
So if you can do it well,you are excellent!
But if you can\'t do it well, don\'t be desperate.
Good Luck
Pengasuh KBS On Line Yth. Saya sangat berterima kasih atas jawaban Anda. Apakah dapat disimpulkan bahwa evaluasi dalam teks narrative adalah memberikan deskripsi dari pelaku/para pelaku sebelum munculnya konflik. Tolong dijawab segera.
Bisa dikatakan demikian,tetapi tidak semua teks narrative ada bagian evaluasinya.
Bagian evaluasi merupakan catatan atau opini penulis untuk memberikan gambaran lebih jelas tentang karakter tokoh sebelum konflik untuk membuat cerita lebih menarik.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
Pengasuh KBS OnLine yth. Saya masih kurang paham dengan istilah \\\"evaluasi\\\" dalam teks narrattive. Secara bahasa evaluasi berarti memberikan penilaian sisi positif negatifnya dari sesuatu hal. Bagaimana dengan teks narrattive. Tolong, saya tunggu jawabannya segera.
Evaluasi dalam teks Narrative tidak sama dengan definisi yang Anda berikan. Teks Narrative biasanya memiliki unsur (Generic Structure): Orientation - Complication - Resolution. Tapi juga bisa memiliki unsur (Generic Structure):Orientation - Evaluation - Complication - Resolution - Reorientation.
Fungsi Evaluation disini adalah untuk membuat jalan cerita tersebut lebih menarik sebelum masuk ke konflik. Tetapi Evaluation dalam teks Narrative tidak harus ada.
Ini salah satu contoh teks Narrative yang menggunakan unsur struktur teks lengkap tersebut:
Once there was a little girl called Cinderella.
She was pretty, loving and clever.
but she was very poor. Her step mother and stepsisters were very mean, (dan seterusnya).
Resolution :
Fortunately, she met a prince. He fell in love with her.
Then Cinderela became a princess.
Semoga Anda paham yang kami maksud.
bisa dikirim segera contoh pidato b.inggris ttg lingkungan atau kesehatan untuk k3las VI
Untuk teks pidato, apapun topiknya selalu diawali dengan Opening, Content, Closing.
Opening :
Greeting, pembuka tentang topiknya.
Content :
Pendapat Anda tentang kondisi lingkungan sekarang, diikuti contoh, saran untuk pelestarian lingkungan.
Closing :
Kesimpulan dari pendapat tadi, ajakan untuk peduli terhadap lingkungan.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, in this occasion I\'d like to thank God for this good chance to talk about preserving environment...etc.
As we know that the condition of the environment now is getting worst and worst... etc.
That\'s all about how to preserve environment.
Hopefully we all will care about the environment for our future generation... etc.
Guideline diatas bisa Anda kembangkan sendiri sesuai dengan selera Anda. Semoga bermanfaat.
Terima kasih.
Aq mw nanya niech,,, kalo di UN(yg tinggal 2 munggu lagi)nanti soalnya reading(kaya descriptive,etc) smua ato nggak? Thx yaaaaa
Karena UN tahun ini materinya adalah merupakan irisan dari kurikulum 1994, KBK dan KTSP, yang mana tahun - tahun sebelumnya belum pernah ada, maka untuk menjamin 100% juga belum bisa. Tetapi kalau kita membaca SKL (Standar Kompetensi Lulusan) dari pusat, akan prediksi kita akan banyak soal - soal bacaan, yang meliputi teks Deskriptif, Prosedur, Recount, Naratif, dan Report, serta teks fungsional pendek (Memo, Iklan, Pengumuman, dll). Tapi juga ada soal tentang kalimat acak, paragrap acak, teks rumpang (tata bahasa dan kosakata), percakapan, dll.
Silakan Anda cermati soal - soal Pendalaman Materi (DIY).
Selamat Belajar!
tolong jelaskan all about analytical exposition dan beri contoh textnya
In Australia there are three levels of government, the federal government, state government and local government. All of these levels of government are necessary. This is so for a number of reasons.
Argument 1:
First, the federal givernment is necessary for the big things. They keep the economy in order and look after things like defence.
Argument 2
Similarity, the state governments look after the middle sized things. For example they look after law and order, preventing things like vandalism in schools.
Argument 3:
Finally, local governments look after the small things. They look after things like collecting rubish, otherwise everyone would have disease.
Thus, for the reasons above we can conclude that the three levels of government are necessary.
Could you explain me the differences between the use of though, although? thanks
Though, Although, and Even though berarti Meskipun.
Didalam penggunaannya, tidak ada perbedaan, semua harus diikuti Clause.
- Although the rain is heavy, the students keep going to school.
- Even though the old man is poor, he is very generous.
- My mom is patient enough though I am naughty.
Selamat Balajar!
apakah uan tahun ini utk b.inggris soal2 teks byk muncul?
Karena UN tahun ini materinya adalah merupakan irisan dari kurikulum 1994, KBK dan KTSP, yang mana tahun - tahun sebelumnya belum pernah ada, maka untuk menjamin 100% juga belum bisa. Tetapi kalau kita membaca SKL (Standar Kompetensi Lulusan) dari pusat, akan prediksi kita akan banyak soal - soal bacaan, yang meliputi teks Deskriptif, Prosedur, Recount, Naratif, dan Report, serta teks fungsional pendek (Memo, Iklan, Pengumuman, dll). Tapi juga ada soal tentang kalimat acak, paragrap acak, teks rumpang (tata bahasa dan kosakata), percakapan, dll.
Silakan Anda cermati soal - soal Pendalaman Materi (DIY).
Selamat Belajar!