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29 November 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

bikinin report text ttg RSU antonius Dunk....Plissss

Kalau Anda sudah menyebut nama sebuah rumah sakit, berarti itu sudah bukan teks Report lagi, tapi Descriptive. Jadi kalau Anda mau menulis Report tentang rumah sakit harus secara umum. Terima kasih.

29 November 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Plisss donk bikinin report text tentang rumah sakit antonius........

aku butuh banget nii......,

besok udah mau di kumpulin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bantuin yaaaaa..........

Kalau Anda sudah menyebut nama sebuah rumah sakit, berarti itu sudah bukan teks Report lagi, tapi Descriptive. Jadi kalau Anda mau menulis Report tentang rumah sakit harus secara umum. Terima kasih.

Mohon maaf juga, kami tidak bisa melayani pertanyaan jika itu sebuah pekerjaan rumah. Kecuali jika Anda mau berusaha dulu, misalnya Anda membuat teks Report lalu Anda konsultasikan kepada kami. Jadi kami akan dengan senang hati membantu Anda. Selamat Belajar!


29 November 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9


minta contoh procedure text dunk tentang teknologi. kalo bisa 3 ya,,,,secepatnya


The Basic Operation of Digital Camera.


You need :

Ø      A digital camera

Ø      An object ( a friend/classmate or something interesting,

     you can find around the classroom or school yard).


Follow the steps bellow to take pictures:

1. Hold up the camera and centre

 the object in the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display).

2. Move closer or use the zoom control for the result you want.

3. When you’re ready to take the picture, hold the shutter halfway. It’s very important,

    so the camera sets the focus, shutter speed, and various other calculations   

4. A light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go.

5. Press shutter all the way down.


It may be necessary to turn off the LCD and use the view finder when there is more extreme sunlight or to converse battery life. The glare from the LCD does not work well with more bright light.


NB: Untuk contoh lain anda bisa temukan di buku Let's Talk atau buku lain. Kecuali bila ada hal-hal yang membutuhkan penjelasan, kami siap membantu anda. 

M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

28 November 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Tolong berikan beberapa pertanyaan tentang Example of text - 7 a.m. is not early fora class to begin(dalam bahasa inggris), Tolong cepat ya, thank you so much.

Mohon maaf, kalau Anda hanya minta pertanyaan tentang example of text kami bisa bantu, tetapi pertanyaan Anda yang "7 a.m. is not early fora class to begin(dalam bahasa inggris)" tidak jelas. Mohon Anda perjelas. Terima kasih


28 November 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

TOLONG BERIKAN PROCEDURE TEXT, A Procedure text is piece of text that gives us intstruction for doing something

These are the examples of Procedure Texts. 

The Basic Operation of Digital Camera.

You need :

-A digital camera

-An object ( a friend/classmate or something interesting, you can find around the classroom or school yard).

Follow the steps bellow to take pictures:

1. Hold up the camera and centre the object in the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display).

2. Move closer or use the zoom control for the result you want.

3. When you’re ready to take the picture, hold the shutter halfway. It’s very important, so the camera sets the focus, shutter speed, and various other calculations   

4. A light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go.

5. Press shutter all the way down.

It may be necessary to turn off the LCD and use the view finder when there is more extreme sunlight or to converse battery life. The glare from the LCD does not work well with more bright light.


How to make Lemonade


For each glass use:

 - 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

- 2 tablespoons of sugar.

- 1 glass of water.


1. Slice a lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a cup.

2. Take out the seeds.

3. Pour two tablespoons of juice into glass.

4. Add sugar.

5. Add water and stir well.

6. Taste the lemonade. You may want to add more sugar or more lemon to make it taste just right.

7. Put it in ice cubes. A drop of red food coloring will make pink lemonade.


27 November 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9


Aku Nana mau minta contoh pidto dalam bahasa inggris dengan tema apa aja..

soalnya besok tugasnya harus di kumpulin di sekolah...

please...tolong aku sekarang juga ya???...

aku butuh sekarang juga soalnya...

terima kasih 


Contoh pidato

Topic: The advantages of Reading

The honorable teachers and the distinguished audiences.
In this very nice occasion, I'd like to deliver my speech about the advantages of reading.
Before going further, first of all I'd like to explain some reasons why people read. Some people read to get current knowledge and some other ones just read for pleasure.
So, do you belong to first or the second one?
Ladies and Gentlemen?
You don't need to be worried whether you belong to the first or the second because both of them will enhance your knowledge.
Do you remember? The wise word said that "Reading is the window of the world?"
That's definitely correct because by reading we can access the information as enormous as possible. For instance, we can easily know the latest issues that happen in distance without being there. Besides, you can enrich yourselves related to your interests or needs.
Ladies and Gentlemen
In spite of having those advantages, reading is not a demanding activity either time or money. You can read every time, while you are waiting for the bus or someone, while you are on public transportation or other spare time.
You can also read from many resources, such as mass media and electronic media. If you don't want to spend much money, you can get it free by visiting public libraries.
And if you want to find the newest information, you can browse through internet.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, those are my point of view about the advantages of reading. Hopefully, it makes you more aware about the importance of reading.
Thank you for your fully attention and see you next time.


26 November 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Tolong jelaskan Bagian "General Classification" di Report Text

Teks Report

Report Tujuan Komunikatif: Menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu, apa adanya, sebagai hasil pengamatan sistematis atau analisis. Yang dideskripsikan dapat meliputi gajala alam, lingkungan, benda buatan manusia, atau gejala- gejala sosial. Deskripsi sebuah teks report dapat berupa simpulan umum misalnya tentang rumah sederhana dengan mendekripsikan ciri-ciri subyek tersebut sehingga layak dikategorikan rumah sederhana, dsb.

Generic Structure nya:

- General Classification --->  Bagian paragraf ini berisidefinisi atau klasifikasi dari sesuatu yang akan dilaporkan atau di deskripsikan tapi secara umum.

- Description ---> Bagian ini brisi tentang deskripsi


Misalnya :  

The heart is the most important part of the body. It is the center of life. However, the heart is only as big as a closed hand. ( General Classification)

The heart is a muscle and it beats about seventy times per minute throughthout a person’s life. (Description)

The heart pumps blood from your heart to all parts of your body. The heart is made up of four chambers or small “rooms”. The top chamber are called the right and left auriclesand the botttom chambers are the right and left ventricles. (Description)

When blood enters the heart. It is in dark reddish color because it countains carbon dioxide. The blood enters the right auricle and then the right ventricle. When the heart contracts, it forces the blood to the lungs where the blood receives oxygen. It then goes to the left auricle. The heart contracts again, and the blood goes to the left ventricle and is then forced out into the body. The blood gathers carbon dioxide and returns to the heart, and the process begins again. (Description)


Contoh Teks Report ke 2:


Plants are living beings. They need food, water and air for survival. (General Classification)

Plants derive their food from the earth and the air. If you look at their roots, you will find that ends of these roots are like fine fibers. We call them root-hairs. They absorb water and minerals, then transport them upwards to the leaves through the trunk and the branches. It is the leaves which prepare the food.  (Description)

The green material, chlorophyll, prepares the food like a machine. It converts the carbon dioxide taken from the air and water from the ground into sugar with the help of sunlight. This chemical reaction is called photosynthes. In fact, the chlorophyll takes energy from the sunlight and uses it to synthesize the hydrogen from water and carbon from carbon dioxide for making sugar. This reaction also gives out oxygen and water which are excreted by the leaves. (Description)

M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

26 November 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Tolong berikan contoh Report text tentang tari

Contoh Report tentang tari.

There are many dances in our society. dances are movements and steps in time to music.

Generally, dances are classified into two groups, the modern and traditional ones. The traditional dances are usually influenced by local norms and values, while the modern ones are the creation of people called choreographers.When performing a dance, people usually wear special costumes. Some are traditional, and the others are modern. The dances, both the traditional and modern ones can be performed individually or in pairs/groups. Every man or woman in all age can participate in dancing. Some dances, mostly the traditional ones, are only performed in special occasions. But modern dances can be done any time people like to do, besides in special occasions.


26 November 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9


tlg carikan teks report yang menyangkut 5W+1H.Thx b4 n after.


 Contoh outline 'Report Text'


What -> menceritakan apakah definisi 'library' itu.

Where -> dimana kita dapat menemukan 'library'

When -> kapan kita dapat mendapatkan layanan   'library' ( mis. peminjaman buku pada saat jam-jam istirahat)

Why --> menceritakan mengapa 'library' dibutuhkan di setiap sekolah.

How--> bagaimana cara meminjam buku di 'library'

Dari guideline tersebut diatas  anda dapat menulis teks tentang 'Library' dengan kategori 5W + 1H.

Selamat mencoba ! 



26 November 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

bisa kasi contoh teks narative ga??

penting banget nie,,cepet ya...


trima kasih :)

The Turtle and His Bride


THERE was once a turtle who lived among a great many people of different kinds, in a large camp near a big river which was born right up amongst the snows, and flowed straight away south till it reached a sea where the water was always hot.

There were many other turtles in the camp, and this turtle was kind and pleasant to them all, but he did not care for any of them very much, and felt rather lonely.

At last he built himself a hut, and filled it with skins for seats, and made it as comfortable as any but for miles round; and when it was quite finished he looked about among the young women to see which of them he should ask to be his wife.

It took him some time to make up his mind, for no turtle likes being hurried, but at length he found one girl who seemed prettier and more industrious than the rest, and one day he entered her home, and said: `Will you marry me?'

The young woman was so surprised at this question that she dropped the beaded slipper she was making, and stared at the turtle. She felt inclined to laugh-the idea was so absurd; but she was kind-hearted and polite, so she looked as grave as she could, and answered,

`But how are you going to provide for a family? Why, when the camp moves, you will not even be able to keep up with the rest!'

`I can keep up with the best of them,' replied the turtle, tossing his head. But though he was very much offended he did not let the girl see it, and begged and, prayed her so hard to marry him that, at last, she consented, very unwillingly.

`You will have to wait till the spring, though,' she said; `I must make a great many slippers and dresses for myself, as I shall not have much time afterwards.'

This did not please the turtle; but he knew it was no use talking, so all he answered was,

`I shall go to war and take some captives, and I shall be away several months. And when I return I shall expect you to be ready to marry me.'

So he went back to his hut, and at once set about his preparations. The first thing he did was to call all his relations together, and ask them if they would come with him and make war on the people of a neighbouring village. The turtles, who were tired of doing nothing, agreed at once, and next day the whole tribe left the camp. The girl was standing at the door of her but as they passed, and laughed out loud-they moved so slowly. Her lover, who was marching at the head, grew very angry at this, and cried out,

`In four days from now you will be weeping instead of laughing, because there will be hundreds of miles between you and me.'

`In four days,' replied the girl-who had only promised to marry him in order to get rid of him-'in four days you will hardly be out of sight.'

`Oh, I did not mean four days, but four years,' answered the turtle, hastily; `whatever happens I shall be back by then.'

The army marched on, till one day, when they felt as if they must have got half round the earth, though they were scarcely four miles from the camp, they found a large tree lying across their path. They looked at it with dismay, and the oldest among them put their heads together to see what was to be done.

`Can't we manage to get past by the top?' asked,

`Why, it would take us years,' exclaimed another.

Just look at all those tall green branches, spreading in every direction. If once we got entangled in them, we should never get out again!'

`Well then, let us go round by the bottom,' said a third.

`How are we to do that, when the roots have made a deep hole, and above that is a high bank?' replied a fourth. `No; the only way I can think of, is to burn a large hole in the trunk.' And this they did, but the trunk was very thick, and would not burn through.

`It is no use, we must give it up,' they agreed at last. `After all, nobody need ever know! We have been away such a long while that we might easily have had all sorts of adventures.' And so the whole company turned homewards again.

They took even longer to go back than they had to come, for they were tired and footsore with their journey. When they drew near the camp they plucked up their courage, and began to sing a war-song. At this the villagers came flocking to see what spoils the turtles had won, but, as they approached, each turtle seized some one by the wrist, exclaiming: `You are our spoils; you are our prisoners!'

`Now that I have got you I will keep you,' said the leader, who had happened to seize his betrothed.

Everybody was naturally very angry at this behaviour, and the girl most of all, and in her secret heart she determined to have her revenge. But, just at present, the turtles were too strong, so the prisoners had to put on their smartest slippers and their brightest clothes, and dance a war dance while the turtles sang. They danced so long that it seemed as if they would never stop, till the turtle who was leading the singing suddenly broke into aloud chant,

Whoever comes here, will die, will die.

At this all the dancers grew so frightened that they burst through the ring of their captors, and ran back to the village, the turtles following-very slowly. On the way the chief turtle met a man, who said to him,

`That woman who was to have been your wife has married another man!'

`Is that true?' said the turtle. `Then I must see him.'

But as soon as the villager was out of sight the turtle stopped, and taking a bundle containing fringes and ornaments from his back, he hung them about him, so that they rattled as he walked. When he was quite close to the but where the woman lived, he cried out,

`Here I am to claim the woman who promised to be my wife.'

`Oh, here is the turtle,' whispered the husband hurriedly; `what is to be done now?'

`Leave that to me; I will manage him,' replied the wife, and at that moment the turtle came in, and seized her by the wrist. `Come with me,' he said sternly.

`You broke your promise,' answered she. `You said you would be back soon, and it is more than a year since you went! How was I to know that you were alive?'

At her words the husband took courage, and spoke hastily,

`Yes, you promised you would go to war and bring back some prisoners, and you have not done it.'

`I did go, and made many prisoners,' retorted the turtle angrily, drawing out his knife. `Look here, if she won't be nay wife, she sha'n't be yours. I will cut her in two; and you shall have one half, and I the other.'

`But half a woman is no use to me,' answered the man. `If you want her so much you had better take her.' And the turtle, followed by his relations, carried her off to his own hut.

Now the woman saw she would gain nothing by being sulky, so she pretended to be very glad to have got rid of her husband; but all the while she was trying to invent a plan to deliver herself from the turtle. At length she remembered that one of her friends had a large iron pot, and when the turtle had gone to his room to put away his fringes, she ran over to her neighbour's and brought it back. Then she filled it with water and hung it over the fire to boil. It was just beginning to bubble and hiss when the turtle entered.

`What are you doing there?' asked he, for he was always afraid of things that he did not understand.

`Just warming some water,' she answered. `Do you know how to swim?'

`Yes, of course I do. What a question! But what does it matter to you?' said the turtle, more suspicious than ever.

`Oh, I only thought that after your long journey you might like to wash. The roads are so muddy, after the winter's rains. I could rub your shell for you till it was bright and shining again.

`Well, I am rather muddy. If one is fighting, you know, one cannot stop to pick one's way. I should certainly be more comfortable if my back was washed.'

The woman did not wait for him to change his mind. She caught him up by his shell and popped him straight into the pot, where he sank to the bottom, and died instantly.

The other turtles, who were standing at the door, saw their leader disappear, and felt it was their duty as soldiers to follow him; and, springing into the pot, died too. All but one young turtle, who, frightened at not seeing any of his friends come out again, went as fast as he could to a clump of bushes, and from there made his way to the river. His only thought was to get away as far as possible from that dreadful but; so he let the river carry him where it was going itself, and at last, one day, he found himself in the warm sea, where, if he is not dead, you may meet him still.



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