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Maaf,kenapa brlum ada balasan.Saya butuh ini segera
Mohon maaf, TIM KBS tidak menerima pembuatan tugas (karangan/teks/pidato). Kalau Anda mau melihat contoh sebagai referensi, silakan Anda buka Menu Utama, Bahasa Inggris.
Terima Kasih
spoof text? contohnya gimana?
spoof text adlah cerita lucu.caontohnya:
"May Isee your son?"
No problem but wat till he cry"
Because I forgot where I put him
Apa perbedaan antara hortatory dengan analytical exposition,apakah struktur sama?Berikan contohnya
beda.Generic structure nya juga beda.Analytical exposition diawali dengan thesis, argument ,reinteration sedangkan hortatory exposition diawali thesis, argument..., recomendation. contoh bisa dilihat di buku english progress dari ganesa exact. atau erlangga
apa sih bedany 'this' dengan 'these'
trus 'that' dgn 'those'
thanks a lot
Kita menggunakan "this" untuk satu obyek benda (singular) yang letaknya dekat pembicara (near to us).
Example: This is a book in my hand.
Kita menggunakan "that" untuk satu obyek benda (singular) yang letaknya disana (jauh dari pembicara).
Example: That is his car over there.
Kita menggunakan "these" untuk obyek benda lebih dari satu (plural) yang letaknya dekat pembicara (near to us).
Example: These are my friends next to me.
Kita menggunakan "those" untuk obyek benda lebih dari satu (plural) yang letaknya disana (jauh dari pembicara).
Example: Those are his toys over there
Ini contohnya dalam percakapan:
David: Could you give me that book on the table over there?
Frank: Do you mean this book here?
David: Yes, that book.
Frank: Here you are. Oh, could you give me those magazines on the table over there?
David: These? Sure, here you are.
David: Is there an apple on that table over there?
Frank: Yes, there is. Here it is.
David: Great, are there any oranges?
Frank: No, there aren't.
David: Oh, here they are, next to me on this table.
bisa tolong diberi contoh narrative text beserta artinya tidak?
Contoh Narrative:
Once there were two thin goats. Both of them were hungry. They were tied together with a brown rope. They wanted to eat the green leaves from two separated bushes. One bush was on the left. The other bush was on the right.
The goats thought they could do everything on their own. The first goat wanted to go to the bush on the left, but the second goat wanted to go to the bush on the right. However, the rope was short. They tried but they could not reach they bushes. They were sad.
Then, the goats decided to work together. First, they are the leaves of the bush on the right. Then, ate the leaves on the left. The leaves were delicious. They were happy.
Untuk terjemahannya, kami tidak akan memberikan, silakan Anda coba pahami teks di atas dengan baik. Jika ingin mencoba menerjemahkan sendiri, itu lebih bagus! Terima kasih, selamat mencoba!
bisa minta tolong diberi contoh narrative text beserta artinya
Contoh Narrative.
Once there were two thin goats. Both of them were hungry. They were tied together with a brown rope. They wanted to eat the green leaves from two separated bushes. One bush was on the left. The other bush was on the right.
The goats thought they could do everything on their own. The first goat wanted to go to the bush on the left, but the second goat wanted to go to the bush on the right. However, the rope was short. They tried but they could not reach they bushes. They were sad.
Then, the goats decided to work together. First, they are the leaves of the bush on the right. Then, ate the leaves on the left. The leaves were delicious. They were happy.
Note: Untuk terjemahannya, kami tidak akan memberikan, silakan Anda coba pahami teks di atas dengan baik. Jika ingin mencoba menerjemahkan sendiri, itu lebih bagus! Terima kasih, selamat mencoba!dalam penggunaannya, apa bdanya understand dgn understood?
understand merupakan kata kerja (verb) bentuk 1, sedangkan understood merupakan kata kerja (verb) bentuk 2.
Jadi secara arti sama, cuma penggunaannya harus disesuaikan dengan tense (bentuk waktu).
- I can understand English perfectly
- English can be understood easily (karena kalimat pasif, jadi menngunakan Verb 3).
Selamat Belajar!
Bpk/Ibu sekalian tolong bantuannya untuk dapat memperbaiki karangan saya mengenai Career Job ini. Mohon sekiranya Bpk/Ibu dapat menambahkan beberapa ide. Terima Kasih atas bantuannya.
My name is Budi. I'm 13 years old. I want to be a technician. I like to see tehnician repairs the broken electronics. That's why I want to be a technician.
Technician that came to my house to fix my broken TV, said that it is not easy to be a technician. However, he said he like with his job. He said technician job is not only repairs broken electronic, but it is more than that. He said that a technician should repair broken electronics and gives electronic service to customer, etc.
That technician also said that if I want to be technician, I should love electronics. Because if I like electronics, I can enjoy my work as technician. Beside that, I must train myself to be patient, optimist, energetic, enthusiastic. Those are important since I will tell my friend about my extracurricular. That technician told me, that I must master two skill, those are technical and speaking.
Furthermore, to be a technician I must go to university that provide technician education. I want to go to UNIKA.
For now, I will study hard. I will read many technician book, so that I can know more about technician.
Terima kasih atas kepercayaannya untuk mengoreksi karangan anda.
My name is Budi. I'm 13 years old. I want to be a technician. I like to see tehnician repairing the broken electronics. That's why I want to be a technician.
Technician who came to my house to fix my broken TV, said that it is not easy to be a technician. However, he said he liked his job. He said technician job is not only repairing broken electronic, but also giving electronics service to the customer.
That technician also said that if I wanted to be a technician, I should love electronics. Because if I like electronics, I can enjoy my work as technician. Besides, I must train myself to be patient, optimistic, energetic and enthusiastic. Those are important for the technician . He told me, that I must master two skills, those are technical and speaking skills.
Furthermore, to be a technician I must go to university that provides technical education. I want to go to UNIKA.
For now, I will study hard. I will read many technical books, so I will know more about technician and how to be the technician.
Tlg y dbenerin kalimatku Western countries (has/have) four seasons. Ini bacany gmn:caused;cancerous;longer.thaks y...
Western countries have four seasons.
Kita menggunakan have/has tergantung pada subyeknya.
Jika subyeknya singular (tunggal: she, he, it, dan nama orang/benda/tempat yang jumlahnya hanya satu, misalnya Dewa, My bag, Yogyakarta), maka diikuti has.
- Bobby has much money.
- My new bike has three wheel.
- Yogyakarta has a lot of tourist objects.
Sedangkan have kita gunakan jika subyeknya (I, You They, We, dan subyek yang jumlahnya lebih dari 1<jamak>, seperti: The students, Bobby and Rani, Western countries, Cars, etc)
- They have many pets at home.
- The students have many reading books
- Cars have special four wheels
Untuk pronunciation dari kata:
1. Caused /ko:zd/
2. Cancerous /'kænsərəs/
3. Longer /lαŋgə(r)/
Semoga jelas dan selamat belejar!
Kalau kurang jelas tentang pronunciation, silakan Anda hubungi 0274-583360 pada jam on line (Senin, Rabu, Jumat jam 19.00 - 21.30)
Terima Kasih
tolong karangan recount 1 halaman!!!
Mohon maaf, TIM KBS tidak menerima pembuatan tugas (karangan/teks/pidato). Kalau Anda mau melihat contoh sebagai referensi, silakan Anda buka Menu Utama, Bahasa Inggris.
Terima Kasih