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10 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

bgmn contoh kalimat active voice dan pasivenya??? tolong di jawab ya.....

Ada pertanyaan serupa tentang kalimat aktif dan pasif. Silahkan anda membuka arsip jawaban yang sudah dimuat. Terima kasih

10 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

klo,dlm present tense dan present continios itu cnth klmt active dan pasivenya bagai mana???tlg dijwb

Contoh kalimat aktif dlm Simple Preset Tense

  1. The students study English and Math every 


  2. Farmers cultivate a new variety of paddy

Apabila kalimat diatas diubah menjadi kalimat pasif (passive Voice) :

 1. English and Math are studied by the students 

     every Tuesday.

 2. A new variety of paddy is cultivated by farmers 


Rumus kalimat aktif dari Simple Present T

Kal +) S + V1 + O/K

         Bila subyeknya he, she atau it, V1nya ditambah


     -)  S + does/do + not + V1 + O/K

         Does dipakai untuk subyek he, she dan it.

         Bila sudah ada does, V1 tidak perlu ditambah

         s/es lagi.

         Do dipakai untuk subyek They, We, I dan You

     ?) Do/Does + S + V1 + O/K ?


Rumus Simple Present Tense yang pasif (Passive Voice) 

    +) S + is/am/are + V3 + O/K

        Is untuk subyek he, she dan it

        Am untuk subyek I

        Are untuk subyek You, They dan We

     -) S + as/am/are + not + V3 + O/k

    ?) Is/Am/Are + S + V3 + O/K 


Semoga anda puas dengan jawaban diatas. Terima kasih. 


10 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolongin dong rubahin ke bahasa inggris


susah nya jaga berat badan

   berat badan adalah yang ditakutin oleh wanita.  naik nya berat badan sama aja moster yang datang tiba-tiba.banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi naik nya berat badan 1.pola makan yang tidak beraturan.

2.kurang nya olah raga.

berlehan berat badan dapat diserang penyakit.banyak hal yang dapat menurukan berat badan.

 1.makan yang beratur.

2.olah raga yang teratur.

bila kita menyalakan nya dengan baik maka berat badan kita dapat terjaga 

Problems of gaining weight

Over weight is a big problem for women. Gaining weight is just like a monster which comes suddenly. Many factors affect the weight, such as

1. having meals irregularly

2. lack of doing exercise.

Over weight risks of  being suffered from many diseases. There are some factors that can help us to lose our weight.

1.having meals regularly

2.doing exercise regularly.

If we do those tips well, we can keep our weight normal.



10 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolongin dong rubahin ke bahasa inggris


susah nya jaga berat badan

   berat badan adalah yang ditakutin oleh wanita.  naik nya berat badan sama aja moster yang datang tiba-tiba.banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi naik nya berat badan 1.pola makan yang tidak beraturan.

2.kurang nya olah raga.

berlehan berat badan dapat diserang penyakit.banyak hal yang dapat menurukan berat badan.

 1.makan yang beratur.

2.olah raga yang teratur.

bila kita menyalakan nya dengan baik maka berat badan kita dapat terjaga 

Problems of gaining weight

Over weight is a big problem for women. Gaining weight is just like a monster which comes suddenly. Many factors affect the weight, such as

1. having meals irregularly

2. lack of doing exercise.

Over weight risks of  being suffered from many diseases. There are some factors that can help us to lose our weight.

1.having meals regularly

2.doing exercise regularly.

If we do those tips well, we can keep our weight normal.



10 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Bapak/Ibu, tolong periksa karangan saya berikut ini untuk UAS Praktek. Terima Kasih


My name is Andy. I'm 13 years old. I want to be a technician. I like to see tehnician repairs the broken electronics. That's why I want to be a technician.Technician that came to my house to fix my broken TV, said that it is not easy to be a technician. However, he said he like with his job. He said technician job is not only repairs broken electronic, but it is more than that. He said that a technician should repair broken electronics and gives electronic service to customer, etc.That technician also said that if I want to be technician, I should love electronics. Because if I like electronics, I can enjoy my work as technician. Beside that, I must train myself to be patient, optimist, energetic, enthusiastic. Those are important since I will tell my friend about my extracurricular. That technician told me, that I must master two skill, those are technical and speaking.Furthermore, to be a technician I must go to university that provide technician education. I want to go to National Technology University.For now, I will study hard. I will read many technician book, so that I can know more about technician.


My name is Andy. I'm 13 years old. I want to be a technician. I like to see the tehnician repairing the broken electronics. That's why I want to be a technician.Technician came to my house to fix my broken TV, said that it is not easy to be a technician. However, he said he likes his job. He said  technician  not only repairs broken electronic, but  he has to do more than that. He said that a technician should repair broken electronics and gives electronic service to customer, etc.That technician also said that if I want to be technician, I should love electronics. If I like electronics, I can enjoy my work as a technician. Besides , I must train myself to be patient, optimistic, energetic and enthusiastic. Those are important since I will tell my friend about my extracurricular activity. That technician told me that I must master two skills,  technical and speaking skills.Furthermore,  I must go to university that provides technical education. I want to go to National Technology University.For now, I will study hard. I will read many technical book, so  I can know more about technician.


M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

9 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

kmaren senin gk ada yg njawab prtanyaany ya?


"kill 'em" itu "kill them" atau bkan? 

Mohon maaf, hari Senin internet KBS mati, sehingga kami tidak dapat menjawab pertanyaan Anda dan yang lainnya.

Untuk pertanyaan Anda, kill 'em memang berasal dari kill them. Dalam spoken language, penutur bahasa asli (native speaker) sering melakukan penyederhanaan dalam mengucapkan kata-kata. Contoh lain adalah gimme : give me

Selamat belajar!


8 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

q skrg butuh naskah drama bahasa inggris . scptnya . . dialognya lah . mkasi

Mohon maaf, TIM KBS tidak menerima pembuatan tugas (karangan/teks/pidato/naskah drama). Kalau Anda mau melihat contoh sebagai referensi, silakan Anda buka Menu Utama, Bahasa Inggris.

Terima Kasih


8 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

dalam kalimat "We are the champions"

itu dah bener kan nulisny?

trus di champion ada s ny apakah karena jamak? 

Iya, sudah benar. We are the champions.

's' yang ditambahkan dalam kata 'champion' merupakan bentuk jamak (plural).

Keep on practicing! 


7 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Assalmualaikum.....maaf,bisa diberikan beberapa contoh text hortatory exposition,dengan tema internet...thanks

Mohon maaf, TIM KBS tidak menerima pembuatan tugas (karangan/teks/pidato). Kalau Anda mau melihat contoh sebagai referensi, silakan Anda buka Menu Utama, Bahasa Inggris.

Terima Kasih


7 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Assalamualaikum...maaf,bisa diberikan beberapa contoh text hortatory exposition...Thanks

Mohon maaf, TIM KBS tidak menerima pembuatan tugas (karangan/teks/pidato). Kalau Anda mau melihat contoh sebagai referensi, silakan Anda buka Menu Utama, Bahasa Inggris.

Terima Kasih



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