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3 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Pak/Bu, terima kasih atas jawabannya. Tetapi yg masih buat saya bingung kenapa jawaban untuk pertanyaan ini adalah yg D ya, Pak/Bu? Mengapa harus dalam bentuk pertanyaan untuk titlenya? Terima kasih.

I’m surprised that Soekarno – Hatta airport was awarded the “No. 4 clean toilet” position, while we all know that this airport has one of the dirtiest and smelliest toilet facilities.

            At Soekarno – Hatta, an airport which stays busy 24 hours a day, toilet attendees are gone by 10 p.m. and the toilets are an utter disgrace.

            I propose that toilet operators should teach and train employees how to do the job properly as these facilities should be cleaned and disinfected at regular intervals.

            People should also be educated not to squat on toilet pots. Signs should be put up on places which they can read to solve this problem. The toilet users should pay some money as long as the toilets are exceptionally clean and non-smelly.

Pertanyaan2nya adalah:

Which of the followings becomes the suitable title for the text           above?

      a.   The Soekarno – Hatta airport is the “No. 4 clean toilet”

      b.   The Soekarno – Hatta airport stays busy 24 hours a day.

      c.   The Soekarno – Hatta airport was awarded the “No. 4 clean                toilet”

      d.   Should The Soekarno – Hatta airport be awarded the “No. 4                clean toilet?”

      e.   Should The Soekarno – Hatta airport stay busy 24 hours a day?

Yg kedua: kenapa jawabannya kok yang E ya, Pak/Bu? Apakah bedanya dng jawaban yg A? Mohon penjelasannya. Terima kasih.

Do you have rice as your staple food? But have you ever thought how rice is served on your dining-table. Let’s see the process, shall we?

            First of all, grains are grown on rice fields. When the grains are ripe enough, they are harvested and stored in silos. Later, they are sent into the mills to remove their husks. When the husks have been removed from the grains, they are called rice.

            The rice is then kept in sacks. After that, the sacks are sent to the stores. The prices vary among the rice according to its quality. The rice is bought by the consumers and carried home.

            At home, the rice is washed and cooked in a rice cooker or a simmer. Finally, when it is done, the rice becomes resilient. Now the rice is ready to serve on our dining-table.

            Rice is the most important staple food in most parts of Asia. Asians grow and eat 95% of the world’s rice.

Pertanyaan2nya adalah:

What does the text tell us about?

      a.   The process from grains to rice

      b.   How to cook rice properly

      c.   How to harvest ripe grains

      d.   Rice is the staple food of Asians

      e.   The process of harvesting rice


D. karena merupakan suatu yang mengejutkan / mengherankan jika airport tersebut terbersih ke 4 .
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 6 Februari 2010 0:0

3 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Pak/Bu, terima kasih atas jawabannya. Yg saya buat bingung kenapa kok synonym dari 'SOPHISTICATED' disini itu 'MODERN' ya, Pak/Bu? Bukankah arti dari 'sophisticated' itu 'RUMIT' ya, Pak/Bu? Mohon penjelasannya. Terima kasih banyak.

Since the olden days,  people have always been changing information. Man is not determined to live solitary except certain people or those who do this for certain purposes. People live among others and they need to increase, too. Increasing in many ways, in the way to get their food more easily, to find new things important for them, or in short to make life easier, information is one way to reach it.

            When the world is not as developed as now, information was still very limited. People did change information, but in much simpler ways compared to those that are used nowadays in places where writing had not been used, they changed information by speaking directly or through codes. Then people used letters in the form of writings on pieces of paper or perhaps when paper had not been found yet, they wrote letters or messages on leaves or tree-barks. Very important things were carved on stones.

            What about today? Do people change information? Of course they do. Among those who met face to face they change information by asking and telling one another. Not only do they need information from around their homes or offices but also from farther places from outside their homes, even from outside their countries. It is said that nowadays we live in the globalization era, meaning that countries in the world will be able to increase themselves if they organize with other countries. They depend on one another.

            Among others, information is the one thing that everyone or every country needs. Since several years ago sophisticated instruments have been being used. People have been making use of electronics and other devices. They change information through extremely sophisticated tools. Printed materials come into and out of countries in the world. Telex and facsimile have been broadly applied. By installing a parabolic antenna on out TV set we can watch programs from abroad clearly. The use of internet computers is now developing everywhere.

            In conclusion, globalization information are essential to reach everything easier and faster.

Pertanyaan2nya adalah:

Since several years ago sophisticated instruments have been being             used. The word ‘sophisticated’ has almost the same meaning          as ………

      a.   good

      b.   complex

      c.   complicated

      d.   difficult

      e.   modern


shopisticated means 'canggih'. Rumit is complicated.
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 6 Februari 2010 0:0

3 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Pak/Bu, mohon maaf sekali karena saya menanyakan pertanyaan ttg teks ini berulang - ulang. Menurut Bpk/Ibu, teks ini adalah termasuk jenis teks "DESCRIPTION" karena memberikan gambaran (to describe) fungsi dari bagian tumbuhan, dan teks tersebut merupakan bagian dari paragraf sebelumnya yang memberikan gambaran ttg tumbuhan. Itu alasan yg diberikan oleh Bpk/Ibu. Yg masih buat saya bingung: teks yg saya dapatkan seperti yg di bawah ini, tidak ada paragraf sebelumnya yg memberikan gambaran ttg tumbuhan sama sekali, Pak/Bu. Mohon penjelasannya secara langsung saja sekali lagi ya, Pak/Bu. Mohon maaf karena memang saya belum bisa membedakan teks REPORT dan DESCRIPTIVE dng jelas sekali.

 The root is the part grows under ground. It has two function. The first is to absorb water and organic substances from the soil. The second is to support other parts of the body.

            The stem is the main axis of the plant. It develops buds and shoots it functions in transportations through vascular tissues xylem and phloem. Xylem transport water and dissolved material from the root upward to the leaf Phloem transport food material downward from the leaf to the body cell. It also function in food storage.

            The leaf is usually a flat lateral out growth from stem or branch. The primary function of leaf is to produce food by photosynthesis. A leaf usually has chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is an important things in photosynthesis, a process of carbohydrate formation from carbon dioxide and water.

Pertanyaan2nya adalah:

What’s the form of the passage?

      a.   Exposition

      b.   Recount

      c.   Description

      d.   News item

      e.   Report

      Jawaban yg benar yg C / D ya, Pak/Bu?


Apakah soal yang anda peroleh seperti itu? Karena menurut saya teks diatas merupakan kelanjutan dari paragraf sebelumnya yang tentunya menurut saya tentang tanaman. Menurut guru anda jawabannya yang mana? Berikut saya berikan penjelasan mengenai Report dan Descriptive text. 

The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
Descriptive text has structure as below:
Identification; identifying the phenomenon to be described.
Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics.

The Language Feature of Descriptive Text
Using attributive and identifying process.
Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group.
Using simple present tense


Generic Structure of Report
1. General classification: Stating classification of general aspect of thing; animal, public place, plant, etc which will be discussed in general
2. Description: Describing the thing which will be discussed in detail; part per part , customs or deed for living creature and usage for materials

Language Feature of Report
• Introducing group or general aspect
• Using conditional logical connection; when, so, etc
• Using simple present tense



Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 6 Februari 2010 0:0

3 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Once, a cap seller was passing through a jungle. He was dead tired. He needed rest urgently. He spread a cloth under a tree and began to rest. He placed his bag of caps near him and lay down with a cap on his head.      

            The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. Then he suddenly got up. The first thing he did was to have a look at his bag. He was at the first startled when he found all his caps missing, though the bag was intact. He thought and thought but couldn’t understand where the cap could have gone. Indeed, he was greatly puzzled.

            All of a sudden, he looked toward the sky. In the branches of the tree, he saw several monkeys. Each of them was wearing a cap on his head. Evidently, they had seen the cap seller wearing a cap and imitated him.

           He decided to get his caps back by making a humble request to them. In return, the monkeys only made faces at him. Then, he began to gesticulate. They too began to do the same. He even raised his fist toward them as if to threaten them. They only imitated him.

            He began to think. At last he hit upon a clever idea. “Monkeys are great imitators,” he thought. So he took off his own cap and threw it down to the ground. All of the monkeys followed suit instantaneously. He stood up and collected all his caps, put them into his bag and went away.

Pertanyaannya adalah:

1. The complication started when ……………

a.   he passed the jungle

b.   he had a sound sleep for two hours

c.   he was unable to find his bag

d.   he saw several monkeys wearing caps

e.   he made a humble request to them

Jawaban yg benar yg D ya, Pak/Bu?


Enroll now for a one month fast track training

Our coaches are highly trained and qualified.

We guarantee your satisfaction, fun and a lot of excitements.

Session     :   From Monday to Sunday

Min Age   :   5 years

Pertanyaannya adalah:

2. This course is suitable for ……………

a.   primary school children

b.   secondary school pupils

c.   working adults

d.   toddlers

e.   everyone over four years old

Jawaban yg benar yg A / E ya, Pak/Bu? Mohon penjelasannya.


1. C

2. Dengan melihat syarat min 5 tahun, menurut saya jawaban yang tepat adalah A sesuai dengan pertanyaan yang menanyakan kursus tersebut cocok untuk siapa. Kalau yang E berarti untuk semua orang dan menurut saya tidak sesuai dengan pertanyaan. 

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 6 Februari 2010 0:0

3 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Centuries ago, man discovered that removing moisture from food helps to preserve it, and that the easiest way to expose the food to sun and wind. In this way the North American Indians produce pemmican (dried meat ground into powder and made into cakes), the Scandinavians make stockfish and the Arabs dried dates and “apricots leather”.

            All food contain water – cabbage and other leaf vegetables contain as much as 93% water, potatoes and other root vegetables 80%, lean meat 75% and fish anything from 80% to 60% depending on how fatty it is. If this water is removed, the activity of bacteria which cause food to go bad is checked ……………………………….

Pertanyaannya adalah:

Bacteria which cause food to go bad ……………

a.   cannot live in sunlight

b.   are killed by drying

c.   are in no way dependent on the water content

d.   have their activity greatly reduced by drying

e.   increase during the process of drying

Maaf Pak/Bu, jawaban yg benar yg mana ya? Apa maksud dari “……… is checked” di kalimat tsb di atas ya, Pak/Bu?


Bakteri yang menyebabkan makanan jadi jelek.

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 6 Februari 2010 0:0

3 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

High school graduates are sometimes nervous attending college, because they fear that everything will be different. (1) _____ there are some important similarities between college and high school. In both place, academic (2) _____ depends on being responsible student. This means attending classes regularly. Similarly (3) _____ success in college is like that in high school. If you have had friends in high school, you will get also in college. College also (4) _____ high school activities. Musical groups, sport teams, special interest clubs and other activities are found in both (5) _____.

Pertanyaan2nya adalah:

1.   a.   In fact

      b.   In contrast

      c.   However

      d.   Therefore

      e.   Consequently

      Jawaban yg benar yg A ya, Pak/Bu?

2.   a.   succeed

      b.   success

      c.   succeeding

      d.   successful        

      e.   successfully

      Jawaban yg benar yg B / E ya, Pak/Bu? Mohon penjelasannya.

3.   a.   socialize

      b.   socialization

      c.   socialized

      d.   socializing

      e.   social

      Jawaban yg benar yg B / E ya, Pak/Bu? Mohon penjelasannya.

4.   a.   resembles

      b.   looks like

      c.   duplicates

      d.   imitates

      e.   agrees with

      Jawaban yg benar yg A / B ya, Pak/Bu? Apa beda antara        keduanya? Mohon penjelasannya.

5.   a.   colleges

      b.   institutions

      c.   schools

      d.   clubs

      e.   activities      Jawaban yg benar yg B ya, Pak/Bu?

1. A Dari kalimat sebelumnya menjelaskan tentang ketakutan lulusan SMA tentang hal yang berbeda saat mereka di SMA.  Sementara kalimat kedua menjelaskan tentang adanya persamaan antara colledge dan SMA. Jadi jawabannya in fact (padahal)

2. D sebelum kata kerja/setelah subject bisa menggunakan kata keterangan (adverb)

3.C Keberhasilan yang disosialisasikan di colledge

4. B sama seperti

5. B  sekolah maupun colledge merupakan suatu institusi

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 6 Februari 2010 0:0

3 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

The solar energy is cheaper than any other fossil fuel because we can get the abundant source from the sun ……………………........

1. The word ‘abundant’ means ……………

a.   short of

b.   a lot of

c.   plenty of

d.   enough

e.   more than enough

Jawaban yg benar yg B, C / E ya, Pak/Bu? Apa beda antara a lot of & plenty of? Mohon penjelasannya. 

NEW PURE DAY & NIGHT is the unique, new dual approach to fight acne. PURE DAY & NIGHT is the only acne medication with two different formulas in one bottle.     

            First, the invisible DAY GEL works to unclog pores. Then, the vanishing night lotion penetrates to fight acne causing bacteria and help prevent future breakouts.

Warning: Stop using it when signs of irritation appear.

Pertanyaan2nya adalah:

2.   Whom is this oil – lotion especially for?

      a.   It is for young children

      b.   It is for the old people

      c.   It is for young and adult ones

      d.   It is for those having face – oily – skin

      e.   It is for all ages

      Jawaban yg benar yg C / D ya, Pak/Bu?

3.   What is the purpose of the text above?

      a.     to persuade the readers

      b.     to amuse the readers

      c.     to explain something to the readers

      d.     to describe something to the reader

      e.     to report something to the readers

      Jawaban yg benar yg D / E ya, Pak/Bu? Mohon penjelasannya           secara langsung saja ya, Pak/Bu.



1. C artinya berlimpah/sangat banyak

2. Cyang mempunyai jerawat/acne remaja dan dewas

3. E berikut penjelasan tentang report

Generic Structure of Report
1. General classification: Stating classification of general aspect of thing; animal, public place, plant, etc which will be discussed in general
2. Description: Describing the thing which will be discussed in detail; part per part , customs or deed for living creature and usage for materials

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 6 Februari 2010 0:0

3 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

It must have been about two in the morning when we returned home. I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the door bell, but she was fast asleep. So, I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bed room window. I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said,

            “I don’t think the window need cleaning at this time of the night.”

            I look down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. I immediately regretted answering in the way I did, but I said, “I enjoy cleaning windows at night.”

            “So do I” answered the policeman in the same tone. “Excuse my interrupting you, but would you mind coming with me to the station?”

            “Well, I’d prefer to stay here, I’ve forgotten my key.”

            “Your what?” he called.

            “My key,” I shouted; fortunately, my wife opened the door just hearing my shouting when the policeman started to climb toward him for arresting.

Pertanyaan2nya adalah:

1.   What kind of text is the passage about?

      a.   description       

      b.   explanation

      c.   spoof

      d.   recount

      e.   narrative

      Jawaban yg benar yg C / D ya, Pak/Bu?

2.   “I was almost there when a sarcastic voice ………”

      The underlined word means ………

      a.   frightening words

      b.   unexpected words

      c.   mocking words

      d.   advising words

      e.   friendly words

      Jawaban yg benar yg A / C ya, Pak/Bu?




 1. D

Generic Structure of Recount
1. Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time
2. Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past
3. Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story


Definition and Social Function of Spoof
Spoof is a text which tells factual story, happened in the past time with unpredictable and funny ending. Its social function is to entertain and share the story.

Generic Structure of Spoof
1. Orientation
2. Events
3. Twist


2. C 

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 6 Februari 2010 0:0

3 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Detective stories were considered badly organized that contained many things that could not be real; however, he found many of them interesting. That up to now many people in the world still read the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, that the character is admirable. The character was taken from one of his former professors, Joseph Bell whom he admired. He could tell accurately every one’s job, character, or disease although the professor had not met the person before. He always did something down to the smallest details. He could be the hero of his detective stories by the name of Sherlock Holmes as in “A Study in Scarlet” written in 1887. His short stories were written while his leisure time in his office as doctor of eye-specialist, being patient rarely come to have him examine – whereas he abandoned the profession at last.

            The most interesting thing of his detective stories is they always seem so real that people never get tired of reading them. Each adventure begun with an interesting scene or situation that the readers feel they are a part of the scene and the adventures. Besides, the detective thinks fast. He can often tell in advance what crimes are going to happen. The incidents in the stories often make the readers smile or laugh. There are many things that the readers can learn from the fast-thinking hero’s adventures, told by his friend Dr. Watson.

Pertanyaan2nya adalah:

1.   What makes the detective stories interesting?

      a.   They are real stories

      b.   They are told accurately

      c.   They are admirable and seem to be real

      d.   They are unreal stories

      e.   The characters are heroes

      Jawaban yg benar yg C / E ya, Pak/Bu? Mohon penjelasannya.

2.   Why did Sherlock Holmes take Joseph Bell as his main character?

      It is because ………

      a.   Joseph Bell was is former professor

      b.   Joseph Bell was an eye specialist

      c.   Joseph Bell was a good professor

      d.   Joseph Bell was a kind of fast – thinking person

      e.   Joseph Bell was a good detective

      Jawaban yg benar yg A ya, Pak/Bu?


2. D

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 6 Februari 2010 0:0

3 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

The city of Washington is one of the cities in the world which were really planned as a capital city. Occupying an area is not too cold in winter and not too hot in summer, Washington D.C, offers a suitable climate for the year round active administration. Two lines, east to west and north to south, divide the city into four parts which the capital building as the center.

            Its inhabitants consist of people coming from all parts of the United States of America and from almost every country in the world. As a center of all the government offices, Washington D.C. is always busy serving the needs of the central government and its employees. Many of the inhabitants of Washington D.C. are government employees. Together with the members of the families there are more than 300,000 people. People say that actually government is indeed Washington’s big business.

            Among the government buildings in Washington D.C. the capital Building where the congress has its meetings, and the White house, where the president of United States of America and his family live, are the most popular. There are many very good libraries, too. The library Congress, which is the largest in the United States of America, has millions of books and different kinds of documents. It has also become famous for the library system that it has developed and which is now being used internationally.

Pertanyaannya adalah:

1.   What kind of text is that?

      a.   report

      b.   description

      c.   explanation

      d.   analytical exposition

      e.   narrative

      Jawaban yg benar yg A / B ya, Pak/Bu? Mohon penjelasannya           secara langsung saja. Terima kasih.2.   Why does the Washington city have no changes up to now?

      a.   It offers a suitable climate for the year round active administration.

      b.   Its inhabitants consist of people who deal with the government administration.

      c.   It was really planned as a capital city.

      d.   A part of the city is occupied by parks and other recreation areas.

      e.   There are some big buildings such as Capital Building, library, etc.

      Jawaban yg benar yg B ya, Pak/Bu?



Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 6 Februari 2010 0:0


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