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2 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

materi tentang expression of positive negative materinya seperti apa ya...

penjelasannya juga...terimakasih..


Trima kasih atas partisipasi anda, apakah yang anda maksud seperti berikut ini:

Expression of inviting someone: Would you like to come to my house this evening?

Negative response: I'd love to, but I'm sorry I have something else to do.

Positive response:  It sounds interestin, see you there then.

Jadi positive response digunakan ketika seseorang menerima tawaran/undangan  sedangkan negative response digunakan ketika seseorang menolak undangan/tawaran



ENDANG TRININGSIH 5 Februari 2010 0:0

31 Januari 2010
AneuK Nanggroe Aceh DarussaLam ..
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

 selamat pagi,.....

maaf, saya mau nanya tentang announcement and prosedur text yaitu tentang :



  • definition
  • structure
  • social fungtion
  • loxico/characteristic
  • and example nya.


 tlng a kirim kan ke email saya..... 


A procedure is a piece of writing which consists of instructions to follow.

Communicative Purpose

To tell the steps in doing or making something in a sequential orde­r

Examples of Procedure Texts

Instruction manuals, recipes

Text Organization

·         Goal states an opening statement with an objective.

·         Materials (optional) list the materials or items needed.

·         Steps provide a series of steps listed in a logical order.

Language Features

·         Present tense, e.g. The cake looks delicious.

·         Adjectives, e.g. big, small, sweet, etc.

·         Nouns, e.g. number, scissors, flour, etc.

·         Imperative verbs, e.g. Follow the steps below.

·         Quantifiers, e.g. much, few, etc.

·         Sequence connectors, e.g. first, then, etc.




Please follow these procedures in order to make a machine withdrawal from your Country Bank checking or saving accounts:

1.   Insert your card facing up into the card slot of the teller machine.

2.   Enter your four-digit identification number on the numbered buttons.

3.   Press the withdrawal for checking or the button for savings.

4.   Enter the amount of withdrawal on the numbered buttons, and wait for your receipt to be printed.

5.   Remove your card from the slot. The drawer will open with a receipt and your cash withdrawal in fifty-thousand rupiah packets.

All customers are limited to two withdrawals in a twenty-four-hour period. If you attempt to withdraw more than the limited number of time, your card will be retained in the machine, and you will have to reclaim it in person at your main branch bank.


1.   What is the passage about`?

a.   How to get a Country Bank card

b.   How to make a loan at Country Bank

c.   How to use the Country Bank teller machine

d.   How to open an account at Country Bank

 Announcement adalah teks lisan maupun tulis yang berfungsi untuk memberikan informasi kepada khalayak ramai. Teks pengumuman bisa mneggunakan tenses apapun sesuai kebutuhan, tapi biasanya sering menggunakan simple present. 

Karakteristik dari teks pengumuman adalah bahasanya singkat, jelas, dan informatif. Berikut ini adalah contoh teks pengumuman: 



Garuda Indonesia GA 675 to Denpasar is delayed for 90 minutes. All passengers please proceed to the waiting lounge in terminal A for refreshment.

We do apologize for this inconvenience



ENDANG TRININGSIH 5 Februari 2010 0:0

20 Januari 2010
arizal prakasa
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong brikan contoh kalimat ungkapan kesantunan  dalam bahasa inggris !


Trima kasih atas pertanyaan anda, berikut ini adalah contoh kesantunan dalam bahasa Inggris:

1. Would you please lend me some money?

2. Do you mind accompanying me to the post office?

3. May I borrow your dictionary please?

4. I wonder if you would be glad to help me do this homework?

5. etc.


ENDANG TRININGSIH 5 Februari 2010 0:0

3 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Pak/Bu, saya ingin tanya apakah di dalam Procedural text itu, air terhitung sebagai material atau tidak ya, Pak/Bu?

Terima kasih.

Thank you.

Well it depends on our goal of writing the procedure text.  If water is used as part of the material such as on serving tea, making soup, etc, then it becomes the material. But  water can be just a media on the process.  For example on the procedure of How to Make a Water Floating Plastic Boat.

Thank you.

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 3 Februari 2010 0:0

3 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Pak/Bu, terima kasih sudah menjawab pertanyaan saya ini. Masih ada yg ingin saya tanyakan: mengapa jawabannya bisa yg C ya, Pak/Bu? Apakah 'double spaced' itu maksudnya bukan supaya 'easy to read' ya, Pak/Bu? Mohon penjelasannya segera. Terima kasih.


Student Writing Contest

The ATLANTIC invites submissions of poetry, fiction, and personal or journalistic essays for this year’s Student Writing Contest.


Poetry, fiction, and personal or journalistic essays


Should be typewritten (one side only, please) double spaced, and accompanied by a cover sheet with the following information: title, category, word count, author’s name, address, phone number, e-mail address (if available), and academic institution.

Pertanyaannya adalah:

The followings are required for the works that the participants should prepare, EXCEPT that they are ………

a.   original

b.   unpublished

c.   easy to read

d.   typewritten


Thank you.

The requirement of 'easy to read' is not a principle one, compared with the other reasons : original (as a personal one), unpublished (original/personal) and typrwritten (as stated in the text).

Hope it'll be clearer.

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 3 Februari 2010 0:0

2 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

Tolong kasih contoh exposition immigration in indonesia.. Tolong bgt soalnya besok d kumpul!

silakan klik

selamat belajar

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 3 Februari 2010 0:0

28 Januari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

      Once there was a possum who went to visit my house. The possum was very tired and hungry. He went to different place to find food, so he made a big mess around the house.

       frist,he went into the coupboard in the big kitchen. After that he went into the small washing basket. The possum's next stop the study room. Here he perched on the to of the book shelf.Next, he went to the lounge and hid in the stereo. After visiting the lounge, he went to the bathroom, he squirted all toothpaste out. then he hid in the toilet.Finally, the possum went to the bedroom and slept on the bed. He looked very cute when sleeping.


1. Why did the writer write this story?

    a. to entertain he reader

    b. to show how to do something

    c. to describe what the possum is

    d. to inform the readers about what happened


2."he looked very cute when sleeping."(last sentences)

     what is function of the senteces?

    a. to show how possum sleeps

    b. the show the writer's opinion

    c. to retell diferent events

    d. to discribed a possum

Thank you.

Answer number 1. A

          number 2. B as the function of that sentence part is the Reorientation that can involve the writer's opinion or impressions.

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 3 Februari 2010 0:0

21 Januari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Pak/Ibu, ini teks lengkap nya yg ada kata 'exclusive' nya ya:

Enjoy this exclusive offer.

Get 25% discount.

Imported Books

11 – 25 July 2009

Eureka Bookstore

What does the word “exclusive” mean?

a.   extremely good

b.   very fashionable

c.   private and expensive

d.   limited and not shared

Jadi yg betul A, B / D ya, Pak/Bu? Mohon dijelaskan.

Terima kasih, Pak/Bu.

Thanks for your clarification.

Now you may check on our answer on the other question line. The answer is A.


SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 3 Februari 2010 0:0

21 Januari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Pak/Bu, mohon jawabannya SEGERA. Terima kasih.

A long time ago in Prambanan palace lived a king named Baka with his beautiful daughter, Roro Jonggrang. Many rulers wanted to marry Roro Jonggrang, so they competed for her. When Bandung Bondowoso conquered Prambanan, he killed King Baka in a battle.

            Bandung Bondowoso let Roro Jonggrang live, but she was supposed to marry Bandung. She refused, making Bandung humiliated and offended. Roro Jonggrang struggled to escape, but it was in vain.

            Eventually, Roro Jonggrang agreed to marry Bandung, but on one condition, Bandung had to present a big wonderful palace with one thousand sculptures in it. In addition, he had to finish it before the sun rose.

            Bandung immediately called his invisible friends for help. They did what their master ordered. Knowing it, Roro Jonggrang was worried. It appeared they would finish the work before morning, and would not stop.

            “What can I do?” Roro Jonggrang thought in a panic. Suddenly, she had an idea. She awoke her maids and nannies, and asked them to do their daily routines as if morning had come. They also made shadow as if there was a sun in the sky.

            Bandung was surprised. The sky was red, the rooster crowed, and the people pounded rice. Meanwhile, the job had not been finished. The evil spirits disappeared because they were scared of light.

            Bandung was left alone. When he found out that Roro Jonggrang had used tricks, he cursed her. He turned her into a stone, which completed the temples.

            Even today, the statue of Roro Jonggrang remains in the temple.

Pertanyaannya adalah:

1.   What moral value can we learn from the story?

      a.   We should know our enemy.

      b.   We must keep promise.

      c.   We should play tricks wisely.

      d.   We must not make friends with evil spirits.

      Yg betul B / C ya, Pak/Bu? Mohon dijelaskan.Read the sentences below. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph.

1.   These violent storms are often a hundred miles in diameter, and        their wind can reach velocities of seventy-five miles per hour or       more.

2.   The energy that is released by a hurricane in one day exceeds the     total energy consumed by the humankind through out the world in             one year.

3.   Hurricanes exert tremendous power.

4.   Furthermore, the strong wind and heavy rain fall that accompany      them can completely destroy a small town in a couple of hours.

5.   They can also be called cyclones.

a.   1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5

b.   3 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 2

c.   3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4

d.   5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

Yg betul C / D ya, Pak/Bu?


A long time ago in Prambanan palace lived a king named Baka with his beautiful daughter, Roro Jonggrang. Many rulers wanted to marry Roro Jonggrang, so they competed for her. When Bandung Bondowoso conquered Prambanan, he killed King Baka in a battle.

            Bandung Bondowoso let Roro Jonggrang live, but she was supposed to marry Bandung. She refused, making Bandung humiliated and offended. Roro Jonggrang struggled to escape, but it was in vain.

            Eventually, Roro Jonggrang agreed to marry Bandung, but on one condition, Bandung had to present a big wonderful palace with one thousand sculptures in it. In addition, he had to finish it before the sun rose.

            Bandung immediately called his invisible friends for help. They did what their master ordered. Knowing it, Roro Jonggrang was worried. It appeared they would finish the work before morning, and would not stop.

            “What can I do?” Roro Jonggrang thought in a panic. Suddenly, she had an idea. She awoke her maids and nannies, and asked them to do their daily routines as if morning had come. They also made shadow as if there was a sun in the sky.

            Bandung was surprised. The sky was red, the rooster crowed, and the people pounded rice. Meanwhile, the job had not been finished. The evil spirits disappeared because they were scared of light.

            Bandung was left alone. When he found out that Roro Jonggrang had used tricks, he cursed her. He turned her into a stone, which completed the temples.

            Even today, the statue of Roro Jonggrang remains in the temple.

Pertanyaannya adalah:

1.   What moral value can we learn from the story?

      a.   We should know our enemy.

      b.   We must keep promise.

      c.   We should play tricks wisely.

      d.   We must not make friends with evil spirits.

      Yg betul B / C ya, Pak/Bu? Mohon dijelaskan.


The correct answer is B as it happens to Roro Jonggrang who finally became a statue because of her unfaithfulness of her promise to marry Bandung Bondowoso.


Read the sentences below. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph.

1.   These violent storms are often a hundred miles in diameter, and        their wind can reach velocities of seventy-five miles per hour or       more.

2.   The energy that is released by a hurricane in one day exceeds the     total energy consumed by the humankind through out the world in             one year.

3.   Hurricanes exert tremendous power.

4.   Furthermore, the strong wind and heavy rain fall that accompany      them can completely destroy a small town in a couple of hours.

5.   They can also be called cyclones.

a.   1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5

b.   3 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 2

c.   3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4

d.   5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

Yg betul C / D ya, Pak/Bu?

 Jawaban yang benar adalah C


SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 3 Februari 2010 0:0

21 Januari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9


            Granada is one of Andalucia’s most historic centers, famed particularly for its glorious Alhambra. Granada’s location is stunning, situated as it is at the foot of the Sierra Nevada. Winter skiing holidays are popular around Granada. Like Cordoba, Granada has a distinctly Moorish character and was the last of the Andalucian Arab centers to be conquered finally by the Christians in 1492.           

            In the 20th century the name of Frederico Garcia Lorca, poet and writer of numerous plays, is celebrated in his hometown Granada. Lorca is considered by many to be one of Spain’s best 20th century authors. A republican supporter, he was shot by nationalists in Granada in the early days of the Spanish Civil War in 1936. Lorca’s summerhouse just outside Granada is now a house-museum with numerous personal items and photography on display. The Granada region, in tribute, has named their airport after the poet.

            Granada has a thriving music, cinema and theater / festivals scene, alongside a host of monuments and museums, including an archaeological musem.

Pertanyaannya adalah:

1. What kind of text is it?

a.   Narrative

b.   Procedure

c.   Recount

d.   Report

Yg betul yg D ya, Pak/Bu?


            A large number of candidates initially entered the Democratic Party presidential primaries. After a few initial contests, the field narrowed to a contest between Obama and Hillary Clinton, with each winning some stated and with the race remaining nearly tied throughout the primary process. On May 31st, the Democratic National Committee agreed to seat all of the disputed Michigan and Florida delegates at the national convention, each with a half-vote, narrowing Obama’s delegate lead. On June 3rd, with all states counted, Obama passed the threshold to become the presumptive nominee. On that day, he gave a victory speech in St. Paul, Minnesota. Clinton suspended her campaign and endorsed him on June 7th. From that point on, he campaigned for the general election race against John McCain, the Republican nominee.

            On August 23rd, Obama selected Delaware Senator, Joe Biden, as his vice presidential running mate. At the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado, Obama’s former rival Hillary Clinton gave a speech in support of Obama’s candidacy and later called for Obama to be nominated by acclamation as the Democratic presidential candidate. On August 28th, Obama delivered a speech to the 84,000 supporters in Denver. During the speech, which was viewed by over 38 million people worldwide, he accepted his party’s nomination and presented his policy goals.

            After McCain was nominated as the Republican presidential candidate, there were three presidential debates between Obama and McCain in September and October 2008. In November, Obama won the presidency with 53% of the popular vote and a wide electoral college margin. His election sparked street celebrations in numerous cities in the United States and abroad.

Pertanyaannya adalah:

2. What kind of text is it?

a.   Narrative

b.   Recount

c.   Report

d.   Procedure

Yg betul yg B / C ya, Pak/Bu?



            Granada is one of Andalucia’s most historic centers, famed particularly for its glorious Alhambra. Granada’s location is stunning, situated as it is at the foot of the Sierra Nevada. Winter skiing holidays are popular around Granada. Like Cordoba, Granada has a distinctly Moorish character and was the last of the Andalucian Arab centers to be conquered finally by the Christians in 1492.           

            In the 20th century the name of Frederico Garcia Lorca, poet and writer of numerous plays, is celebrated in his hometown Granada. Lorca is considered by many to be one of Spain’s best 20th century authors. A republican supporter, he was shot by nationalists in Granada in the early days of the Spanish Civil War in 1936. Lorca’s summerhouse just outside Granada is now a house-museum with numerous personal items and photography on display. The Granada region, in tribute, has named their airport after the poet.

            Granada has a thriving music, cinema and theater / festivals scene, alongside a host of monuments and museums, including an archaeological musem.

Pertanyaannya adalah:

1. What kind of text is it?

a.   Narrative

b.   Procedure

c.   Recount

d.   Report

Yg betul yg D ya, Pak/Bu?

It’s a descriptive text because it describes something (can be things, places or people) in specific category and this text describes a topic onf Granada.



            A large number of candidates initially entered the Democratic Party presidential primaries. After a few initial contests, the field narrowed to a contest between Obama and Hillary Clinton, with each winning some stated and with the race remaining nearly tied throughout the primary process. On May 31st, the Democratic National Committee agreed to seat all of the disputed Michigan and Florida delegates at the national convention, each with a half-vote, narrowing Obama’s delegate lead. On June 3rd, with all states counted, Obama passed the threshold to become the presumptive nominee. On that day, he gave a victory speech in St. Paul, Minnesota. Clinton suspended her campaign and endorsed him on June 7th. From that point on, he campaigned for the general election race against John McCain, the Republican nominee.

            On August 23rd, Obama selected Delaware Senator, Joe Biden, as his vice presidential running mate. At the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado, Obama’s former rival Hillary Clinton gave a speech in support of Obama’s candidacy and later called for Obama to be nominated by acclamation as the Democratic presidential candidate. On August 28th, Obama delivered a speech to the 84,000 supporters in Denver. During the speech, which was viewed by over 38 million people worldwide, he accepted his party’s nomination and presented his policy goals.

            After McCain was nominated as the Republican presidential candidate, there were three presidential debates between Obama and McCain in September and October 2008. In November, Obama won the presidency with 53% of the popular vote and a wide electoral college margin. His election sparked street celebrations in numerous cities in the United States and abroad.

Pertanyaannya adalah:

2. What kind of text is it?

a.   Narrative

b.   Recount

c.   Report

d.   Procedure

Yg betul yg B / C ya, Pak/Bu?


It’s a recount text.

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 3 Februari 2010 0:0


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