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10 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

Pak/Bu, mohon bantuannya. Terima kasih.

A   :   What can we do in the library?

B    :   ……………

a.   We can read books and use the computers

b.   We must read books and watch films

c.   We can read books, watch films, and use the computers

d.   We must not use the computers, but we can read the books

Yg betul A / C ya, Pak/Bu? 

Trima kasih atas pertanyaan anda. Jawaban untuk pertanyaan yg anda tanyakan memang sangat situasional tergantung pada fasilitas yg dimiliki perpustakaan, karena ada juga perpustakaan yang dilengkapi dgn film2 pendidikan jadi kita bisa menonton film disana. Jadi jawaban A dan C ada kemungkinan benar.Tq
ENDANG TRININGSIH 10 Februari 2010 0:0

9 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Pak/Bu, kenapa jawaban di bawah ini yg A (distribution of chameleons) ya? Yg the common chameleon ranges from the Middle East, along the North African coast to southern Spain itu bukan termasuk distribution of Chameleons ya, Pak/Bu? Mohon dijelaskan. Terima kasih.


            There are 80 different types of chameleons in the world, most of which are to be found in Africa, south of the Sahara desert. The common chameleon ranges from the Middle East, along the North African coast to southern Spain.

            The chameleon is a slow-moving lizard which hunts for insects among trees and undergrowth. One of its peculiar features is its eyes, which are set in two conical sockets and can move independently of one another. This enables the chameleon to look behind with one eye and in front with the other.

            Chameleons are well-known for their ability to change color. The skin and body markings can change color to match the surroundings. Among the plants, for example, the chameleon is very difficult to spot among foliage.

            When the chameleon spots an insect which it thinks would make a fine meal, it shoots out a long, sticky tongue and draws its prey back into its mouth.


Pertanyaannya adalah:

Which of the following ideas is NOT mentioned in the text?

a.   Distribution of chameleons

b.   Description of chameleons

c.   Chameleons’ ability to make a fine meal

d.   Chameleons’ ability to change color


 Terimakasih atas pertanyaan anda.

Jawaban yang benar : C

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 10 Februari 2010 0:0

9 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

happy – I – to – know – that – you – parents – met – your – am - finally

Susunan yg benar untuk kalimat tsb adalah:

a.   I am happy to know that finally you met your parents

b.   I am happy to know that you finally met your parents

Yg benar A / B? Mohon dijelaskan. Terima kasih

Susunan kalimat yang benar adalah A.

 I am happy to know that finally you met your parents.

Kata 'finally' adalah adverb yang biasanya penempatannya di depan sendiri atau di paling belakang. Yang biasanya mengikuti Subject adalah adverb of frequency seperti always, sometimes, never, frequently, seldom, dll.


SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 10 Februari 2010 0:0

6 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Ibu Tri, terima kasih atas jawabannya. Tapi yg masih buat saya bingung kenapa kok complication nya itu yg C ya, Bu padahal yg hilang itu bukan tasnya, tapi topinya. Mohon penjelasannya. Terima kasih.

Once, a cap seller was passing through a jungle. He was dead tired. He needed rest urgently. He spread a cloth under a tree and began to rest. He placed his bag of caps near him and lay down with a cap on his head.      

            The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. Then he suddenly got up. The first thing he did was to have a look at his bag. He was at the first startled when he found all his caps missing, though the bag was intact. He thought and thought but couldn’t understand where the cap could have gone. Indeed, he was greatly puzzled.

            All of a sudden, he looked toward the sky. In the branches of the tree, he saw several monkeys. Each of them was wearing a cap on his head. Evidently, they had seen the cap seller wearing a cap and imitated him.

           He decided to get his caps back by making a humble request to them. In return, the monkeys only made faces at him. Then, he began to gesticulate. They too began to do the same. He even raised his fist toward them as if to threaten them. They only imitated him.

            He began to think. At last he hit upon a clever idea. “Monkeys are great imitators,” he thought. So he took off his own cap and threw it down to the ground. All of the monkeys followed suit instantaneously. He stood up and collected all his caps, put them into his bag and went away.

Pertanyaannya adalah:

The complication started when ……………

a.   he passed the jungle

b.   he had a sound sleep for two hours

c.   he was unable to find his bag

d.   he saw several monkeys wearing caps

e.   he made a humble request to them


maaf ada kesalahan teknis.


Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 10 Februari 2010 0:0

6 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Pak/Bu sekalian, kenapa kok jawaban untuk pertanyaan saya ini ada 2 versi ya: termasuk teks RECOUNT dan teks SPOOF. Saya jadi bingung sebenarnya teks bacaan ini termasuk jenis teks yg mana. Mohon penjelasannya. Terima kasih.

It must have been about two in the morning when we returned home. I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the door bell, but she was fast asleep. So, I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bed room window. I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said,

            “I don’t think the window need cleaning at this time of the night.”

            I look down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. I immediately regretted answering in the way I did, but I said, “I enjoy cleaning windows at night.”

            “So do I” answered the policeman in the same tone. “Excuse my interrupting you, but would you mind coming with me to the station?”

            “Well, I’d prefer to stay here, I’ve forgotten my key.”

            “Your what?” he called.

            “My key,” I shouted; fortunately, my wife opened the door just hearing my shouting when the policeman started to climb toward him for arresting.


ini masuk ke spoof
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 10 Februari 2010 0:0

6 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Pak/Bu, mohon penjelasannya kenapa kok the final process of brick making ini ada di paragraph 4 padahal di paragraph 5 masih ada kalimat: "The kiln is the final destination for the bricks. Apakah the kiln itu tidak termasuk dalam 'proses of brick making ya, Pak/Bu? Terima kasih.

           In olden times, many people who worked as brick makers were slaves or servants. If the master brick maker needed extra help, he could always bail someone out of jail and force them to work without any wages. They received one meal a day, and it was usually corn meal and bread.

            Many events would happen during this brick making “business”. Now let me tell you the process. The first step of brick making process is to gather clay and mix it up by stepping in it. This is rather a very disgusting view.

            Once the clay is clean enough, it is formed into bricks. The brick maker will roll it and then put it in a mold. The mold gives the brick its shape. Sometimes in the middle of the brick making process, the bricks are taken to the area where the bricks will be dried in the sun until they are hard enough to handle.

            Afterward the bricks are piled up in the brickyard. The brickyard is the place where bricks are placed for the last time until it is time for them to go into the kiln.

            The kiln is the final destination for the bricks. This is when and where the bricks will get baked.

            Brick making is an important industry in many parts of the world. It is an activity that can take place in many forms, in large modern factories to small rural businesses. Although the process is simple, many techniques involved in the brick making process are subject to error, possibly reducing the quality of bricks.

Pertanyaan2nya adalah:

1.   The final process of brick making is discussed on     paragraph ………

      a.   one

      b.   two

      c.   three

      d.   four

      e.   five



karena itu sama dengan  kalimat

This is when and where the bricks will get baked.

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 10 Februari 2010 0:0

7 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

Saya ingin bertanya apa alasan yang mendasari siswa sma harus belajar tentang pasive voice di dalam belajar bahasa inggris? Bisa memberikan beberapa "bukti" yang mendasarinya?

 karena passive voice digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari 2
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 9 Februari 2010 0:0

6 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Bu Tri, kenapa kok jawabannya bisa yg E ya? Apakah pilihan A itu tidak benar, Bu? Mohon penjelasannya. Terima kasih.


            Do you have rice as your staple food? But have you ever thought how rice is served on your dining-table. Let’s see the process, shall we?

            First of all, grains are grown on rice fields. When the grains are ripe enough, they are harvested and stored in silos. Later, they are sent into the mills to remove their husks. When the husks have been removed from the grains, they are called rice.

            The rice is then kept in sacks. After that, the sacks are sent to the stores. The prices vary among the rice according to its quality. The rice is bought by the consumers and carried home.

            At home, the rice is washed and cooked in a rice cooker or a simmer. Finally, when it is done, the rice becomes resilient. Now the rice is ready to serve on our dining-table.

            Rice is the most important staple food in most parts of Asia. Asians grow and eat 95% of the world’s rice.

Pertanyaan2nya adalah:

1.   What does the text tell us about?

      a.   The process from grains to rice

      b.   How to cook rice properly

      c.   How to harvest ripe grains

      d.   Rice is the staple food of Asians

      e.   The process of harvesting rice



1. A
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 9 Februari 2010 0:0

6 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Bu Tri, kenapa jawaban Ibu untuk pertanyaan saya ini ada 2 versi ya? Saya jadi bingung.

High school graduates are sometimes nervous attending college, because they fear that everything will be different. (1) _____ there are some important similarities between college and high school. In both place, academic (2) _____ depends on being responsible student. This means attending classes regularly. Similarly (3) _____ success in college is like that in high school. If you have had friends in high school, you will get also in college. College also (4) _____ high school activities. Musical groups, sport teams, special interest clubs and other activities are found in both (5) _____.

Pertanyaan2nya adalah:

2.   a.   succeed

      b.   success

      c.   succeeding

      d.   successful        

      e.   successfully

      Jawaban Bu Tri: B + D.

3.   a.   socialize

      b.   socialization

      c.   socialized

      d.   socializing

      e.   social

      Jawaban Bu Tri: C + E

4.   a.   resembles

      b.   looks like

      c.   duplicates

      d.   imitates

      e.   agrees with

      Jawaban Bu Tri: A + B. Apa beda looks like dan resembles. Mohon berikan contohnya dalam kalimat.

Terima kasih.

mohon maaf karena ada kesalahan teknis. sehingga terjadi ketidaknyamaanan anda dalam bertanya, dan kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas koreksi anda.




 Maaf atas kesalahan teknis ini

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 9 Februari 2010 0:0

6 Februari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Bu Tri, terima kasih atas jawabannya. Tolong jelaskan ya, Bu kenapa kok jawabannya bisa yg 'PLENTY OF'. Apa bedanya 'A LOT OF' dng 'PLENTY OF' ya, Bu?

The solar energy is cheaper than any other fossil fuel because we can get the abundant source from the sun ……………………........

The word ‘abundant’ means ……………

a.   short of

b.   a lot of

c.   plenty of

d.   enough

e.   more than enough

ini masalah penggunaan kata jadi harus mengacu pada asal naegaranya. kalau arti nya sama tapi penggunaanya yang beda. silakan check di  kamus oxford
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 9 Februari 2010 0:0


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