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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
Bu pak, tolong di cek tulisan bhs inggris saya ini terutama pemakaian struktur kalimat dan verb nya trimsdiajawab secepatnya yaa
For my individual creative respond from book ‘Looking For Alibrandi,I have chosen to make a collage. Collage is a picture made by cutting the objects and pastes the objects with glue or adhesive in an area, so that become an onion’s work.
I chose to make a collage because I found a lot of pictures from the movie and I decided to put it in the adhesive area. I also like some of the quotes that the author uses in the book. Therefore I wanted to put those quotes in my collage as well. I have been choosing collage because I found that to make a collage is a good thing to shows my creative response. I was searching in internet about collage and all of them were really nice. The audience was really excited about my collage. They also gave some of ideas like putting the word search and some poem.
I started to make my collage on Thursday. The materials that i used are a big black paper, photos of the movie from Looking for Alibrandi, scissor, glue, pen, and colour pencil. This book are telling us about Inter-generational conflict, the sometimes uneasy adaptation of cultural traditions to new environments, changing boundaries for women, love, maturity and self identity. Therefore, I used some of the themes and put the picture in it. I put some of the quotes in my collage to make the audience understand what the picture meant and make more sense.
Throughout the whole process I was scared, excited, amazed, exhausted and of course challenged. My main difficulty was to finding all of the good quotes from the book and to make my collage look really good. Fortunately, I can solve them. I was reading the book during the weekend to find the quotes that I can included in my collage. To make my collage good, I use a lot of different colour and use word type in there.
For my individual creative respond from book ‘Looking For Alibrandi,I have chosen to make a collage. Collage is a picture made by cutting the objects and pastes the objects with glue or adhesive in an area, so that it becomes an onion’s work.
I chose to make a collage because I found a lot of pictures from the movie and I decided to put it in the adhesive area. I also liked some of the quotes that the author used in the book. Therefore I wanted to put those quotes in my collage as well. I chose collage because I found that making a collage was a good thing to show my creative response. I searched in internet about collage and all of them were really nice. The audience was really excited about my collage. They also gave some of ideas like putting the word searched and some poems.
I started to make my collage on Thursday. The materials that I used were a big black paper, photos of the movie from Looking for Alibrandi, scissor, glue, pen, and colour pencil. This book tells us about Inter-generational conflict, the sometimes uneasy adaptation of cultural traditions to new environments, changing boundaries for women, love, maturity and self identity. Therefore, I used some of the themes and put the picture in it. I put some of the quotes in my collage to make the audience understand what the picture meant and made more sense.
Throughout the whole process I was scared, excited, amazed, exhausted and of course challenged. My main difficulty was to find all of the good quotes from the book and to make my collage look really good. Fortunately, I could solve them. I read the book during the weekend to find the quotes that I could include in my collage. To make my collage good, I used a lot of different colours and used word type in it.
tolong kirim contoh kalimat real conditional 10 buah.cepat ya kak soalnya perlu besok pagi
Conditional sentences express a choice and the possible consequences of that choice.
There are three types of conditional sentences: Real, Unreal and Unreal Past. The first
type is the easiest to learn. It involves a present choice and a future consequence.
The if clause indicates the choice and is expressed in present tense. It indicates a choice and can be either positive or negative. If statements can also imply the opposite choice and result.
If you study hard you will pass the test. If you don't study hard, you could fail. | (Choice and possible result) (Implied opposite choice and result) |
If clause If you eat your spinach, If I quit my job, If Troy moves to Hollywood, | Result clause you will grow stronger. I can spend more time with the kids. he might become a movie star. |
Tlong bntu Aku.. bingung dsuruh critain aktftas sehari hari tp penyusunan kalimatx sush..sya bgun jam 5pg n sya langsung kwc untk brwudhu lalu shalat,udah itu brsiin rumah n bantu orang tua siapin serapan tuk ksekolah,sya kskolh jam 7 sampe jam 2siang,langsung pulang krumah n mkan siang,bru cuci prng n tdur siang..jam 4 udah bgun lngsung krja tgs sekolah,next mandi sore,ngobrl ma kluarga..tdur lagi jam 11mlem..mhon translate b.inggris
silakan anda tranlate dulu nanti saya koreksi, saya yakin anda bisa .
selamat belajar
pak/ bu mohon segera diteliti text hortatory berikut ini .. Should mobile phones be banned in schools ? Now, many pupils have own mobile phone and they always bring it in scul. They think it very important to communicate. But, i thnk they should nt bring it in scul for a numbr of reasons. First, they can't concentration when attend class. They more choose to play with their phone that attention lesson . Second, mobile phone make they extravagant. Everyday, everytime they always send mesage to their friend, open internet especially facebook, call their friends, and many more. For those reasons, i think scul should be banned pupils to bring mobile phone. Or, they can bring it but when attend class the phone must be off/turn off and they can turn on again until end class.
pak/ bu mohon segera diteliti text hortatory berikut ini ..
Should mobile phones be banned at schools ? Now, many pupils have own mobile phone and they always bring them at school.. They think it very important to communicate. But, i thnk they should nt bring it to scul for a numbr of reasons. First, they can't concentration when attend class. They choose to play with their phonemore rather than give attention to lesson . Second, mobile phone make they extravagant. Everyday, everytime they always send mesage to their friend, open internet especially facebook, call their friends, and many more. For those reasons, i think scul should ban pupils to bring mobile phone. Or, they can bring it but when attend class the phone must be off/turn off and they can turn on again until end class.
halo.. tolong dong buatkan teks procedure tentang membuat origami burung dan kapal...
sebelumnya terima kasih banyak hehe :)
*kalau bisa secepatnya ya soalnya saya membutuhkan ini untuk ujian sekolah^^
Thank you for joining in KBS. But, so sorry, we mind helping you if you don't try it first. So please try to make it by yourself then we will help you to make it perfect. Have a try. Thank you.
ENDANG TRININGSIH 26 April 2010 0:0
tolong jelaskan apa adjective determiners
dan beri conyoh nya dalam kalimat sebanyak min. 20
tolong ya....
trims... :-)
Traditional grammar and many dictionaries consider determiners a type of adjective, but Wikipedia’s Determiner entry points out some key differences. Here are the five main types of determiners:
mintak penjelasan tentang degree of comparison donk....
aq gak bgitu ngrti sm materi yang satu ini...tolong ya, mkasih :)
Tingkat Perbandingan
Kata sifat kuantitatif much dan little, dan kata sifat bilangan many and few, mempunyai tingkat
perbandingan (degrees comparison).
The degrees of comparison (tingkat perbandingan) berjumlah tiga tingkat, yaitu :
1. The positive degree (tingkat biasa)
2. The comparative (tingkat lebih/perbandingan)
3. The superlative (tingkat paling)
1) Kata sifat yang terdiri dari satu suku kata dan beberapa kata sifat bersuku kata dua dapat dibentuk comparative dengan menambahkan er atau r, dan superlative dengan menambahkan -est atau -st.
a) Jika positive berakhir dalam dua huruf mati atau dalam satu huruf mati yang didahului oleh dua huruf hidup, er dan est ditambahkan
Positive thick long short | Comparative thicker longer shorter | Superlative thickest longest shortest |
b) Jika positive berakhir dalam satu huruf mati dan huruf mati itu didahului oleh sebuah vokal pendek, huruf mati terakhir digandakan kemudian ditambahkan er dan est
Positive big = besar wet = basah hot = panas
| Comparative bigger = lebih besar wetter = lebih basah hotter = lebih panas
| Superlative biggest = terbesar wettest = terbasah hottest = terpanas
c) Jika positive berakhir huruf e, hanya r dan st ditambahkan
Positive nice = baik fine = bagus wise = bijaksana | Comparative nicer = lebih baik finer = lebih bagus wiser = lebih bijak | Superlative nicest = terbaik finest = terbagus wisest = terbijaksana |
d) Jika positive berakhir huruf y, dan y itu didahului oleh huruf mati, y diubah menjadi I, lalu ditambahkan er dan est
Positive wry = miring dry = kering happy = bahagia | Comparative wrier = lebih miring drier = lebih kering happier = lebih bahagia | Superlative wriest =paling miring driest = terkering happiest = terbahagia |
e) Jika y didahului oleh sebuah huruf hidup, y tidak diubah menjadi i, tapi langsung ditambahkan r dan est
Positive gay = riang coy = pemalu grey = mendung | Comparative gayer = lebih riang coyer = lebih pemalu greyer = lebih mendung | Superlative gayest = teriang coyest = terpemalu greyest = termendung |
f) Kata sifat yang terdiri dari dua suku kata (two syllables) yang berakhiran some, ow, le, er, ditambahkan er dan est
Positive wholesome narrow noble clever | Comparative wholesomer narrower nobler clever | Superlative wholesomest narrowest noblest cleverest |
2) Kata sifat yang bersuku kata dua – two syllables (yang tekanan suaranya jatuh pada suku kata awal) atau lebih, ditambahkan more untuk membentuk comperatives dan most untuk superlatives
Positive famous = terkenal useful = berguna beautiful = cantik | Comparative more famous more useful more beautiful | Superlative most famous most useful most beautiful |
3) Beberapa kata sifat dibentuk dengan cara tak beraturan (irregular) untuk comparatives dan superlatives
Positive fore bad ill evil good hind late late little much nigh old old near | Comparative former worse worse worse better hinder later latter less more nigher older elder nearer | Superlative foremost,first worst worst worst best hindmost latest last least most nighest,next oldest eldest nearest |
Catatan 1 :
a) Former = yang terlebih dahulu/tadi ; yang pertama (di antara dua benda).
Contoh: I prefer the former fabric. Saya lebih menyukai kain yang terlebih dahulu
Of the two methods I prefer the former. Diantara kedua metoda itu saya lebih menyukai yang pertama
b) Later = yang belakangan
Contoh: I will take the later plane. Saya mau naik kapal terbang yang belakangan
c) Latter = yang belakangan/yang terakhir (di antara dua benda)
Contoh: I will take the latter book. Saya mau membeli buku yang terakhir (di antara dua buah buku)
d) Latest = yang belakangan/yang terakhir sampai sekarang
Contoh: What is the latest news of the war? bagaimanakah kabar terbaru (terakhir) perang itu?
e) Last = yang terakhir (yang paling akhir/penghabisan)
Contoh: This is our last opportunity. Inilah kesempatan terakhir kita
Z is the last letter of the alphabet. Z adalah huruf terakhir abjad
Penjelasan :
Later berarti yang belakangan atau lebih lambat, menunjuk pada waktu
Contoh: She came to school later than I. Ia datang ke sekolah lebih lambat daripada saya
Latter menunjuk pada urutan yang kedua di antara dua hal atau benda yang baru saja disebut
Contoh: Alexandria and Cairo are large cities; the latter has a population of over a million.
Alexandria dan Kairo adalah kota besar ; yang belakangan (yaitu Kairo) mempunyai penduduk lebih dari satu juta orang
Latest berarti yang terakhir sampai sekarang, sedangkan last berarti yang paling terakhir atau
Jika kita katakan :
Did you read Mr. Green’s latest book? apakah anda membaca buku terakhir/terbaru Tuan Green?
Ini berarti bahwa Tn. Green boleh jadi akan mengarang lagi buku lain.
Kalau kita katakan :
Did you read Mr. Green’s last book? apakah anda membaca buku terakhir Tn. Green?
Ini berarti bahwa Tn. Green tidak atau tidak akan menulis buku lain lagi setelah buku yang
dimaksudkan tadi.
Catatan 2 :
a) Elder juga bentuk comperative dari old. Perhatikan perbedaan pemakaian elder dan older.
Contoh: John is my elder brother. John adalah kakak laki-laki saya
John is older than Lisa. John lebih tua daripada Lisa
b) Eldest juga bentuk superlative dari old. Perhatikan perbedaan pemakaian eldest dan oldest:
She is my eldest daughter. Ia putriku yang sulung
That is the oldest hotel in the city. Itulah hotel yang tertua di kota ini
Penjelasan :
Elder dan eldest dipakai pada orang saja, dan paling sering dipakai pada orang dalam hubungan
kekeluargaan. Sedangkan older dan oldest dipakai untuk menyatakan umur atau usia yang lebih tua atau tertua pada orang atau pun benda.
4) Ada enam buah kata adverbs (kata keterangan) dalam bentuk positive degrees, tetapi adjectives (kata sifat) dalam bentuk comparative dan supelative
Positive fore far in out neath up
| Comparative further farther inner outer nether upper
| Superlative furthest farthest innermost, inmost uttermost, utmost nethermost uppermost
5) Kata-kata sifat tertentu tidak dapat diperbandingkan
perfect = sempurna
unique = unik
supreme = tertinggi
preferable = lebih baik
natural = alamiah
right = benar
wrong = salah
POSITIVE DEGREE (tingkat positif) digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa sesuatu itu sama tingkatannya. Perbandingan untuk sesuatu yang tingkatannya sama digunakan as … as.
Contoh: Ali is 1,6 meters and Anwar is also 1,6 meters.
Ali is AS TALL AS Anwar.
This book cost Rp. 2.000,-. That book costs Rp. 2.000,-
This book is AS EXPENSIVE AS that one
Bentuk negatif dari perbandingan ini adalah sebagai berikut:
Contoh: Jakarta is not AS WARM AS Surabaya.
Rumus :
as + positive + as
no less + positive + than
not more + positive + than
This girl is as clever as that. Anak perempuan ini sepandai anak perempuan itu
This girl is no less clever than that. Anak perempuan ini sama pandainya dengan anak perempuan itu
That girl is not more clever than this. Gadis itu tidak lebih pandai daripada gadis ini
(berarti gadis itu dan gadis ini sama pandainya)
B. COMPARATIVE DEGREE digunakan apabila dua orang atau benda dikatakan tidak sama dalam hal sifat yang tertentu Yang satu lebih dari yang lain. Tingkat perbandingan dinyatakan dengan menggunakan “-er” jika kata sifat itu hanya memiliki satu suku kata (one syllable) serta di tambah kata “than.”
Contoh: Handi is TALLER than Anton
A train is FASTER than a bus
Jika kata sifat itu diakhiri dengan le, r, ow, y, maka tambahkan “-er”. Jika kata sifat diakhiri dengan “y”, maka berubah menjadi “ier.”
Contoh: This problem is simpler than the one we had yesterday.
The street in front of my house is narrower than this one.
Comparative degree yang menggunakan lebih dari satu suku kata (two or more syllables) digunakan “more.” Suku kata maksudnya beautiful = beau-ti-ful (3 suku kata); expensive = ex-pen-sive (tiga suku kata), useful = use-ful (dua suku kata)
Contoh: TV Program are more interesting than radio program.
My trousers are more expensive than yours.
Rumus :
comparative + than
Lisa is taller than her sister. Lisa lebih tinggi daripada saudara perempuannya
Jakarta is bigger than Surabaya. Jakarta lebih besar daripada Surabaya
Aturan untukk dua suku kata (two syllabels) lebih rumit. Beberapa adjective membentuk comparative and superlative dengan –er, -est., beberapa dengan more, most, yang lainnya boleh kedua-duanya.
Two-syllable adjectives dengan –er, -est
1. Adjective berakhiran –y yang didahului oleh konsonan
Contoh: pretty – prettier, dirty – dirtier, noisy – noisier, happy – happier, unhappy – unhappier
2. Adjective berakhiran –ple, -ble, dan biasanya –tle, -dle
Contoh: simple – simpler, noble – nobler, humble – humbler, subtle – subtler, idle – idler
Two-syllable adjective dengan more, most
1. Sebagian besar adjective berakhir suffix derivatif: -ous, -ish, -ful, -ing, -ed, etc.
Contoh: more famous, more useful, more childish, more interesting, more tired
2. Sebagian besar adjective berakhiran –ct, -nt, -st
Contoh: more exact, more recent, more honest, more urgent
Two-Syllable adjective dengan –er, -est or more, most (yang bentuk –er, -est kurang formal)
1. Adjective berakhiran –er: cleverer, tenderer, bitterer
2. Adjective berakhiran –ow: narrower, shallower, mellower
3. Adjective berakhiran –some: hansomer, wholesomer, lonesomer
4. Others: penekanan pada suku kata pertama: pleasanter, crueler, quieter, stupider
Penekanan pada suku kata kedua: politer, profounder, remoter, obscurer, sincerer, severer, securer
C. SUPERLATIVE DEGREE (tingkat superlative) yaitu apabila seseorang atau sebuah benda dikatakan melebihi atau mengungguli semua orang atau benda yang lain yang sama macamnya, kita menggunakan superlative degree dengan the … of.
Ketika kata sifat terdiri dari satu atau dua suku kata, digunakan dengan menambahkan “est.”
Contoh: The Wisma Nusantara building is THE TALLEST building in Jakarta.
An elephant is THE BIGGEST animal nowadays.
Ketika kata sifat berakhir dengan “y”, maka tingkat superlative berubah menjadi “iest.”
Contoh: Today is THE HAPPIEST day for me. It’s my birthday.
I don’t know which is THE HEAVIEST metal.
Kata sifat yang lebih dari dua suku kata menggunakan “MOST.”
I have the same., homemade christmas gift ideas, ewui,
Thanks for your question. I really apreciate you that you have tried to surf the internet and get it makes you more experience in English. Good job and keep going.
kak bisa tolong buatin contoh dialog certainty dan uncertainty ya tapi yang agak panjang sedikit.
Thanks for the question, still I would like you to try to make it and we'll help you to make it perfect. Have a try.
buw tolong bntu saya mmbwt procedure text tg how make tea,,,dg pmbkaan selamat pagi bapak ibu dewan juri saya akan memperagakan cara membuat teh hangat dg teh yg saya gunakan yaitu sliming tea,,,,n penutupan demikianlah cara pembuatan sliming tea,,atas prhatian\'a sekian n terima ksh,,,pke step\'a jga y buw,,,cz bzk mo prktx,,,tlg bnt sya,,,,atw mz ke no sya 081345008409 mksh,,,sya tggu
Thanks for your question.