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13 April 2010
Amalia Luna
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Siang kbs, saya minta tolong.Tolong jelaskan tentang Question Tags, Gambits,
Discourse Markers, Fillers, Conversation Strategies.
Tolong di BLS c4 y

I.                    Question tags

Use : frequently used in spoken English when you want s.o. to agree or disagree

Form      :positive statement ->question tag negative - You are Tom, aren't you?
negative statement->question tag positive - He isn't Joe, is he?


with auxiliaries
You've got a car, haven't you?

without auxiliaries (use: don't, doesn't, didn't)
They play football on Sundays, don't they?
She plays football on Sundays, doesn't she?
They played football on Sundays, didn't they?

Questions tags are used to keep a conversation going. You can agree or refuse to a sentence with a question tag.

You go to school, don't you?

You agree.

You refuse.

Yes, I do.

No, I don't.


You aren't from Germany, are you?

You agree.

You refuse.

No, I'm not.

Yes, I am.

Questions tags - Special

Although the negative word not is not in the sentence, the sentence can be negative. Then we use the "positive" question tag.

He never goes out with his dog, does he?

have is a main verb in the sentence -> two possibilities

We have a car, _____?

We have a car, haven't we?

We have a car, don't we?

mostly British English

mostly American English

We use will with the imperative (Simple Present).

Open the window, will you?

Don't open you books, will you?

We use shall after Let's.

Let's take the next bus, shall we?

Auxiliary must

We must be at home at 8 pm, mustn't we?

Yes, we must.

No, we needn't.




Procedure adding a question tag

Look at the sentence.


Is an auxiliary or a form of to be in the sentence?





auxiliary or form of to be affirmative
-> negate auxiliary (add n't)

auxiliary or form of to be negative
-> (delete n't)

affirmative sentence
-> Negate sentence (e.g. don't; doesn't; didn't)

negative sentence
-> (delete n't)


Is a personal pronoun the subject of the sentence?





Use the personal pronoun.

Form the personal pronoun.


Complete the sentence.


Example 1: He can play football, ________.


Is an auxiliary or a form of to be in the sentence?


yes -> can



auxiliary or form of to be affirmative
-> negate auxiliary (add n't)




Is a personal pronoun the subject of the sentence?





Use the personal pronoun.



He can play football, can't he?

 Example 2: Peter can play football, ________.


Is an auxiliary or a form of to be in the sentence?


yes -> can



auxiliary or form of to be affirmative
-> negate auxiliary (add n't)




Is a personal pronoun the subject of the sentence?






Form the personal pronoun.
Peter -> he


Peter can play football, can't he?

II.                   Gambit : adalah ungkapan dalam percakapan untuk mengungkapkan makna tertentu.

Intinya, yang dimaksud dengan conversation adalah "dialog antara dua orang atau lebih yang sifatnya two-way. Artinya, di dalam conversation tersebut terjadi dialog dari satu orang dan yang lainnya menanggapi atau melanjutkan topik dialog itu". Kalo dalam dialog itu ternyata hanya salah satu pembicara saja yang aktif, sementara yang lainnya cenderung hanya mendengar tanpa memberikan reaksi apapun, maka sebenernya itu bukanlah suatu conversation.

to converse = carry on a conversation (= melanjutkan percakapan)

Yang perlu dipahami disini adalah, dalam percakapan, meski kita bukan pelempar ide percakapan tersebut (pembuka percakapan), semestinyalah kita juga aktif memberikan respons di dalam percakapan itu.
Topik inilah yang akan kita bahas sekarang.

Lihat contoh di bawah ini:

Setting: TS bertemu dengan AC di dalam sebuah seminar.

TS: Hello. How do you do?

A C : How do you do?

T S : I am Thomas Smith from Telecom International.

A C : I am Adam Clarkson from Delphine Institute. Nice to meet you.

T S : Nice meeting you, too Mr. Clarkson. The last keynote speaker was rather boring, don't you think so? (= Pembicara terakhir agak membosankan ya?)

A C : You can say it again (= bener banget). I hardly could open my eyes (= saya nyaris ketiduran).

T S : However, the second speaker's topic was quite interesting to me (= tapi topik pembicara kedua cukup menarik bagi saya).

A C : Yeah, you're right. The topic is very useful to help me deal with my daily tasks at the office (= topik yang disampaikannya sangat bermanfaat untuk membantu saya mengerjakan tugas sehari-hari di kantor).

T S : I see. Do you attend seminars regularly? (= apakah kamu sering ikut seminar?) .......... dst

Coba liat ungkapan-ungkapan yang dicetak tebal. Semua itu adalah ungakapan-ungkapan yang bisa dipake untuk memberikan respon di dalam sebuah percakapan. Dengan menggunakan ungakapan-ungkapan tersebut, menunjukkan bahwa kita memberikan perhatian atas apa yang diucapkan oleh pihak lain.

Contoh beberapa ungkapan/gambit lain yang juga bisa digunakan dalam hal serupa:

I can see your point (= saya paham maksud anda)
You got it right (= kamu bener)
That's interesting (= apa yang kamu bilang itu menarik)
We share the same opinion (= pendapat kita sama)
I am with you (= saya setuju dengan kamu)
I agree (= saya setuju)
I couldn't agree more (= saya sangat setuju)
Or maybe I can say........ (= atau mungkin juga bisa seperti ini.......)

Intinya, kalo dalam percakapan, usahakan kita juga ikut aktif. Jangan cuma jadi pendengar aja. Dengan aktif di dalam percakapan, berarti kita menghargai lawan bicara. Ini adalah salah satu etika conversation di dalam bahasa Inggris.

III.                 Fillers

Filler words are nothing but empty, unneeded words that restrict conversations and are often used to fill in gaps and pauses in conversations.


um.. ahh.. you know.. it's like.. that thing..ok..right.. well that thingee..basically...supposedly..actually..

These are some of the common fillers that are found in most conversations. Even though its quite alright to use these fillers once in a while during informal conversations, over a period of time they become a habit and finally are a part and parcel of our speaking style and diction. In formal situations especially, they can become quite annoying to the listener, and the speaker could unknowingly become more and more conscious and use these fillers to make up for the awkwardness he or she feels.

IV.                Discourse Markers

Some words and phrases help to develop ideas and relate them to one another. These kinds of words and phrases are often called discourse markers. Note that most of these discourse markers are formal and used when speaking in a formal context or when presenting complicated information in writing.

with regard to; regarding; as regards; as far as ……… is concerned, as for

These expressions focus attention on what follows in the sentence. This is done by announcing the subject in advance. As regards and as far as………is concerned usually indicate a change of subject


His grades in science subjects are excellent. As regards humanities …
With regard to the latest market figures we can see that ...
Regarding our efforts to improve the local economy, we have made ...
As far as I am concerned, we should continue to develop our resources.
As for John's thoughts, let's take a look at this report he sent me.

on the other hand; while; whereas

These expressions give expression to two ideas which contrast but do not contradict each other.


Football is popular in England, while in Australia they prefer cricket.
We've been steadily improving our customer service center. On the other hand our shipping department needs to be redesigned.
Jack thinks we're ready to begin whereas Tom things we still need to wait.

however, nonetheless, nevertheless

All these words are used to present two contrasting ideas.


Smoking is proved to be dangerous to the health. Nonetheless, 40% of the population smokes.
Our teacher promised to take us on a field trip. However, he changed his mind last week.
Peter was warned not to invest all of his savings in the stock market. Nevertheless, he invested and lost everything.

moreover, furthermore, in addition

We use these expressions to add information to what has been said. The usage of these words is much more elegant than just making a list or using the conjunction 'and'.


His problems with his parents are extremely frustrating. Moreover, there seems to be no easy solution to them.
I assured him that I would come to his presentation. Furthermore, I also invited a number of important representatives from the local chamber of commerce.
Our energy bills have been increasing steadily. In addition to these costs, our telephone costs have doubled over the past six months.

therefore, as a result, consequently

These expressions show that the second statement follows logically from the first statement.


He reduced the amount of time studying for his final exams. As a result, his marks were rather low.
We've lost over 3,000 customers over the past six months. Consequently, we have been forced to cut back our advertising budget.
The government has drastically reduced its spending. Therefore, a number of programs have been canceled.


ENDANG TRININGSIH 16 April 2010 0:0

11 April 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

saya minta tolong dibuatkan message of a mother to her son dan announcement of losing cat

terima kasih

adik silkan bikin dlu nanti saya koreksi. silkan klik

selamat belajar.

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 16 April 2010 0:0

6 April 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

how to make expression to give tips,, contoh'y dalam dialog gimana seeh,,

ekspresi2nya seperti apa saja... makasih bantuannya ^^

Saya kurang paham dengan maksud anda, tapi saya coba menerangkannya sesuai yang saya tangkap. Yaitu bagaimana cara kita memberi ungkapan saat kita memberi tips pada orang lain.


Andi : I have problem in operating computer especially for excel program.

Nana : What's the probem ? If I want to sum the numbers I have to put something

              there and I fprget the sign.


Andi  :  That's what I mean.

Nana :  Alright, you have to put asteric sign * after the line, then enter it. You will

               get    the  sum. Do it everytime you want to sum the number. Try it.

  Andi : I will. Thanks for your tips.  

ENDANG TRININGSIH 14 April 2010 0:0

13 April 2010
rendi kurniawan
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

mas aku minta tolong banget ni.,.,.,bantuin aku bikinin analytical exposition donx.,., tentang ajakan untuk tidak buang sampah sembarangan.,.,plis.,.,ini mepet banget.,.,aku ga ngerti banget

silakan adik buat sendiri dengan melihat di
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 13 April 2010 0:0

13 April 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

tolong saya di bwatin contoh teks hortatory exotision yang berbentuk pidato

saya kasih contohnya saja ya.

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh,

Your Excellencies the committee,
The honorable of adjudicators,
Dear my friends who participates in this contest,
And my loving brothers and sisters

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful.
All praises be to Allah SWT, the lord of the world, the master of the day after, the creator of everything in this Universe, where he has no partner. He has also given us such deeply enjoyable, particularly faith and healthy comfort, hence, we could attend here in a good situation.
Peace and Salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has taught us the cardinal principles of the unity of God, obliged us to confess it with the tongue and believe it in the heart. He also has brought us from the darkness to the brightness, from stupidity to cleverness, in the other word “Minazzhulumaati Ilannuur”

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Indeed, it is very great pleasure for me in this precious chance to deliver my speech to the most honorable audiences entitled:

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Last week our country commemorated of national education day May 2, 2007 .On the day, every cavities of education commemorated it, to remember the struggle of Ki Hajar Dewantara who was born on that day. Why commemoration of educational day must be held? Why every May 2, every people in Indonesia commemorate it as a National Education Day?. It because a commemoration have mean philosophical and pedagogical meaning referring to the last time. I think commemoration National Education Day is intended to improve people’s consciousness, if education is very important and needed by all people to run of their life and become to be better for the future, in this world or in the day after.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Furthermore, in my opinion why national education day is commemorated, because it will motivate every cavities of education to understand the importance of education. So that, the next they will be more diligently and be better in doing their duty. For example every students must learn diligently to reach their ambitions, teachers must do their duty with full responsible and dedication. Likewise, officials who design rules about education if they have consciousness and high motivation they will be better again in do their job.
So that, it will be created good human resources and we must know if education will make creative, standalone and responsible people. And don’t forget the educational for all people.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
For all my friends who participate in this selection of students’ achievement, will invite you to figure out the heroism of Ki Hajar Dewantoro as founding father and struggler in Education area some times ago. We are young generations and also expectation of our nation, who will fight for our country and religion in the future. We are young generations as a symbol of spirit which never overcame, we are young generations as a symbol of courage which never fade, and we are young generation as a symbol of power which never destroy. On our back, what will be happened in our Nation exist for the future time. Good or bad the existence of this country is depending on us. Therefore, I hope this momentum can make us become a good in quality, a good achievement, so that we can give the best things for our country particularly Sukabumi regency.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I think it’s completely enough for me to this point. The wrong utterances are caused by limitation of my ability and the right one is merely from Allah SWT. So, I beg your pardon, finally I say.
Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 13 April 2010 0:0

12 April 2010
juwita mandasari
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

askum?? bu pak tlong sya buatkan contoh dialog Imposibility n posibiliy olong sya??????????????klo bisa 16 peranyaan n 16 jwaban>plis????????????/

Read the dialogue and answer the questions.
Son: Daddy, what time did Uncle Jono leave for Bali this morning?
Father: At 10 a.m, dear.
Son: Why is he going there?
Father: He plans to attend a conference.
Son: What is he doing now?
Father: Well, it is 9 p.m. now. I’m not sure. He could be reading a magazine or a newspaper. He could be watching TV in his room. He might be preparing something for a meeting. But I’m sure that Uncle Jono must be in his room now because he is not accustomed to going out late at night.
Son: What about tomorrow Daddy?
Father: He’ll probably see his colleagues or perhaps he’ll have a meeting.

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 13 April 2010 0:0

10 April 2010
Ilham Muttaqien
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Bapak/Ibu yang saya hormati, bisa minta tolong buatkan satu dialog yang didalamnya berisi kepastian, keraguan, ketidakpastian, pujian, dan kemungkinan...


silakan klik

plih teori pilih kelasa anda.

selamat belajar

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 13 April 2010 0:0

7 April 2010
harun arrasyid
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

saya minta tolong

apakah arti dari pleasant dan unpleasant

serta kegunaannya/fungsinya?

serta penjabaran tentang pleasant dan unpleasant!

saya tuggu secepatnya

atas bantuannya terimakasih

pleasant adalah menyenangkan , enak, ramah sedang unpleasant adalah tak enak, tak nyaman , tak senang.fungsinya adalah untuk menyatakan situasi yang cocok untuk kata kata tsb.
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 13 April 2010 0:0

20 Maret 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1

Bapak/Ibu saya mau bertanya :

1. I usually go to school with my father.

Question word apa yang dipakai untuk menanyakan kata usually ?

Bisa di contoh kan ?

2.  They give him a book.

apakah benar jika saya bertanya " Who do they give a book ? "

3. I am very tired.

Question word apa yang di pakai untuk menanyakan kata very ?

Bisa di contohkan ?

terima kasih. 

1. I usually go to school with my father.

Question word apa yang dipakai untuk menanyakan kata usually ?

Setahu saya, kalau yang ditanyakan ‘usually’ tidak bisa. Coba cermati kalimat berikut ini.

How often do you go to school with your father?

2.  They give him a book.

apakah benar jika saya bertanya " Who do they give a book ? "

Tidak benar. Karena orang yang ditanyakan berfungsi sbg subyek, maka pertanyaannya yang benar adalah:  Who give him a book? They give him a book.

Kalau yang ditanyakan orang berfungsi sbg obyek  (him), maka pertanyaannya yang benar adalah: To whom do they give a book? They give him a book atau They give a book to him


3. I am very tired.

Question word apa yang di pakai untuk menanyakan kata very ?

Kalau yang ditanyakan hanya ‘very’ saya tidak tahu, tapi kalau ‘very tired’ pertanyaannya sbb:

How do you feel? I am very tired atau I feel very tired.

Terima kasih. 

ENDANG TRININGSIH 9 April 2010 0:0

8 April 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

tolong donk buatin contoh teks explanation "how global warming occurs". min 250 kata buat ujian praktek nii .. jawab secepatnya ia .. makasii

silakan klik

selamat belajar

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 8 April 2010 0:0


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