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8 April 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

maf ni kak. saya bisa gak minta tolong buatkan teks dalam bentuk bahasa inggris dari film hulk lengkap dengan ekspresi love, ekspresi sadness dan karakter setiap tokohnya. makasih.

silakan you bikin dulu nanti say a  cek. silakan klik

pilih materi kelas XI

selamat belajar

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 8 April 2010 0:0

7 April 2010
stefani luthfan
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11


kepada yth Ibu/Bapak guru

saya dapat tugas dari guru untuk membuat surat mengenai apa saja misalnya : adventure, feeling, throught, and activities. Tapi harus menggunakan tenses di dalamnya. Saya bingung, sudah saya coba. Tapi belum paham. Terima Kasih Ibu/Bapak.



wa'alaikum salam

surat dalam bentuk cerita atau apa?

kalau cerita bentuknya recount tensesnya menggunakan past tense.

silakan lihat contohnya di

pilih recount

selamat belajar

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 8 April 2010 0:0

7 April 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

saya ingin minta tolong...

saya kebingungan membuat analytical expisition dan hortatory text tentang periklanan...

bisa bantu saya?

akan saya pakai tanggal 09 april 2010..

terima kasih..

silakan lihat di

selamat belajar

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 8 April 2010 0:0

7 April 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

Tolong  dong buatkan descriptive teks beserta soalnya 10 buah please

kalau bisa hari ini sudah selesai soalnya besok mau dikumpul

Mak Nyus Restaurant

If you want to enjoy having meal out side, you can go to Mak Nyus restaurant. It is located in Minggir, Sleman. When we reach there, we can see a large parking area in front the restaurant. Next to the parking area there is an order room and a cashier room. In the back of them there is a kitchen. Beside the kitchen there is a small mosque. There are several bamboo huts for the customers in the south and west parts of the restaurant. The customers enjoy the meal there. There are ponds below the huts.

            The customers can get the menu list from the waiters and choose the food they want to order. There are some foods provided. There are rice, some sauces, salad, fried or baked fish (gurami, bawal, blue dye, freshwater catfish), and fried lobsters. The beverages are drinking water, tea, lemon juice, sprite, and coca-cola. The fresh air and the relax situation of a village add the taste of having meal in this restaurant.


1.  What does the text tell you about?

A.              a. The entertainment in Mak Nyus restaurant.

B.              b. The description of  Mak Nyus restaurant.

C.              c. The history of Mak Nyus restaurant.

D.              d. The way to order food in Mak Nyus restaurant.


2.  Which statement is FALSE according to the text?

    A.      The restaurant is located in the city.

B.              b. The restaurant serves both fried and baked fish.

C.              C. The restaurant has some houses made of bamboo.

D.                       D. Young coconut drink is not available in Mak Nyus restaurant.


3. When we reach there, we can see a large parking area in front the restaurant.

     What is the synonym of the underlined word?

4. What can you find at the back part of the restaurant?

5. The customers enjoy the meal there. What does the word ‘there’ refer to?

6. What is the restaurant’s main menu?

7. How many kinds of drink are available at the restaurant?

8. The customers can get the menu list from the waiters and choose the food they want to order. What does the word ‘they’ refer to?

9. What can the customers get from the waiters?

10. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 7 April 2010 0:0

7 April 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

Tolong dong buatkan saya Contoh descriptive teks dan beserta soalnya 10 buah


kalau bisa secepatnya ya soalnya mau dikumpul besok

Mak Nyus Restaurant

If you want to enjoy having meal out side, you can go to Mak Nyus restaurant. It is located in Minggir, Sleman. When we reach there, we can see a large parking area in front the restaurant. Next to the parking area there is an order room and a cashier room. In the back of them there is a kitchen. Beside the kitchen there is a small mosque. There are several bamboo huts for the customers in the south and west parts of the restaurant. The customers enjoy the meal there. There are ponds below the huts.

            The customers can get the menu list from the waiters and choose the food they want to order. There are some foods provided. There are rice, some sauces, salad, fried or baked fish (gurami, bawal, blue dye, freshwater catfish), and fried lobsters. The beverages are drinking water, tea, lemon juice, sprite, and coca-cola. The fresh air and the relax situation of a village add the taste of having meal in this restaurant.


1.  What does the text tell you about?

A.              A. The entertainment in Mak Nyus restaurant.

B.              B. The description of  Mak Nyus restaurant.

C.                     C. The history of Mak Nyus restaurant.

D.                     D. The way to order food in Mak Nyus restaurant.


2.  Which statement is FALSE according to the text?

A.      The restaurant is located in the city.

B.              B. The restaurant serves both fried and baked fish.

C.              C. The restaurant has some houses made of bamboo.

D.              D. Young coconut drink is not available in Mak Nyus restaurant.


3. When we reach there, we can see a large parking area in front the restaurant.

     What is the synonym of the underlined word?

4. What can you find at the back part of the restaurant?

5. The customers enjoy the meal there. What does the word ‘there’ refer to?

6. What is the restaurant’s main menu?

7. How many kinds of drink are available at the restaurant?

8. The customers can get the menu list from the waiters and choose the food they want to order. What does the word ‘they’ refer to?

9. What can the customers get from the waiters?

10. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 7 April 2010 0:0

6 April 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

Tolong buatkan descriptive teks beserta soalnya 10 buah Kalau bisa secepatnya

Mak Nyus Restaurant

If you want to enjoy having meal out side, you can go to Mak Nyus restaurant. It is located in Minggir, Sleman. When we reach there, we can see a large parking area in front the restaurant. Next to the parking area there is an order room and a cashier room. In the back of them there is a kitchen. Beside the kitchen there is a small mosque. There are several bamboo huts for the customers in the south and west parts of the restaurant. The customers enjoy the meal there. There are ponds below the huts.

            The customers can get the menu list from the waiters and choose the food they want to order. There are some foods provided. There are rice, some sauces, salad, fried or baked fish (gurami, bawal, blue dye, freshwater catfish), and fried lobsters. The beverages are drinking water, tea, lemon juice, sprite, and coca-cola. The fresh air and the relax situation of a village add the taste of having meal in this restaurant.


1.  What does the text tell you about?

A.          a. The entertainment in Mak Nyus restaurant.

B.          b. The description of  Mak Nyus restaurant.

C.                c. The history of Mak Nyus restaurant.

D.          d. The way to order food in Mak Nyus restaurant.


2.  Which statement is FALSE according to the text?

A.      The restaurant is located in the city.

B.                   B. The restaurant serves both fried and baked fish.

C.             c. The restaurant has some houses made of bamboo.

D.             d. Young coconut drink is not available in Mak Nyus restaurant.


3. When we reach there, we can see a large parking area in front the restaurant.

     What is the synonym of the underlined word?

4. What can you find at the back part of the restaurant?

5. The customers enjoy the meal there. What does the word ‘there’ refer to?

6. What is the restaurant’s main menu?

7. How many kinds of drink are available at the restaurant?

8. The customers can get the menu list from the waiters and choose the food they want to order. What does the word ‘they’ refer to?

9. What can the customers get from the waiters?

10. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 7 April 2010 0:0

6 April 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

Tolong buatkan descriptive teks beserta soalnya 10 buah. kalau bisa malam ini sudah selesai soalnya besok mau dikumpul.


Mak Nyus Restaurant

If you want to enjoy having meal out side, you can go to Mak Nyus restaurant. It is located in Minggir, Sleman. When we reach there, we can see a large parking area in front the restaurant. Next to the parking area there is an order room and a cashier room. In the back of them there is a kitchen. Beside the kitchen there is a small mosque. There are several bamboo huts for the customers in the south and west parts of the restaurant. The customers enjoy the meal there. There are ponds below the huts.

            The customers can get the menu list from the waiters and choose the food they want to order. There are some foods provided. There are rice, some sauces, salad, fried or baked fish (gurami, bawal, blue dye, freshwater catfish), and fried lobsters. The beverages are drinking water, tea, lemon juice, sprite, and coca-cola. The fresh air and the relax situation of a village add the taste of having meal in this restaurant.


1.  What does the text tell you about?

A.          a. The entertainment in Mak Nyus restaurant.

B.          b. The description of  Mak Nyus restaurant.

C.          c. The history of Mak Nyus restaurant.

D.          d. The way to order food in Mak Nyus restaurant.


2.  Which statement is FALSE according to the text?

A.      The restaurant is located in the city.

B.          b. The restaurant serves both fried and baked fish.

C.          c. The restaurant has some houses made of bamboo.

D.          d. Young coconut drink is not available in Mak Nyus restaurant.


3. When we reach there, we can see a large parking area in front the restaurant.

     What is the synonym of the underlined word?

4. What can you find at the back part of the restaurant?

5. The customers enjoy the meal there. What does the word ‘there’ refer to?

6. What is the restaurant’s main menu?

7. How many kinds of drink are available at the restaurant?

8. The customers can get the menu list from the waiters and choose the food they want to order. What does the word ‘they’ refer to?

9. What can the customers get from the waiters?

10. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 7 April 2010 0:0

6 April 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

mohon bantuannya dlm mengerjakan soal ini :

1.The father saw her son(........)down the street.She was worried because there were a lot of vehicles.

2.I don't like the tables because(.......)tables are uncomfortable.

a. many of tables

b.many of the tables

 3. You have already studied that chapter

     It will not be  necessary to read it again. We can combine the first and the second sentence into.....

Because of you have already studied that chapter, it will not be necessary to read it again.  (betul / salah)

1.The father saw her son crossing down the street.He was worried because there were a lot of vehicles.

2.I don't like the tables because(  many of them  ) are uncomfortable.


Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 6 April 2010 0:0

6 April 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

tolong dong kasih tau contoh discussion text tentang school uniform,national final examination,cloning at animals

silakan klik

pilh discussion.

selamat belajar

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 6 April 2010 0:0

6 April 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

tolong kasih tau jawaban

1.pengertian yes/no question

2.rumus yes/no question

3.kapan digunakannya yes/no question

4.contoh soal yes/no question

5.soal yes/no question

terima kasih........


Kata tanya di dalam bahasa inggris terdari dari dua bagian :

1. Disebut dengan A yes / no Question.

2. Disebut dengan An Information Question.

I. Yang dimaksud dengan A yes / no Question adalah pertanyaan yang kemungkinan jawabannya adalah Yes atau No. Jenis kalimat pertanyaan ini apabila kita terjermahkan kedalam bahasa indonesia akan mempunyai arti “apakah”.

II. Yang dimaksud dengan An Information Question atau lebih dikenal dengan Wh-Question adalah bentuk kalimat bertanya yang mana jawabannya membutuhkan informasi atau penjelasan.

Jenis Kalimat bertanya ini dibagi atas 9 bagian :

1. WHEN : digunakan untuk menanyakan waktu.

2. WHERE : digunakan untuk menanyakan tempat.

3. WHY : digunakan untuk menanyakan alasan.

4. HOW : digunakan untuk menanyakan cara (cara sesuatu dikerjakan), dan juga bisa digunakan untuk kata sifat (adjective) atau kata keterangan (adverb).

5. WHO : digunakan untuk menanyakan subject kalimat (khusus manusia) yang juga mempunyai arti siapa.

6. WHOM : digunakan untuk menanyakan objek kalimat (Khusus manusia) yang juga mempunyai arti siapa.

7. WHOSE : digunakan untuk menanyakan kepemilikan.

8. WHAT : digunakan untuk menanyakan subject atau object dari pertanyaan / kalimat mengacu pada benda, dan mempunyai arti apa, seperti apa, jenis apa (type), bsb.

9. WHICH : digunakan untuk menanyakan yang mana.

Untuk lebih jelasnya marilah kita pelajari lebih jauh tentang pemakaian masing-masing bentuk kata tanya tersebut diatas.

Kata Tanya dengan A yes / no Question

Kata tanya “apakah” dengan A yes / no Question dapat diterjermahkan dengan beberapa cara ke dalam bahasa Inggris.

Apabila di dalam bahasa Indonesia kata tanya “apakah” dapat digunakan untuk jenis kata, sebaliknya di dalam bahasa inggris kata tanya “apakah” yang digunakan akan tergantung pada jenis kata yang mengikutinya, seperti kata kerja, kata sifat dan lainnya.

Perhatikan pembagian kata tanya “apakah” berikut ini.

I. Yang pertama kita sebut dengan kelompok “to do” yang terdiri dari do, does, dan did.

II. Yang kedua kita sebut dengan kelompok “to have” yang terdiri dari have, has, dan had.

III. Yang ketiga kita sebut dengan kelompok “to be” yang terdiri dari is, am, are, was, dan were.

IV. Dan kelompok ke empat kita sebut dengan kelompok “modal” yang terdiri dari can, may, must, shall, will, need, used dan dare.

V. Sedangkan kelompok yang kelima kita sebut dengan kelompok “ if ” atau “wether”.

Sekarang mari kita pelajari lebih jauh masing-masing kelompok.

I. Perhatikanlah kata tanya “apakah” dengan memakai kelompok “to do” berikut ini

I.1. Kata tanya “apakah” dengan memakai “do”.

Kata tanya ini dipakai untuk kalimat Present Tense yang mempunyai subject I (saya), you (kamu), they (mereka),dan we (kita / kami).

Jadi secara singkat dapat dirumuskan sebagia berikut.

Do + Subject + Infinitive

Contoh :

1. Apakah mereka datang? Do they come?

2. Apakah kamu membawanya? Do you bring it?

3. Apakah mereka suka? Do they like?

4. Apakah kita pergi? Do we go?

5. Apakah kamu melihatnya? Do you see it?

6. Apakah saya mencintai dia (pr)? Do I love her?

7. Apakah kita setuju? Do we agree?

8. Apakah kamu mengerti? Do you understand?

9. Apakah saya lupa? Do I forget?

10. Apakah kamu menginginkannya? Do you want it?

Sekarang perhatikan pula kata tanya negative berikut ini :

Don’t + Subject + Infinitive = Apakah…..tidak…..

Contoh :

1. Apakah kamu tidak membawanya? Don’t you bring it?

2. Apakah mereka tidak ingat? Don’t they remember?

3. Apakah saya tidak tahu? Don’t I know?

4. Apakah kita tidak suka? Don’t we like?

5. Apakah kamu tidak mencintainya (pr)? Don’t you love her?

I.2. Kata tanya “apakah” dengan memakai “does”.

Seperti halnya kata tanya “do” maka kata tanya “does” juga dipakai untuk kalimat Present Tense. Perbedaanya, kata tanya “does” dipakai untuk subject dia laki-laki (he), dia perempuan (she), nama orang (seperti John), dan nama kota (seperti Surabaya).

Jadi dirumuskan sebagai berikut.

Does + Subject + Infinitive

Contoh :

1. Apakah dia (lk) belajar? Does he study?

2. Apakah ibumu memasak? Does your mother cook?

3. Apakah Clara tinggal di Jakarta? Does Clara live in Jakarta?

4. Apakah Nany menangis? Does Nany cry?

5. Apakah Surabaya punya taman? Does Surabaya have a park?

6. Apakah ayahmu merokok? Does your father smoke?

7. Apakah dia (pr) mengirim surat? Does she send letters?

8. Apakah nenekmu suka teh? Does your grand mother like tea?

9. Apakah temanmu percaya? Does your friend believe?

10. Apakah guru kita datang? Does our teacher come?

11. Apakah Dony membawa tas? Does Dony bring a bag?

12. Apakah pamanmu lupa? Does your uncle forget?

13. Apakah dia (lk) mencintaimu? Does he love you?

14. Apakah Mary setuju? Does Mary agree?

15. Apakah Jakarta punya kebun binatang? Does Jakarta have a zoo?

Sekarang perhatikan kata tanya negative pada contoh kalimat berikut ini :

Doesn’t + Subject + Infinitive + = Apakah…..tidak…..(tidakkah)

Contoh :

1. Apakah dia (lk) tidak mencintaimu? Doesn’t he love you?

2. Apakah John tidak tahu? Doesn’t John know?

3. Apakah Surabaya tidak punya taman? Doesn’t Surabaya have parks?

4. Apakah dia (pr) tidak membawana? Doesn’t she bring it?

5. Apakah Clara tidak datang? Doesn’t Clara come?



There are many types of questions in English. The easiest are questions that can be
answered "yes" or "no."

    A: Are you from around here?
    B: Yes, I am.A: Do you come here often?
    B: Yes, I do.A: Can I buy you a drink?
    B: No, thanks.A: Are you married?
    B: Yes, I am.

To form a question from a statement, first count the number of verbs.

    John is a doctor.

    One verb: is (be)

    Jane drives a sports car.

    One verb: drives

    Joan played basketball last night.

    One verb: played

    Jan is eating her dinner.

    Two verbs: is eating

    June has rented an apartment.

    Two verbs: has rented

    Jen has been living there since 1969.

    Three verbs: has been living

If there is one verb in the statement and the verb is a form of be, simply switch the
positions of the subject and verb.



    John is a doctor.

    Is John a doctor?

    The Jensens are here.

    Are the Jensens here?

If there are two verbs, simply switch the positions of the subject and first verb.



    Jan is eating dinner.

    Is Jan eating dinner?

    June has rented an apartment.

    Has June rented an apartment?

    Jen has been living here since 1969.

    Has Jen been living here since 1969?

If there is one verb, and the verb is not a form of be, the process is more complex.

1. Add Do to the beginning of the sentence.

    The Johnsons live in that house.

    Do the Johnsons live in that house?

2. If the main verb "carries" a third person singular s, move the s to Do, making it Does.

    Jane drives a car.

    Do Jane drives a car? (Not finished yet!)


    Does Jane drive a car? (Good question!)

3. If the main verb "carries" past tense, move the past tense to Do, making it Did.

    Joan played basketball last night.

    Do Joan played basketball? (Not finished yet!)


    Did Joan play basketball? (Good question!)

In conversation, most questions are asked of the second person (you) and answered in
the first (I).

    A: Are you from California?
    B: No, I'm from Oregon. Are you?
    A: Yes, I'm from Hollywood.
    B: Do you know any movie stars?
    A: No, I don't go out at night.

In British English, the main verb have sometimes functions like be in questions. This is
not common in American English.



You have a pet ferret.

Have you a pet ferret? (British)

Wirastuti S.Pd M.Acc 6 April 2010 0:0


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