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6 Mei 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

tolong dong kasih CONTOH pidato utk public speaking ttg INTERNET yang pas untuk kurang dari 5 menit ( tugas kelas soalnya ) . Mohon dijawab secepatnya . Thx :)

Hi ashley, thanks for your question, for making speech about Internet you'd better try to make it first by yourself. We will be happy to help you make it perfect.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd 10 Mei 2010 0:0

5 Mei 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

Pak/bu saya mendapat tugas dari sekolah utk jadi news reader, saya sudah membuatnya tapi agak gak bener bhs inggrisny, tolobng di benarkan ya...



Selamat pagi pemirsa..
Selamat datang di MakNews acara berita tajam,aktual dan terpercaya .Saya Rahma akan mengawali berita pada hari ini..
Ribuan karyawan PT Drydock Naninda batam mengamuk dan membakar kantor Kamis 22/4 lalu. Kerusuhan
itu terjadi karena mereka meresa dilecehkan seorang pekerja bekewarganegaraan India.
Dari informasi yang didapat, kemarahan para karyawan ini disebabkan kata-kata pekerja india yang menyebutkan; "All Indonesians Are Stupid"
Saat ini amuk masa masih berlangsung, untuk lebih selengkapnya, kami telah terhubung dengan Ahmad di tempat kejadian



Good morning viewers ..
Welcome in MakNews show news sharp, actual and reliable information. My name Rama I will initiate news today ..

Thousands of employees of PT Drydock Naninda batam rampage and burned offices Thursday 22/april ago. Riot
It happened because they were instantly harassed a worker "bekewarganegaraan" India.
From the information received, the employee's anger was due to the words of Indian workers who say, "All Indonesians Are Stupid"

This time period is still going batty, for more details, we have been connected with Ahmad on the scene



Tolong dibenarkan ya... 


Good morning viewers ..
Welcome to MakNews, it's sharp, actual and reliable information news service. I am  Rama.lets check the first news...
Thousands of employees of PT Drydock Naninda batam rampage and burned their office Thursday 22/april ago.the Riot happened because they were instantly harassed an Indian worker.
From the information received, the employee's anger was due to the words of Indian workers who say, "All Indonesians Are Stupid"

 The riot  is still going on , for more details, we have been connected with Ahmad on the screen



Tolong dibenarkan ya...

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 8 Mei 2010 0:0

5 Mei 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

Tolong buat kan percakapan bahasa inggris tentang traffic jam... Please... Tolong segera dijawab dan dibalas pertanyaan aku.


pilih materi kelas XI.

selamat belajar

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 8 Mei 2010 0:0

5 Mei 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

Mbak/mas ada teks lagi ni untuk di cek salah benarnya dalam bahasa inggris, kalo ada yg salah di benarkan ya..



 News Reader(Yola):  Halo khafidah, bisa mendengar suara saya?

Reporter(Khafidoh): ya Yola..

News reader: Khafidah, bisa diceritakan kepada pemirsa bagaimana situasi yang terjadi disana?

Reporter:  Ok Yola.. Pemirsa, di belakang  bisa kita lihat kobaran Api besar karena kericuhan yang dilakukan pekerja Indonesia yang merasa terhina oleh ucapan  seorang pekerja India yang mengatakan ”All Indonesian Are stupid”. Karena emosi mereka membakar kantor PT Drydock dan merusak mobil yang diparkir di dalam perusahaan galangan kapal terbesar ini.. Mereka juga melakukan sweeping terhadap pekerja dari India.
Saya akan mencari salah satu pekerja indonesia untuk diwawancarai..

Reporter:  Halo pak, siapa nama Anda?

Ardian   : Nama saya Ardian

Reporter :  bisa anda ceritakan bagaimana peristiwa kerusuhan ini terjadi?

Ardian   :  Begini mbak, kita ini sangat tersinggung atas pernyataan yang di ucapkan
pekerja India, mereka seperti merendahkan kami dan menganggap kalau orang indonesia itu bodoh..

Reporter:  Apakah mereka sering mengejek Anda ?

Ardian:   Sangat sering, bahkan setiap hari mereka mengatakan kalau kami jika bekerja tidak pernah benar.

Reporter : Bagaimana tanggapan anda tentang kejadian ini?

Ardian    : Saya hanya minta kepada para pekerja india jangan sombong, Kamu itu bekerja di negeri kami !!  Tidak sepantasnya jika kamu mengejek kami karena kamu bisa  makan dan minum berkat adanya pekerja Indonesia, Coba kamu bekerja sendiri, apakah kamu bisa ??

Reporter: Ok, terus apa pesan anda untuk managemen PT Drydock ?

Ardian:  PT Drydock seharusnya tidak membedakan pekerja luar dengan pekerja indonesia. Dalam pemberian gaji kami diberi jauh lebih rendah daripada pekerja luar...
Reporter:  Jadi anda minta untuk menaikkan gaji bagi pekerja Indonesia?

Ardian:  Yes !!

Reporter : Ok pak, terima kasih atas wawancaranya ...

Ardian :  you’re welcome..




News Reader (Yola): Hello khafidah, can hear my voice?

Reporter (Khafidoh): yes Yola ..

News reader: Khafidah, can you tell to viewers about how the situation there?

Reporter: Ok Yola..  Viewers, in the back we can see a big fire because the flames are carried riot Indonesian workers who felt insulted by the remark an Indian worker who said "All Indonesian Are stupid." Because of their emotions to burn the office of PT Drydock and damaging parked cars in the company's largest shipyard this .. They also make sweeping against workers from India.
I will be looking for one of Indonesian workers to be interviewed ..

Reporter: Hello sir, what is your name?

Ardian: My name Ardian

Reporter: Can you tell me how the riots happened?

Ardian: Look miss, we are very offended at the statement said
Indian workers, they are like us and humbled indonesian people if we stupid..

Reporter: Did they often mock you?

Ardian: Very often, even daily, if they say if we had never worked properly.

Reporter: What do you think of this incident?

Ardian: I just asked the Indian workers are not arrogant, you were working in our country! Should not if you're mocking us because you can eat and drink thanks to the Indonesian workers, Please you work alone, if you could?

Reporter: Ok, keep on doing what your message to the management of PT Drydock?

Ardian: PT Drydock should not distinguish between foreign workers with Indonesian workers. In granting our salaries are much lower than outside workers ...

Reporter: So you have to raise wages for Indonesian workers?

Ardian: Yes!

Reporter: Ok sir, thank you for the interview ...

Ardian: you're welcome .. 

News Reader (Yola): Hello khafidah, canyou hear me?

Reporter (Khafidoh): yes Yola ..

News reader: Khafidah, can you tell to our viewers about  the situation there?

Reporter: Ok Yola..  Viewers, at the back we can see a big fire. It because the flames  carried a riot by Indonesian workers who felt insulted by the remark from an Indian worker who said "All Indonesian Are stupid." Because of their emotions they burn the office of PT Drydock and damaging parked cars in the company's largest shipyard .. They also do sweeping against Indian workers .
I am going to find one of Indonesian workers to be interviewed ..

Reporter: Hello sir, what is your name?

Ardian: My name Ardian

Reporter: Can you tell me how the riots happened?

Ardian: Look miss, we are very offended at the statement said by
Indian workers, they are like us and humbled indonesian people if we are stupid..

Reporter: Did they often mock you?

Ardian: Very often, even daily, if they say that we had never worked properly.

Reporter: What do you think of this incident?

Ardian: I just asked the Indian workers to be not arrogant, you were working in our country! it is not right if they are mocking us because they can eat and drink in cooperation with indonesian .So they have to thanks to the Indonesian workers, They cannot  work alone.

Reporter: Ok, keep on doing what your message to the management of PT Drydock?

Ardian: PT Drydock should not distinguish between foreign workers with Indonesian workers. In granting our salaries are much lower than foreign workers ...

Reporter: So they have to raise wages for Indonesian workers?

Ardian: Yes!

Reporter: Ok sir, thank you for the interview ...

Ardian: you're welcome .. 

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 8 Mei 2010 0:0

5 Mei 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

example analytical exposition. About bad of smooking or bad of handphone for students. Minimum 25 sentence. Quick, please....

you can find on

selamat belajar

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 8 Mei 2010 0:0

5 Mei 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

I want to say thanks!,

You are welcome

5 Mei 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

Is it so important?,

Maaf pertanyaan anda diperjelas. Trimakasih.
SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 5 Mei 2010 0:0

5 Mei 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Is it so important?,

Maaf mohon pertanyaan anda diperjelas. Trimakasih.
SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 5 Mei 2010 0:0

2 Mei 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

pak/bu, tolongin kasih contoh tentang expresing pride.. :)

contohnya seperti ini

I am very proud of you.

She is so proud of her son.


Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 4 Mei 2010 0:0

30 April 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

Saya krng mengerti tntng teks naratif. Apakah teks yg strukturnya terdiri dari orientation,evaluation,complication,revolution & re-orientation(optional) termasuk dlm teks naratif ? tolong berikan contoh teks yg mnggunakan stuktur tersebut dan tolong diperjelas mana bagian yg orientation,complication, dan seterusnya. Terimakasih   

Struktur teks naratif : orientation, complication, resolution (“bukan ‘revolution”) dan story ending.






Once upon a time there were 40 thieves who put their stolen money and treasures in a cave.  When they wanted to come into and got out  the cave they said: “Open Sesame!”. Then the entrance of the cave opened. Without saying that no one could open the entrance.



A poor person, Ali Baba, saw the thieves while they were saying the opening words. So he heard the opening words. After they left he went towards the cave and opened it. Suddenly he found a very large quantity of money and golden treasures. He took some of it and went back home. After that he became a rich man. Ali Baba’s brother wanted to know how Ali Baba became rich. One day he followed Ali Baba to solve that mystery. Next day Ali Baba’s brother went back to the cave and opened it. He found a lot of money and he wanted to take it all. When he tried to get out the cave  he could not. After a few minutes the thieves came in and him. The boss asked him how he knew about the cave so he told them the story. Then they killed Ali Baba’s brother and went to find Ali Baba’s house.



Next morning the thieves hid in big jars and went to Ali Baba’s house. The boss and two of his men pretended that they were merchants. Ali Baba invited them for lunch. After lunch they took a rest. The house maid went out and found 40 thieves in the jars, so she boiled hot oil and poured it on their heads to kill them.



After that Ali Baba lived happily ever after.


SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 3 Mei 2010 0:0


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