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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
tolong berikan penjelasan tentang ungkapan berserta contoh kalimatnya :
- Giving invitation + responses
- Bargaining + Responnses
- Certainty & uncertainty + Responses
- Compliment + Responses
Read the dialogue and then answer the questions.
Mrs. Thufailah : Najmi, have you finished washing the dishes?
Najmi : Yes, I have mom.
Mrs. Thufailah : Would you like to go to the shop and buy some ketchup? It’s gone.
Najmi : I just brought it last night.
Mrs. Thufailah : I couldn’t find it. Where did you put it?
Najmi : Wait for a minute mom. I am coming down ….. (after a few minutes). Here you are, mom.
Mrs. Thufailah : Oh, you put it there. You should put it at its usual place. Can you help me to cook?
Najmi : Surely, mom. What do you want me to do now?
Mrs. Thufailah : Get some chicken from the refrigerator, cut it into small pieces and wash it, okay?
Najmi : Yes, mum. ….. (after a few minutes)
I am through, mum. Here you are.
Mrs. Thufailah : Could you help me to set the table? Your father may be at home soon.
Najmi : Are we going to have dinner at home? He usually doesn’t.
Mrs. Thufailah : He said he would be home for dinner today.
Najmi : Alright. I’ll do it ….. (the telephone is ringing)
Hello, this is Najmi. Who is calling, please?
Hilal : Don’t you recognize my voice? This is Hilal.
Najmi : Hi, Hilal. What happen?
Hilal : Well, nothing special. Well, actually I want you to go with me to a book fair.
Najmi : Not at the moment, please. I am now busy helping my mom preparing for dinner.
Hilal : What a dilligent girl. Okey I understand. How about if we go in this afternoon at 3 or 4 p.m.?
Najmi : Wait for a moment. I’ll ask my mom first, okay? ….. Mom, can I go with Hilal to a book fair this afternoon?
Mrs. Thufailah : Don’t you have any lectures?
Najmi : I’m free and have no lecture this afternoon.
Mrs. Thufailah : If so, of course you may go. But, be at home before 7 p.m.. Remember, we’re having dinner together tonight.
Najmi : Thanks mom. Hallo Hilal, are you still there?
Hilal : Does your mom let you go with me?
Najmi : Yes, she does. Can you pick me up?
Hilal : I’ll be there at three, okay?
Najmi : Okey. Don’t be late.
Hilal : Bye.
Najmi : Bye.
(Memberikan pujian)
Text 1
Nabila : Hi, Sari! How are things?
Sari : Fine, and you?
Nabila : I’m feeling great today. How was your weekend at the beach?
Sari : Terrific! We had a lovely time there. You should go there.
Nabila : Really? Hey, what a beautiful blouse you are wearing, it matches your skirt.
Sari : Thanks. My mother gave it to me on my birthday.
Nabila : Wow! That’s wonderful. Oh, Sari, I almost forget. Can I ask you something?
Sari : Oh, sure. What’s up?
Nabila : Have you finished typing the annual report we made last week?
Sari : Yes, mean this?
Nabila : Yeah, Hmmm, I think this report is excellent. Thanks a lot Sari. You did a great job. Now I have to give it to the director immediately.
Sari : OK. You’d better hurry. He may be waiting for it.
Nabila : Well, he probably is. Thanks again, Sari. Have a nice day!
tolong bikinin 10 kalimat expression of compliment&respond, 10 kalimat expression of amazement&respond , dan 10 klimat expression disbelief&respond.
makasih banyak.. tolong segera di kirim atau d jawab saya butuh banget...
1x lg berterimakasih banyak
Nabila : Hi, Sari! How are things?
Sari : Fine, and you?
Nabila : I’m feeling great today. How was your weekend at the beach?
Sari : Terrific! We had a lovely time there. You should go there.
Nabila : Really? Hey, what a beautiful blouse you are wearing, it matches your skirt.
Sari : Thanks. My mother gave it to me on my birthday.
Nabila : Wow! That’s wonderful. Oh, Sari, I almost forget. Can I ask you something?
Sari : Oh, sure. What’s up?
Nabila : Have you finished typing the annual report we made last week?
Sari : Yes, mean this?
Nabila : Yeah, Hmmm, I think this report is excellent. Thanks a lot Sari. You did a great job. Now I have to give it to the director immediately.
Sari : OK. You’d better hurry. He may be waiting for it.
Nabila : Well, he probably is. Thanks again, Sari. Have a nice day!
Text 1
A : Mr. Agus didn’t teach us this morning.
B : What a surprise. He is never absent before.
Text 2
A : Dad, my friends and I plan to climb Mount Lawu next week.
B : You are kidding! This is hard rainy season. It will be dangerous up there.
Text 3
Dina : Good heavens! Look at this. It says a pilot was nearly sucked out of the window of his plane. It was in mid air.
Sandi : Really? He wasn’t killed, was he?
Dina : No, it says he was hanging out of the window while the plane was 23,000 feet in the air.
Sandi : I don’t understand. The windows didn’t break, did it?
Dina : Yes it did. Actually.
Text 4
Dona : Watch that! A man eats nails and glasses. Wouw….! That’s out of logic.
Mita : What’s programme do you watch?
Dona : I watch “Guiness Book World of Record”!
Mita : Oh, that’s an interesting programme.
Dona : Do you believe that one can do something like that?
Mita : Me? I believe that. What about you?
Dona : I don’t believe it.
Mita : Up to you!
Mau cari text discription tapi susah gimana???
Thanks for your question.
There are many resources to find descriptive text. You can download from the internet like google by typing identified ideas, things or names you want to find.
Please try.
dalam hal apa saja kita dapat menggunakan narrative di kehidupan sehari - hari? tolong berikan contohnya juga secara lengkap dan detail! TERIMAKASIH...
Terimakasih atas pertanyaan Selli.
Ada dua manfaat utama dari teks naratif yaitu:
* untuk menghibur pembaca karena membaca narasi sifatnya rekreatif dengan menikmati skenario cerita yang sedemikian rupa sehingga menghibur pembaca. Cerita yang menarik dapat menggugah perasaan pembaca.
* mendapatkan pesan moral yang mengarah pada kebaikan, sehingga bagus dibaca bagi pembaca agar cara pandang hidupnya semakin baik. Contoh: Fable "Tiger and Mousedeer"
apa yang dimaksud JUMBLED WORD?
beri contohnya.
soalnya di buat ujian.
Thanks for your question.
Jumbled word adalah serangkaian kata dari sebuah kalimat yang diacak . Contoh :
door - never - the - front - leave – open
bila disusun menjadi:
Never leave the front door open.
tolong jelasin tentang bagaimana kita dapat mencari :a.kata rujukan..ex. they are bring this and go to New Yorkthis refer to...b.pokok pikiran paragraphex. the main idea of the first paragraph is... .c.nilai moralex. what is the moral value of the story ?dalam text narativeterimakasih..
a.kata rujukan..
Kata ganti biasanya menunjuk pada kata yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya. Sehingga cara mencari kata rujukan, kita harus membaca kalimat atau statement sebelumnya. Perhatikan apakah kata ganti tersebut mengganti keterangan jenis kata apa, singular/plural?
b.pokok pikiran paragraph
main idea atau pikiran utama paragraph bisa berupa ide pokok, simpulan, dll. Biasanya bisa dilihat dari kalimat pertama/depan, atau bila berupa simpulan akan tampak di akhir paragraph.
c.nilai moral
Moral value adalah pesan moral yang hendak disampaikan oleh penulis naratif lewat cerita. Biasanya pesan moral mengacu pada kebaikan, kejujuran, keteladanan, dll.
tolong dong bikinin 10 kalimat expression of compliment & respond
10 kalimat expression of amazement & respond
dan 10 kalimat expression of disbelief & respond
Adit, thanks for you questions. I send you 3 dialogues to make the expressions clear enough.
Expressing disbelief:
Dani : Good heavens! Look at this. It sayas a pilot was nearly sucked out of the window of his plane. It was in mida air.
Rani : Really! He wasn't killed, was he?
Dani : No, it says he was hanging out of the window while the plane was 23,000 feet in the air.
Rani : I don't understand. The window didn't break, did it?
Dani : Yes, it did. Actually.
Expressing amazement:
Riza : Look at the sky, Raihan!
Raihan : Wow, how wonderful it is. The rainbow looks so amazing.
Expressing complimenting:
Nabila : Hi, Sari! How are things?
Sari : Fine, and you?
Nabila : I'm feeling great today. How was your weekend at the beach?
Sari : Terrific! We had a lovely time there. You should go there.
Nabila : Really? Hey, what a beautiful blouse you are wearing, it matches your skirt.
Sari : Thanks. My mother gave it to me on my birthday.
Nabila : Wow! That's wonderful. Oh, Sari, I almost forget. Can I ask you something?
Sari : Oh, sure. What's up?
Nabila : Have you finished typing the annual report we made lask week?
Sari : Yes, mean this?
Nabila : Yeah, Hmmm, I think this report is excellent. Thanks a lot Sari. You did a great job. Now I have to give it to the director immediately.
Sari : OK. You'd better hurry. He may be waiting for it.
Nabila : Well, he probably is. Thanks again, Sari. Have a nice day!
Sari : OK. You’d better hurry. He may be waiting for it.
Nabila : Well, he probably is. Thanks again, Sari. Have a nice day!
saya masih bingung tentang penggunaan kt either,neither,ought to sejenisnya.shall,will,does,at sejenisnya.yg saya maksud pemakaian kt2 tambahan selain dr kata pokoknya,ex: i prefer this coffe better than this milk.
kt2 yg di garis bawahi tersebut msh bs saya mengerti,tp untuk lbhnya saya tdk bs mengerti akan artinya.saya pemula dlm english so i now tried to learn it much till i can speak with english.please help me where i can find that guide from this internet some web maybe......
Panda. thanks for your questions. Well, I give you some sentences using either, neither, ought to, shall, will, does, and prefer.
1. My sister does not like singing and my brother does not either.
2. Rudi did not attend the meeting and neither did Tina.
Dari contoh diatas penggunaan either dan neither digunakan untuk menyatakan 'juga tidak'. Kalimat yang pertama artinya 'kakak perempuan saya tidak suka menyanyi begitu juga kakak laki-laki saya' (mereka berdua tidak suka menyanyi).
Arti kalimat kedua adalah 'Rudi tidakmenghadiri rapat begitu juga Tina' (mereka berdua tidak menghadiri rapat).
Jadi kata 'either' dan 'neither' digunakan untuk menyatakan 'juga tidak' (dua kalimat negatif). Apabila menggunakan kata 'either' kita masih memerlukan 'not', sedangkan kata 'neither' tidak perlu menggunakan 'not'.
3. Panda ought to study hard for the test.
They ought to finish the assignment.
Kalimat diatas jelas bahwa setelah 'ought to' harus diikuti 'kata kerja infinitive' (study).
4. We shall take a walk.
I shall leave for Jakarta.
We will visit Toni.
He will accompany me.
'shall'digunakan untuk subject 'we' dan ' I', sedangkan 'will' bisa digunakan untuk semua subject. Setelah 'shall' dan 'will' harus diikuti 'kata kerja infinitive'.
5. Does your sister prepare the dinner?
She does not prepare the dinner.
Kata 'does' merupakan 'auxilliary verb' atau 'kata kerja bantu' yang digunakan dalam bentuk 'present tense' dan untuk subject he, she, dan it.
6. Beny prefers reading to writing.
Beny likes reading better than writing.
Beny would rather read than write.
Kata 'prefer', 'like', dan 'would rather' digunakan untuk menyatakan 'preference'. Ketiga kalimat diatas artinya 'Beny lebih suka membaca daripada menulis'.
Perlu diperhatikan bahwa kata 'prefer' harus diikuti 'to', kata 'like' diikuti 'better than', dan 'would rather' diikuti 'than'.
Perlu diperhatikan juga untuk penggunaan kata kerja yang mengikutinya.
'prefer' dan 'like' diikuti kata kerja bentuk -ing tetapi 'would rahter' diikuti kata kerja 'infinitive'.
Panda, is it clear enough now? I hope you understand the above explanations well. Then, you enjoy learning English.
saya ingin menanyakan bagaimana cara membuat recout text ya ?
dan juga cara membuat report text ?
Thanks for the question.
Recount adalah teks yang isinya tentang pengalaman atau kejadian yang sudah terjadi pada masa lampau. Karena itu tenses yang digunakan adalah 'past tense'.
Cara membuat text recount, ikuti 'generic structure'nya. yaitu:
Paragraph 1 : ORIENTATION (tulis kapan, dimana dan siapa yang akan kamu ceritakan)
Paragraph 2 : EVENT(S) --->( tulis apa yang terjadi secara berurutan. Boleh ditulis dalam
beberapa paragraph)
Paragraph akhir : REORIENTATION (boleh ada boleh tidak/ optional), isinya tentang
kesan si penulis tentang cerita / pengalaman tersebut.
Contohnya ; My Unforgettable Experience, Travelling to London, dll.
Teks Report adalah teks yang isinya mendiskripsikan sesuatu (binatang, tanaman, dll secara umumsesuai fakta yang ada. Karena itu tenses yuang digunakan adalah 'present tense.
Cara membuat teks Report, ikuti 'generic structure'nya:
Paragraph 1 : DEFINITION / GENERAL CLASSIFICATION (tulis definisi dari apa yang mau kamu tulis)
Paragraph 2 : DESCRIPTION OF CHARATERISTIC (tuliskan ciri-cinya secara umum)
Contohnya : Whales, Hospitals, dll
Selamat Mencoba ya.
assalamu,alaikum bapak dan ibu guru yg saya hormati saya minta tolong buatkan riview novel yg bahasa inggris yg intermediet, tolong secepatnya terimakasih.
ini contohnya, selamat belajar
Meg Cabot
Harper Collins
Young Adult
ISBN: 0380814021
304 pages
As the hilariously funny tale called The Princess Diaries begins, Mia Thermopolis is just a regular high school freshman at Albert Einstein High School. Well, as regular as you can be when you live in a loft in downtown New York with your flighty artist Mom. And as regular as you can be when your best friend is Lilly, a punky and spunky militant who produces her own TV show.
As readers can guess from the title, this book takes the form of a diary, written by Mia. Over the span of a month, she relates her daily woes and embarrassments in heart breaking detail. As with most teenaged girls, Mia thinks she is hopeless, looks-wise. She’s tall — 5’9″ — and klutzy, and not so gifted in the chest department.
Then there is school. One of Mia’s biggest problems is the fact she is flunking Algebra and, to make matters worse, her Mom has begun dating her teacher. Gross.
In the boy department, the cutest one in school has the locker next to hers, but doesn’t even know Mia exists, even as his snooty girlfriend Lana, a popular cheerleader, torments her. And to top it off, Mia is developing some sort of weird crush on Michael, Lilly’s computer nerd brother.
Then one day, Mia finds out she is a princess. Okay, I know that doesn’t sound bad to most girls, but Mia hates the idea instantly. How does this fairy tale come true? Her father is ruler of the principality of Genovia and since Mia is his only child, she is next in line to the throne. Her dad sends in the big guns to convince Mia that being a princess is what she is meant to do: her formidable grandmother comes to New York to give Mia “Princess Lessons”. And as the word spreads around Albert Einstein High School that Mia is royalty, her life just gets more crazy.
The ending of The Princess Diaries is a twisty one and will leave you joining for more stories of Mia and the rest of her friends.
Reviewed by Jennifer Abbots
Taken from