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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
Saya ingin Bertanya 1. apa itu lexico gramatical 2.Tolong carikan apa saja lexico gramatical di dua teks ini :
TEKS 1 :
The Legend of Surabaya
Folklore from East Java
A long time ago in East Java there were two strong animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They lived in a sea. Actually, they were friends. But when they were hungry, they were very greedy. They did not want to share their food. They would fight for it and never stop fighting until one of them gave up.
It was a very hot day. Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly, Baya saw a goat.
“Yummy, this is my lunch,” said Baya.“No way! This is my lunch. You are greedy! I had not eaten for two days!” said Sura.Then Sura and Baya fought again. After several hours, they were very tired. Sura had a plan to stop their bad behavior.
“I’m tired of fighting, Baya,” said Sura.“Me too. What should we do to stop fighting? Do you have any idea?” asked Baya.“Yes, I do. Let’s share our territory. I live in the water, so I look for food in the sea. And you live on the land, right? So, you look for the food also on the land. The border is the beach, so we will never meet again. Do you agree?” asked Sura.“Hmm... let me think about it. OK, I agree. From today, I will never go to the sea again. My place is on the land,” said Baya.Then they both lived in the different places. But one day, Sura went to the land and looked for some food in the river. He was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he knew that Sura broke the promise.“Hey, what are you doing here? This is my place. Your place is in the sea!”“But, there is water in the river, right? So, this is also my place!” said Sura.
Then Sura and Baya fought again. They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya's tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura finally gave up. He went back to the sea. Baya was very happy. He had his place again.
The place where they were fighting was a mess. Blood was everywhere. People then always talked about the fight between Sura and Baya. They then named the place of the fight as Surabaya, it’s from Sura the shark and Baya the crocodile. People also put their fight as the symbol of Surabaya city.The End
TEKS 2 :
The Smartest Parrot
Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.
The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept not saying the word.
At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. “You stupid bird!” pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry and shouted to the bird over and over; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”. The bird kept not to say the word of Catano.
One day, after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house. There were four old chickens for next dinner “You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them” Said the man angrily. Then he continued to humble; “You know, I will cut the chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot”. After that he left the chicken house.
The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and was very surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”.
The End
terima kasih sebelumnya...saya minta tolong lexico gramatical kedua teks itu dengan lengkap karena itu sangat penting
Lexicogrammatical is a combination of vocabulary (lexus) and grammar. It is a term which is intended to be comprehensive for the make-up of an utterance, though it does not include extra-linguistic factors such as tone and gesture.
Jadi maksud dari lexico grammatical adalah kombinasi antara kosakata dan grammar.
Text tersebut grammarnya apa dan kata-kata yang sering digunakan apa saja?
Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.
Grammarnya Past tense vocab nya adjective,noun dll
selamat belajar
tolong, contoh soal pilihan ganda tentang expressing admitting 5 saja
Study the following.
Via: Hey, where’s my cake? I haven’t eaten it.
Dewi: I don’t know.
Via: It must have been you who ate my cake.
Dewi: Right, are you accusing me?
Via: So, what’s the chocolate dot on your face over there?
Dewi: All right, I admit that I was very hungry. Will you forgive me?
Useful Information On A Homeschool Curriculum
Are you thinking doing home schooling for your children? You need to consider the homeschool curriculum that is offered by the school. See if it has the program and values that you want your children to have. Discover here more information home studying.
As we all know, homeschool curriculum is a non-formal approach to education. There are many private schools that offer such kind of system. The course requirement may be different from public schools, but they still offer the course necessary to meet state graduation requirements.
Parents may have been skeptic about home schooling programs but recently, their opinions toward it have improved. With its numerous advantages, the decision whether to enroll their children in private school or under home school curriculum is tougher.
Among the benefits, you should consider the following:
Secure environment for their kids because they do not have to go out. They can study and learn their lesson at home or private home schools.
The home school curriculum packages are usually offered with home school books. This is beneficial to you because they no longer have to spend time looking for the suggested books of the school.
Home education is a recognized form of education. Any certificate or diploma which a student would receive from a homeschool institution will and is accepted in the society.
You can save money from the transportation costs. A homeschool student doesn't have to travel from their house to the school, thus, you would no longer have the transportation cost.
Other interesting subjects are offered in the package.
Pretest reviews are given to the students. With these, both you and students will know what to expect. Moreover, students would have the chance to go back to his notes and improve.
Homeschool curriculums are offered according to the school. Some may offer integrate bible study or religion, some may include culture study, and Linguistic and practical skills. All of these are offered together with other academic subjects.
According to homeschool curriculum review, the best school program is a balanced one. It should contain the most important academic subjects such as Math, Social Studies, Science, and Language. Aside from that, it should also offer subjects that could improve a person's skills and values.
Accordingly, a Christian program usually proposes different courses from that of a private school. In a Christian school, aside from the required academic subjects, religious studies are also incorporated.
What courses are offered in a private school? In this type of school, subjects vary according to the school's program. Some may add a little extra and some may not.
Some private schools follow a program with some religious studies. Some are purely academics. Likewise, some may offer additional skills and some may not.
Those that include religious understanding in their program believe that it is the best approach to shape someone's values and personality. Those who do not are maybe relying on the parents or simply believe that academics and religion should not be taught together.
So which approach is the best? Though online homeschool reviews and resources choose one from the other, this decision is still entirely dependent on your judgment. Just keep in mind, balance should always be present.berdasarkan artikel tersebut tentukan
the structure of the text
- thesis : definition, issues/phenomene, problem
- argument : factual, actual, data, proff talking about the opinion in one side
- reiteration : conclude summary
analytical exposition : explain something based on the issues or phenomene
maaf kepanjangan pak saya bener2 bingung ngerjain soalnya
Untuk menentukan the structure of the text adalah sbb:
- thesis : Thesis adalah pendapat atau pernyataan penulis tentang suatu hal.(Are you thinking doing home schooling for your children? You need to consider the homeschool curriculum that is offered by the school. See if it has the program and values that you want your children to have.)- argument : adalah alasan alasan yang diungkapkan oleh penulis (factual, actual, data, proff talking about the opinion in one side)
- reiteration : adalah penegasan kembali (conclude summary)
selamat bekerja
bapak/ibu mohon bantuannya ya..
tlong diperbaiki kosakata dalam bahasa Inggrisnya..
ini dalam b.inggrisny :
I am a student for students who are already considered an adult who is able to find their own knowledge with their own consciousness. student is also a process where we have become mature, learn to be independent and also learn to be a good person who has the desire or the ideals that we have to achieve or our passions.
Besides, students also is something the icon or application in which we conduct our character and our character can be imitated by the people, both children and adults.
As a student we have to show them how to think how to act how to socialize and how bermusyawara smoothly without any quarrel, debate tangent-offending and unwanted by society, ourselves and others.
Besides the attitude we have during the previous school should we waste and we must establish new properties are better than the properties sebelumnya.maka from it being a student means we have a heavy duty and great for the advancement of the days ahead that will come.
Learning process is the same as in kulia lectures only gives the material without any interaction that is more than a lecturer, so if you want to deepen our kulia eye on my own.
This is the difference between kulia and high school where we had to find the material or the material itself is no longer described by a teacher when we were in high school but we have to look for material submitted by the lecturer or tutor we explain the material alone without them.
This is a challenge which we must seek its own things that we must learn both the written and unwritten.
As a student it is our duty we must fulfill, and we obey without complaining and do not feel responsible for our task is.
This is called by students and the learning process in which we have become a student means we are ready to perform tasks and pursue our future in the future.
In this learning process we are required to understand what is explained by the faculty and do all the tasks they give even if they do not explain the material that we discuss them only give an example and a few books and the rest we have to find themselves the task without any other notice.
That period of time when Lita hadapin now we must be thorough, meticulous, diligent in asking questions and quick response so that we can get through and understand what we must do and what not to do in being a student and in pembelaajaran about kulia.
The organization is a means to channel the talent to do activities that exist around the campus or can be called by activists.
Examples such as when we are acquainted with the term diSMA OSIS (intra-school student organization) in which we are required to make a change or an activity where we should be active in that activity and is entitled to show where the best and no.
And at this kulia we are also familiar with the term BEM (the executive body of students) serves to assist students who want to argue or an opinion by donating gifts or opinion for the betterment of the university and others.
Also aims to organize so that we can be recognized by faculty and other students that we are known, or so forth.
Organize also serves to train ourselves to be a responsible, be a leader and become a wise man become a good leader and others.
But many of our leaders do not even become a good leader sreorang or otherwise dishonest and unfair to be a leader they just take advantage of being a leader with a fun take money that does not trample on their rights and dignity of the weak and the incapable. And the money that they eat is their money that can not afford and people who have a right to the money but the leaders did not give them rights which are not weakened but rather take their rights.
Is such a good leader, a wise leader and a fair leader? Whether such? Maybe the answer is not the same sekali.maka from it let us all be a good leader, a fair and prudent so that we can be considered and properly actually be a good leader in the eyes of society, environment and God Almighty.
Perhaps this is where we can start to be a wise leader who wants every human being rather than vice versa.
Maybe I hope that the senior brothers can be a good leader who can be emulated by us all rather than a leader who sewena-wena for us since we were freshmen in college and hopefully Sriwijaya brothers all can guide us so that we get an example and good training of the brothers as well. Not bad things that we got from my sisters are all brothers and hopefully become a good senior for all of us.
Greetings from our brothers and sisters all
Role for my students is:
1. Plays a formidable human beings who have the ability and morality that can later replace the previous generations (the nation's valuable assets)
2. Students act as guardians of the true values in the community
3. Student is a change toward a well in a nation and state.
The function of a student is to learn and apply the knowledge gained to the betterment of society, students and the nation's most important to the progress of the university's own well-regarded and so well done that invite other students to join in and un tuk in the university.
Students also play a role in whether or not the university because everyone sees the attitudes and behaviors of college students that there is a new community diuniversitas can assess how the university itself.
Thus the start of us we become a good student of the physical, behavioral manpun properties that we do because our behavior to be an example for the brothers of our future and the future.
The student movement was badly needed and other world-lain.karena kulia as I mentioned earlier a student is very important in society and the environment, so let us be good students, fair, wise, and not sewena-wena of the rights and obligations others and our environment.
Yahh,,, therefore I hope that my sisters can all provide a good example for us all no-wena berprilakusewena to us ..
And may all be brothers received us be brothers all became older sister who can give a good example for us.
Examples we can emulate and we obey the good of all of them brothers,,
ini dalam b.indonesianya :
Mahasiswa bagi saya merupakan siswa yang sudah dianggap dewasa yang mampu mencari ilmu sendiri dengan kesadaran mereka tersendiri. mahasiswa juga merupakan proses dimana kita telah menjadi dewasa,belajar untuk mandiri dan juga belajar menjadi pribadi yang baik yang mempunyai keinginan atau cita-cita yang harus kita capai atau kita raih.
Disamping itu juga mahasiswa merupakan sesuatu icon atau penerapan dimana perilaku kita sifat kita dan watak kita dapat ditiru oleh masyarakat,anak-anak maupun dewasa.
Sebagai seorang mahasiswa kita harus menunjukkan bagaimana cara berfikir cara bertindak cara bersosialisasi dan cara bermusyawara dengan baik tanpa adanya pertengkaran,singgung-menyinggung dan perdebatan yang tidak diinginkan oleh masyarakat,diri kita sendiri dan lain-lain.
Selain itu sikap yang kita miliki pada waktu SMA terdahulu harus kita buang dan kita harus membentuk sifat yang baru yang lebih baik dari sifat-sifat sebelumnya.maka dari itu menjadi seorang mahasiswa berarti kita mempunyai tugas yang berat dan besar untuk kemajuan diri kedepan dimasa yang akan datang.
Proses Pembelajaran dalam kulia merupakan sama seperti ceramah hanya memberikan materi-materi tanpa ada interaksi yang lebih dari dosen ,sehingga apabila ingin mendalami mata kulia kita harus berusaha sendiri.
Inilah perbedaan antara kulia dan SMA dimana kita harus mencari bahan atau materi sendiri bukan lagi dijelaskan oleh seorang guru apabila kita berada di masa SMA tetapi kita harus mencari materi yang disampaikan oleh dosen atau pembimbing kita sendirian tanpa mereka jelaskan materinya.
Ini adalah suatu tantangan dimana kita harus mencari sendiri hal-hal yang harus kita pelajari baik tertulis maupun tidak tertulis .
Sebagai seorang mahasiswa inilah tugas kita yang harus kita penuhi dan kita turuti tanpa adanya rasa mengeluh dan tidak bertanggungjawab atas tugas kita tersebut.
Inilah yang disebut dengan mahasiswa dan proses pembelajaran dimana kita telah menjadi seorang mahasiswa berarti kita siap untuk menjalankan tugas dan mengejar masa depan kita dimasa yang akan datang.
Dalam proses pembelajaran ini kita dituntut untuk mengerti apa yang dijelaskan oleh dosen dan mengerjakan semua tugas yang mereka berikan walaupun mereka tidak menjelaskan materi yang kita bahas mereka hanya memberikan contoh dan beberapa buku dan selebihnya kita harus mencari sendiri tugas itu tanpa adanya pemberitahuan yang lain.
Itulah masa yang lita hadapin sekarang masa dimana kita harus teliti,cermat,rajin bertanya dan cepat tanggap sehingga kita bisa melewati dan mengerti apa yang harus kita lakukan dan yang tidak lakukan dalam menjadi seorang mahasiswa dan dalam pembelaajaran tentang kulia.
Organisasi merupakan suatu sarana untuk menyalurkan bakat untuk melakukan kegiatan yang ada disekitar kampus atau bisa disebut dengan aktivis.
Contohnya seperti pada waktu diSMA kita mengenal dengan istilah OSIS (organisasi siswa intra sekolah ) dimana kita dituntut untuk melakukan suatu perubahan atau suatu kegiatan dimana kita harus aktif dalam kegiatan itu dan berhak untuk menunjukkan mana yang terbaik dan tidak.
Dan pada saat kulia ini kita juga mengenal dengan istilah BEM (badan eksekutif mahasiwa ) berfungsi untuk membantu mahasiswa yang ingin berpendapat atau mengeluarkan pendapat dengan cara menyumbangkan bakat-bakat atau opini untuk kemajuan universitas tersebut dan lain sebagainya.
Berorganisasi juga bertujuan agar kita dapat dikenal oleh dosen dan mahasiswa-mahasiswa lain agar kita dikenal atau sebagainya.
Berorganisasi juga berfungsi untuk melatih diri kita menjadi seorang yang bertanggungjawab,menjadi seorang pemimpin dan menjadi seorang yang bijaksana menjadi seorang pemimpin yang baik dan lain-lain.
Tapi banyak diantara pemimpin kita tidak manjadi sreorang pemimpin yang baik atau sebaliknya tidak jujur dan tidak adil menjadi seorang pemimpin mereka hanya memanfaatkan menjadi seorang pemimpin dengan bersenang-senang memakan uang yang bukan haknya dan menginjak-injak harga diri orang yang lemah dan orang tak mampu. Padahal uang yang mereka makan adalah uang mereka yang tidak mampu dan orang yang mempunyai hak atas uang tersebut tapi pemimpin-pemimpin tersebut tidak memberikan hak mereka yang lemah melainkan mengambil yang bukan hak mereka.
Apakah seperti seorang pemimpin yang baik,pemimpin yang bijaksana dan pemimpin yang adil???apakah seperti itu??mungkin jawabannya adalah tidak sama sekali.maka dari itu marilah kita semua menjadi pemimpin yang baik,yang adil dan bijaksana sehingga kita bisa dianggap dan benar-benar menjadi pemimpin yang baik dimata masyarakat,lingkungan dan tuhan yang maha esa.
Mungkin dari sinilah kita dapat memulai menjadi pemimpin yang bijaksana yang diinginkan setiap manusia bukan sebaliknya.
Mungkin saya berharap semoga kakak-kakak senior bisa menjadi pemimpin yang baik yang dapat dicontoh oleh kami semua bukan menjadi pemimpin yang sewena-wena untuk kami karena kami mahasiswa baru di universitas sriwijaya ini dan semoga kakak-kakak sekalian bisa membimbing kami agar kami mendapatkan contoh dan pelatihan yang baik dari kakak-kakak sekalian. Bukan hal-hal yang buruk yang kami dapatkan dari kakak-kakak semuanya dan semoga kakak-kakak menjadi senior yang baik buat kami semua.
Salam dari kami kakak-kakak sekalian
Peran mahasiswa bagi saya adalah :
1. Berperan menjadi manusia-manusia tangguh yang memiliki kemampuan dan berakhlak mulia yang nantinya dapat menggantikan generasi-generasi sebelumnya (aset bangsa yang berharga )
2. Mahasiswa berperan sebagai penjaga nilai-nilai kebenaran dimasyarakat
3. Mahasiswa merupakan perubahan untuk menuju suatu yang baik dalam sebuah bangsa dan negara.
Fungsi mahasiswa adalah untuk mempelajari dan menerapkan ilmu yang didapat untuk kemajuan masyarakat,mahasiswa dan bangsa yang paling penting untuk kemajuan universitas itu tersendiri agar dipandang baik dan bagus sehingga mengajak siswa-siswi lain un tuk masuk dan bergabung dalam universitas itu.
Mahasiswa juga berperan dalam baik tidaknya universitas itu karena semua orang melihat dari sikap dan perilaku mahasiswa yang ada diuniversitas tersebut baru masyarakat dapat menilai bagaimana universitas itu sendiri.
Maka dari itu mulai dari kita kita menjadi mahasiswa yang baik dari fisik ,sifat manpun perilaku yang kita lakukan karena perilaku kita menjadi contoh untuk adik-adik kita dimasa depan dan masa yang akan datang .
Pergerakan mahasiswa pun sangat dibutuhkan didunia kulia dan lain-lain.karena seperti yang saya ceritakan tadi mahasiswa sangat berperan penting dalam masyarakat dan lingkungan sekitar ,untuk itu mari kita menjadi mahasiswa yang baik,adil,bijaksana,dan tidak sewena-wena terhadap hak dan kewajiban orang lain dan dilingkungan kita.
Yahh,,,maka dari itu saya berharap kakak-kakak sekalian dapat memberikan contoh yang baik bagi kami semua tidak berprilakusewena-wena kepada kami..
Dan semoga kakak-kakak sekalian dapat menerima kami menjadi adik-adik kakak sekalian menjadi kakak yang dapat memberikan contoh yang baik buat kami.
Contoh yang dapat kami tiru dan kami turuti kebaikan dari kakak-kakak semuanya ,,
terima kasih sblmnya....
A university student is a student who is already considered an adult and able to find their own knowledge with his / her own consciousness. To be a student is also a process where we have become mature, learn to be independent and also learn to be a good person who has the desire or the ideals that we have to achieve or our passions.
Besides, students is also something the icon or application in which we conduct our character and our character can be imitated by the people, both children and adults.
As a student we have to show them how to think how to act how to socialize and how bermusyawara smoothly without any quarrel, debate tangent-offending and unwanted by society, ourselves and others.
Besides the attitude we have during the previous school should we waste and we must establish new properties are better than the properties sebelumnya.maka from it being a student means we have a heavy duty and great for the advancement of the days ahead that will come.
Learning process is the same as in lectures only gives the material without any interaction that is more than a lecturer, so if you want to deepen our kulia eye on my own.
This is the difference between lcturing and high school where we had to find the material or the material itself is no longer described by a teacher when we were in high school but we have to look for material submitted by the lecturer or tutor we explain the material alone without them.
This is a challenge which we must seek its own things that we must learn both the written and unwritten.
As a student it is our duty we must fulfill, and we obey without complaining and do not feel responsible for our task is.
This is called by students and the learning process in which we have become a student means we are ready to perform tasks and pursue our future in the future.
In this learning process we are required to understand what is explained by the faculty and do all the tasks they give even if they do not explain the material that we discuss them only give an example and a few books and the rest we have to find themselves the task without any other notice.
That period of time when Lita hadapin now we must be thorough, meticulous, diligent in asking questions and quick response so that we can get through and understand what we must do and what not to do in being a student and in pembelaajaran about kulia.
The organization is a means to channel the talent to do activities that exist around the campus or can be called by activists.
Examples such as when we are acquainted with the term diSMA OSIS (intra-school student organization) in which we are required to make a change or an activity where we should be active in that activity and is entitled to show where the best and no.
And at this kulia we are also familiar with the term BEM (the executive body of students) serves to assist students who want to argue or an opinion by donating gifts or opinion for the betterment of the university and others.
Also aims to organize so that we can be recognized by faculty and other students that we are known, or so forth.
Organize also serves to train ourselves to be a responsible, be a leader and become a wise man become a good leader and others.
But many of our leaders do not even become a good leader sreorang or otherwise dishonest and unfair to be a leader they just take advantage of being a leader with a fun take money that does not trample on their rights and dignity of the weak and the incapable. And the money that they eat is their money that can not afford and people who have a right to the money but the leaders did not give them rights which are not weakened but rather take their rights.
Is such a good leader, a wise leader and a fair leader? Whether such? Maybe the answer is not the same sekali.maka from it let us all be a good leader, a fair and prudent so that we can be considered and properly actually be a good leader in the eyes of society, environment and God Almighty.
Perhaps this is where we can start to be a wise leader who wants every human being rather than vice versa.
Maybe I hope that the senior brothers can be a good leader who can be emulated by us all rather than a leader who sewena-wena for us since we were freshmen in college and hopefully Sriwijaya brothers all can guide us so that we get an example and good training of the brothers as well. Not bad things that we got from my sisters are all brothers and hopefully become a good senior for all of us.
Greetings from our brothers and sisters all
Role for my students are:
1. Plays a formidable human beings who have the ability and morality that can later replace the previous generations (the nation's valuable assets)
2. Students act as guardians of the true values in the community
3. Student is a change toward a well in a nation and state.
The function of a student is to learn and apply the knowledge gained to the betterment of society, students and the nation's most important to the progress of the university's own well-regarded and so well done that invite other students to join in and un tuk in the university.
Students also play a role in whether or not the university because everyone sees the attitudes and behaviors of college students that there is a new community diuniversitas can assess how the university itself.
Thus the start of us we become a good student of the physical, behavioral manpun properties that we do because our behavior to be an example for the brothers of our future and the future.
The student movement was badly needed and other world-lain.karena kulia as I mentioned earlier a student is very important in society and the environment, so let us be good students, fair, wise, and not sewena-wena of the rights and obligations others and our environment.
Yahh,,, therefore I hope that my sisters can all provide a good example for us all no-wena berprilakusewena to us ..
And may all be brothers received us be brothers all became older sister who can give a good example for us.
Examples we can emulate and we obey the good of all of them brothers,,
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 3 September 2011 0:0
tolong jelasin pengertian dari "expression promise, wonders (curiosity/desire), regret
tolong kasih contoh making and respondnya, shorth conversationnya, grammar sama place nya.
please banget bantu ya :')
an Example of Curiousity
Is snoring harmful Mrs. Dian?
What do you mean by a deviated septum?
Mrs. Dian, may I ask you some questions?
Do you know what causes people to snore?
Rina: Mrs. Dian, may I ask you some questions?
Mrs. Dian: What is it, dear?
Rina: It’s about my dad. Lately he has been snoring in his sleep. I can hear his snoring from my room. It is pretty loud.Do you know what causes people to snore?.
Mrs. Dian: Many things, Rina. People snore because they have allergies, catch a cold, or probably have a sinus infection. Also, if a person is overweight or drinks alcohol, they are most likely to snore in their sleep.
Rina: Well, my dad is not overweight and he doesn’t drink.
Mrs. Dian: Ha..ha..ha.. I do not say he drinks or being overweight. I was just telling you some of the reasons why people snore, Rina.
Rina:Is snoring harmful Mrs. Dian?
Mrs. Dian: No, but only if the reasons are what I have mentioned before. It can be easily cured. But, I know there are people who have surgeries since they have a very deviated septum. It is not only to make them stop snoring but also to help them to breathe better.
Rina: What do you mean by a deviated septum?
Mrs. Dian: It is a condition where the tissue and cartilage that separates the two nostrils in a person’s nose is crooked.
Rina: Oh, well. I should tell my dad to visit his doctor.
Mrs. Dian: You definitely should. Snoring is more a symptom than the actual diseases. Give my regards to your father, Rina. I hope he will feel better, soon.
Rina: Thank you, Mrs. Dian. Have a good day!
tolong di jelasin donk apa itu asking for attention,ungkapan-ungkapan yang di gunakan bserta contohya.terima kasih......
Asking attention adalah ungkapan yg digunakan utk meminta perhatian orang lain,
Misalnya: Hey, listen..! I have a nice news.
Hi, guess! I got interesting news.
Listen! I have something to tell you.
Contoh Dialog:
Irma : Listen! I have something to tell you.
Edo : What's that? Tell me, please.
Irma : We'll have a new beautiful English teacher. She is still single.
Edo ; Really?? That's nice news.
Irma : Sure. You know, She is very kind. and her English is so excellent.
Edo : How do you know it?
Irma : My sister told me about it. She was her teacher when she was in SMP 1
Bandung. Her name is Ms. Amalia.
Edo : Wow, it's really good news, friend.
tolong buatin dialog tentang asking, giving, and refusing information dong.. :)
gak terlalu dikit gak terlalu banyak juga.. hehe :D
tugasnya dikumpulin besok, segera dibalas ya ;)
makasih sebelumnya ^^
Conversation model of asking and giving information.
Anita : Good morning, May I ask you something?
Dewi : Of course. What is it about?
Anita : Do you know the best hotel in Yogyakarta?
Dewi : Well, there are many beautiful hotels such as: Hyatt, Melia Purosani, Ibis,
Quality, Sheraton, atc. But I think Hyatt is the best.
Anita : What about the facilities and roomrate?
Can you give me information about it?
Dewi : Oh sorry, I don't know well about it. Better you ask by yourself.
Anita : Okay. Thanks for the information.
Dewi : My pleasure.
bagaimana membedakan jenis bab dalam menjawab soal snmptn ?
Maksudnya jenis bab atau jenis teks ya? Setahu saya dalam soal snmptn terutama tahun terakhir hanya menyediakan soal wacana untuk bahasa Inggris. Mohon kirim pertanyaan lagi ke kbs apabila yang dimaksud jenis teks.
Wirastuti S.Pd M.Acc 15 Agustus 2011 0:0
Pak/Bu bisa tidak memberikan contoh report tentang leopards?Terimakasih.
Terima kasih atas pertanyaannya. Untuk contoh report tentang Leopard silakan anda explor internet. Terima kasih.
ENDANG TRININGSIH 15 Agustus 2011 0:0
saya search tentang report text mengenai peacock tetapi susah ketemu , minta report teks tentang PEACOCK dong thankyou ya
mbak Vahelga, I get a repot text about 'elephant'. Would you create a report about 'peacock' with your own words? Please send me and I'll check and revise the bad words you make. Have the generic structure as follows:
1. General classification
2. Description
Dominant Language Feature
1. Introducing group or general aspect
2. Using conditional logical connection
3. Using Simple Present Tense
An elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange looking animal which it has thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long white tusks and above all, elephant has a long nose, the trunk. An elephant is commonly seen in a zoo, it has hard found in it natural habitat.
The trunk is the elephant's peculiar feature. This trunk has various usages. The elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt the water all over its body like a shower bath. The elephant's trunk also lift leaves and put them into its mouth. In fact, the trunk serves the elephant as long arm and hand. An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet an elephant can move very quickly.
The elephant is very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength makes an elephant a very useful servant to man. Elephant can be trained to serve in various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight. An elephant is really a smart animal.