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27 Agustus 2012
Valentine putri
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

Kak,,. toloong buatin dialog tentang

-asking, giving, and refusing help

-asking, giving, and refusing something


tolong cpet ya kak cz bzok d kmpulkan 

 *  Contoh cara meminta dan memberi jasa?


Diana               : What to prepare for the meeting, Miss Jones?

Ms Jones          :  Well, a lot to do. Bring the program document with you and let’s discuss it.

Diana               : I will.

Ms Jones          : Will you check the invitee list, make sure all stakeholders are included there.

Diana               : With pleasure. Should any client is unable to confirm their attending, I will have wait for his/her response to this weekend deadline.

Ms. Jones         : That would be fine, thanks. Well let’s start with the meeting content.

Diana               : Okay, Ms. Jones.



Kalimat yang dicetak tebal merupakan contoh ungkapan permintaan jasa (oleh Ms. Jones) dan kesediaan memberikan jasa (oleh Diana).



* Offering, Asking, giving, refusing things:


Mother: Okay kids, meal is ready. Would you like some?

Greg     : Wow looks delicious! May I have that soup for me now, Mom?

Mother : Sure, dear help yourself. And for you daddy, would you like to try it too?

Father  : Not now maybe. But I’d like some fruit salad for my appetizer.

Mother : That would be better for you, dear. Here is some fruit salad for you.

Greg     : Tight diet, huh?

Father  : Of course, for my health.




SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 17 Desember 2012 0:0

26 Juli 2012
Sekar Ayu
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

bisa kasih contoh tentang :

1. asking for hesitation

2. showing doubt

3. showing certainty 

materinya expressions on hesitation/doubt

mohon di jawab secepatnya karena besok akan dikumpulkan :) 

Hesitation adalah keraguan, mungkin yang dimaksud adalah Asking for hesitation adalah menanyakan apakah seseorang ragu2 terhadap suatu hal (asking for certainty).

Contoh ketiga ungkapan bisa dilihat dalam dialog berikut:

Rurit : So confused? What's the matter?

Tia   : I need to buy some things nowadays but  I wonder if mother will grant my proposal.

Rurit  : As long as they are important enough for your study.

Tia   : I don't doubt  mother will afford for my course fee and reference, but I hesitate if she will do for my new dress. You know my friend invites me for her engangement next Friday.

Rurit  : Are you sure you really need to buy a new dress for that?

Tia    : Well...I still have one but you know, I have worn it few times. 


Ungkapan 1 adalah contoh ungkapan keyakinan (showing certainty)

Ungkapan 2 adalah contoh ungkapan keraguan (showing hesitation)

Ungkapan 3 adalah contoh ungkapan menanyakan keyakinan (asking for certainty)

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 17 Desember 2012 0:0

29 Mei 2012
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

Tolong buatkan recount text, dengan urutan :

1. Aku mempunyai sebuah pulpen baru yang lucu dan aku sangat menyukainya. Aku mendapatkannya dari oleh-oleh paman yang baru saja pulang dari liburannya di Australia. Suatu hari, aku membawanya ke sekolah. Lalu kuperlihatkan pada teman sebangkuku, Annabel.

2. Bel pulang sekolah berbunyi... Aku pun segera berkemas-kemas untuk pulang.

3. Dirumah, saat aku mempersiapkan barang yang akan kuperlukan besok dan membuka tempat pensil kudapati pulpen itu hilang. Aku pun terkejut, dan mencoba untuk mencarinya sendiri. Namun aku tak menemukannya.

4. Keesokannya, aku mengatakan kejadian itu pada Tiara. Aku dan Tiara menuduh Annabel sebagai pencurinya dan memaksa Annabel untuk berkata jujur.

5. Sampai di rumah, aku melihat adikku sedang bermain dengan pulpenku yang hilang. Lalu aku memintanya untuk mengembalikan pulpen itu.

6. Karena terbukti bukan Annabel yang mengambilnya, aku pun meminta maaf pada Annabel dan aku menyesali perbuatanku kemarin.

 *kalau ada kesalahan mohon diperbaiki*

Nananina, thanks for your sending us a text.

To start practising writing, I think it's good you have great idea of such text. This web is available  for you all to consult if you have problem on learning English. I remind you that you will use Simple Past Tense to write a recount text. I would appreciate you if you start trying to write your text in English, then if you have problem please consult us. Have a nice try.

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 17 Desember 2012 0:0

6 September 2012
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

pa bu ....apa pengertian dari invitation....



mohon jawabanya





saya tunggu... 

Invitation adalah undangan. Teks ini termasuk functional text yang berfungsi untuk mengundang orang dalam acara tertentu. Kalimat yang dipakai juga menunjukkan ungkapan mengundang, contoh:

- You are cordially invited to ....

-We cordially invite you to....

- We hope you attend to our meeting on ....

- Please come to ....

- Please attend our party .....



SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 12 Desember 2012 0:0

13 Juli 2012
Era Qistina
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

mas, saya ada tugas, di suruh buat pengalaman liburan dengan menggunakan past tense, bisa tolong dibuatin?

Dear Era, trimakasih atas pertanyaannya.

Ada beberapa jenis teks recount seperti pengalaman pribadi, diary, biography, laporan peristiwa. Tugas yang akan anda buat merupakan teks recount berbentuk pengalaman pribadi yang berisi peristiwa nyata yang disajikan secara runtut sesuai urutun waktu. Karena bentuknya pengalaman pribadi, kami sarankan anda untuk mencoba menulis terlebih dahulu. Isi pokok teks yaitu Orientation, Sequence of events dan Reorientation. dan dengan menggunakan kalimat Simple Past Tence. Apabila ada kesulitan silahkan kirim kembali, kami akan membantu anda. Selamat mencoba.

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 12 Desember 2012 0:0

26 Juli 2012
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Halo ibu/bapak disana.

Saya meminta beberapa contoh dialog compliment. Saya masih kurang mengerti bagaimana cara membuat dialog compliment. Saya harap segera dibalas. Terimakasih. :-)

Functions of Compliments

In American English we use compliments for a variety of reasons:

  • To express admiration or approval of someone’s work/appearance/taste To establish/confirm/maintain solidarity
  • To replace greetings/gratitude/apologies/congratulations
  • To soften face-threatening acts such as apologies, requests and criticism
  • To open and sustain conversation (conversation strategy)
  • To reinforce desired behavior

A great majority of compliments are addressed to people of similar age and status to the compliment giver .

Acceptance responses occur only about a third of the time. In American English, two thirds of the time respondents to compliments do something other than to accept them

Complimenting and Responding to Compliments

1. Compliments on successes

Sample phrases (from formal to informal)

A: I would like to compliment you on your recent achievement.
B: Thank you for saying so, but it was the work of the whole team.

A: The essay you wrote was superb. I'd like to use it as a model for other students.
B: Thank you. I'd be so honored.

2. Compliments on possessions

Sample phrases (from formal to informal)

A: That's a nice T-shirt you're wearing.
B: I appreciate the compliment. It was a birthday present from one of my classmates.

A: Your new car looks terrific.
B: Thank you. It's very economical.

3. Compliments on appearance

Sample phrases (from formal to informal)

A: I think your new hairstyle is lovely.
B: That's nice of you to say so. I love yours, too.

A: I really like your blue eyes. They make you look like a movie star.
B: Thank you. That's a nice compliment.

4. Compliments on skills

Sample phrases (from formal to informal)

A: I've never heard any singer perform that song so beautifully.
B: Thank you. It's really nice to hear that from someone with your experience.

A: The chicken was delicious.
B: Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 10 Desember 2012 0:0

27 Mei 2012
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

bagaimana conditional type 2 (fact to meaning)

meliputi pengertian,fungsi,pattern,example ma exercisenya,,,,,


IF Clause Type 2


if + Simple Past, main clause with Conditional I (= would + Infinitive)

Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.

Kalimat utama bisa juga di awal kalimat. Jangan gunalam tanda koma dalam hal ini.

Example: I would send her an invitation if I found her address.

Note: Main clause and / or if clause might be negative. See Simple Past und Conditional I on how to form negative sentences.

Example: If I had a lot of money, I wouldn’t stay here.

Were instead of Was

Dalam IF clause Type 2 kita biasanya memakai  'were' meskipun kata gantinya I, He, She, atau It.

Example: If I were you, I would not do this.


 Conditional Sentence Type 2 menunjuk apada situasi sekarang. Suatu peristiwa bisa terjadi jika seandainya situasi pada saat itu berbeda. Kita tidak berharap situasi berubah tetapi hanya berangan2 "apa yang akan terjadi seandainya...."

Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.

I would like to send an invitation to a friend. I have looked everywhere for her address, but I cannot find it. So now I think it is rather unlikely that I will eventually find her address.

Example: If John had the money, he would buy a Ferrari.

I know John very well and I know that he doesn't have much money, but he loves Ferraris. He would like to own a Ferrari (in his dreams). But I think it is very unlikely that he will have the money to buy one in the near future.


Conditional sentences, type II, statements - Exercise 1

Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional sentence - type II.

Example: If I __ (to go) to the cinema, I ________ (to watch) an interesting film.

Answer: If I went to the cinema, I would watch an interesting film.


1) If I (to come) home earlier, I (to prepare) dinner.

2) If we (to live) in Rome, Francesco (to visit) us.

3) If Tim and Tom (to be) older, they (to play) in our hockey team.

4) If he (to be) my friend, I (to invite) him to my birthday party.

5) If Susan (to study) harder, she (to be) better at school.

6) If they (to have) enough money, they (to buy) a new car.

7) If you (to do) a paper round, you (to earn) a little extra money.

8) If Michael (to get) more pocket money, he (to ask) Doris out for dinner.

9) If we (to hurry), we (to catch) the bus.

10) If it (to rain), Nina (to take) an umbrella with her.


SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 10 Desember 2012 0:0

24 Maret 2012
markus permadi
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

pak/bu maaf saya menganggu..bisakah saya minta bantuan buatkan contoh pidato bahasa inggris berdurasi lebih dari 5 menit tentang temanya "bencana alam" contoh tsunami,tornado,dll thx maaf mengganggu


Tujuan pidato bisa bermacam-macam tergantung audience dan momennya. Apabila ingin berpidato tentang bencana misalnya tsunami maka yang dipersiapkan bisa berbentuk laporan peristiwa atau pengalaman (recount text), atau topik tersebut ingin dijelaskan secara umum (report text). Kami sarankan anda untuk mencoba menulis terlebih dahulu sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Apabila ada kesulitan silahkan kirim kembali dan kami akan membantu. Selamat mencoba.

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 10 Desember 2012 0:0

31 Agustus 2012
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

apakah memo,brosur,announcement,adverticement termasuk monolog?

jika yang tolong dikasih contohnya ya!!!!!

jawabanya: ya, tapi kalu dibacakan. alias didengar oleh umum atau person . cotohnya pengumuman saat di upacara bendera, iklan radio yang monolog.

contohnya di

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 8 Desember 2012 0:0

20 April 2012
Farah Rizqi
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Assalamu'alaikum. Saya mau nanya tips menjawab teks rumpang dalam soal bahasa inggris buat UN 2012.terimakasih

Tips menjawab atau melengkapi teks rumpang adalah:

1.  Baca dan pahami teks nya dulu utk tahu konteks bacaannya sebelum kamu menjawab

2.  Setelah itu mulailah melengkapi kalimat dengan kata yang tepat dg cara mencari

      kata kunci atau clues di kalimat sebelum atau sesudahnya.

3.   Lakukan satu persatu sampai semua kalimat terlengkapi,

4.  Setelah semua dilengkapi, baca lagi teks tersebut dengan lengkap menggunakan

      jawaban pilihanmu tersebut, apakah sudah  tepat atau perlu dipertimbangkan lagi..

5.  So adik harus banyak menguasai kosakata untuk menjadi  berhasil.


Selamat belajar dan berlatih yaa

ENDANG TRININGSIH 7 Desember 2012 0:0


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