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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
pak/bu tolong buatkan conversation expression annoyed yg agak panjang, dibaca min 1,5 menit... kalau bisa sebelum senin udh jadi y pak/bu, penting banget..
silakan dipanjangkan sendiri selamat belajar
tolong buatin cetita yang mengandung noun clause sekalian yang kata noun clausenya di garis bawah ya..terima kasih..kalau bisa cepet..
Once, a cap seller was passing through a jungle. He was dead tired and needed to rest. Then, he stopped and spread a cloth under a tree. He placed his bag full of caps bear him and lay down with his cap on his head.
The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. When he got up, the first thing he did was to look into his bag. He was startled when he found all his caps were not there. He was wondering where they could have gone. Indeed, he was greatly puzzled.
When he looked up the sky, he was very surprised to see monkeys sitting on the branches of a tree, each wearing a cap on his head. They had evidently done it to imitate him.
He decided to get his caps back by making a humble request to the monkeys. In return, the monkeys only made faces of him. When he began to make gestures, even when he raised his fist towards them to threaten them, they also imitated him.
At last he hit upon a clever idea. “Monkeys are a great imitator,” he thought. So he took off his own cap and threw it down on the ground. As he had expected, all the monkeys took off the caps and threw it down on the ground. Quickly he stood up and collected the caps, put them back into his bag and went away.
tolong berikan contoh explanation text tentang terjadinya pelangi dalam 300 kata.
terima kasih sebelumnya..
How Rainbow is Formed
Rainbow is one of optic phenomena that happens in the atmosphere of the earth naturally. We can see it at mountin range, or when it is cloudy, or when it is raining and rising of sun. We have to be the other side for looking. We just can see it a half of circle form, but acctually the rainbow is a circle form. We can see it perfectly, if it is seen by standing in the high place. It is real that rainbow is a circle form not like parabola form. On the ground, we can not see perfectly, except if we are in the high place like in the air plane or standing on top of moutain. When we are looking at rainbow’s colors, we will see them that ordered of red is on the highest order, and purple is on the lowest order.
Red is more dominant than another color caused by having biggest wave between others. Therefore the red one is in the highest order and purple one is in lowest order. How rainbow is formed? Try to watch it when light of sun concerns a 90-degree angle mirror or a glass prism side, or surface of soap foam. We can see colors on the light. The light is rayyed to be some wave lenght of light that it is seen by our eyes as red, bright red, yellow, green, blue and purple. These colors are compnents of light that they are called visible light. The other component is invisible light such as infrared (red is in the right side), and ultraviolet (bright red is in the left side).
So, we can see the beautiful rainbow because there are some processes to be beautiful rainbow that it appears in the sky.
Tolong buatin explanation social culture judulnya kekerasan dalam rumah tangga.. Kalimatnya jangn terlalu bnyak ya.. Jwb secepatnya please
The safest place for children should be their own home and family, but the facts place this assumption in doubt. According to data of Russian statistics, 2,000-2,500 children die every year as a result of domestic violence; about 2 million minor children up to the age of fourteen are beaten by their parents, more than 50,000 children run away from home every year to avoid abuse, 25,000 of them are being sought by the authorities, about 2,000 take their own lives every year, more than 50 percent of domestic crimes are committed in the presence of children, and 30-40 percent of all crimes of violence in Russia are committed in the home. The number of homeless children in Russia, now 3-4 million, is rising. This article discusses violence directed against children, yet so far, specialists have not seen situations involving children as witnesses as situations that have the potential for professional intervention. And yet children who, for example, have witnessed abuse by their father against their mother suffer from what is called "secondary victimization." They also have an inclination to engage in aggressive behavior in their childhood and when they become adolescents. The results of surveys conducted in the United States have shown that in families where women have been the victims of violence by their husbands, the children also become the objects of abuse (from 30-60 percent of families). These data are also backed up by Russian surveys. Children's reactions to violence differ depending on their age, gender, and social support offered to them. But the children who are witnesses to violence as well as the objects of abuse have the most serious behavioral problems. The mass media, the police, social workers, sociologists, psychologists, social educators, medical personnel, institutions, and civil society can and must put up a united front against the abuse of children. (Contains 3 notes.)
contoh percakapan like,dislike,blaming,confessing
Via: Hey, where’s my cake? I haven’t eaten it.
Dewi: I don’t know.
Via: It must have been you who ate my cake.
Dewi: Right, are you accusing me?
Via: So, what’s the chocolate dot on your face over there?
Dewi: All right, I admit that I was very hungry. Will you forgive me?
like dislike
Situation :
Japanese lesson at Rere sensei was absent due to illness, Irma, Mifta, Novi and Putri talk about Valentine's days and the plan they would do to the person they love.
B: You already do not work?
C: Oh yes I forgot, you already or not??
A: do not do, sensei was absent.
C: oh she is not present. why?
D: I heard he was sick.
C: oh my god, i hope she get well soon.
A, B: i hope so.
C: by the way, two more days valentine days, you're going to love what your boyfriend?
D: I do not have a boyfriend.
B: are you serious?
D: I mean, I've broken two days ago.
A: I hate to hear that.
B: and what about you? What would you give to your boyfriend?
C: if I do, I want to give special chocolate. he was very fond of chocolate.
D: if ye A?
A: I'm still confused, he does not like chocolate. do you think what should i do?
C: i would take her place for romance.
A: thats a good idea
B: ah just the clothes that do? the ordinary, not special.
D: What do you want to give to your boyfriend?
B: um, girlfriend? did I tell you that I have a girlfriend?
A: so you do not have a girlfriend?
D: you are great huh? I'm proud of you, do not have a boyfriend but can give advice.
B: yes it is.
A, C: sucks (while hitting).
D: hahha
tolong buadkan percakapan tentang like, dislike, confessing, blaming...
sudah ada di arsip jawaban
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 2 Maret 2013 0:0
kak tolong dikoreksi ya, saya juga bingung apa kalimat penutup untuk mengakhiri dialog, sebaiknya bagaimana? lalu kata guru saya, dialog diberi ekspresi2. Maksud nya bagaimana ya?
Plans after graduating from school
Firra : Hi good morning Arini
Arini : Hi Firra good morning, how are you?
Firra : I'm fine, and you?
Arini : I'm fine too. By the way Firra, how is your preparation for national exam? are youo ready for the exam?
Firra : mm, actually not really. I need more time to study. Espescially for studying about math and physics. And how about you?
Arini : Of couse I'm ready. I have studied. My preparation is about 85%. And yesterday, I did the try out well
Firra : Wow. would you mind to teach me? I have some troubles with math
Arini : No problem. We can study together. I usually study at the library after school
Firra : Thank you Arini. Time goes so fast. Less than 2 months we will face the national exam. And after that, we graduate from SMA 97
Arini : yes. You're right. what's your plan after you graduate from senior high school Firra?
Firra : I want to continue my study at university. I want to be a vet
Arini : really? the you must go to veterinary medical faculty, right? what university that you want to enter?
Firra : Bogor Agricultural University. I have applied to veterinary medical faculty there for SNMPTN. Now, tell me what your plan is
Arini : Mmm, I want to (masuk jurusan gizi) universitas indonesia.
Firra : Wow, jurusan gizi is one of favorite major at university of Indonesia, as I know. Best of luck for both us. Hope that kita bisa masuk di jurusan yg kita inginkan
Arini : Yes. I'll study hard to reach my future
Firra : terharu bgt that bentar lagi we leave this school. it's like, that just yesterday we went to this school
Arini : Yes, I agree with you. Mmm, by the way I have to go. My bus is coming. Byee
Firra, the underlined uttrances are the revision.
Plans after graduating from school
Firra : Hi good morning Arini
Arini : Hi Firra good morning, how are you?
Firra : I'm fine, and you?
Arini : I'm fine too. By the way Firra, how is your preparation for national exam? are you ready for the exam?
Firra : mm, actually not really. I need more time to study. Espescially for studying about math and physics. And how about you?
Arini : Of couse I'm ready. I have studied. My preparation is about 85%. And yesterday, I did the try out well
Firra : Wow. would you mind teaching me? I have some troubles with math
Arini : No problem. We can study together. I usually study at the library after school
Firra : Thank you Arini. Time goes so fast. Less than 2 months we will face the national exam. And after that, we graduate from SMA 97
Arini : yes. You're right. what's your plan after you graduate from senior high school Firra?
Firra : I want to continue my study at university. I want to be a vet
Arini : really? then you must go to veterinary medical faculty, right? what university that you want to enter?
Firra : Bogor Agricultural University. I have applied to veterinary medical faculty there for SNMPTN. Now, tell me what your plan is
Arini : Mmm, I want to (masuk jurusan gizi)take the nutrition program universitas indonesia.
Firra : Wow, jurusan gizithe nutrition program is one of favorite majors at university of Indonesia, as I know. Best of luck for both of us. Hope that we can take the program we want. kita bisa masuk di jurusan yg kita inginkan
Arini : Yes. I'll study hard to reach my future
Firra : I'm so touched that we're leaving this school . it's like, that just yesterday we went to this school. How about you?
Arini : So do I. Mmm, by the way I have to go. My bus is coming. Byee
Firra : Byee...see you
Perkenalkan nama saya Tommy dan saya berencana untuk melanjutkan perguruan tinggi di kota Yogyakarta.
Saya mengalami kesulitan dalam membuat review text dengan tema olahraga. Saya bingung apa yang harus di resensi di dalam bidang olahraga. Saya sudah berusaha mencari contoh teks review tema olahraga di google dan di, tapi saya tidak menemukan 1 pun contoh yang bisa saya jadikan panduan. Mohon bantuannya, terima kasih :)
Tommy, thanks for your question. I think you won't find review text in understanding Review text is to analyze and critique an art such as movie, book, exhibition, and music. Then, sport must not be a review text but it can be report, explanation or descriptive text. Good luck
Wirastuti S.Pd M.Acc 1 Maret 2013 0:0
mau taanya kryptonite itu artinya apa ya? terimakasih
In Noun form, the word 'krypton' means a gas which is used in particular types of lights and lasers. Your word seems like a verb form which we can't find one in the dictionary. Or you may be able to put the meaning in your sentence of full context.
SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 27 Februari 2013 0:0