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21 Juli 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

ApAkah aRti dR pRiBhAzA aDa uDaNg d\'BliK bTu dLm bHz iNgGris,,tLg dOnG d\'JwB...pLeAsE. . . .

Tidak semua proverb dalam bahasa Indonesia bisa diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris karena terkait adanya perbedaan budaya. Jadi mohon maaf kami sampai saat ini belum pernah menemukan proverb yang anda inginkan.

Bahasa Inggris memilki bererapa proverb sendiri antara lain: there is no use to cry over the spilt milk, practice makes perfect, to be willing is to be able, etc. Tq



17 Juli 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

bagaimana cara kita untuk menguasai banyaknya kosakata yang ada dalam b.inggris?


Ada beberapa cara untuk menguasasi kosa kata, dan akan lebih efektif dengan menyesuaikan minat dan ketertarikan anda. Misalnya JIKA anda suka musik maka dengarkanlah lagu-lagu berbahasa inggris dan jika anda suka film maka banyak menonton film berbahasa Inggris. Setelah anda mendapatkan beberapa kosa kata baru, kemudian berusahalah untuk menggunakan kata-kata tersebut untuk berkomunikasi baik secara lisan atau tertulis. Selamat berlatih.

17 Juli 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

saya mohon,,saia butuh sekali contoh text procedure dgn tema teknologi,,maaf,,harap cpt,,THX

There are some examples of procedure text. 




1.       Plug the power cord into a wall outlet (AC 220 Volt)

2.       To make the fan move side always, push the pin on top of the motor

3.       To move the fan up and down, first pull up the oscillating pin, then  

          press the tilt adjustment knops.

4.       To alter the speed of the fan, press one of the switches at the bottom.




How to insert the SIM card into the mobile phone



   1.   Switch off the phone.

   2.   Press the release button, to remove the back cover of the phone

   3.   Lift the back cover.

   4.   Then lift the lower end of the battery out of the compartment, to remove the 


   5.   Insert the  SIM card into the SIM card holder until it snaps into position.

         Ensure that the gold-colored contact on the SIM card is facing downwards.

   6.   After that insert the battery.

   7.   Align the top of the back cover with the top of the phone,

   8.   Press the bottom of the back cover to lock it.




How to operate digital camera

First of all, turn the power of the digital camera on. After that, turn the panel to the auto focus. Then, get the focus and lock it. Finally, press the shutter release button.


15 Juli 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

saya mau tanya

1.mengenai pemakaian detail dari gerund dan to infinitive,serta perbedaan pemakaiaannya dalam kalimat

2.penggunaan adverb dan adjektif

a. Verbs followed by a gerund or a to-infinitive

With little change in meaning

begin, continue, start; hate, like, love, prefer

With would, the verbs hate, like, love, and prefer are usually followed by the to-infinitive.

For example:

  • I hate to work. or I hate working.
  • I love to sleep. or I love sleeping.
  • I would like to work there. (more usual than working)

In these examples, if the subject of the verb is not the subject of the second verb, the second verb must be a gerund (instead of an infinitive)

If I am watching sports on television, for example, I can react to the programs only as follows:

  • I hate boxing.
  • I love swimming.

With a change in meaning

dread and hate:

These two verbs are followed by a to-infinitive when talking subjunctively (usually when using to think), but by a gerund when talking about general dislikes.

  • I dread / hate to think what she will do.
  • I dread / hate seeing him.

forget and remember:

When these have meanings which are used to talk about the future from the given time, the to-infinitive is used, but when looking back in time, the gerund.

  • She forgot to tell me our plans. (She did not tell me, though she should have.)
  • She forgot telling me our plans. (She told me, but then forgot having done so.)
  • I remembered to go to work. (I remembered that I needed to go to work, and so I did.)
  • I remembered going to work. (I remembered the action of previously going to work.)

cannot bear:

  • I cannot bear to see you suffer like this. (You are suffering now.)
  • I cannot bear being pushed around in crowds. (I never like that.)

go on:

  • After winning the semi-finals, he went on to play in the finals. (He completed the semi-finals, then later played in the finals.)
  • He went on giggling, not having noticed the teacher enter. (He continued doing so.)


  • I did not mean to scare you off!
  • Her having got a new job in the city meant leaving behind her familiar surroundings.

advise, recommend and forbid:

These are followed by a to-infinitive when there is an object as well, but with a gerund otherwise.

  • The police advised us not to enter the building, for a murder had occurred. (us is the object)
  • The police advised against our entering the building.


  • We regret to inform you that you have failed your exam. (a polite or formal form of apology)
  • I very much regret saying what I said. (I wish I had not said that.)

consider, contemplate and recommend:

These verbs are followed by a to-infinitive only in the passive or with an object pronoun.

  • People consider her to be the best. – She is considered to be the best.
  • I am considering sleeping over, if you do not mind.


When a to-infinitive is used, it means the subject makes an effort at; attempt or endeavor to do something. If a gerund is used, it means the subject attempts to do something in testing to see what might happen.

  • Please try to remember to post my letter.
  • I have tried being stern, but to no avail.

b. Adverb adalah kata yang menjelaskan kata kerja, sedangkan adjective adalah kata yang menjelaskan kata benda.

Contoh: The beautiful singer sings beautifully.

Beautiful adalah kata sifat karena menjelaskan kata benda singer, dan  beautifully adalah adverb karena menjelaskan kata kerja sings.



11 Juli 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

I\'m really eager to know vocabularies related to \"Baris Berbaris\". I know just a few of them, like \"siap grak: atten...tion\", \"Bubar jalan: dismissed..\", \"Hormat grak: salute\", \"istirahat di tempat grak: at ease\". Exactly, I don\'t know whether they what I mention wrong or right. I\'ve tried to find them in my dictionary, there was no answer. Would you like to tell me more, please?. How about \"hadap kanan grak, hadap kiri grak, serong kanan grak, dua langkah ke depan grak, and some more?\"


11 Juli 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

I\'m sure you\'re a generous person. So, you will of course be pleased to answer my question. Saya masih bingung cara memimpin doa. For example: sebelum pelajaran/acara dimulai, marilah kita berdoa menurut agama dan kepercayaan kita. Berdoa mulai....selesai. Apakah diterjemahkan: Before the lesson/program stars, let\'s pray based on our religion or belief. Let\'s pray together, begin ... finish.

let's pray together. Pray go atau

Let's start our lesson to day with a pray, please prepare yourself. Pray go 


10 Juli 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

Pak.. Bu.. 

Tenses itu smuanya ada brapa??tolong jelasin satu per satu semuanya dari Rumus Aktif dan pasifnya (+,-,?),contoh kalimat aktif dan pasinya (+,-,?),dan kapan waktu digunakannya..



Anda bisa melihat rumusnya di buku grammar/ kamus bhs inggris. Silahkan datang ke SMAN 9 Jogja (Pak Tri) or Mr. Jack (SMA Berbudi Jogja)

10 Juli 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

Pak.. Bu.. 

Tenses itu smuanya ada brapa??tolong jelasin satu per satu semuanya dari Rumus Aktif dan pasifnya (+,-,?),contoh kalimat aktif dan pasinya (+,-,?),dan kapan waktu digunakannya..



Ada pertanyaan serupa yang telah dijawab. Silahkan dilihat arsip jawabannya

9 Juli 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

Tolong berikan contoh selling product conversation.....

untuk menawarkan produk kita awali dengan sopan misalnya good morning. kemudian minta maaf karena dah mengganggu, misalnya sorry for bothering you, dan diteruskan dengan intinya. selamat mencoba



30 Juni 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Bagaimanakah cara membuat karangan naratif ? tolong berikan contoh pada saya

Sebelum kita membuat karangan naratif, perlu kita ketahui bahwa tujuan dari teks ini adalah untuk menghibur pembaca atau pendengar. Teks Naratif berisi tentang sebuah cerita atau dongeng dan di dalamnya terdapat konflik/puncak masalah yang diikuti dengan penyelesaian.<br>

Jadi, dalam menulis karangan naratif kita harus perhatikan mengenai generic structure dan tenses.

- Generic Structure: Orientation - Complication - Resolution<br>

    - Orientation berisi: Pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan  waktu terjadinya cerita.<br>

    - Complication berisi: Puncak masalah/konflik dalam cerita<br>

    - Resolution: Pemecahan masalah.<br>

- Tenses yang digunakan adalah The Simple Past Tense.

 Contoh:  It was a warm day in March. I was very excited. The day had finally come. I was in the rowing team for the Olympics. I got up very early and exercised as always. Then after breakfast I drove to Drummoyne. My team arrived and at last it was time to start.Ready, set and the starting gun went off. We began in the third position and were slowly moving closer. There they were. We could see the second boat and then we did it.We moved past. My arms were aching. My whole body was sore but we all rowed harder.The first boat was just in front  I saw a dark shadow near the boat. I looked again. What was it? I was sure  it was the shape of a cigar. ‘Oh my  God’,  I thought, ‘I must be seeing things. A shark in Parramata River? Impossible!’Just then I pulled my oar out of the water. ‘Oh no, why only half?’ I thought. Then I knew. I shouted to my team, ‘Shark! Shark!’ and suddenly we forgot the race. We rowed faster than ever back to shore. We made it. Phew, we were safe!  




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