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4 November 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

tolong dong minta 5 contoh teks discussion?plizzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Dear Purwanti,

Berikut ini kami berikan 1 contoh teks discussion dan penjelasannya. Setelah anda memahaminya, kami yakin anda akan bisa mencari contoh teks discussion yang lain atau bahkan anda bisa menyusun/membuat teks discussion sendiri dengan memperhatikan contoh dan penjelasan dari kami.


Foxhunting is a subject that provokes very strong feelings. Many people believe that it is cruel to hunt a fox with dogs and totally agree with its ban.
Many farmer and even conservationists, however, have always argue that the fox is a pest which attacks livestock and must be controlled.
(Taken from:

Generic Structure Analysis
Stating the issue; hunting fox.
Supporting point; farmers and conservationists agree to hunt fox because they attack livestok.
Contrastive point; many people disagree hunting fox with dog because it is cruel.
Recommendation; Do not be cruel in hunting fox just control it in safe way.
Language Feature Analysis
Introducing category participant; farmer, conservationists.
Using thinking verb; believe.
Using connectives;
Using modalities; must, always

What is Discussion?

Discussion Text

Definition of Discussion
Discussion is a text which present a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different viewpoints. Discussion is commonly found in philosophical, historic, and social text.

Generic Structure of Discussion
Statement of issue; stating the issue which is to discussed
List of supporting points; presenting the point in in supporting the presented issue
List of contrastive point; presenting other points which disagree to the supporting point
Recommendation; stating the writer' recommendation of the discourse

Language Feature of Discussion
Introducing category or generic participant
Using thinking verb; feel, hope, believe, etc
Using additive, contrastive, and causal connection; similarly, on the hand, however, etc
Using modalities; must, should, could, may, etc
Using adverbial of manner; deliberately, hopefully, etc


4 November 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

arti dri EENY, MEENY, MINY...MOE apa s? oiia, gmana cara ngebedain pnggunaan other, the 0ther n an0ther?

Many stories exist about the "real" meaning of the first line, although the most commonly accepted theory is that they are just nonsense syllables. Another theory posed by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas in their book, The Hiram Key, suggests that the words are the first numbers in the counting system of the pre-Celtic Britons. The Lakeland Dialect Society more specifically suggests that this is just one of many versions of Celtic sheep-counting rhymes, but it observes that a large number of 19th century English publications exist in which these counting rhymes were more often used to amuse children than to count sheep.Actually there are some versions of this rhyme, such as American, British, Mexican, Singapore, etc. The following is the American one:

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe

Catch a tiger by the toe

If he hollers let him go,

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.This rhyme is usually used to begin a game, to decide who becomes “it”.  OTHER, ANOTHER, THE OTHERThese words refer to something different, remaining, or additional.They are placed before the noun.

Another is used with singular nouns, other with singular or plural and the other is used to refer to finite nouns.

  • There are other jobs you could try.
  • Where's the other packet of cereals?
  • Is there any other bread?
  • Have another cup of tea.

4 November 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

mbak tolong artikan ini ya.. follow the steps below to take pictures. 1.hold up the camera and center the object in the LCD. 2.move closer or use the zoom control for the result you want. 3.when you\'re ready to take the pictures,hold the sutter is very important,so the camera sets the focus,shutter speed,and various other calculations,this may take a few seconds. 4.a light should appear that lets you know the camera is set to go. shutter all the way down. kalo bisa cepet ya mbak.. makasih...

Ikuti langkah berikut untuk mengambil gambar:

1. Pegang kamera dan pusatkan obyek pada LCD.

2. Dekatkan atau gunakan zoom control untuk hasil yang anda inginkan.

3. Bila telah siap mengambil gambar, pegang shutter pelan-pelan. Ini penting sehingga kamera menempatkan fokus, kecepatan pengambilan dan ukuran-ukuran lain. Hal ini akan memakan waktu beberapa saat.

4. Cahaya seharusnya nampak agar kita tahu bahwa kamera siap untuk digunakan.

5. Tekan secara total tombol shutter


4 November 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

mbak/mas tolong terjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia ya.. hope everything\'s O.K. with you. well,i\'m writing this e-mail to contirm about your invitation. you said that you really want me to visit you. I gladly accept your invitation. so, will it be O.K. if i come this weekend? and do you mind if i ask my friend to accompany me? i just need to confirm if this coming weeekend is O.K. but,if you have something else this weekend, i understand. perhaps next time. i guess that\'s my e-mail for now. hope to hear from you soon.

Semoga kamu baik-baik saja.Aku menulis email ini untuk konfirmasi tentang undanganmu. Kamu bilang bahwa kamu sangat ingin aku mengunjungimu. Dengan senang hati aku terima undanganmu. Jadi bisakah aku datang akhir pekan ini? Dan apakah kamu keberatan jika aku minta temanku menemaniku? Aku hanya perlu kepastianmu apakah akhir pekan ini aku jadi bisa datang, tetapi jika kamu ada acara lain aku bisa mengerti, jadi mungkin kita bisa bertemu lain waktu. Sekian email dariku. Kutunggu segera jawabanmu.


4 November 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong kasih contoh analytical exposition yg temanya \"Reading Comics is not good for children\" klo bs di bls plg lambat tggal 5 november.Makasih

Terima kasih atas partisipasi anda, tetapi materi yang anda tanyakan adalah level SMA. Jadi silakan kirim kembali pertanyaan anda ke alamat SMA.


4 November 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

tolong kasih contoh analytical exposition yg temanya \"Reading Comics is not good for children\" klo bs di bls plg lambat tggal 5 november.Makasih

Trima kasih atas pertanyaan yang anda kirimkan, tetapi pertanyaan anda adalah materi pelajaran bahasa Inggris SMA. Jadi, silakan kirim kembali ke alamat SMA. Tq

3 November 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Jelaskan tentang Conditioned Type secara detil , berikan contoh ny dan pola..

Bila yang dimaksud adalah pola kalimat dengan conditional, maka artinya adalah kalimat yang mengungkapkan "pengandaian". Condition artinya syarat atau kondisi.  Jadi peristiwa atau kejadian dalam kalimat akan terjadi bila syarat atau kondisi tertentu bisa dipenuhi. Pola kalimatnya majemuk, dengan "if-clause"

Ada 3 type kalimat conditional.

1. Bila peristiwa yang diharapkan masih ada kemungkinan akan terjadi di kemudian hari bila syarat terpenuhi.

   S    +     will+ v1     + o , If    S +simple present  tense

2. Bila peristiwa yang diharapkan sudah tidak mungkin  terjadi sekarang ini. Jadi penyesalan saat ini.

    S    +    would + V1    + O, if     S +  past tense

3. Bila peristiwa yang diharapkan sudah tidak mungkin lagi di masa lampau. Jadi penyesalan atas peristiwa di waktu lampau.
 S + would have + V3 + O , if  S + had + V3+ O


3 November 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Jlskn tntng Adjective Clause...

The Adjective Clause

Recognize an adjective clause when you see one.

An adjective clause—also called an adjectival or relative clause—will meet three requirements:

  • First, it will contain a subject and verb.
  • Next, it will begin with a relative pronoun [who, whom, whose, that, or which] or a relative adverb [when, where, or why].
  • Finally, it will function as an adjective, answering the questions What kind? How many? or Which one?

The adjective clause will follow one of these two patterns:

relative pronoun or adverb + subject + verb

relative pronoun as subject + verb

Here are some examples:

Whose big, brown eyes pleaded for another cookie

Whose = relative pronoun; eyes = subject; pleaded = verb.

Why Fred cannot stand sitting across from his sister Melanie

Why = relative adverb; Fred = subject; can stand = verb [not, an adverb, is not officially part of the verb].

That bounced across the kitchen floor

That = relative pronoun functioning as subject; bounced = verb.

Who hiccupped for seven hours afterward

Who = relative pronoun functioning as subject; hiccupped = verb.

Avoid writing a sentence fragment.

An adjective clause does not express a complete thought, so it cannot stand alone as a sentence. To avoid writing a fragment, you must connect each adjective clause to a main clause. Read the examples below. Notice that the adjective clause follows the word that it describes.

Diane felt manipulated by her beagle Santana, whose big, brown eyes pleaded for another cookie.

Chewing with her mouth open is one reason why Fred cannot stand sitting across from his sister Melanie.

Growling ferociously, Oreo and Skeeter, Madison's two dogs, competed for the hardboiled egg that bounced across the kitchen floor.

Laughter erupted from Annamarie, who hiccupped for seven hours afterward.

Punctuate an adjective clause correctly.

Punctuating adjective clauses can be tricky. For each sentence, you will have to decide if the adjective clause is essential or nonessential and then use commas accordingly.

Essential clauses do not require commas. An adjective clause is essential when you need the information it provides. Look at this example:

The vegetables that people leave uneaten are often the most nutritious.

Vegetables is nonspecific. To know which ones we are talking about, we must have the information in the adjective clause. Thus, the adjective clause is essential and requires no commas.

If, however, we eliminate vegetables and choose a more specific noun instead, the adjective clause becomes nonessential and does require commas to separate it from the rest of the sentence. Read this revision:

Broccoli, which people often leave uneaten, is very nutritious.



3 November 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Bgm carany mengetahui to be utk Either n Neither? contoh: ubah klmt ini mnjd Neither n Either 1. Iam in a hurry. You are in a hurry 2. I wake up late. He wakes up late

Caranya mengetahui to be untuk "either" dan "neither" adalah tergantung pada subyek yang kedua.

Bila to be nya dalam bentuk present pakailah is, am, are. Bila dalam kalimat past tense, pakailah was atau were.


- Either you and I am in a hurry. (baik kamu dan   

   aku tergesa -gesa)

-  Neither he and I wake up late.(baik dia dan aku   

   tidak bangun terlambat).




3 November 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Jelaskan secara lengkap tentang klmt pujian yg diawali kata \"What\" (betapa)

Untuk memberikan pujian (compliment) bisa dengan menggunakan "what" dan "how".

Perhatikan pola berikut ini:

a. What + noun phrase

    contoh: - What a beautiful girl!
               -  What beautiful girls!

b. How + adjective + subject + be

    contoh : - How expensive the car is!
                 - How expensive the cars are!





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