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4 April 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

pak...saya kesulitan dalam membuat pidato b.inggris tentang penyalahgunaan teknologi.tolong dikasih contoh ya pak...terima kasih.saya tunggu ya...

ini saya kasih contohnya saja dan kamu harus mencoba bikin sendiri. ok



Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh,

Your Excellencies the committee,
The honorable of adjudicators,
Dear my friends who participates in this contest,
And my loving brothers and sisters

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful.
All praises be to Allah SWT, the lord of the world, the master of the day after, the creator of everything in this Universe, where he has no partner. He has also given us such deeply enjoyable, particularly faith and healthy comfort, hence, we could attend here in a good situation.
Peace and Salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has taught us the cardinal principles of the unity of God, obliged us to confess it with the tongue and believe it in the heart. He also has brought us from the darkness to the brightness, from stupidity to cleverness, in the other word “Minazzhulumaati Ilannuur”

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Indeed, it is very great pleasure for me in this precious chance to deliver my speech to the most honorable audiences entitled:

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Last week our country commemorated of national education day May 2, 2007 .On the day, every cavities of education commemorated it, to remember the struggle of Ki Hajar Dewantara who was born on that day. Why commemoration of educational day must be held? Why every May 2, every people in Indonesia commemorate it as a National Education Day?. It because a commemoration have mean philosophical and pedagogical meaning referring to the last time. I think commemoration National Education Day is intended to improve people’s consciousness, if education is very important and needed by all people to run of their life and become to be better for the future, in this world or in the day after.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Furthermore, in my opinion why national education day is commemorated, because it will motivate every cavities of education to understand the importance of education. So that, the next they will be more diligently and be better in doing their duty. For example every students must learn diligently to reach their ambitions, teachers must do their duty with full responsible and dedication. Likewise, officials who design rules about education if they have consciousness and high motivation they will be better again in do their job.
So that, it will be created good human resources and we must know if education will make creative, standalone and responsible people. And don’t forget the educational for all people.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
For all my friends who participate in this selection of students’ achievement, will invite you to figure out the heroism of Ki Hajar Dewantoro as founding father and struggler in Education area some times ago. We are young generations and also expectation of our nation, who will fight for our country and religion in the future. We are young generations as a symbol of spirit which never overcame, we are young generations as a symbol of courage which never fade, and we are young generation as a symbol of power which never destroy. On our back, what will be happened in our Nation exist for the future time. Good or bad the existence of this country is depending on us. Therefore, I hope this momentum can make us become a good in quality, a good achievement, so that we can give the best things for our country particularly Sukabumi regency.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I think it’s completely enough for me to this point. The wrong utterances are caused by limitation of my ability and the right one is merely from Allah SWT. So, I beg your pardon, finally I say.
Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh 

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 4 April 2009 0:0

3 April 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Pak, tlng jlaskan tentang hortatory exposition. Dan tlng buatkan contohny yg lumayan panjang.

Dear student…

Pada semester sebelumnya kalian pasti sudah mengenal jenis teks analytical expostion, di semester ini kalian akan mempelajari jenis teks exposition yang lainnya, yaitu hortatory exposition. Teks hortatory exposition berisi tentang teks yang mengemukakan alasan-alasan dengan tujuan untuk membujuk pendengar atau pembaca agar mau mengikuti apa yang dikemukakan penulis. Dalam pelajaran bahasa Indonesia kita tentu sudah mengenal teks persuasi, yang sama isinya dengan teks hortatory.

Teks hortatory di awali dengan Thesis, yaitu menuliskan opini penulis tentang suatu masalah. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan argumen, yaitu alasan-alasan yang mendukung pendapat penulis. Terakhir, menuliskan saran atau nasihat.

Contoh Teks hortatory dalam bentuk surat:

Dear Editor,

We are writing to complain about ads on TV. There are so many ads, especially during our favourite programmes. We think they should be stopped for a number of reasons.
First, ads are nuisance. They go on for a long time and there are so many. Sometimes there seems to be more ads than programmes.
Second, ads are bad influence on people. They try to encourage people to buy unhealthy food like beer, soft drink, candy and chips. And they make people want things they do not really need and can not.
Finally, the people who make ads have too much say in what programmes people watch. That is because they want to put all their ads on popular programs that a lot of people watch. Some programmes which are not so popular get stopped because they do not attract enough ads, even though those programmes may be someone’s favourite.
For those reasons, we think TV station should stop showing ads. They interrupt programmes. They are bad influences on people, and they are sometimes put a stop to people’s favourite shows. We are sick of ads, and now we mostly watch other channels.


Coba perhatikan teks di atas. Paragraf pertama berisi thesis, yang dilanjutkan dengan arguments (alasan) di paragraf 2, 3, dan 4. Paragraf ke 5 berisi tentang recommendation (saran). Isi dari paragraf terakhir inilah yang membedakan teks horatatory dan analytical.

 Analytical VS Hortatory Exposition

Dear students…..

Bingung cara membedakan teks analytical exposition dan hortatory exposition? Don’t worry it’s so easy. Study the followings ya…

Sebelum kita mengetahui perbedaan teks analytical dan hortatory, mari kita mengenal persamaan dari kedua teks ini. Teks exposition dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu analytical exposition dan hortatory exposition. Exposition adalah jenis teks yang berisi tentang argumen-argumen tentang suatu topik. Dalam menulis teks ini, penulis perlu mencari sumber informasi agar argumen yang dikemukakan cukup kuat untuk mempengaruhi pembaca atau pendengar.
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita bisa menemukan teks exposition dalam diskusi, pidato, iklan, surat, dsb. Contohnya, ada seorang teman yang merokok, kita bisa saja memberikan pendapat kita bahwa merokok itu tidak baik. So the thesis is “Smoking is not good for your health”. Kemudian kita akan memberikan alasan-alasan mengapa merokok itu tidak baik, so we tell the arguments that support our thesis. The social function of exposition is to persuade the reader or listener.

So the difference is…..
Study the text organization of analytical exposition below.
Ada 3 tahapan dalam teks analytical, yaitu:

  1. Thesis, berisi tentang suatu pernyataan tentang permasalahan tertentu. Biasanya diawali dengan kalimat I personally think, In my opinion, I believe, dll.
  2. Arguments, berisi tentang alasan-alasan untuk medukung Thesis yang dikemukakan. Diawali dengan kata, atau f rase First, Second, Furthermore, In addition, The last, dll.
  3. Reiteration, berisi tentang simpulan dari Thesis, dan Arguments yang dikemukakan. Kata-kata yang digunakan biasanya In my conclusion, Based on the arguments above, dll

Perbedaan Analytical Exposition dan Hortatory Exposition terletak di paragraf terakhir. Dalam penulisan Hortatory juga ada 3 bagian, yaitu:

  1. Thesis, berisi tentang suatu pernyataan tentang permasalahan tertentu. Biasanya diawali dengan kalimat I personally think, In my opinion, I believe, dll.
  2. Arguments, berisi tentang alasan-alasan untuk medukung Thesis yang dikemukakan. Diawali dengan kata, atau f rase First, Second, Furthermore, In addition, The last, dll.
  3. Recommendation, berisi tentang saran dari penulis atas Thesis dan Arguments yang dikemukakan. Biasanya ada kata-kata should, should not, ought to, ought not to, dll.

For example:

Text 1
Smoking in restaurants

Smoking in restaurants is just not on. It must not be allowed because it is rude, harmful to others and dangerous for the smokers.
Firstly, smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell of the smoke affects all people and can turn them off their food. People pay to taste good food and not to be put off by foul smelling smoke.
Another reason smoking should not be allowed in restaurant is the harm it can do to others. Passive smoking that is breathing in smoke made by a smoker can lead to asthma attacks and even cancer.
Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smokers. Cigarettes cause heart and lung disease and people should not smoke anywhere, not just in restaurants.
Therefore, smoking in restaurants is impolite, harmful to others and a health risk to the smokers and should not be allowed in any restaurants.

Text 2
Dear Editor,

We are writing to complain about ads on TV. There are so many ads, especially during our favourite programmes. We think they should be stopped for a number of reasons.
First, ads are nuisance. They go on for a long time and there are so many. Sometimes there seems to be more ads than programmes.
Second, ads are bad influence on people. They try to encourage people to buy unhealthy food like beer, soft drink, candy and chips. And they make people want things they do not really need and can not.
Finally, the people who make ads have too much say in what programmes people watch. That is because they want to put all their ads on popular programs that a lot of people watch. Some programmes which are not so popular get stopped because they do not attract enough ads, even though those programmes may be someone’s favourite.
For those reasons, we think TV station should stop showing ads. They interrupt programmes. They are bad influences on people, and they are sometimes put a stop to people’s favourite shows. We are sick of ads, and now we mostly watch other channels.


Kedua teks di atas hampir sama, perbedaannya hanya ada di paragraf terakhir. Coba perhatikan paragraf terakhir pada teks 1 yang hanya berisi simpulan tidak ada saran, namun paragraf terakhir pada teks kedua berisi saran yang tercantum dalam kalimat “we think TV station should stop showing ads”. Kata “should” mengandung arti sesuatu yang harus dilakukan. Clear right?

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 4 April 2009 0:0

3 April 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Tolong krimi saya discussion text sebanyak byaknya ttng pendidikan.trima kasih

The Advantage and Disadvantage of Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is generated by using uranium which is a metal mined in various part of the world. The first large scale of nuclear power station was opened at Calder Hall in Cumbria, England in 1956.
Some military ships and submarines have nuclear power plant for engine. Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world's energy needed, and produces huge amounts of energy. It cause no pollution as we would get when burning fossil fuels. The advantages of nuclear plant are as follow:
  • It costs about the same coal, so it is not expansive to make.
  • It does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect.
  • It produces huge amounts of energy from small amount of uranium.
  • It produces small amount of waste.
  • It is reliable.
On the other hand, nuclear power is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and buried for many years to allow the radioactivity to die away. Furthermore, although it is reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety because if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident ca be a major accident.
People are increasingly concerned about this matter. In the 1990's nuclear power was the fastest growing source of power in many parts of the world.

Note on the Generic Structure of Discussion Text
Discussion is a process to find the meet point between two different ideas. It is important to to get the understanding between the two differences. In many social activities, discussion is the effective way to calm down any friction and difference in thought, perception and recommendation.
This example of discussion text present the two poles, between the advantage and disadvantage of using nuclear plant to fulfill the energy needed. It is a case which need to be talked and discussed from two points. They are represented in the generic structure which is used:
Stating the Issue: In the first paragraph, it is stated that using nuclear power can be the choice in fulfilling the needed energy.
Supporting Point: In the second paragraph, it is presented the advantages of nuclear power plant to be used as the source of the world's energy needed
Contrastive Point: The third paragraph shows the balance. It gives the contradictory idea in using nuclear power plant as the resource of energy.
Recommendation: This text is ended with a similar recommendation on how people should concern in the matter of nuclear energy.

Hunting Fox; a discussion text

Foxhunting is a subject that provokes very strong feelings. Many people believe that it is cruel to hunt a fox with dogs and totally agree with its ban.
Many farmer and even conservationists, however, have always argue that the fox is a pest which attacks livestock and must be controlled.
(Taken from:

Generic Structure Analysis
Stating the issue; hunting fox.
Supporting point; farmers and conservationists agree to hunt fox because they attack livestok.
Contrastive point; many people disagree hunting fox with dog because it is cruel.
Recommendation; Do not be cruel in hunting fox just control it in safe way.
Language Feature Analysis
Introducing category participant; farmer, conservationists.
Using thinking verb; believe.
Using connectives;
Using modalities; must, always

What is Discussion?

Discussion Text

Definition of Discussion
Discussion is a text which present a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different viewpoints. Discussion is commonly found in philosophical, historic, and social text.

Generic Structure of Discussion
Statement of issue; stating the issue which is to discussed
List of supporting points; presenting the point in in supporting the presented issue
List of contrastive point; presenting other points which disagree to the supporting point
Recommendation; stating the writer' recommendation of the discourse

Language Feature of Discussion
Introducing category or generic participant
Using thinking verb; feel, hope, believe, etc
Using additive, contrastive, and causal connection; similarly, on the hand, however, etc
Using modalities; must, should, could, may, etc
Using adverbial of manner; deliberately, hopefully, etc

Discussion Text

Definition of Discussion
Discussion is a text which present a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different viewpoints. Discussion is commonly found in philosophical, historic, and social text.

Generic Structure of Discussion
Statement of issue; stating the issue which is to discussed
List of supporting points; presenting the point in in supporting the presented issue
List of contrastive point; presenting other points which disagree to the supporting point
Recommendation; stating the writer' recommendation of the discourse

Language Feature of Discussion
Introducing category or generic participant
Using thinking verb; feel, hope, believe, etc
Using additive, contrastive, and causal connection; similarly, on the hand, however, etc
Using modalities; must, should, could, may, etc
Using adverbial of manner; deliberately, hopefully, etc

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 4 April 2009 0:0

2 April 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

tolong beri contoh spoof dalam bentuk komik.

saya ada cerita tentang abu nawas tapi tidak ada gambarnya.

The king wanted to test Abu Nawas’ smartness. So he invited Abu Nawas to the palace. “You want me, your Majesty?” greeted Abu Nawas. “Yes, you have fooled me three times and that’s too much. I want you to leave the country. Otherwise you will have to go to jail” said the king. “If that is what you want, I will do what you said” said Abu Nawas sadly. Then “Remember, from tomorrow you may not step on the ground of this country anymore” the king said seriously. Then Abu nawas left the king palace sadly.

The following morning the king ordered his two guards to go to Abu Nawas’ house. The guards were very surprised found Abu Nawas still in his house. He had not left the country yet. Instead leaving the country, Abu Nawas was swimming in small pool in front of his house. “Hey Abu Nawas, why haven’t you left this country yet? The king ordered you not to step on the ground of this country anymore, didn’t he?” said the guards. “Sure he did” answered Abu Nawas calmly. “But look at me! Do I step on the ground of this country? No, I do not step on the ground. I am swimming on the water” continued Abu Nawas.

The guards were not able to argue with Abu Nawas so they left Abu Nawas’ house and went back to the palace. The guards reported what they had seen to the king. The king was curious on Abu Nawas’ excuse not to leave the country. Therefore the king ordered his guard to call Abu Nawas to come to the palace.

Abu Nawas came to the palace on stilts. The king wondered and said “Abu, I will surely punish you because you haven’t done what I have said. You have not left this country”. The King continued “And now, look at you. You walk on stilts like a child. Are you crazy? The king pretended to be furious.

“I remember exactly what you said, Your Majesty” Abu Nawas answered calmly. “This morning I took a bath in the small pool in my house so that I had not to step on the ground. And since yesterday, I have been walking on this stilts. So you see, Your Majesty, I do not step on the ground of this country”. The king was not able to say anything.
(Adapted from S. Harianto’s Abu Nawas and King Aaron)

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 4 April 2009 0:0

1 April 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

bagaimana contoh deskripsi dengan judul my pet

saya kasih contoh yang mirip kemudian kamu buat sendiri:

My Favourite Teacher

Everyone has a favourite teacher, someone who we feel a special connection with. In primary school, my favourite teacher was Ms. Nuraini. I was not such a good pupil, but just looking at Ms. Nuraini made me feel that I was going to learn.
Ms. Nuraini was 45 years old and rather short about 1.50 meters. Since I’m short too, I always feel a bit nervous with tall teacher who tower menacingly over me. It was reassuring to be around Ms. Nuraini. Also, I always enjoy the fragrance of the herbs that she grew in our classroom.
On the top of her round head, Ms. Nuraini always wore a colorful headscarf with an intriguing design. This, plus her warm smile, brightened the lessons in her classroom. However, the best part of her face was her kind eyes that said to her students, ”I care deeply about you.”
Ms. Nuraini usually wore bright long sleeve blouse that went well with her coffee-color skin. She did not wear much jewelry, just a simple Casio watch on her left hand and a ruby red ring on the ring finger of her right hand. The other ‘decoration’ on her hand came from types of ink from whiteboard markers and other sources.
On most days, Ms. Nuraini wore loose-fitting pants. Finally, on her feet, she often had brown closed-toe shoes with just a slightly raised heel that made a peculiar ‘clip-clop’ sound as she walked. These low-heeled shoes made it easy for Ms. Nuraini to walk briskly around the classroom to help us when we were doing group activities.
I can still feel her friendly touch on my shoulder as she stood listening carefully to our group or explaining something that none of us could figure out

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 4 April 2009 0:0

1 April 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

maaph , tolong kasii contoh teks recount ama description dums . makasii


My Favourite Teacher
Everyone has a favourite teacher, someone who we feel a special connection with. In primary school, my favourite teacher was Ms. Nuraini. I was not such a good pupil, but just looking at Ms. Nuraini made me feel that I was going to learn.
Ms. Nuraini was 45 years old and rather short about 1.50 meters. Since I’m short too, I always feel a bit nervous with tall teacher who tower menacingly over me. It was reassuring to be around Ms. Nuraini. Also, I always enjoy the fragrance of the herbs that she grew in our classroom.
On the top of her round head, Ms. Nuraini always wore a colorful headscarf with an intriguing design. This, plus her warm smile, brightened the lessons in her classroom. However, the best part of her face was her kind eyes that said to her students, ”I care deeply about you.”
Ms. Nuraini usually wore bright long sleeve blouse that went well with her coffee-color skin. She did not wear much jewelry, just a simple Casio watch on her left hand and a ruby red ring on the ring finger of her right hand. The other ‘decoration’ on her hand came from types of ink from whiteboard markers and other sources.
On most days, Ms. Nuraini wore loose-fitting pants. Finally, on her feet, she often had brown closed-toe shoes with just a slightly raised heel that made a peculiar ‘clip-clop’ sound as she walked. These low-heeled shoes made it easy for Ms. Nuraini to walk briskly around the classroom to help us when we were doing group activities.
I can still feel her friendly touch on my shoulder as she stood listening carefully to our group or explaining something that none of us could figure out.

Paris is the capital of a European nation, France. It is also on of the most beautiful and famous cities in the world.
Paris is called the City of Light. It is also an international fashion center. What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the world. Paris is also famous for its world center of education. For instance, it is the headquarters of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
The Seine River divides the city into two parts. Thirty-two bridges cross this scenic river. The oldest and perhaps the most well known in Pont Neuf was built in the sixteenth century. Sorbonne, a famous university, is located on the left bank (south side) of the river. The beautiful white church Sacre Coeur lies on the top of a hill called Montmartre on the right bank (north side) of the Seine.
There are many other famous places in Paris, such as the famous museum the Louvre as well the cathedral of Notre Dame. However, the most famous landmark in this city must be the Eiffel Tower.
Paris is named after a group of people called Parisii. They built a small village on an island in the middle of the Seine River about two thousand years ago. This island is called Ile de la Cite. It is where Notre Dame located. Today around eight million people live in the Paris area.


Vacation to London; the clear example of recount text
Mr. Richard’s family was on vacation. They are Mr. and Mrs. Richard with two sons. They went to London. They saw their travel agent and booked their tickets. They went to the British Embassy to get visas to enter Britain. They had booked fourteen days tour. This includes travel and accommodation. They also included tours around London
They boarded a large Boeing flight. The flight was nearly fourteen hours. On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly. They gave them news paper and magazine to read. They gave them food and drink. There was a film for their entertainment. They had a very pleasant flight. They slept part of the way.
On arrival at Heathrow Airport, they had to go to Customs and Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. Mr. Richard and his family collected their bags and went to London Welcome Desk. They arranged the transfer to a hotel.
The hotel was a well-known four-star hotel. The room had perfect view of the park. The room had its own bathroom and toilet. Instead of keys for the room, they inserted a key-card to open the door. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving Asian and European food. They had variety of food.
The two week in London went by fast. At the end of the 14-day, they were quite tired but they felt very happy.

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 4 April 2009 0:0

1 April 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

MR. OR Mrs.., please help me now, ..
  saya kesulitan dalam merangkai kata dalam mebuat jenis teks. bagaimana supaya kata kata yang saya gunakan benar dan sesuai dengan tata bahasa inggris??
please. saya tunggu sekarang. 

memang perlu latihan keras dalam membuat tulisan. Teruslah berlatih sambil memperhatikan tata cara penulisan. Selamat berlatih. ini saya kasih contoh text.

Is there any city in Europe, or else, like Prague? There has been a city here for over a thousand years, and now 2.250.000 people live here. It is most famous for its Gothic and Baroque building styles. Old Town Square, with its wonderful clock, the Charles Bridge, and Prague Castle on the hill above the river are just a few of Prague’s famous attractions.
Getting around Prague is easy by tram or underground train but it’s also a pedestrian’s dream because much of the old quarter and many of the streets and lanes have little or no traffic. The medieval center is Prague castle and St Vitus Cathedral. An evening view of these illuminated landmarks is one of the most memorable sights in Europe. Wenceslas Square is in the heart of modern Prague.
Visiting Prague today, you immediately notice the lively atmosphere. The city can be crowded during the hot summer months, but it is delight to visit any time of the year, even in the snowy cold of winter. In fact, tourism makes the largest contribution to Prague’s economy. Classical concerts take place all through the year, though the biggest event is the Prague Spring International Music Festival in May and early June. Theatre also has a special place in the life of the city.
The suburbs are like many in Eastern Europe with tall sky crappers and some light industry, but you are very quickly in the sleepy villages and gentle hills of Bohemia. Many people say Prague reminds them of Vienna or Budapest. But in fact, Prague is unique. There’s nowhere quite like it.

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 4 April 2009 0:0

1 April 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

bugh kenapa sich susah banget blajar englis ituh
aquh gag bisa2 ngerti bhsa inggris tuh..malu bgt kadang
tapi aku ingin bgt bisa b.inggris n ngmonk pke b.inggris

Belajar bahasa memang butuh kesabaran dan tidak bisa instant. Kamu harus sabar dan terus mencoba untuk menguasainya. Mulailah dengan suka nonton film barat, dengerin lagu barat dan berita berbahasa inggris. Cari tau di kamus tiap kata yang tidak kamu tau artinya. Lama -lama kamu akan bisa. teruslah berusaha dan bergaullah dengan teman yang pandai b inggris nanti kamu akan ketularan bisa. selamat mencoba

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 4 April 2009 0:0

31 Maret 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4

bu,gmana sich contoh dscriptive teks?? jujur kalo ada pelajaran bahasa inggris saya slalu tak mengerti.. terimakasih

Paris is the capital of a European nation, France. It is also on of the most beautiful and famous cities in the world.
Paris is called the City of Light. It is also an international fashion center. What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the world. Paris is also famous for its world center of education. For instance, it is the headquarters of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
The Seine River divides the city into two parts. Thirty-two bridges cross this scenic river. The oldest and perhaps the most well known in Pont Neuf was built in the sixteenth century. Sorbonne, a famous university, is located on the left bank (south side) of the river. The beautiful white church Sacre Coeur lies on the top of a hill called Montmartre on the right bank (north side) of the Seine.
There are many other famous places in Paris, such as the famous museum the Louvre as well the cathedral of Notre Dame. However, the most famous landmark in this city must be the Eiffel Tower.
Paris is named after a group of people called Parisii. They built a small village on an island in the middle of the Seine River about two thousand years ago. This island is called Ile de la Cite. It is where Notre Dame located. Today around eight million people live in the Paris area.

Sawahlunto is about 94 km from Padang, 38 km from Batu Sangkar or 137 km from Bukit Tinggi. If you want to go to Sawahlunto, you can start from any of these three places and take a bus, a taxi or join a trip arranged by a travel agency. If you start from Padang, you can get to Sawahlunto in two hours.
If you take a bus from Padang, you will have to pay Rp8.0000. A taxi will cost you Rp. 200.000. If you join a trip, you will have to pay the travel agency Rp 20.000.
At present, The Tourism, Art, and Culture office of Sawahlunto municipality prepares a tourist package called “One day City Tour of sawahlunto”. If you take this package, you will be taken around the town on a tourist train, locally known as dressing, or a tourist bus.
A tourist train is available every day at Sawahlunto station. It starts at 10.00 a.m. and will take you to Muara Kalaban station, which is about 5 km away. This tourist train can accommodate a maximum of 12 passengers and the return fare is Rp. 75.000.
On the way, you can see the tower of the old electric power plant and will be plunged into darkness as you enter the 900-meter-long tunnel.
If you wish to travel by bus, you can charter a tourist bus. It is big enough for 25 people and the charter fee is Rp.250.000 The bus will take you around the old town, visit the living museum, the former open mining pit, and the location of Ombilin Mines Training College (OMTC) and the grave of Prof M.Yamin in Talawi.
When you visit OMTC, you will get information about mining activities through a simulation system of underground mining. You can also visit the geological museum and a coal mining laboratory.
At the end of your tour, you can buy local handicrafts as souvenirs.

Operator 4 April 2009 0:0

3 April 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Bapak/Ibu, tolong bantuannya untuk memperbaiki karangan saya untuk ujian praktek di bawah ini:  Mohon koreksinya secepat mungkin dan tolong tambahkan beberapa ide ya Pak/Bu bila memungkinkan. Terima kasih

Today I will explain you about “The New You” as I want.        My name is Sam Fisher, you can call me Sam. I have got married with a young woman named Oprah, and we live in London since 2001. We live in London because our parents also live there. Now, we stay on Golden Axe Street number 1. And this is my home. Now, I am a boss of Microsoft Cooperation. And my income is about 1 billion per month. I often play with my child named Alvin for spending my time. My hobby is playing computer. That is my hobby since I was a kid until now 50 years old. Actually, I always dreaming to be an actor.Okay, I think my explanation about “The New You” is enough.

Today I will explain to you about myself. My name is Sam Fisher, you can call me Sam. I have got married with a young woman named Oprah, and we live in London since 2001. We live in London because our parents also live there. Now, we stay on Golden Axe Street number 1. And this is my home. Now, I am a boss of Microsoft Corporation. And my income is about 1 billion per month. In my leisure time, I often play with my child named Alvin. My hobby is playing computer. It is my hobby since I was a kid until now 50 years old. Actually, I always dream of being an actor.
Okay, I think that’s all my explanation about me. Thank you for giving attention.   
Operator 3 April 2009 0:0


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