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Dimana saya bisa mendapatkan contoh-contoh soal untuktuk UN 2007? Saya sdh coba buka di dan tapi tidak menemukannya yang ditampilkan justru UAN thn yang lalu misalnya 2001 kan sudah nga sesuai modelnya dengan 2007? Mohon saya diberi informasi atau mungkin saya yang tidak mengerti mencarinya,mohon dikasih keywordnya, atas perhatiannya saya mengucapkan banyak terima kasih.
Anda bisa searching di ATAU
Suatu bilangan mempunyai urutan bilangan pola segitiga. Ke tiga bilangan tsb merupakan sisi-sisi dari suatu segitiga. Jika diketahui luas segitiga tsb adalah 96 cm2 dan keliling segitiga tsb adalah 96 cm, tentukan sisi-sisi dari segitiga tsb.
Coba periksa kembali soal Anda,
karena tidak ada tiga bilangan pola segitiga yang jumlahnya 96( keliling segitiga), yang ada 86, yaitu 21, 28 dan 37.
Drs. Sudarsono, M.Ed
Suatu bangun ruang berbentuk kerucut yg paling atas kemudian tabung ditengah dan 1/2 belahan bola yg paling bawah. Jika tinggi kerucut 8cm, tinggi tabung 20 cm, dan diameter bola 12 cm. Tentukan luas seluruh sisi bangun ruang tsb.
Luas seluruh permukaan = Luas 1/2 bola + Luas Tabung + Luas kerucut
= (2x3,14x6x6) + (2x3,14x6x20) +( 3,14x6x10)
= 1168,08 cm^2
Drs. Sudarsono, M.Ed
what about macam-macam clause misal adjective clause, dll, apa inti dari masing-masing clause agar mudah dipahami dan dihapalkan? makasih
Adjective Clause mempunyai fungsi sebagai adjective, menerangkan subyek atau obyek.
Contoh adjective clause yang menerangkan Subyek:
1. The man is my uncle.
2. He wears a white T Shirt.
Dua kalimat tersebut bisa kita gabungkan menjadi:
The man who wears a white T Shirt is my uncle.
Contoh adjective clause yang menerangkan Obyek.
1. She is the girl.
2. I helped her yesterday.
Kedua kalimat tersebut bisa kita gabungkan menjadi:
She is the girl whom I helped yesterday.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
saya mau bertanya apa itu perbedaan dan ciri2 dari narative dan descriptive.terimakasih atas jawabannya.
Narrative text adalah sebuah teks yang berbentuk narasi dengan ciri-ciri sbb:
- Orientation
(berisi Who,when,where it happened )
- Complication
( berisi tentang konflik atau puncak cerita tsb)
- Resolution
( berisi pemecahan masalah/penyelesaian dari konflik tsb, bisa happy ending atau sad ending )
Tujuan narrative text untuk menghibur pembaca, tenses yang digunakan umumnya Simple Past Tense
Descriptive Text
Adalah sebuah teks yang berbentuk deskripsi dari benda /orang/tempat tertentu.
Tujuannya untuk mendiskripsikan benda/oarang/tempat secara spesifik dan rinci.
Tenses yang digunakan Simple Present Tense.
Ciri-ciri Descriptive text adalah:
- Identification (berisi identifikasi benda/orang/tempat tsb)
- Description (berisi deskripsi rinci dari benda/orang/tempat yang diceritakan. Deskripsi ini boleh lebih dari satu paragraf)
Terima kasih Pak atas penjelasannya, tapi saya masih agak bingung kenapa pola bilangan tsb harus dibagi 10 ? Pola ABBCCCDDDDABBCCCDDDDABBCCCDDDD... berulang kali sampai tak terhingga, huruf apakah yg menempati urutan ke 2^53^3 Media web Tanggal 01-Februari-2007 Penjawab teje & Murni Jawaban Perhatikan Urutan ABBCCCDDDD 12345678910 berulangan seterusnya Ini berarti pada suku ke 2^5 .3^3=32x27=864 Jika dibagi 10 sisa 4 Maka hurufnya adalah C sesuai dengan no 4
Karena setelah suku ke 10(ABBCCCDDDD=10),(ABBCCCDDDD=10) pola
itu berulang lagi, maka 10 itu
Drs. Sudarsono, M.Ed
Mohon penjelasannya Pak, kenapa harus dikalikan 10 sebuah prisma yang alasnya berbentuk belah ketupat dengan panjang diagonalnya 12 dan 16 cm dan tingi prisma itu 20 cm . Berapa sisi Alas prisma dan Luas sisi prisma itu ? Media E-mail Tanggal 29-Januari-2007 Penjawab Teje & Murni Jawaban Luas alas = 0.5(12x16)=96 Luas tutup= 0.5(12x16)=96 Luas selimut= Keliling alas x tinggi = 4x10x20=800 Jadi luas seluruhnya = 992 cm^2 (COBA ANDA PIKIRKAN 10 DARI MANA?)
Angka 10 adalah panjang sisi belah ketupat. 10 diperoleh dengan menggunakan teorema Pythagoras dari 6^2 + 8^2 = 100 kemudian diakarkan menjadi akar dari 100 = 10. (Coba pikirkan 6 dan 8 dari mana? Hayo....)
Tinggi tumpukan 2 kursi adalah 92 cm, dan tinggi tumpukan 3 kursi adalah 100 cm,Jika ada 15 kursi ditumpuk tentukan tingginya
Tumpukan kursi tsb merupkan barisan aritmetika dengan beda(b)= 100-92=8
U1=92-8 =84
Un = U1 +(n-1)b
U15=84 +(15-1)8
U15 = 84 + 112
U15 = 196
Jadi tinggi tumpukan 15 kursi = 196 cm.
Drs. Sudarsono, M.Ed
please give me an example about -narrative teks -anecdote -analytical -procedure -explanation -report -recount -review -discussion -description -news item and -hortatory i need this for today...can u ?? thanks mom...
Teks Recount adalah teks yang isinya tentang pengalaman2 atau kejadian2 yang terjadi pada waktu lampau.
Generic Structure: Orientation - Events – Reorientation
Contoh teks RECOUNT
1) I am used to travelling by air and only on one occasion I have ever felt frightened. After taking off, we flew low over the city. It slowly went high to the sky. But suddenly it turned round and flew back to the airport.(Ini adalah Orientation)
An airhostess told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it touched down. Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what happened. Later we learnt that there was a very important person on board. Earlier somebody told the police that there was a bomb on the plane. After we landed, the police searched the plane carefully. Fortunately, they did not find a bomb and five hours later we were able to take off again.(Ini adalah Event).
2) I was driving along the coast road when the car suddenly lurched to one side. At first I thought a type had gone but that then I saw telegraph poles collapsing like matchsticks. The rocks came tumbling across the road and I had to abandon the car. There was an earthquake. When I got back to town, there wasn’t much left.
Dalam teks Recount, Generic Structure nya adalah: Orientation - Events - Reorientation.
Note: 'Event' dalam teks Recount boleh satu atau lebih.
Dan 'Reorientation' adalah optional(boleh ada boleh tidak)
Tenses yang digunakan selalu Past Tense.
Teks Report adalah teks yang isinya mendeskripsikan sesuatu (binatang/barang/tempat2 umum, dll) secara umum
Contoh Teks Report
1) A library is a place which collects records of what people have thought and done.(Ini adalah General Classification).
It preserves those records, and it ,makes them available to us, so that we can learn about many things. In the world of library, we can entertain ourselves, teach ourselves, and be inspired by the ideas that we might never have dreamed of otherwise.(Ini adalah 'Description')
A library has many sections. Commonly, a library has a reading room, a catalogue section, a newspaper and magazine section, books section, and a librarian desk which deals with book circulation. The books are classified based on the subjects, such as fiction, science, psychology, etc. They are arranged on the bookshelves.(Ini adalah 'Description').
2) Whales are sea-living mammals.
They therefore breathe air but cannot survive on land. Some species are very large indeed and blue whale, which can exceed 30 cm in length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth Superficially, the whale looks rather like a fish, but there are important differences in its external structure: its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). This is up to 30 cm in thickness and serves to conserve heat and body fluids.
Teks Report memiliki Generic Structure: General Classification - Description.
Tenses yang digunakan adalah 'Present Tense'.
Teks Prosedur adalah teks yang isinya mengenai langkah-langkah/step bagaimana membuat/ melakukan sesuatu.
Contoh Teks Prosedur
1) How to Plant a Flower.(Ini adalah Aim/Goal)
Materials and Tools: A pail, a flower pot, a water dipper or water hose and a pair of gloves, soil and manure.
- Take a pail of soil from the backyard. Mix the soil and the manure.
- Put the mixture in the flower pot. - Plant tha flower in the flower pot.
- Take some water using the water dipper. Sprinkle the plant
- Put a little soil around the plant
Materials needed: • A sheet of heavy paper • A pencil • Sharp scissors • A paper clip • Crayons.
Method: Here’s a paper airplane that will fly in circles.
1. first fold the paper in half the long way
2. Then draw an airplane with wings and tail on it.
3. Next draw a line about an inch away from the fold on each side the full length of paper.
4. Then cut out the airplane, but do not cut on the fold.
5. After that spread out the airplane and colour it. You can draw airplane markings near each wing tip.
6. Next refold your airplane. Now fold each wing down along the time drawn on it.
7. Then add a paper clip to the nose. You can change the way your airplane flies by changing the wing shape and putting more than one paper clip on the nose.
Teks Procedure memiliki Generic Structure: Aim/Goal - Materials – Steps.
Tenses yang digunakan adalah Simple Present dalam bentuk Imperative.
Teks naratif adalah teks yang isinya tentang ceritera (fiksi/non fiksi/dongeng/cerita rakyat, dll) dan dalam alur cerita /plotnya selalu disertai dengan puncak masalah/ klimaks cerita (complication) kemudian diikuti dengan penyelesaian masalah (Resolution).
Generic Structures:
Orientation - Complication - Evaluation (optional)- Resolution
Orientation: it is about WHO, WHEN, and WHERE the story happened.
Evaluation: it is optional, it is usually used to make the story more interesting.
Complication: it is about the conflict or the big problem of the story. A story can have more than one complication.
Resolution: it is the solutiuon of the problem. It can be a happy or sad ending.
Example:The story of Cinderella, Snow White, Snow Maiden.
This is the example of Snow Maiden Once upon a time there lived a couple in a village. They had got married for a long time, but so far they did not have a baby yet. Every single minute they prayed to God, begged for a baby, but it never came true
Oneday, they went to snow mountain. They made a girl from snow and they dressed her beautifully. When it got dark, they decided to go home and left the snow girl alone. The following morning, someone knocked the door. "Any body home?", she said. The old women inside opened the door and asked, "Who are you?" The girl said "I'm Snow Maiden, your daughter". The old woman was surprised and happy. "Oh really? Thanks God! Come in, please!" Since that meeting, they lived happily. Snow Maiden was beautiful, kind, diligent and helpful. Her parents and all of her friends loved her very much
Oneday, Snow Maiden played with her friends. They played fire. At first, Snow Maiden just looked at their play. Suddenly, her friends asked her to jump on the fire. Of course she refused it because one thing that made her afraid was the fire. It's because Snow Maiden was made of snow, so she should avoid the fire. But her friends kept on forcing her to jump on. Finally, she could not do anything then she did it. She jumped on the fire and she melted. Her friends was so sorry about this, they cried and cried hoping Snow Maiden could live again, but it was useless. Snow Maiden would not be back anymore Her mother tried to entertain Snow Maiden's friends and asked them to make a new Snow Maiden. They went to a snow mountain and started making it. They expected to have the new Snow Maiden. Days passed but their dreams never came true. Poor them!.
Teks Deskriptif adalah teks yang isinya mendiskripsikan tentang sesuatu hal (benda/ orang/ tempat/ binatang, dll) secara spesifik / detail.
Generic Structure:
Identification – Descriptions.
1) Ben has a dog. Its name is Brownie. It’s brown. Brownie has black round eyes and big ears. It’s got thick fur especially around its tail. This dog doesn’t like bones or meat. Everyday, it eats rice and fried fish.
2) If you go to Jakarta, you can visit the Imax Theatre where you can see many shows.( Ini adalah Identification).
It is located in TMII complex, East Jakarta. Many people call it “Keong Mas� because the building has a shape like a snail. It looks amazing. The shape makes this place unique. It also has a large parking area. Besides, you can find a beautiful garden at the front of this building.
In Australia there are levels of goverment, the federal goverment, state goverments and local goverments. All of these levels of goverment are necessary. this is so for a number of reasons.
First, the federal goverment is necessary for the big things.
They keep the economy in order and look after things like defence.
Similarly, the state goverments look after the midle sized things.
For example they look after law and order, preventing things like vandalism in schools.
Finally, local goverments look after the small things.
Theu look after things like collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone wuld have diseases.
Thus, for the reasons above we can conslude that the three levels of goverment are necessary
Snack in the Bath
How would you like to find a snack in your bath?
A nasty one too!
We had just moved into a new house, which had been empty for so long that everything was in a terrible mess. Anna an I decide we would clean the bath first, so we set to, and turned on the tap.
Suddenly to my horror, a snake's head appeared in the plug-hole. Then out slithered the rest of his long thin body.He twisted and turned on the slippery bottom of the bath, spitting and hissing at us.
For an instant I stood there quite paralysed.Then i yelled for my husband,who luckily came running and killed the snake with the handle of a broom. Anna, who was only three at the time, was quite interested in the whole business. Indeed i had to pull her out of the way or she'd probably have leant over the bath to get a better look!
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apa yg kamu ketahui tt g bilangan bulat negatif dan apa contohnya.
bilangan bulat<0 conth: -3