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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
tolong beri contoh gimana teks commentary itu seperti apa? dan apa bagian2nya tolong dijelaskan!!1 terima kasih
Teks commentary sepertnya untuk SMA
Yang jelas teks tersebut berisi komentar atau opini tentang suatu keadaan
Untuk bagian-bagiannya kami belum bisa menjawab karena saat ini materi yang diberikan utamanya untuk siswa SMP.
bu,saya mo nanya tentang pengertian news item dan item apa saja yg termasuk di dalamnya?tlng ya bu soalnya saya untuk bahan presentasi di sekolah utk hr senin.
Terima kasih atas pertanyaannya.
Untuk news item isinya tentang berbagai berita.
Kalau berita itu tentang sesuatu yang sudah berlangsung tensesnya Simple Past Tense.
Kalau bertanya tentang sesuatu yang sedang atau akan berlangsung tensesnya memakai simple present tense atau future tense.
Yang jelas semuanya tentang informasi faktual.
apa pangkat tak sebenarnya muncul di unas besok? di skl tdk ada tp saya dengar2 besok muncul. sebenarnya materinya hanya yg di skl atau ada yang lain ya?trims
Sejauh yang saya ketahui,bahan ujian adalah yang ada di SKL.Pangkat tak sebenarnya tdk ada dalam Skl,jadi kalaupun ada soal ttg pangkat hanya yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam soal mis pd teorema pythagoras,luas,dll.met belajar yaa
Murni Kusumawati, S.Pd
apa bedanya which one dan which ones?
Which one untuk menanyakan pilihan benda/orang yang jumlahnya hanya satu.
There are two cows in the ricefield.
Which one is yours ?
The fat one or the thin one ?
Kata 'one' merujuk pada kata 'cow' yang jumlahnya hanya satu.
Which ones untuk menayakan pilihan yang jumlahnya lebih dari satu.
There are some novels on the table.
Which ones are yours ?
The Indonesian ones or the English ones ?
Kata ones merujuk pada kata novels,yang jumlahnya lebih dari satu.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
apa bedanya which one dan which ones?
Which one untuk menanyakan pilihan benda/orang yang jumlahnya hanya satu.
There are two cows in the ricefield. Which one is yours ? The fat one or the thin one ?
Kata 'one' merujuk pada kata 'cow' yang jumlahnya hanya satu.
Which ones untuk menayakan pilihan yang jumlahnya lebih dari satu.
There are some novels on the table. Which ones are yours ? The Indonesian ones or the English ones ?
Kata ones merujuk pada kata novels,yang jumlahnya lebih dari satu.
tolong minta contoh teks "hortatory exposition" selain country concern dunx,,,cepet yak, keburu ni..thx b4
Hortatory Exposition is aimed to persuade the reader that something should or should not be the case.
into the Mouth of Babes
We are writing to you because we are concerned about the way food is being advertised to children.(This is called 'Thesis').
What we eat now affects our health in years to come. Bad dietary habits start while we are very young. For this reason, your government support health education that encourages a balanced healthy diet. Australians are encouraged to get the bulk of their nutrients from fresh fruits, vegetables, and wholegrain cereals, a lesser amount from foods high in fat, salt and sugar. (This is called '1st Argument').
TV advertising to children presents a completely different message. Nearly 80% of food advertising pushes fatty snacks or sweets - the very foods that should be eaten least. To make matter worse, these ads take up much of the advertising time. This must be stopped. ( This is called '2nd Argument).
TV advertising is powerful and influential. Parents, however strong-willed, find it hard to resit pressures created by this advertising. Children are least able to understand the tricks of the advertising industry.( This is called '3rd Argument).
For the hours when children are the main audience, TV advertising of foods must be made to reinforce, not undermine, the message about a balanced diet. We appeal to you, as Prime Minister, to take the lead in calling together the advertisers, TV networks, consumers and public health bodies to decide how this isn to be done.(This is called ' Recommendation).
Good Luck!
dari deret aritmetika diketahui u1+u2= 4 dan u1+u2+u3 = 9, tentukan: a. U3 b. S4
U1=a,U2=a+b,U3=a+2b,u1+u2+u3=9,a+a+b+a+2b=9,3a+3b=9,3(a+b)=9 jd a+b=9:3=3,U1+U2=2a+b=2(1)+b=4,b=2,jdU3=a+2b=1+2.2=5 dan S4=(n:2)(2a+(n-1)b=16
U1+U2=4,a+(a+b)=a+3=4jd a=1,dan
Murni Kusumawati, S.Pd
News Item is factual text which informs the readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
Gerund adalah Kata Kerja (Verb) yang dibendakan, bentuknya selalu dalam bentuk (Verb+ing).
Gerund berfungsi:
1. Sebagai Subyek.
Swimming is good for our health.
Cooking is my mother's hobby.
2. Sebagai Objek
My favourite sport is cycling
3. Digunakan setelah Kata Kerja
tertentu, seperti: Practice, Avoid, Postpone, Risk, Enjoy, Mind, Appreciate, Suggest, Deny, Admit, Delay, Anticipate, Keep, Understand, Finish, Fancy, Consider, Like, Hate, Love, Stop, Start, dll.
- The students have finished writing the report.
- Do you mind coming to my house?
- Don't stop loving me.
4. Digunakan setelah preposisi, in, on, at, of, after, before, for, with, without, about, dll.
- Katie is very good in speaking English
- After knowing Nita's address, I come to her house.
5. Setelah kata kerja: look forward to, used to, accustomed to, object to.
- I look forward to seeing you soon.
- I used to driving car fast.
INFINITIVE (kata kerja yang menngunakan to maupun yang tidak menggunakan to)
We use to Infinitive as:
1. Subject
Contoh: To drive fest need a lot of practice
2. Modifier(sebagai penjelas)
a.Penjelas kata benda, contoh: We need water to drink.
b.Penjelas Kata Sifat, contoh: Anita was sad to hear that terrible news.
c.Penjelas kata kerja, contoh: I was invited to come to party.
3. Kata kerja berikut ini diikuti to Infinitive: Advise, allow, ask, decide, expect, force, hope, intend, invite, instruct, learn, mean, need, permit, promise, propose,Want, wish, would like, tell teach
- Anita decided to go abroad
- The teacher asked me to clean the whiteboard
1. Setelah Modal (can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must)
2. Setelah Kata Kerja Panca Indra:
see, look at, observe, watch, notice, feel, listen, smell, hear.
selain diikuti oleh infinitive tanpa to, kata kerja panca indra juga bisa diikuti V-ing.
- I saw someone croos the street.
- My father smells something burn.
Keep on studying!
Keep on practicing!