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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
mav, mas tolong kasih contoh pidato yang berdurasi 7 menit..saya belum paham benar
cara penggunaan past future dan simple past tense nya...
Example of speech
Topic: The advantages of Reading.
The honorable teachers and the distinguished audiences.
In this very nice occasion, I'd like to deliver my speech about the advantages of reading.
Before going further, first of all I'd like to explain some reasons why people read. Some people read to get current knowledge and some other ones just read for pleasure.
So, do you belong to first or the second one?
Ladies and Gentlemen.
You don't need to be worried whether you belong to the first or the second because both of them will enhance your knowledge.
Do you remember? The wise word said that "Reading is the window of the world"
That's definitely correct because by reading we can access the information as enormous as possible. For instance, we can easily know the latest issues that happen in distance without being there. Besides, you can enrich yourselves related to your interests or needs.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
In spite of having those advantages, reading is not a demanding activity either time or money. You can read every time, while you are waiting for the bus or someone, while you are on public transportation or other spare time.
You can also read from many resources, such as mass media and electronic media. If you don't want to spend much money, you can get it free by visiting public libraries.
And if you want to find the newest information, you can browse through internet.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, those are my point of view about the advantages of reading. Hopefully, it makes you more aware about the importance of reading.
Thank you for your fully attention and see you next time.
Contoh pidato tersebut silakan Anda kembangkan sendiri.
Penggunaan Past Future dan Past Tense bisa kita temukan dalam Conditional Clause Type II.
Joko would come to your wedding party yesterday if you invited him.
Maksudnya: Joko akan datang ke pesta pernikahanmu jika kau undang, tapi kenyataannya kamu tidak mengundang dia kemarin sehingga dia tidak datang.
Jadi Past Future digunakan untuk mengungkapkan keinginan atau rencana di waktu lampau yang tidak terlaksana. Contohnya: I would go to Australia.
Pola kalimatnya: Subyek + would + Verb 1
Sedangkan Past Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian di masa lampau pada waktu tertentu.
Contohnya: Last year, I went to Australia.
Pola kalimatnya: Subject + Verb 2 + Object
atau Subject + (was /were) + Adjective/Noun/Adverb
saya ingin tau contoh Reviews. tolong jawabannya segera
dibalas ke emai saya. terima kasih.
Tujuan Komunikatifnya: Melakukan kritik terhadap peristiwa atau karya seni untuk pembaca atau pendengar khalayak ramai.
Jenis Review meliputi: film, pertunjukan, buku, dll.
Struktur Teksnya:
Orientation - Interpretive recount/Tafsir - Evaluasi 1- Evaluasi 2, dsb. - Rangkuman.
Sudut pandangnya terfokus pada partisipan
Ciri Kebahasaan: adjectives menunjukkan sikap, seperti bad,good, dll; Menggunakan: metafor tertentu; klausa yg digunakan panjang dan kompleks;
Since the first production of ‘Private Lives’ in 1930,with the theatre’s two leading sphisticates Noel Coward and Gertrude Lawrence in the leads, the play has tended to be seen as vehicle of stars
QUT Academy of the Arts’ production boastedno’stars’, but certainly fielded potential stars in a sparkling performance that brought out just how fine a piece of craftmanship Coward’s play is. Evaluation
More than 60 years later, what new could be deduced from so familiar a theme ? Director Rod Wissler’s highly perceptive approach went beyond the glittery suface of Witty banter to the darker implications beneath
Interpretative Recount
With the shifting of attitudes to social values, it became clear that Victor and Sybyl were potentially the more admireable of the couples, with standards better adjusted than the volatile and self indulgent Elyot and Amanda. Evaluation
The wit was there, dexteously ping-ponged to and fro by a vibrant Amanda (Catherine Jones) and a suave Elyot (Daniel Kealy)
Julie’s Eckersley’s Sibyl was a delightful creation, and Phillip Cameron-Smith’s more serious playing was just right for Victor. Jodie Levesconte was a superb French maid. James Maclean’s set captured the Thirties atmosphere with many subtle.
Evaluative Summation
All involved deserve the highest praise.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd
tolong dong kasih text tentang recount ama sekalian strukturnya..thx
Diving in Bunaken Island
apa perbedaan hortatory dan spoof? apa saja gramatical features, purpose, dan
generic structure-nya? trims
Perbedaan hortatory Exp.dan spoof sangat jelas bahwa hortatory exp. digunakan untuk menyampaikan paparan tentang suatu topik. Tujuannya untuk mempengaruhi pembaca untuk tidak mempermasalahkan topik tersebut atau justru mengarahkan pembaca untuk mempermasalahkan topik yang sedang dibicarakan.
Sementara teks spoof berisi pengalaman masa lampau namun diakhiri dengan cerita yang lucu. Tujuan spoof untuk menghibur.
Generic structure hortatory Exp. :
Thesis - argument(s) - recommendation.
Generic structure spoof :
Orientation -event(s)-twist.
Contoh Hortatory<br>
Into the Mouth of Babes<br>
We are writing to you because we are concerned about the way food is being advertised to children.<br>
What we eat now affects our health in years to come. Bad dietary habits start while we are very young. For this reason, your government support health education that encourages a balanced healthy diet. Australians are encouraged to get the bulk of their nutrients from fresh fruits, vegetables, and wholegrain cereals, a lesser amount from foods high in fat, salt and sugar.<br>
TV advertising to children presents a completely different message. Nearly 80% of food advertising pushes fatty snacks or sweets - the very foods that should be eaten least. To make matter worse, these ads take up much of the advertising time. This must be stopped.<br>
TV advertising is powerful and influential. Parents, however strong-willed, find it hard to resit pressures created by this advertising. Children are least able to understand the tricks of the advertising industry.<br>
For the hours when children are the main audience, TV advertising of foods must be made to reinforce, not undermine, the message about a balanced diet. We appeal to you, as Prime Minister, to take the lead in calling together the advertisers, TV networks, consumers and public health bodies to decide how this isn to be done.<br>
contoh Spoof<br>
Oneday, two villagers went to Jakarta. They went to the biggest mall and saw shiny silver walls that could open and move apart and back together. They were amazed when an old lady rolled in to the small room and the doors closed.A minute later, the doors opened and a young beautiful lady stepped out.The father said to his son, "Go, get your mother now." <br>
jelaskan secara rinci tentang explanation? beserta contohnya
Teks yang menceritakan proses – proses yang terjadi dalam pembentukan atau kegiatan yang terkait dengan fenomena alam, dunia ilmiah, sosial-budaya, atau lainnya yang bertujuan.
Generic Structure:
A general statement to position the reader - A sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs.
Ciri Kebahasaan: simple action verbs; abstract nouns, misalnya word chopping, earthquakes; noun phrase, conjunctions of time dan cause; passive voice; present tense; abstract nouns, misalnya the temperature; misalnya the large cloud; kalimat pasif bahasa teksni; complex sentences; adverbial phrases.
Contoh Teks Explanation:
“How a Spider's Web forms”
A spider web looks delicate but it is very strong. It can hold 4000 times a spider's weight. But how does it form.
The spider spins a thread of silk. The thread gets blown over to a branch by the wind. Then she makes another two thread and makes a Y shape. Next she makes more thread and they look like spokes off a wheel. Then the spider goes in a spiral, out and back in, sits middle and waits for food.
This is how a web is formed.
tolong saya diterangkan tentang hortatory exposition dan analytical exposition
Analytical Exposition: Teks yang memaparkan dan mempengaruhi audience (pendengar atau pembaca) bahwa ada masalah.<br>
Generic Structure: Thesis – Arguments – Reiteration<br>
Ciri Kebahasaan: Abstract nouns, nouns, misalnya car, pollution, leaded petrol car, dsb. Technical verbs, misalnya species of misalnya policy, government, dsb. Action verbs, Relating verbs, misalnya It is important, dsb. animals, dsb. Thinking verbs, misalnya Many people believe, dsb misalnya She must save, dsb. Modal verbs, misalnya we must preserve, dsb. Bahasa: Connectives, misalnya firstly, secondly,dsb. certainly, dsb. Evaluatif, misalnya important, valuable, trustworthy, dsb. Kalimat pasif .<br>
Hortatory Exposition : <br>
Generic Structure: Thesis – Argument(s) – Recomendation<br>
Ciri Kebahasaan: Abstract nouns, misalnya policy, ke pembicara / penulis yang mengangkat isu. Relating, Technical verbs, misalnya species of animals, dsb, government, dsb. Action verbs, Modal verbs, Thinking verbs, misalnya I believe, dsb. Modal adverbs, misalnya certainly, dsb. Simple present tense , Connectives, misalnya firstly, secondly, dsb Bahasa evaluatif, misalnya important, valuable, trustworthy, dsb. Kalimat pasif. <br>
Contoh Analytical Exposition<br>
(Statement of position):<br>
I believe that you should always wear a hat at school when you are playing outside , to stop you from getting sunburn.<br>
(Argument 1):<br>
Firstly, if you don’t wear a hat, you will get sunburn ant the sunburn is painful.<br>
(Argument 2):<br>
Secondly, sunburn could lead to skin cancer. Sunburn can lead to health problems later in life. Many older people suffer from skin cancer which can kill them.<br>
(Reinforcement of position statement):<br>
In my opinion all school students should wear hats.<br>
Contoh Hortatory<br>
Into the Mouth of Babes<br>
We are writing to you because we are concerned about the way food is being advertised to children.<br>
What we eat now affects our health in years to come. Bad dietary habits start while we are very young. For this reason, your government support health education that encourages a balanced healthy diet. Australians are encouraged to get the bulk of their nutrients from fresh fruits, vegetables, and wholegrain cereals, a lesser amount from foods high in fat, salt and sugar.<br>
TV advertising to children presents a completely different message. Nearly 80% of food advertising pushes fatty snacks or sweets - the very foods that should be eaten least. To make matter worse, these ads take up much of the advertising time. This must be stopped.<br>
TV advertising is powerful and influential. Parents, however strong-willed, find it hard to resit pressures created by this advertising. Children are least able to understand the tricks of the advertising industry.<br>
For the hours when children are the main audience, TV advertising of foods must be made to reinforce, not undermine, the message about a balanced diet. We appeal to you, as Prime Minister, to take the lead in calling together the advertisers, TV networks, consumers and public health bodies to decide how this isn to be done.<br>
saya minta contoh recoun text, tapi yang ada Reorientationnya, oiya, jangan sama
dengan yang sudah ada di buku2 pelajaran dan yang sudah pernah dipakai untuk
menjawab pertnyaan ya.. makasii.. tlg bls cpt!!
saya masih belum paham tentang spoof dan hortatory. apa perbedaannya? Bagaimana dengan generic structure, purpose, dan gramatical features serta contohnya? trims
Perbedaan hortatory Exp.dan spoof sangat jelas bahwa hortatory exp. digunakan untuk menyampaikan paparan tentang suatu topik. Tujuannya untuk mempengaruhi pembaca untuk tidak mempermasalahkan topik tersebut atau justru mengarahkan pembaca untuk mempermasalahkan topik yang sedang dibicarakan.
Sementara teks spoof berisi pengalaman masa lampau namun diakhiri dengan cerita yang lucu. Tujuan spoof untuk menghibur.
Generic structure hortatory Exp. :
Thesis - argument(s) - recommendation.
Generic structure spoof :
Orientation -event(s)-twist.
Contoh Hortatory<br>
Into the Mouth of Babes<br>
We are writing to you because we are concerned about the way food is being advertised to children.<br>
What we eat now affects our health in years to come. Bad dietary habits start while we are very young. For this reason, your government support health education that encourages a balanced healthy diet. Australians are encouraged to get the bulk of their nutrients from fresh fruits, vegetables, and wholegrain cereals, a lesser amount from foods high in fat, salt and sugar.<br>
TV advertising to children presents a completely different message. Nearly 80% of food advertising pushes fatty snacks or sweets - the very foods that should be eaten least. To make matter worse, these ads take up much of the advertising time. This must be stopped.<br>
TV advertising is powerful and influential. Parents, however strong-willed, find it hard to resit pressures created by this advertising. Children are least able to understand the tricks of the advertising industry.<br>
For the hours when children are the main audience, TV advertising of foods must be made to reinforce, not undermine, the message about a balanced diet. We appeal to you, as Prime Minister, to take the lead in calling together the advertisers, TV networks, consumers and public health bodies to decide how this isn to be done.<br>
contoh Spoof<br>
Oneday, two villagers went to Jakarta. They went to the biggest mall and saw shiny silver walls that could open and move apart and back together. They were amazed when an old lady rolled in to the small room and the doors closed.A minute later, the doors opened and a young beautiful lady stepped out.The father said to his son, "Go, get your mother now." <br>
tolong kasih tau contoh report tentang tokoh kartun and tempat dunkz?please!
Contoh Report tentang tempat.
General classification
Australia is a large continent. It has six states and two territories.
The capital city of Australia is Canberra. It is in the Australian Capital Territory.
The population of Australia is about 20 million. The first inhabitants to live in Australia were Aboriginal people. After that people came from all over the world. The main language is English, however many other languages are spoken.
There are many plants and animals that are only found in Australia, e.g. kangaroos, platypuses, gum trees and Waratahs.
The main products and industries are wool, minerals, oil, coal, cereals and meat.
Some famous landmarks are the Harbour Bridge, the Opera House and Uluru (Ayers Rock).
Untuk yang tokoh kartun, silakan Anda buat sendiri tokoh kartun yang Anda sukai, silakan Anda melihat contoh Report tentang tempat di atas.
Selamat Mencoba.
tolong kasih tahu contoh report tentang tokoh kartun and tempat donk!pleae!
Contoh Report tentang tempat.
General classification
Australia is a large continent. It has six states and two territories.
The capital city of Australia is Canberra. It is in the Australian Capital Territory.
The population of Australia is about 20 million. The first inhabitants to live in Australia were Aboriginal people. After that people came from all over the world. The main language is English, however many other languages are spoken.
There are many plants and animals that are only found in Australia, e.g. kangaroos, platypuses, gum trees and Waratahs.
The main products and industries are wool, minerals, oil, coal, cereals and meat.
Some famous landmarks are the Harbour Bridge, the Opera House and Uluru (Ayers Rock).
Untuk yang tokoh kartun, silakan Anda buat sendiri tokoh kartun yang Anda sukai, silakan Anda melihat contoh Report tentang tempat di atas.
Selamat Mencoba.