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Kk tloNg doNG coNth6 crta narative text.0..tloNg ya c0z bz0k dkmpl
Hello everyone! Welcome to the Online English class! Karena banyaknya permintaan agar satu demi satu jenis teks yang diajarkan dalam Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris di SMP dan SMA dibahas dan diberi contoh, maka Online English Class mulai saat ini akan memberikan postingan tentang jenis – jenis teks tersebut. Nah, hari ini kita akan melihat lebih dekat tentang Narrative Text. Kita akan melihat contoh dari Narrative Text dan nanti akan diikuti oleh penjelasan tentang Generic Structure, Communicative Purposes dan Lexico grammar features-nya. Tapi inget, sebagai pelajar, dalam mempelajari teks Narrative ini, maupun teks – teks yang lain, bukan tugas kita untuk menghafalkan semua yang dijelaskan tentang Narrative teks tersebut. Artinya, kita TIDAK HARUS hafal di luar kepala semua yang dijelaskan di postingan ini.
Yang diharapkan dalam kurikulum adalah bahwa kita sebagai pelajar, kita mengenal teks – teks tersebut, sehingga kita akan memahaminya dan akhirnya kita akan dapat “BERKOMUNIKASI” dalam teks tersebut. Perlu diingat bahwa tujuan akhir pengajaran Bahasa Inggris adalah memampukan siswa untuk “BERKOMUNIKASI” bukan menghafal pengertian – pengertian teknis. Ok, mari kita lihat salah satu contoh Narrative text.
Once upon a time there 40 cruel thieves who put their stolen money and treasures in a cave. They went in the cave by saying “Open Sesame!” to the cave entrance. A poor person, named Ali Baba saw them while they were doing that, so he heard the opening word. After they left, he went toward the cave and opened it. Suddenly he found a very large quantity of money and golden treasures. He took some of it and went back home. After that he became a rich man and his brother wanted to know how he became rich. | ORIENTATION |
Ali Baba turned into the richest man in his village. His evil brother was really jealous of him, and wanted to know how he could get such a lot of money. Therefore, when Ali baba went to the cave again to take some more money, his brother followed him. He saw everything, and decided to go back the next day to take some money for himself. The next morning he found a lot of money in the cave, and he wanted to take all of them. Unfortunately, when he was busy carrying the money to his house, the thieves came. The bos of the thieves asked him how he knew about the cave. He told everything, but unluckily they killed him and went to Ali Baba’s house. | COMPLICATION |
After finding Ali Baba’s house, they made a plan to kill him the following night. Some of the thieves hid in big jars, and the bos pretended that he was a merchant who wanted to sell the jars to Ali Baba. Ali Baba who was a kind man invited the bos of the thief to have lunch together. | COMPLICATION |
After lunch they took a rest. Luckily, the house maid went out of the house, and found that there were thieves inside the jars. She finally boiled hot oil and poured it into the jars to kill all of them. The boss of the thieves was caught, and put into prison. | RESOLUTION |
Ali Baba was saved from the danger, and he finally lived happily ever after with his maid who became his wife shortly after. | REORIENTATION |
Ok, jadi dari text Narrative diatas, kta tahu bahwa Narrative Text mempunyai sebuah struktur tertentu. Struktur dan fungsi masing bagian adalah sebagai berikut :
Namun kadang, dalam Narrative text, kita juga bisa menemukan adanya struktur yang dinamakan Evaluation yang berfungsi untuk menilai makna dari sebuah peristiwa dalam cerita. Yang harus kita ingat bahwa struktur yang HARUS ADA dalam Narrative hanyalah tiga STRUKTUR yang pertama yaitu : ORIENTATION, COMPLICATION, serta RESOLUTION. Nah, dalam konteks budaya Bahasa Inggris, NARRATIVE TEXT ini biasanya dituturkan dengan tujuan / Communicative Purpose untuk menghibur pembaca (To amuse / entertain the readers). Kalau kita lihat Narrative diatas, kita tahu bahwa sebagian cirri – ciri / Lexico grammar features Narrative teks adalah sebagai berikut :
Ok, itulah kira – kira garis besar tentang text Narrative ini. Trus, setelah kita mengetahui Struktur, Tujuan, serta Ciri – ciri teks ini apa sich yang harus kita lakukan? Yang diminta oleh kurikulum bukanlah menghafalkan keterangan di atas di luar kepala, karena dalam ujian, UNAS misalnya, kalian tidak akan ditanya tentang hal – hal yang teknis seperti itu. Yang kalian lakukan selanjutnya adalah mencoba mengembangkan kemampuan kalian dalam BERKOMUNIKASI dengan menggunakan teks tersebut. Misalnya, kalian bisa melatih kemampuan SPEAKING dengan saling menceritakan NARRATIVE TEXT seperti diatas dengan temanmu. Atau, kalian bisa melatih kemampuan WRITING dengan saling bertukar NARRATIVE TEXT yang kalian buat, dengan teman. Untuk semakin mengasah kemampuan READING, kalian bisa mencari NARRATIVE TEXTS sebanyak – banyaknya untuk dibaca, atau kalau ada fasilitas di sekolah atau di rumah, kalian bisa mengembangkan kemampuan LISTENING dengan mendengarkan atau melihat cerita – cerita melalui media Audio Visual.
Berdasarkan penjelasan diatas, silahkan anda mencari contoh teks narrative sendiri. OK?
ak mnta contohnya recount tex donk, besok dkumpulin
Class Picnic
Last Friday our school went to Centennial Park for a picnic
First our teachers marked the rolls and the we got on the buses. On the buses, everyone was chatting and eating. When we arrived at the park, some students played cricket, some played cards but others went for a walk with the teachers. At lunchtime, we sat together and had our picnic. Finally, at two o’clock we left for school.
We had a great day.
Gmn sih bisa b.ingg dngn lancar???trz gmn c biar gak lupa arti b.ingg na,soalna aku sering lupa.tolög y .trimz
Dear Zahra,
Anda harus sering dan rajin belajardan berlatih sendiri atau dengan orang lain. jangan kuatir dan takut kalau membuat kesalahan. Agar tidak lupa, seringlah anda pakai/gunakan bahasa inggris dalam konteks sehari-hari
Gmn sih bisa b.ingg dngn lancar???trz gmn c biar gak lupa arti b.ingg na,soalna aku sering lupa.tolög y .trimz
Gmn sih bisa b.ingg dngn lancar???trz gmn c biar gak lupa arti b.ingg na,soalna aku sering lupa.tolög y .trimz
Mosquitoes are insects in the family Culicidae. They have a pair of scaled wings, a pair of halteres, a slender body, and long legs. The females of most mosquito species suck blood (hematophagy) from other animals, which has made them the most deadly disease vector known, killing millions of people over thousands of years and continuing to kill millions per year by the spread of diseases.
Length varies but is rarely greater than 16 mm (0.6 inch), and weight up to 2.5 mg (0.04 grain). A mosquito can fly for 1 to 4 hours continuously at up to 1–2 km/h travelling up to 10 km in a night. Most species are nocturnal or crepuscular (dawn or dusk) feeders. During the heat of the day most mosquitoes rest in a cool place and wait for the evenings. They may still bite if disturbed. Mosquitos are adept at infiltration and have been known to find their way into homes via deactivated air conditioning units.
kak contoh nrattive text itt gmna ssi ?\' bsa mnta cntoh nyh gg ?\'
Dear .....
Berikut penjelasan narrative:
Genres | Social Function (Tujuan / Fungsi Sosial) | Generic Structure (Struktur) | Significant Lexicogrammatical Features (Ciri – ciri yang menonjol) |
Narrative | To amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious experiences in different ways. (Untuk menghibur pembaca melalui cerita). | a. Orientation: Sets the scene and introduces the participants. (Memperkenalkan tokoh dan setting).b. Complication : A crisis arises (Munculnya masalah).c. Resolution : the crisis is resolved (Terselesainya masalah).e. Evaluation : A stepping back to evaluate the plight. (Melangkah ke belakang untuk memikirkan nilai / makna sebuah peristiwa, bisa ada dan tidak)d. Reorientation : Optional (Bisa ada / atau tidak ada fungsinya menyimpulkan isi cerita ) | a. Focus on specific usually individualized participants. (Fokus pada tokoh – tokoh tertentu secara individu).b. The use of Simple Past (Penggunaan Tenses Masa Lampau)c. The use of temporal conjunction (Penggunaan kata penghubung yang menunjukkan waktu ex : After, before, when dll).d. The use of noun phrases (Penggunaan frasa kata benda yang kaya dengan adjective misalnya : long black hair, two red apples. |
Teks yang berisi tentang sebuah cerita atau dongeng dan di dalamnya terdapat konflik/puncak masalah yang diikuti dengan penyelesaian.
Generic Structure: Orientation - Complication - Resolution
Orientation berisi: Pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita
Complication berisi: Puncak masalah/konflik dalam cerita
Resolution: Pemecahan masalah
Contoh teks Narrative:
1. The Boy who cried “Wolf”
There was once a shepherd-boy who kept his flock at a little distance from the village. Once he thought he would play a trick on the villagers and have some fun at their expense. So he ran toward the village crying out, with all his might,--
"Wolf! Wolf! Come and help! The wolves are at my lambs!"
The kind villagers left their work and ran to the field to help him. But when they got there the boy laughed at them for their pains; there was no wolf there.
Still another day the boy tried the same trick, and the villagers came running to help and got laughed at again. Then one day a wolf did break into the fold and began killing the lambs. In great fright, the boy ran for help. "Wolf! Wolf!" he screamed. "There is a wolf in the flock! Help!"
The villagers heard him, but they thought it was another mean trick; no one paid the least attention, or went near him. And the shepherd-boy lost all his sheep.
Moral value:
That is the kind of thing that happens to people who lie: even when they tell the truth no one believes them.
2.Once there were two him thin goats. Both of them were hungry. They were tied together with a brown rope. They wanted to eat the green leaves from two separated bushes. One bush was on the left. The other bush was on the right.
The goats thought they could do everything on their own. The first goat wanted to go to the bush on the left, but the second goat wanted to go to the bush on the right. However, the rope was short. They tried but they could not reach they bushes. They were sad.
Then, the goats decided to work together. First, they are the leaves of the bush on the right. Then, ate the leaves on the left. The leaves were delicious. They were happy.
It was a warm day in March. I was very excited. The day had finally come. I was in the rowing team for the Olympics. I got up very early and exercised as always. Then after breakfast I drove to Drummoyne. My team arrived and at last it was time to start.Ready, set and the starting gun went off. We began in the third position and were slowly moving closer. There they were. We could see the second boat and then we did it.We moved past. My arms were aching. My whole body was sore but we all rowed harder.The first boat was just in front I saw a dark shadow near the boat. I looked again. What was it? I was sure it was the shape of a cigar. ‘Oh my God’, I thought, ‘I must be seeing things. A shark in Parramata River? Impossible!’Just then I pulled my oar out of the water. ‘Oh no, why only half?’ I thought. Then I knew. I shouted to my team, ‘Shark! Shark!’ and suddenly we forgot the race. We rowed faster than ever back to shore. We made it. Phew, we were safe!
kak contoh nrattive text itt gmna ssi ?\' bsa mnta cntoh nyh gg ?\'
Teks Narrative
Teks yang berisi tentang sebuah cerita atau dongeng dan di dalamnya terdapat konflik/puncak masalah yang diikuti dengan penyelesaian.
Generic Structure: Orientation - Complication - Resolution
Orientation berisi: Pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita
Complication berisi: Puncak masalah/konflik dalam cerita
Resolution: Pemecahan masalah
Contoh teks Narrative:
1. The Boy who cried “Wolf”
There was once a shepherd-boy who kept his flock at a little distance from the village. Once he thought he would play a trick on the villagers and have some fun at their expense. So he ran toward the village crying out, with all his might,--
"Wolf! Wolf! Come and help! The wolves are at my lambs!"
The kind villagers left their work and ran to the field to help him. But when they got there the boy laughed at them for their pains; there was no wolf there.
Still another day the boy tried the same trick, and the villagers came running to help and got laughed at again. Then one day a wolf did break into the fold and began killing the lambs. In great fright, the boy ran for help. "Wolf! Wolf!" he screamed. "There is a wolf in the flock! Help!"
The villagers heard him, but they thought it was another mean trick; no one paid the least attention, or went near him. And the shepherd-boy lost all his sheep.
Moral value:
That is the kind of thing that happens to people who lie: even when they tell the truth no one believes them.
2.Once there were two him thin goats. Both of them were hungry. They were tied together with a brown rope. They wanted to eat the green leaves from two separated bushes. One bush was on the left. The other bush was on the right.
The goats thought they could do everything on their own. The first goat wanted to go to the bush on the left, but the second goat wanted to go to the bush on the right. However, the rope was short. They tried but they could not reach they bushes. They were sad.
Then, the goats decided to work together. First, they are the leaves of the bush on the right. Then, ate the leaves on the left. The leaves were delicious. They were happy.
It was a warm day in March. I was very excited. The day had finally come. I was in the rowing team for the Olympics. I got up very early and exercised as always. Then after breakfast I drove to Drummoyne. My team arrived and at last it was time to start.Ready, set and the starting gun went off. We began in the third position and were slowly moving closer. There they were. We could see the second boat and then we did it.We moved past. My arms were aching. My whole body was sore but we all rowed harder.The first boat was just in front I saw a dark shadow near the boat. I looked again. What was it? I was sure it was the shape of a cigar. ‘Oh my God’, I thought, ‘I must be seeing things. A shark in Parramata River? Impossible!’Just then I pulled my oar out of the water. ‘Oh no, why only half?’ I thought. Then I knew. I shouted to my team, ‘Shark! Shark!’ and suddenly we forgot the race. We rowed faster than ever back to shore. We made it. Phew, we were safe!Atap rumah berbentuk Belahan bola diameter 40meter. Berapa biaya pembuatan atap rumah jika biaya pembuatan 300ribu/m3?
Mungkin yang dimaksud soalnya biaya pembuatan 300ribu/m2.
L = 2∏r2
L = 2 x 3, 14 x 202
= 2512 m2
Jadi biaya pembuatan = 2512 x 300.000
= Rp753.600.000,00
minta contoh karangan narative dalam b.inggris!
Dear Reza,
Teks NarrativeTeks yang berisi tentang sebuah cerita atau dongeng dan di dalamnya terdapat konflik/puncak masalah yang diikuti dengan penyelesaian.
Generic Structure: Orientation - Complication - Resolution
Orientation berisi: Pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita
Complication berisi: Puncak masalah/konflik dalam cerita
Resolution: Pemecahan masalah
Contoh teks Narrative:
1. The Boy who cried “Wolf”
There was once a shepherd-boy who kept his flock at a little distance from the village. Once he thought he would play a trick on the villagers and have some fun at their expense. So he ran toward the village crying out, with all his might,--
"Wolf! Wolf! Come and help! The wolves are at my lambs!"
The kind villagers left their work and ran to the field to help him. But when they got there the boy laughed at them for their pains; there was no wolf there.
Still another day the boy tried the same trick, and the villagers came running to help and got laughed at again. Then one day a wolf did break into the fold and began killing the lambs. In great fright, the boy ran for help. "Wolf! Wolf!" he screamed. "There is a wolf in the flock! Help!"
The villagers heard him, but they thought it was another mean trick; no one paid the least attention, or went near him. And the shepherd-boy lost all his sheep.
Moral value:
That is the kind of thing that happens to people who lie: even when they tell the truth no one believes them.
2.Once there were two him thin goats. Both of them were hungry. They were tied together with a brown rope. They wanted to eat the green leaves from two separated bushes. One bush was on the left. The other bush was on the right.
The goats thought they could do everything on their own. The first goat wanted to go to the bush on the left, but the second goat wanted to go to the bush on the right. However, the rope was short. They tried but they could not reach they bushes. They were sad.
Then, the goats decided to work together. First, they are the leaves of the bush on the right. Then, ate the leaves on the left. The leaves were delicious. They were happy.
It was a warm day in March. I was very excited. The day had finally come. I was in the rowing team for the Olympics. I got up very early and exercised as always. Then after breakfast I drove to Drummoyne. My team arrived and at last it was time to start.Ready, set and the starting gun went off. We began in the third position and were slowly moving closer. There they were. We could see the second boat and then we did it.We moved past. My arms were aching. My whole body was sore but we all rowed harder.The first boat was just in front I saw a dark shadow near the boat. I looked again. What was it? I was sure it was the shape of a cigar. ‘Oh my God’, I thought, ‘I must be seeing things. A shark in Parramata River? Impossible!’Just then I pulled my oar out of the water. ‘Oh no, why only half?’ I thought. Then I knew. I shouted to my team, ‘Shark! Shark!’ and suddenly we forgot the race. We rowed faster than ever back to shore. We made it. Phew, we were safe!