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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
Selamat pagi bu..
Bolehkah saya meminta tlng untuk di buatkan contoh dialog Expressions of convicing and persuading, Expressions of obligations, Expressions of giving suggestion and advice. Procedure beserta pengertiannya ya bu..
Saya tunggu..
Terimakasih banyak bu..
silakan klik
pilih materi XI
selamat belajar
maaf mau tanya dong tentang Giving and responding to compliments .
saya disuruh jelasin ini :
1. explanation nya,
2. contoh dialogue nya,
3. buat 5 pertanyaan beserta jawabannya .
di mohon bantu saya ya . :)
semoga dpt dijawab secepatnya . Thanks ^^
Text 1
Nabila : Hi, Sari! How are things?
Sari : Fine, and you?
Nabila : I’m feeling great today. How was your weekend at the beach?
Sari : Terrific! We had a lovely time there. You should go there.
Nabila : Really? Hey, what a beautiful blouse you are wearing, it matches your skirt.
Sari : Thanks. My mother gave it to me on my birthday.
Nabila : Wow! That’s wonderful. Oh, Sari, I almost forget. Can I ask you something?
Sari : Oh, sure. What’s up?
Nabila : Have you finished typing the annual report we made last week?
Sari : Yes, mean this?
Nabila : Yeah, Hmmm, I think this report is excellent. Thanks a lot Sari. You did a great job. Now I have to give it to the director immediately.
Sari : OK. You’d better hurry. He may be waiting for it.
Nabila : Well, he probably is. Thanks again, Sari. Have a nice day!
tolong dong buatin text report yang mudah dihafal soalnya buat besuk ne.. makasih sebelumnya :)
Terimakasih atas pertanyaannya.
Layanan web ini kami sediakan bagi siswa untuk berkonsultasi tentang kesulitan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Untuk pembuatan teks report banyak tema yang mudah diperoleh lewat internet. Kami sarankan untuk mencari dan mengedit dengan bahasa yang sederhana sesuai kebutuhan. Apabila ada kesulitan silahkan kirim pertanyaan ke web ini, kami akan siap membantu. Selamat mencoba.
tolong dong buatin contoh text report yg mudah dihafal soalnya buat besuk..
makasih sebelumnya :)
Terimakasih atas pertanyaannya.
Layanan web ini kami sediakan bagi siswa untuk berkonsultasi tentang kesulitan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Untuk pembuatan teks report banyak tema yang mudah diperoleh lewat internet. Kami sarankan untuk mencari dan mengedit dengan bahasa yang sederhana sesuai kebutuhan. Apabila ada kesulitan silahkan kirim pertanyaan ke web ini, kami akan siap membantu. Selamat mencoba.
Asalamualaikum ..
bpk / ibu, saya mau minta tolong , tolong buatkan percakapan tentang asking, giving and declining opinion dan pengertian dari asking, giving and rejecting help dan contoh dialog nya! terimakasih.
mohon segera dijawab !
Contohnya ‘asking for opinion, giving opinion dan refusing giving opinion.’
Bacalah dialog di bawah ini:
Fina : Lia, look at that blouse over there!
Lia : Oh my!
Fina : What do you think about that? Will it be suitable for me at Lebaran day?
Lia : I think that’d be great. The color is good for you.
Fina : I think so.
Lia : Better you try it on.
Fina : Sure. And what about the blue one? For Mum, maybe?
Lia : You mean?
Fina : Yeach that one over there.
Lia : Ow, come on. I can’t say anything.
Fina : What’s wrong?
Lia : It’s not Mum’s style, is it?
Fina : Sometimes mother may perform differently.
Lia : Yeah you’re right, but not on that blouse.
What do you think about that? : adalah ungkapan asking for opinion
I think that’d be great. = giving opinion
I can’t say anything. = refusing giving opinion.
Contoh dialog asking, giving, rejecting help:
Diana : What to prepare for the meeting, Miss Jones?
Ms Jones : Well, a lot to do. Bring the program document with you and let’s discuss it.
Diana : I will.
Ms Jones : Will you check the invitee list, make sure all stakeholders are included there.
Diana : With pleasure. Should any client is unable to confirm their attending, I will have wait for his/her response to this weekend deadline.
Ms. Jones : That would be fine, thanks. Well let’s start with the meeting content.
Diana : Okay, Ms. Jones.
Kalimat yang dicetak tebal merupakan contoh ungkapan permintaan jasa (oleh Ms. Jones) dan kesediaan memberikan jasa (oleh Diana).
tolong saya minta soal procedure text tentang cara menanam dan merawat tanaman...!!!
Add water to the plant soil. Each plant has a different water need. Some plants need a damp soil all the time, while some need to have the soil dry between watering. You can use a water monitoring meter that you stick in the soil to check the wetness of the soil for accurate results.
Place the plant in the proper light. Each plant species has a different light need. Select the best location for plants that need direct sunlight, indirect sunlight or no sunlight at all and just light in the home. For instance, the Lipstick plant grows well in a north window with minimum light.
Minta tolong dibantu contoh - contoh agree dan disagree dalam bahasa inggris
Thanks for your question Nissa.
Here is an example of dialog on agreeing and disagreeing expressions:
A: There are many choices people can do for their spending vacation.
B: Yes and there are more various different kinds of activities we can choose. For example spending vacation in a traditional village would be an interesting adventure for city people.
A: I agree with you. Besides, it's less expensive than any other entertainments.
B: Anyway, should we stop the modern facilities around the village?
A: I don't agree with you because those infrastructure are needed to support the tourism facilities thatwill comfort people to enter the location.
B: You are true.
Ass, definisi dari Expressing and Responding a Statement itu apa ya? contoh dialognya gimana? Terima kasih
Dear Novi,
Dalam percakapan biasanya terdiri dari beberapa expression (ungkapan) yang memerlukan Responding (respon untuk ungkapan tersebut.)
Expression bisa berupa asking for opinion, asking for help, asking for certainty, offerring help/something, etc. Respon yang diberikan bisa berupa giving opinion, refusing help, refusing something, refusing giving help, disagree/agreeing, giving certainty/uncertainty etc.
Certainty dan Uncertainty adalah ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menyatakan kepastian (certainty) dan uncertainty (ketidakpastian)
Dalam percakapan juga memungkinkan kita untuk mempertanyakan kepastian/ketidakpastian.
Asking and Giving opinion:
Ninik : What if we go to the cinema next Sunday?
Nuri : That sounds great! What will we watch?
Ninik : “Eclipse”. People say that it’s a great film. What do you think?
Nuri : That’s what I dream of. What time?
Ninik : What about at 5, the first show?
Nuri : Great. Will you pick me up?
Ninik : Sure. Be ready at 4.30.
Nuri : Okay, that would be fine.
Contoh percakapan "asking and giving certainty/uncertainty:
Vionny : Oh My Goodness, Dewi, look at you! Are you sure going to the party in such costume?
Dewi : What’s wrong with me? It’s fashionable, isn’t it? I don’t doubt going to the party right now.
Vionny : But Dewi, I’m not sure with the skirt design and its color. It doesn’t suit to the formal blouse. Besides, your shoes are quite casual.
Dewi : Is it? What should I do then?
Vionny : Why don’t you change the blouse and perform less formal.
Dewi : That might be a good idea.
Ungkapan “Are you sure…” untuk mempertanyakan kepastian.
“I don’t doubt …” mengungkapkan ketidak ragu-raguan.
‘I’m not sure….” Mengungkapkan ketidakpastian.
Rimmy : Are you sure it’s the correct steps of making this traditional cake, Dian?
Dian : I’m certain to the way of cooking but I doubt with the amount of flour and grated coconut for good portion.
Rimmy : Well, you do the steps right, but I wonder why the dough is stuck on the pan. There must be something wrong with the dough.
Dian : Let me think about it. Well. I’m sure we need more fat for it but it’s no oil must be used, for sure.
Rimmy : You’re right. Maybe we can add more grated coconut to make it greasy.
Dian : Good idea. Let’s try again.
Dalam dialog di atas “Are you sure …..? adalah contoh pemakaian ungkapan meminta kepastian. “I’m certain “ dan “I’m sure “ mengungkapkan kepastian. Sedangkan
“I doubt” adalah ungkapan ketidakpastian/keraguan (uncertainty).
Berikut adalah contoh dialog yang menggunakan ‘uncertainty’
Fina : Are you sure it’s the correct formula to solve the Math problem, Diko?
Diko : I’m certain to it but I quite doubt with its thing units. We’ll have to be sure with that so that we’ll get the precious amount, right?
Fina : Of course, it’s important to have them right. Let’s have a look again on the final required unit and think about that.
Diko : Yes and I’m sure we can do it.
Dalam dialog di atas “Are you sure …..? adalah contoh pemakaian ungkapan meminta kepastian. “I’m certain “ dan “I’m sure “ mengungkapkan kepastian. Sedangkan
“I doubt” adalah ungkapan ketidakpastian/keraguan (uncertainty).
Assalamu'alaikum,.. Tlong penjelasannya tentan giving services dan refusing service,. Tlong berikan contohnya,.. Terima kasih
Terimakasih atas pertanyaan Ela.
Ungkapan "Giving service" biasanya dipakai sebagai respon terhadap ungkapan "asking for help" (permintaan bantuan).
Sedangkan ungkapan 'refusing service' dipakai untuk menolak ungkapan penawaran bantuan. (offerring help)
Anto: Look so busy? Wow...there must have been a big project.
Bram: As you see. We are planning a social work on evironmental recovery. Would you give me a hand?
Anto: With pleasure. What can I do for you? (giving service)
Bram: Okay. Please check the problem inventory list around the community.
Anto: Okay. Right away. (giving service)
Should I make the category for it?
Bram: You had better not. We haven't decided its specification. (refusing service)
Anto: Okay.
pak, bu. bisa tolong carikan kumpulan soal tentang Hortatory Exposition? terimakasih :)
Hortatory exposition test:
Read the text and answer the question
I am the communication officer of a wildlife protection organization in Indonesia. With the support of members across Indonesia, our organization is working to save wildlife through campaigns, education programs, investigation and animal rescue. I would like to draw the Jakarta Post readers’ attention to the frequent abuse of domesticated and wildlife animals by a number of national television stations. It seems to have a new trend to include animals on TV shows. In Trans TV’s, Happy Family, a game show involving celebrities and their mothers, animals (including cats, mice, house lizards, snakes and many more) are often used. These animals are used to frighten people, for example celebrities animals at their mothers. Similar abuse occurs on a candid camera type show that has often used animals (crocodile, turkey, long-tailed monkey, etc) to frighten people. On Trans, Empat Mata, used a slat water crocodile. This is a protected species and its use violates Indonesian law. Please readers, send letter to Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), demanding KPI warn television stations to stop using animals, especially protected species.
1. What does the whole text mostly talk about ?
A. Abuse of animals
B. Protected species.
C. Frightening people
D. National television stations
E. Indonesian Broadcasting Stations
2. This text is addressed to ….
A. The communication officer
B. The Jakarta Post Readers
C. Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia
D. Members of the organization
E. Celebrities and their mothers
3. Why is KPI demanded to warn television stations?
A. To send letters.
B. Not to frighten people.
C. To stop using animals.
D. Not to use a candid camera.
E. To include animals on TV shows.
4. “Similar abuse occurs on a candid camera type show..” (par 5)
The underlined word can be replaced by …
A. takes off
B. takes care
C. takes time
D. takes part
E. takes place
5. Which one doesn’t belong to the ways the organization work to save wildlife?
A. Campaigns
B. Investigation
C. Game shows
D. Animal rescue
E. Education programs
While there are many other exciting option available today aside from books, but foregoing books entirely would be a shame, because reading offers a productive approach to improving vocabulary and word power.
Reading books not only broadens our capacity to think, but also improves our general knowledge. It is observed that children and teenagers who read other than curriculum ones have comparatively higher IQs. They are more creative and do better in school and college. Children who start reading at an early age are observed to have good language skills, and they grasp variances in phonics better than those who didn’t. Reading helps in mental development and is known to stimulate the muscles of the eyes. It is an activity that involves greater levels of concentration and adds to the conversational skills of the reader. The habit of reading also helps readers to decipher new words and phrases that they come across in everyday conversation.
Finally, it helps us to stay in touch with writers and makes us sensitive to global issues. So, have you started reading yet?
6. The text mainly talks about ….
A. how to read intensively
B. the importance of reading
C. the mental development of the reader
D. understanding language through reading
E. the debate concerning the habit of reading.
7. The topic of the third paragraph is the benefit of reading in improving …
A. new words
B. conversation
C. new phrases
D. language skills
E. variances in phonics
8. “…but foregoing books entirely would be a shame.” (par 1)
What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. Doing without
B. Making a copy
C. Pardoning a sin
D. Failing to remember
E. Increasing the speed
9. …they come across in everyday conversation” (par 3)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Readers
B. Words and phrases
C. Conversational skills
D. The muscles of the eyes
E. Greater levels of concentration
10. What is the purpose of the writer by presenting the question: “So, have you started
reading yet?”
A. To explore views about reading
B. To persuade the readers to read
C. To ask if the readers read certain books
D. To check whether the readers like to read
E. To present that there is a controversy concerning reading