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29 September 2006
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Gimana ya caranya belajar bahasa inggris supaya menyenangkan dan mudah dimengerti? Saya koq susah banget dan benci dengan pelj. bhs. inggris, padahal saya pengin sekali bisa berbhs inggris kaya penyiar TV itu lho! Tolong dong jelasin...

Kalau anda pingin sekali bisa berbahasa inggris, syarat utama memang harus SENANG dengan pelajaran tsb. Salah satunya adalah belajar bahasa inggris lewat lagu. Sambil mendengarkan lagu yg anda sukai, cobalah memahami maknanya. Sesungguhnya motivasi anda untuk bisa berbahasa inggris seperti penyiar sudah merupakan modal yang kuat untuk mengembangkan bahasa inggris. Yang kedua, jangan pernah takut melakukan kesalahan saat belajar dan berbicara dalam bahasa inggris ( say what you want to say, don't be afraid to make mistake. Don't care about the grammar. Take it easy. I am sure you can do it well. GOOD LUCK! ). Jangan takut mencoba. Kalau perlu bantuan kami, silahkan datang ke kami ( di Taman Pintar), kami siap membantu dengan senang hati.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

27 September 2006
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

when I came to his house, he ... the floor. a. is sweeping b. was sweeping c. will sweep d. has swept

answer: b. was sweeping when there is a sentence happening at the same time, please indicate which event happens first. The first event should use Past cont. Tense and the second event should use Past Tense. ( Ketika aku datang, dia sedang menyapu lantai. Dalam kalimat tsb, "He" sedang menyapu baru kemudian "I" datang ). Dua kejadian tsb terjadi pada waktu lampau.

25 September 2006
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

“In order to request a telephone service in the United States__.� Another word which is often in place of request is .... a. buy b. require c. propose d. call on e. ask for

e. ask for
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

25 September 2006
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

X : John, have you met, Bobi?
Y : Yes, When I came to his house, he ... in front of his house.
a. sweep
b. is sweeping
c. was sweeping
d. will sweep
e. has swept

c. was sweeping

25 September 2006
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

soal : A porter : Excuse me, ...?
Mr Andri : Thanks a lot, I can manage it myself.
a. would you like me to carry your suitcase
b. would you mind bringing my suitcase
c. would you like to bring his suitcase
d. could you bring my suitcase
e. may you bring my suitcase

The correct answer is= a. would you like me to carry your suitcase ( It expresses 'Offering a help') = menawarkan bantuan

25 September 2006
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Pedro : Is the manager in today? I’ll tell something important to him.
Hendi : I wish he were in now
The underlined utterance means ........
a. the manager is in now
b. Hendi wants Pedro to be in now
c. Hendi doesn’t want the manager to be in now
d. the manager is out somewhere
e. Pedro wants Hendi not to be in now

d. the manager is out somewhere. present subjunctive meaning - nya selalu dalam bentuk present tense.

25 September 2006
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

A : I was very disappointed that I didn’t apply for a job in a cruise liner.,
B : Your English is perfect. If you had applied for it, you would have been accepted.

The underlined sentence indicates that ...
a. A must have been accepted.
b. B applied for the job and so did A.
c. Both A and B are workers on a cruise ship.
d. A’s English is so perfect that he applied for the job.
e. A did not apply for the job.

conditional type III indicates that A should apply for it but he didn't.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

25 September 2006
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Tolong jelaskan penggunaan kata kerja yg pakai "-ing" dengan kata benda yang pakai "-ing"(gerund) dan berikan contohnya masing-masing.

example: -I am swimming ( V -ing used in present cont. tenses), Subjek yang melakukan. - My hobby is swimming ( V- ing sebagai Gerund) Subjek nya pasif. Dalam kalimat ini, si pelaku ( S ) tidak sedang berenang.

24 September 2006
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

apa arti dari " I don't know?"

I don't know = Aku tidak tahu

15 September 2006
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

what's the meaning of lurched??

The meaning of 'lurched' is slide (oleng)


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