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25 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Tolong buatkan teks dialog malin kundang.besok akan dikumpulkan.

Anda bisa melihat buku Let's Talk  untuk klas IX.

25 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

teks dialog malin kundang,kurang jelas alur ceritanya,tolong perbaiki, Mom:life is so hard. Malin: You\'re right,mom. May I go to away and try my fortune. Mom:take care,my son. Many years later,malin don\'t you remember me?i curse you into a stone.

Mom:life is so hard.

Malin: You're right,mom. May I go to the big city and try my fortune.

Mom:take care,my son.

Many years later,

Mom  : Malin, I'm your mother. Don't you remember


Malin : What??! I have never had an ugly and old 

           mother like you! Go a way!


Mom  :  Oh Malin, How dare you! I've brought you up

            and let you go to make our life better. But

            you treat me  badly in return.

Malin  : Don't say that. I never have a poor mother

            like you !

Mom  :  God, forgive my son! I curse you like  into a




24 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

tolong buatkan contoh soal tentang noun and noun phrase. kalau bisa yang banyak ya....makasih

noun phase adalah frase kata benda. contohnya a lbeautiful red italian car

24 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

tolong berikan contoh soal dan penyelesaiannya tentang noun and noun phrase.makasihh cepet.gpl

sudah ada di daftar jawaban



24 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

berikan penjelasan dan contoh dr kalimat spoof

spoof adalah cerita lucu. lihat di daftar jawaban yg dah ada

24 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

kak sebutin donkz 5 contoh recount teks!

Contoh Teks Recount 

Class Picnic

Last Friday our school went to Centennial Park for a picnic

First our teachers marked the rolls and the we got on the buses. On the buses, everyone was chatting and eating. When we arrived at the park, some students played cricket, some played cards but others went for a walk with the teachers. At lunchtime, we sat together and had our picnic. Finally, at two o’clock we left for school.

We had a great day.

A visit to a sheep property

Last holidays I visited a sheep property. I helped in the shearing sheds and in the yards.

On the first day the Merino wethers were crutched. I helped by sweeping up after the rouseabout picked up the wool pieces. Shearers start early (at 7.30 am).

After lunch, we started shearing the lambs. There were more than 400 so we didn't finish until the next day. Once again I was sweeping and picking up dags.

I was tired by the end of the day in the shed but our work wasn't finished. We all had to help to get the wethers and lambs back into the paddocks. As well, we had to get a mob of ewes and their lambs into the yards for shearing the next day. Then it was time for tea (that's what my nanna calls dinner).

This was a very long day but I enjoyed it a lot.

Silakan Anda coba membuat Recount sendir. Contoh tersebut bisa dijadikan acuan!

M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

24 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

saya mohon bantuannya untuk membuat spoof text soalnya besok udah di kumpulin

Mohon maaf, TIM KBS tidak melayani pembuatan tugas. Silakan Anda coba membuat dahulu, lantas kami bersedia untuk menyempurnakan.

Terima kasih 


24 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong beri contoh teks pidato tentang kebersihan lingkungan sekolah.pleas

Mohon maaf, TIM KBS tidak menerima pembuatan pidato. Kalau Anda mau melihat contoh teks pidato sebagai referensi, silakan Anda klik Bahasa Inggris di halaman ini, lalu ketik kata kunci yang Anda inginkan.

24 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong beri contoh teks pidato tentang aids.

Mohon maaf, TIM KBS tidak menerima pembuatan pidato. Kalau Anda mau melihat contoh teks pidato sebagai referensi, silakan Anda klik Bahasa Inggris di halaman ini, lalu ketik kata kunci yang Anda inginkan.


24 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolongin aku ya.buatin contoh teks pidato tentang teknologi.thanks

Mohon maaf, TIM KBS tidak menerima pembuatan pidato. Kalau Anda mau melihat contoh teks pidato sebagai referensi, silakan Anda klik Bahasa Inggris di halaman ini, lalu ketik kata kunci yang Anda inginkan.



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