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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
kak, hari selasa kan aku ada praktik pidato bhs inggris ya..
karena habis uan jadi aku ga sempet buat teks pidatonya..
tolong dong ka..tentang traffic jam..
di mohon yah kak..
anda pasti bisa buat yg baik. selamat berjuang
kak,,aku minta tolong buatin pidato bhs ingris tntng national examination dunk..
mohon bgt nih ka..
aku ga bisa bhs inggris soalnya
thank be4
Untuk pidato kami akan membantu kalau anda mencoba membuatnya. Terima kasih.
tolong bantuin nyempurnain isi pidato trafic jam dung..
let's see over there. just because of our egoism in our activity, we always be not patient to queue on the street. we do not want to be judge what we've done on the street.
dan saya bingung harus isi apalagi..
Let's see over there, because of our egoism in our activity and we are not patient to queue on the street, we don't only make the traffic crowded but also make people stressful. Moreover, we do not want to be judge what we've done on the street.
tolong priksain kata2nya bnar gak yac?tlong bls scptnya! pnting banget!tima ksih yac!
with all the consequences of the body affect we should give serious consideration.Those consideration are:
we must drink water everyday because our body need more than 8glasses of water in daily days
we must eat food that contain protein,vitamin,and oil
we must keep fit by exercise twice a week about 30minutes.
and we must keep the inviroment clean, so can couse our live clean too
n bhasa Inngris "busung lapar" to gmn?
kyk di Afrika bnyak anak2 yg trkena busung lpar krena tidak trcukupi nya makanan 4shat 5 smpurna
kata consideration yg kedua ganti dg those
kata eat ganti dg consume
setelah kata so harus ada it
tolong berikan contoh paragraf explanation
Thanks for asking a question to KBS. Here's the example of explanation text.
The aim of an explanation is to explain the process involved in the formation or workings of natural or socio cultural phenomena.
The generic structure is a general statement to position the reader, a sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs.
Carnivorous plants
These students wrote their explanations after watching a video about carnivorous (fresh-eating) plants. These plants live in places that have very few nutrients in the soil. To survive in this hostile environment, they capture and eat live prey. Most eat insects, but some can swallow rats and small birds.
Venus Flytrap
The Venus Flytrap is an extraordinary plant. It is a carnivorous (flesh eating) plant which can digest flies and other insects.
When the ‘trap’ is open, it looks like a large seashell with sharp, spiky ‘teeth’. It has bright colours and a beautiful scent.
Insects are attraced to the plant because of its vibrant colours and its sweet-scented nectar. The insects land on small ‘trigger’ hairs of the trap and this pressure causes the trap to close. If the insect is too small, the chamber will not close, because there is not enough pressure. Once the trap has swallowed an insect it takes ten days to diggest it.
The Venus Flytrap prefers tropical weather and so it is found in places like South America. It is often used by people to catch the annoying insects that fly around their houses. In my opinion it’s very useful plant!
kak bagaimana mengawali dan menutup pidato dalam bahasa inggris.tolong minta contohnya ya
Mohon maaf untuk pidato anda bisa mencoba dulu nanti kami bantu untuk menyempurnakannya,
halo mbak/mas.bisa bantu aku ngga mbak,tolong buatin text recount 2 donk..!!Please ya,coz ini buat tugas,thanks.
Anda bisa membuat text recount sendiri dengan memperhatikan generic structurenya serta langauage featurenya. Contohnya bisa anda lihat di buku textnya
kak tlg butin karangan dekriptif tentang traffic jam in jakarta
kami yakin anda bisa buat yg lebih baik