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Tolong bikinin saya Factual Recount + artinya dalam B Indonesia. Tolong secepatnya
maaf, factual recount sudah pernah ditanyakan. SIlahkan anda mencari di arsip jawabannya. Thank you
Tolong contoh Factual recount ^_^ soalnya guru saya ingin factual recount yang ada di internet nyarinya dimana??
Factual recountSocial purposeFactual recounts tell us ‘what happened’ by documenting a series of events andevaluating their significance. They might be historical recounts, autobiographical orbiographical recounts. Factual recounts may also be used to record events andobservations from field trips and excursions.Structure Orientation – sets a context for understanding the events that follow; provides background information about who, where, when, etc. Record of events – recounted in chronological order Reorientation – ‘rounds off’ the sequence of events usually by resetting events in time.Key grammatical features Use of particular nouns (or pronouns) to name people, places and things Use of general human and non-human nouns in historical recounts, where the focus is on generalising about events and the actions of groups of people Use of action verbs (past tense) to refer to the events References to ‘time’ in theme position – expressed by conjunctions, timeconnectives, time adverbials or dependent clauses Lexical cohesion showing use of repetition, synonyms, collocation Uses the resources of Judgement and Appreciation to evaluate behaviours andevents. Text A.6: Factual recountFederationOrientation More than one hundred years after Captain James Cook andmany other explorers landed on the soil of Australia, therewas Federation.Record of eventsBefore Federation people disagreed and agreed aboutbecoming a nation. From 1850 to 1891, Sir Henry Parkesdebated for federation in his newspaper, The Empire. In 1891the first Australian convention happened and many peoplesupported the idea, such as Edmund Barton. On the first ofJanuary, 1901, the British Government finally allowed all sixstates to join to become one nation.Reorientation Federation is a very important historical event for Australiabecause it meant that all the states were united.
Farah, jika anda ingin mencari sendiri di internet, silahkan masuk ke, kemudian langsung aja ketik kata kuncinya, misalnya: factual recount, kemudian klik search. Terima kasih. Selamat mencoba.tolong dong jelasin secara lengkap tentang either-neither
- We can eat in either restaurant. (Maksudnya, restoran yang ini boleh, yang itu juga boleh)
- I don't like either shop. (Yang ini aku tidak suka, yang itu aku juga tidak suka)
- Coffee or tea? Either one is fine. (Yang mana aja enak!)
Jadi, ‘either’ artinya pilihan; yang ini OK, yang itu juga OK (dalam kalimat positif). Atau yang ini tidak OK , yang itu juga tidak OK (dalam kalimat negatif).
NeitherNeither berarti tidak dua-duanya. Hampir sama seperti ‘either’ yang dipake di kalimat negatif (Liat contoh, I don't like either shop).
- Neither shop is good enough (Tak ada satupun dari toko-toko itu yang bagus)
- Neither of us is married (Tak satupun diantara kami yang sudah menikah)
Kalau neither ... nor... digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat yang sama - sama negative, contohnya:
- Rudy doesn't like Physics
- Rudy doesn't like Math
Jika kedua kalimat tersebut digabungkan menggunakan neither ... nor ... maka menjadi:
Rudy likes neither Physics nor Math
- The driver wasn't safe in the accident
- The passengers weren't safe in the accident
Jika dua kalimat tersebut digabungkan, maka menjadi:
Neither the driver nor the passengers were safe in the accident
Sedangkan either ... or ... digunakan dalam kalimat yang maksudnya kalau tidak ini, ya yang itu.
Ann: What does Merlin play?
Leo: She plays either guitar or piano
Bob : I want to subscribe magazine?
Dicky : What magazine?
Bob : I'm still in doubt. I will subscribe either "Hello" or "Contact"
tolong dong kirimin dialog tentang kalimat asking dan giving.cpt z aq bth bgt.
Ada beberapa tipe ungkapan asking and giving bisa asking and giving things, opinion, agreement dsb. Mohon diperjelas pertanyaannya yang dimaksud yang mana. Namun contoh-contoh kalimat meminta adalah
Can you give me .....?
Can I have ....please?
Could you get me the ....?
Get me that ....?
Here you are.
Here it is.
Of course. Here you are.
Untuk meminta pendapat bisa dengan kalimat seperti:
What do you think about the .....?
buatin text report tentang binatang,harus dikumpulin tanggal 31 juli 2008
Terimakasih atas pasrtisipasinya,...Anda dapat mencari contoh text report di dalam web ini, dengan cara menuliskan kata kunci pada form pencarian,..atau anda bisa googling....untuk tugas sekolah, sebaiknya anda berusaha membuatnya terlebih dahulu, hasil karya anda dapat di upload untuk kita koreksi dan kita arahkan..sehingga anda sudah berusaha terlebih dahulu,..sebelum anda menanyakan ke kami...kami sangat menghargai atas usaha anda...terimakasih
bantu in saya, saya di suruh oleh guru saya buat struktur narrative dari cerita Indonesia.Masalahnya struktur narrative nya itu harus pakai b.Inggris...tolong yaa....
Dear Chacha,
Anda bisa melihat di buku pelajaran misalnya LOOK AHEAD. untuk strukturnya seperti file yang bisa anda download berikut ini
lampirantlong bkinin crita yang isinya simple present tense dunn . repp qlatt . urgent !
Vanya, silahkan anda mencoba membuat terlebih dahulu, dan kami dengan senang hati membantu menyempurnakan. Selamat mencoba
cotoh report text !!!
Fax Machine
Fax, the short term for facsimile is a telecommunications technology used to transfer copies (facsimiles) of documents, especially using affordable devices operating over the telephone network. The word telefax, short for telefacsimile, for "make a copy at a distance", is also used as a synonym. The device is also known as a telecopier in certain industries. When sending documents to people at large distances, faxes have a distinct advantage over postal mail in that the delivery is nearly instantenous, yet its disadvantages in quality and its proprietary format have relegated it to a position beneath email as the prevailing form of electronic document tranferral.
tolong donk berikan 25 contoh kalimat comparative / superlative yg mnggunakan 1 suku kata (25 contoh kalimat) dan 3 suku kata (25 contoh kalimat) . Tolong cepat di bls y....
mkasii ....
Yang Anda maksud adalah Degress of Comparison (Tingkat Perbandingan)
Dalam bahasa Inggris ada tiga perbandingan:
- Lusi’s bag is as expensive as Dewi’s.
- I am as beautiful as Dian Sastro.
So the pattern is : as + Adj + as
Comparative Comparison (Perbandingan Lebih)àOne Syllable Adjectives (Adj dengan satu suku kata)
Tambahkan '-er' di akhir Adj (kata sifat)
(Catatan: Jika Adj diakhiri huruf ‘y’, maka hilangkan huruf ‘y’ tsb dan gantilah dengan ‘ier’)
Example: hot - hotter
- Yesterday was hotter than today.
- This book is cheaper than that book.
àTwo Syllable Adjectives Ending in '-y' (Adj dengan dua suku kata yg diakhiri huruf ‘-y’)Example: happy - happier / funny - funnier
Example : Sentences
- I am happier than you.
- That joke was funnier than his joke.
àTwo, Three or More Syllable Adjectives (Adj dengan dua suku kata atau lebih) tambahkan ‘more’ sebelum Adjective.
Example: interesting - more interesting / difficult - more difficult
- London is more expensive than Madrid.
- This test is more difficult than the last test.
Superlative Comparison (Perbandingan Paling)Pola penyusunan Superlative:
Tambahkan ‘the’ sebelum Adjective dan tambahkan ‘- est’ diakhir Adjective.
àOne Syllable Adjectives (kata sifat dengan satu suku kata)
Example: cheap - the cheapest / hot - the hottest / high - the highest
- Today is the hottest day of the summer.
- This book is the cheapest I can find.
àTwo, Three or More Syllable Adjectives (kata sifat dengan dua suku kata atau lebih)
Tambahkan ‘the most’ sebelum Adjective.
Example: interesting - the most interesting / difficult - the most difficult
- London is the most expensive city in England.
- That is the most beautiful painting here.
àTwo Syllable Adjectives Ending in '-y' place 'the' before the adjective and remove the 'y' from the adjective and add 'iest'
(Dua suku kata yang diakhiri ‘-y’, tambahkan ‘the’ sebelum kata sifat tersebut dan ganti ‘y’ dengan ‘-iest’.)
Example: happy - the happiest / funny - the funniest
- New York is the noisiest city in the USA.
He is the most important person I know.
EXCEPTIONS (Pengecualian)Positive | Comparative | Superlative |
good | better | the best |
- This book is better than that one.
- This is the best school in the city.
Positive | Comparative | Superlative |
bad | worse | the worst |
- His French is worse than mine.
- This is the worst day of my life.
tolong dong aku cariin teks repot tentang alam atau apa aja deh!!! yang penting berhubungan tentang alam... tolong ya kak!
Kami berikan contoh text report tentang beach, tapi and juga bisa mencari text di dengan tema lain yang berhubungan dengan alam, misalnya mountain, volcano, flora, dan lain-lain. A beach is a geological landform along the shoreline of a body of water. It usually consists of loose particles which are often composed of rock, such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles, or cobble. The particles of which the beach is composed can sometimes instead have biological origins, such as shell fragments or coralline algae fragments.Beaches often occur along coastal areas, where wave or current action deposits and reworks sediments.Although the seashore is most commonly associated with the word "beach".