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27 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

minta contoh report text tentang 17 agustus-an yaahh . . please . . . . .

Mohon anda jelaskan kembali apa yang dimaksud dengan report text tentang 17 Agustus. Dalam kurikulum kita, report text bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peristiwa, benda, tempat secara umum.

Bila yang anda maksud adalah sejarah 17 Agustus, maka itu adalah recount text. 


27 Agustus 2008
taurus girls
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

tolong bantu saya, beri contoh teks analytical eksposition. please cpt ya coz buat tgs neh. thanks

Macam-macam teks sudah kami berikan, termasuk analytical exposition. Silahkan anda buka arsip jawaban kami

27 Agustus 2008
taurus girls
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

tolong bantu saya, beri contoh teks analytical eksposition. please cpt ya coz buat tgs neh. thanks


27 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

maaf, saya disini orang baru, jadi kalau ada kesalahan mohon dimaafkan...

saia mau minta tolong... beri 3 contoh report text tentang alam.. misalnya gunung, danau, sungai, laut... atau apa saja... yang penting tentang alam... terimakasih. 

Kami berikan contoh text report tentang beach, tapi and juga bisa mencari text di dengan tema lain yang berhubungan dengan alam, misalnya mountain, volcano, flora, dan lain-lain.

A beach is a geological landform along the shoreline of a body of water. It usually consists of loose particles which are often composed of rock, such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles, or cobble. The particles of which the beach is composed can sometimes instead have biological origins, such as shell fragments or coralline algae fragments.Beaches often occur along coastal areas, where wave or current action deposits and reworks sediments.Although the seashore is most commonly associated with the word "beach".

  • small systems in which the rock material moves onshore, offshore, or alongshore by the forces of waves and currents; or
  • geological units of considerable size.

The former are described in detail below; the larger geological units are discussed elsewhere under bars.There are several conspicuous parts to a beach, all of which relate to the processes that form and shape it. The part mostly above water (depending upon tide), and more or less actively influenced by the waves at some point in the tide, is termed the beach berm. The berm is the deposit of material comprising the active shoreline. The berm has a crest (top) and a face — the latter being the slope leading down towards the water from the crest. At the very bottom of the face, there may be a trough, and further seaward one or more longshore bars: slightly raised, underwater embankments formed where the waves first start to break.The sand deposit may extend well inland from the berm crest, where there may be evidence of one or more older crests (the storm beach) resulting from very large storm waves and beyond the influence of the normal waves. At some point the influence of the waves (even storm waves) on the material comprising the beach stops, and if the particles are small enough (sand size or smaller), winds shape the feature. Where wind is the force distributing the grains inland, the deposit behind the beach becomes a dune.These geomorphic features compose what is called the beach profile. The beach profile changes seasonally due to the change in wave energy experienced during summer and winter months. The beach profile is higher during the summer due to the gentle wave action during this season. The lower energy waves deposit sediment on the beach berm and dune, adding to the beach profile. Conversely, the beach profile is lower in the winter due to the increased wave energy associated with storms. Higher energy waves erode sediment from the beach berm and dune, and deposit it off shore, forming longshore bars. The removal of sediment from the beach berm and dune decreases the beach profile.The line between beach and dune is difficult to define in the field. Over any significant period of time, sand is always being exchanged between them. The drift line (the high point of material deposited by waves) is one potential demarcation. This would be the point at which significant wind movement of sand could occur, since the normal waves do not wet the sand beyond this area. However, the drift line is likely to move inland under assault by storm waves. 


27 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

saya bisa minta diterangkan tentang tense? seperti macamnya, rumusnya, atau definisinya?



   1. Simple Present Tense


Subject + Verb 1 + ….

They /   We

I   /   You

Subject + Verb s-es + ….    

He  /   She




     a. Untuk menyatakan suatu kebiasaan (habitual action) atau kegiatan yang terjadi berulang – ulang dan terus menerus.

   Contoh :

\"*\" The students go to school everyday.

\"*\" She studies English twice a week.

\"*\" I go to church on Sundays

\"*\" We celebrate our independence day once in a year.

     b. Untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum (general truth).


\"*\" The sun rises in the east and sets down in the west.

\"*\" The earth revolves round the sun.

\"*\" The pineapple never grows up on a tree.

      c. Digunakan dalam bahasa drama, komentar radio dan sejenisnya.

When the curtain rises, Juliet is writing on her desk. Suddenly the window opens and a masked man enters.



  1. Every morning/day/week/month/year
  2. Once, twice, three times, four times, …
  3. Adverb of frequency : always, usually, sometimes, often, never, seldom.



    2. Present Continuous Tense

      POLA :

Subyek + to be (is, am, are) + V-ing


  1. Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu diucapkan.


\"*\" They are still playing at the moment.

\"*\" She is reading a novel now.

  1. Untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung tetapi belum tentu sedang berlangsung ketika pernyataan diucapkan.


\"*\"       I am learning French this year.

\"*\"       Mr. Brown is teaching English.

      KETERANGAN WAKTU:    Now, at the moment, this afternoon, this evening, right now, today.

      Note : Ketika ada kata kerja seperti: Look!, Listen!, Watch!, Notice! ( Imperative), maka tenses

                nya Present Continuous.

      Contoh:     *  Look! The man is climbing.

                 *  Listen! The girls next door are singing my favourite song.



3. Present Perfect Tense


Subject + Have  +  Verb 3 + ….



    FUNGSI :

    a. Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan waktunya tidak tertentu.

     Contoh :

\"*\"       William Shakespeare has written many short stories.

\"*\"       I have swept the floor. It looks clean now.


  1. Untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang pernah dilakukan dan mungkin dilakukan lagi di waktu yang akan datang.


\"*\"       My friends and I have gone to Bali.

\"*\"       Shinta has visited her grand parents many times.


      KETERANGAN WAKTU: Since, for, just (baru saja), already, yet, so far.



4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

    POLA :

Subject + Have  + Been + Verb-ing



    FUNGSI :

Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang mulai dilakukan pada waktu lampau dan sampai sekarang masih berlangsung.


\"*\"       My sister has been studying English for three months.

\"*\"       The students have been doing the test since 11 o’clock.


     KETERANGAN WAKTU: For, since.




5. Simple Past Tense


Subject + Verb 2 + Object + ….



Untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau.


\"*\"       I met my music teacher yesterday.

\"*\"       My mother bought a new carpet last Sunday.

\"*\"       Rendy closed the window five minutes ago.

\"*\"       The students presented their project work this morning.



-          Last ….              -       …ago                                -       This afternoon

-          Just now            -       This morning                     -       Yesterday



6. Past Continuous Tense


Subject + was  + Verb- ing




  1. Untuk menggambarkan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi pada masa lampau.


\"*\"       I was studying at my friend’s house.

\"*\"       My parents were chatting in the living room.

  1. Untuk menggambarkan suatu peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau, dimana peristiwa lain juga terjadi .


\"*\"       When I was studying, someone knocked the door.

\"*\"       When I was walking to school, I met Dian sastro.


7.  Past Perfect tense


Subject + Had + Verb 3



Untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang terjadi sebelum kegiatan lain di waktu lampau muncul.


\"*\"       The teachers went home after they had finished teaching.

\"*\"       When I arrived Kridosono, my favourite artist had performed.


    KETERANGAN WAKTU: when, after, before.

8. Future Tense


Subject + shall  + Verb 1 + …




  1. Untuk menggambarkan suatu peristiwa yang akan terjadi.


\"*\"       Bobby will come here tomorrow.

\"*\"       I shall call my parents when I get home.


  1. Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi di masa mendatang yangbukan merupakan keinginan atau kehendak.


\"*\"       Tomy will be fourteen years old next year.

\"*\"       We shall die one day.


      KETERANGAN WAKTU: Tomorrow, next week/month/year, the day after tomorrow.


Future Perfect Tense

I will have sung

The future perfect tense is quite an easy tense to understand and use. The future perfect tense talks about the past in the future.

How do we make the Future Perfect Tense?

The structure of the future perfect tense is:



auxiliary verb WILL


auxiliary verb HAVE


main verb






past participle




Look at these example sentences in the future perfect tense:



auxiliary verb


auxiliary verb

main verb








by 10am.







me by then.







to school.








27 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Pak or bu aku tolong bantu carike report teks dengan judul fire atau yang lain yang menyangkut tentang alam. Makasih....

Kami berikan contoh text report tentang fire dan beach, tapi and juga bisa mencari text di dengan tema lain yang berhubungan dengan alam, misalnya mountain, volcano, flora, dan lain-lain.

a. Fire is the heat and light energy released during a chemical reaction, in particular a combustion reaction. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities within, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity might vary. Fire in its most common form can be highly destructive in its very nature, and has the potential to kill and harm through burning.

b. A beach is a geological landform along the shoreline of a body of water. It usually consists of loose particles which are often composed of rock, such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles, or cobble. The particles of which the beach is composed can sometimes instead have biological origins, such as shell fragments or coralline algae fragments.Beaches often occur along coastal areas, where wave or current action deposits and reworks sediments.Although the seashore is most commonly associated with the word "beach".

  • small systems in which the rock material moves onshore, offshore, or alongshore by the forces of waves and currents; or
  • geological units of considerable size.

The former are described in detail below; the larger geological units are discussed elsewhere under bars.There are several conspicuous parts to a beach, all of which relate to the processes that form and shape it. The part mostly above water (depending upon tide), and more or less actively influenced by the waves at some point in the tide, is termed the beach berm. The berm is the deposit of material comprising the active shoreline. The berm has a crest (top) and a face — the latter being the slope leading down towards the water from the crest. At the very bottom of the face, there may be a trough, and further seaward one or more longshore bars: slightly raised, underwater embankments formed where the waves first start to break.The sand deposit may extend well inland from the berm crest, where there may be evidence of one or more older crests (the storm beach) resulting from very large storm waves and beyond the influence of the normal waves. At some point the influence of the waves (even storm waves) on the material comprising the beach stops, and if the particles are small enough (sand size or smaller), winds shape the feature. Where wind is the force distributing the grains inland, the deposit behind the beach becomes a dune.These geomorphic features compose what is called the beach profile. The beach profile changes seasonally due to the change in wave energy experienced during summer and winter months. The beach profile is higher during the summer due to the gentle wave action during this season. The lower energy waves deposit sediment on the beach berm and dune, adding to the beach profile. Conversely, the beach profile is lower in the winter due to the increased wave energy associated with storms. Higher energy waves erode sediment from the beach berm and dune, and deposit it off shore, forming longshore bars. The removal of sediment from the beach berm and dune decreases the beach profile.The line between beach and dune is difficult to define in the field. Over any significant period of time, sand is always being exchanged between them. The drift line (the high point of material deposited by waves) is one potential demarcation. This would be the point at which significant wind movement of sand could occur, since the normal waves do not wet the sand beyond this area. However, the drift line is likely to move inland under assault by storm waves. 


27 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

yang bener tuh how much must i pay, atau how much i must pay?

yang benar adalah how much must i pay

26 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

tolong kasih contoh pidato b.inggris tentang 17 agustus/kemerdekaan...

Pertanyaan serupa sudah dijawab. SIlahkan anda mencari sendiri

26 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

syaminta tlg,

ap definisi dri teks report,dlm


Teks Report adalah teks yang menggambarkan sesuatu secara umum.

Generic Structure: General Classification - Description.
Tenses yang digunakan adalah 'Present Tense'.

Contoh Teks Report:

A library is a place which collects records of what people have thought and done.(Ini adalah General Classification).

It preserves those records, and it ,makes them available to us, so that we can learn about many things. In the world of library, we can entertain ourselves, teach ourselves, and be inspired by the ideas that we might never have dreamed ot otherwise.(Ini adalah 'Description')
            A library has many sections. Commonly, a library has a reading room, a catalogue section, a newspaper and magazine section, books section, and a librarian desk which deals with book circulation. The books are classified based on the subjects, such as fiction, science, psychology, etc. They are arranged on the bookshelves.(Ini adalah 'Description').


26 Agustus 2008
ema di jember
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

met pag bapak/ibu, saya ingin mendapatkan contoh teks report sebanyak 6 teks . sekian terima kasi


Teks Report adalah teks yang menggambarkan sesuatu secara umum.

Generic Structure: General Classification - Description.
Tenses yang digunakan adalah 'Present Tense'.

Contoh Teks Report:




A library is a place which collects records of what people have thought and done.(Ini adalah General Classification).

It preserves those records, and it ,makes them available to us, so that we can learn about many things. In the world of library, we can entertain ourselves, teach ourselves, and be inspired by the ideas that we might never have dreamed ot otherwise.(Ini adalah 'Description')
         A library has many sections. Commonly, a library has a reading room, a catalogue section, a newspaper and magazine section, books section, and a librarian desk which deals with book circulation. The books are classified based on the subjects, such as fiction, science, psychology, etc. They are arranged on the bookshelves.(Ini adalah 'Description').



Goannas are large Australian lizards which belong to the reptile family.Goannas are yellowish-brown in colour and grow to about a metre in length.They live in burrows and eat insects, lizards, mice, eggs, and flesh of dead animals. To breed, the female goanna lays about six eggs in a termite mound.


Fax Machine


Fax, the short term for facsimile is a telecommunications technology used to transfer copies (facsimiles) of documents, especially using affordable devices operating over the telephone network. The word telefax, short for telefacsimile, for "make a copy at a distance", is also used as a synonym. The device is also known as a telecopier in certain industries. When sending documents to people at large distances, faxes have a distinct advantage over postal mail in that the delivery is nearly instantenous, yet its disadvantages in quality and its proprietary format have relegated it to a position beneath email as the prevailing form of electronic document tranferral.



What is a Whale?


Whales are large, magnificent, intelligent, aquatic mammals. They breathe air through blowhole(s) into lungs (unlike fish who breathe using gills). Whales have sleek, streamlined bodies that move easily through the water. They are the only mammals, other than manatees (seacows), that live their entire lives in the water, and the only mammals that have adapted to life in the open oceans

Like all mammals:

  • Whales breathe air into lungs,
  • Whales have hair (although they have a lot less than land mammals, and have almost none as adults),
  • Whales are warm-blooded (they maintain a high body temperature),
  • Whales have mammary glands with which they nourish their young,
  •  Whales have a four-chambered heart.

The biggest whale is the blue whale, which grows to be about 94 feet (29 m) long - the height of a 9-story building. These enormous animals eat about 4 tons of tiny krill each day, obtained by filter feeding through baleen. Adult blue whales have no predators except man.

The smallest whale is the dwarf sperm whale which as an adult is only 8.5 feet (2.6 m) long.



Plants are living beings. They need food, water and air for survival.

Plants derive their food from the earth and the air. If you look at their roots, you will find that ends of these roots are like fine fibers. We call them root-hairs. They absorb water and minerals, then transport them upwards to the leaves through the trunk and the branches. It is the leaves which prepare the food.

The green material, chlorophyll, prepares the food like a machine. It converts the carbon dioxide taken from the air and water from the ground into sugar with the help of sunlight. This chemical reaction is called photosynthes. In fact, the chlorophyll takes energy from the sunlight and uses it to synthesize the hydrogen from water and carbon from carbon dioxide for making sugar. This reaction also gives out oxygen and water which are excreted by the leaves.



Rafflesia is a genus of parasitic flowering plants. It was discovered in the Indonesian rain forest by an Indonesian guide working for Dr. Joseph Arnold in 1818, and named after Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, the leader of the expedition. It contains approximately 26 species (including four incompletely characterized species as recognized by Meijer 1997), all found in southeastern Asia, on the Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sumatra and Kalimantan, West Malaysia, and the Philippines. The plant has no stems, leaves or true roots. It is an endoparasite of vines in the genus Tetrastigma (Vitaceae), spreading its root-like haustoria inside the tissue of the vine. The only part of the plant that can be seen outside the host vine is the five-petaled flower. In some species, such as Rafflesia arnoldii, the flower may be over 100 cm in diameter, and weigh up to 10 kg. Even the smallest species, R. manillana, has 20 cm diameter flowers. The flowers look and smell like rotting meat, hence its local names which translate to "corpse flower" or "meat flower" (but see below). The vile smell that the flower gives off attracts insects such as carrion flies, which transport pollen from male to female flowers. Little is known about seed dispersal. However, tree shrews and other forest mammals apparently eat the fruits and disperse the seeds. Rafflesia is an official state flower of Sabah in Malaysia, as well as for the Surat Thani Province, Thailand.



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