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20 September 2013
muhammad irfandi
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

pak bu tolog buatin saya sebuah karangan yang didalam nya terdapat personal pronoun

2 paragraf


tolong di bantu ya saya tunggu jawabannya secepatnya

It happened on Sunday morning a few days ago. When I was about to have my routine cup of coffee along with a bagel, I realized that I did not have any bread at all. I have to admit that I am unable to enjoy coffee without some kind of baked goods.
Then I decided to run out to buy something, but all the stores were closed, but one. That store did not have any fresh pastries, and I ended up buying four slices of wheat bread. I was frustrated for two reasons: firstly, I couldn’t enjoy drinking my coffee on Sunday morning; and secondly, the sales woman charged me $3.00 for four slices of bread! she said this is cheap
Next, I returned to the building where I live on the tenth floor, stepped into the elevator, pushed the button, and got out. When I reached my apartment and tried to unlock the door, I could not turn the key. I made a few attempts without success. I started banging on the door hoping to wake up my daughter. I was not successful at that either.
I can’t explain how it crossed my mind to check the number of the apartment. The apartment number was correct, except for the first digit: the apartment was on the ninth floor, but the tenth. I was shocked to realize that I had been banging on somebody else’s door.
I still muse over what might have happened if somebody had opened the door and what he or she would have said to me at 8:00 am on Sunday morning..

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 25 September 2013 0:0

10 September 2013
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

tolong buatin donk report text tentang headache(sakit kepala),.. please besok di kumpul nya tolongin donk,......


Headache is a common disease in Indonesia. There are some kinds of headache namely; vertigo, and migren.

Vertigo is a headache that give great pain to human.


silakan coba dilanjutkan sendiri 

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 25 September 2013 0:0

2 September 2013
Widya Ayu
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

Contoh dialog bahasa inggris tentang imperative

Drian is helping his father gardening and they make some dialog.

Drian : What will we do with that area, Dad?

Father: Your Mom wants to have some vegetable plants there. 

Drian : Good idea. Shall we start now?

Father : Prepare the soil over there. I have been ready with some chili seeds. I'll get them inside. 

Drian : Right away, Dad. But How could I do that?

Father : Mix some fertilizer with some soil and then put some inside each hole.

Drian : I will. What about the area over there?

Father: Oh that would be for another kind of plants such as tomato and eggplant. When we have finished it then we'll prepare the land before planting.

Drian : I know Dad. Such an enjoyable job!

Father : Good. Be careful


Note: The underlined sentences are examples of imperative to show someone's giving command to other people. The sentences begin with Verb or Be. 


SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 9 September 2013 0:0

6 September 2013
yeni tari priana
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

Pak/ibu guru tolong buatin dialog satisfaction, dissatisfaction & expressing opinion tapi di jadiin satu.terimaksih

silakan kilk pilih matri kelas xi
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 7 September 2013 0:0

2 September 2013
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

tolong buatin aktikel tentang objek wisata yang menggandung present tense verb 1

Borobudur is Hindu - Budhist temple. It was build in the nineth century under Sailendra dynasty of ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Borobudur is well-known all over the world. Its construction is influenced by the Gupta architecture of India. The temple is constructed on a hill 46 m high and consist of eight step like stone terrace. The first five terrace are square and surrounded by walls adorned with Budist sculpture in bas-relief. The upper three are circular. Each of them is with a circle of bell shape-stupa. The entire adifice is crowned by a large stupa at the centre at the centre of the top circle. The way to the summit extends through some 4.8 km of passage and starways. The design of borobudur which symbolizes the structure of universe influences temples at Angkor, Cambodia.
Borobudur temple which is rededicated as an Indonesian monument in 1983 is a valuable treasure for Indonesian people.

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 7 September 2013 0:0

2 September 2013
Nisa Arfianti
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

assalamualaikum saya mau tanya tentang dialog simple present tense yang bertema bencana alam. mohon jawabannya terimakasih

A: Hi B, Hows life

B: Hello.great,  Where have you been, long time not see.

A.:I work in Jogja recenly. It started about 5 years ago.

B: Jogja! I heard The volcano eruption in jogja, tell me about that?

A: ya that was very frightening moment. people confuse where they should stay . Their homes destroyed by the eruption.

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 7 September 2013 0:0

29 Agustus 2013
muhammad sultan al maliki
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Bisa minta tolong beri definiti dari certainty dan hesitation

Please check on the attachment. lampiran

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 2 September 2013 0:0

23 Agustus 2013
Ita Agustina Purnamasari
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

saya mau tanya bagaiman cara membuat daftar pustaka dan kata pengantar dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris,?



Cara membuat Kata Pengantar:

1. Awali dengan m,emanjatkan rasa syukur pada Tuhan shg bisa menyelesaikan karya dengan baik dan pihak2 terkait yang telah membantu menyelesaikan karya penulisan anda.

2. Lanjutkan dengan memberikan sedikit gambaran tentang karya yang telah anda tulis. Gambaran singkat yang ditulis dalam kata pengantar berkaitan dg tema yg diangkat. Dlm bagian ini juga ditulis tujuan penulisan karya tulis.

3. Selanjutnya tulis harapan dan doa penulis ttg makalah yg dibuat. Harapan ttg kegunaan karya bagi orang lain. Doa agar makalah berguna bagi orang lain.

4. Akhiri dengan pernyataan permintaan maaf jika ada kekurangan dlm karya anda, harapan2 anda pada para pembaca dan doa agar karya anda bermanfaat.




Praise and great gratitude to Almighty God submitted by the author to the Lord Jesus Christ My Savior for blessings and help to complete this thesis on time.

This thesis is arranged to fulfill the requirements for obtaining bachelor's degree, in Accounting Education Study Program, Economics Faculty, State University of Medan.

On this occasion with great humility, I would like to thank you to all of those who have given me help and guidance so that this thesis can be finished. Completion of writing of this thesis, the author would like to thank to:

1.      Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar, M.Si. as the Rector of State University of Medan.

2.      Drs. Kustoro Budiarta, M.E as the Dean of Economics Faculty.

3.      Dr. Arwansayah, M.Si as the Head of Economics Education Department.

4.      Dra. Effi Aswita Lubis,M.Pd, M.Si as the Head Accounting Education Study Program.

5.      My best gratitude to Dr. Dede Ruslan M.Si  as my supervisor in completing this thesis through the guidance and direction as well as the encouragement that are very useful and helpful for the preparation and writing of this thesis.

6.      Dr. Johnson. M.Si as the Secretary of Economics Education Department and all the administration staffs of Economics Faculty that gave helping during arrangement of thesis.

7.      All lecturers in Economics Education Department, especially in Accounting Education Study Program, thanks for the teaching during this time.

8.      Thanks to the principal Drs. Belman Purba as the headmaster in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun and also Mrs. Rosmalinda Sinaga, S.Pd as the accounting teacher in my research, and all the teachers especially all accounting teachers as well as the students in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun, especially in 3rd Social Science Grade 11th, the school where the author did the research.

9.      The biggest thanks especially to my lovely mom R. Purba Girsang as the best mom ever in this world and my lovely dad J. Tindaon who always pray, encouraging, giving love and compassion, giving material I need, working hard, always trying to do the best, to accompany me the day by day, support me all the time and given a smile and happiness in my life. I love them just the way they are so that I can finish my lecture although with the teardrop but with advice from the most important peole in my life. I can survive and spirit to face everything until today just because of them.

10.  My sister Deni Astuti Tindaon, thanks to always support and company me whenever I need her. My two brothers Juab Tindaon and Joyo Tindaon, great thanks to them for their support through giving me spirit and material also. Do not forget also to my great and lovely grandmother who always support me and always give me advices that I really need, also thanks to my uncle, my aunty, my nephews, my neighbours for their support until I can finished my college as well all my families from father and mother  and all the preceding families thank you for everything you have given me.

11.  Thanks so my greatest as well as close friends Nellaria Butar-butar, Paramitha Sitorus and Nasrani Lumban Gaol (Princess Toba-toba members) who always accompany and gather with me always together in any conditions for four years since we are in the first semester. Also to my oldest, childhood best friend ever Immanuel Marpaung and Sanita Sihotang thanks for the support and always be with me, they are all really mean in my life.

12.   I say thanks to all of my faith friends in IMAM (Ikatan Mahasiswa ADVENT Medan) for always pray for me so I can finished this well. I can not mention them one by one here but I alway remember and pray for them for all those who support and pray for me. I do not forget also to say great thanks to my faith family in my hometown or in Medan for always support and pray in other I can finishe my thesis, my college well as well as get the good value. Thanks for  all. Jesus Christ loves us.

13.   Wonderful thank for all my greatest friends in class B-Reguler 2009 Accounting Education that I can not mention their names one by one as well as the junior and senior in Economics Faculty and also A-Regular 2009, class extent A and B thanks for your support. Love you all.

Final words, the author say thank you so much indeed for all for those who I can not mentions the names. Hopefully this thesis can be useful for us and become the input for the parties in need.


  • Cara Penulisan Daftar Pustaka

    1. penyusunan urutan daftar pustaka menurut alfabet yang dengan berturut-turut dari atas ke bawah, tanpa memakai angka ( , 2, 3, dan sebagainya )

    2. dalam penulisan daftar pustaka butuh di perhatikan banyak hal di bawah ini :
    menulis nama pengarang ( nama pengarang sisi belakang terlebih dulu ditulis, lantas diikuti dengan nama depan )
    catat tahun terbit buku, sesudah itu diberi sinyal titik (. )
    catat tahun terbit buku memberikan garis bawah atau cetak miring. sesudah judul buku lantas diberikan sinyal titik (. )
    catat kota terbit serta nama penerbitnya. pada ke-2 sisi tersebut diberi sinyal titik dua ( : ), setelah nama penerbit diberikan sinyal titik (. )

    3. apabila dapat dipakai dua sumber pustaka atau lebih dengan pengarang yang sama, maka sumber dirilis dari buku yang terlebih dulu terbit, lantas diikuti dengan buku yang baru terbit. pada ke-2 sumber pustaka itu dibubuhkan sinyal garis panjang.

    4. apabila daftar pustaka datang dari sumber internet, maka bisa ditulis layaknya yang dianjurkan oleh sophia ( 2002 ), di mana komponen bibliografi online tersebut ditulis seperti berikut :
    nama pengarang
    tanggal revisi terakhhir
    judul makalah
    media yang memuat
    url yang terdiri dari protocol/situs/path/file
    tanggal akses

    5. penulisan daftar pustaka dalam pengambilan data dari buku, pertama ; penulisan nama untuk awal memakai huruf besar terlebih dulu sesudah nama belakang ditulis beri ( sinyal koma ), diawali dari nama belakang lantas beri ( sinyal koma ) serta dilanjutkan dengan nama depan, ke-2 ; tahun pembuatan atau penerbitan buku, ketiga ; judul bukunya ingat ditulis unakan huruf miring sesudah judul pakai ( sinyal titik ), keempat ; area diterbitkannya sesudah area penerbitan pakai ( sinyal titik dua ), serta kelima ; penerbit buku tersebut diakhiri dengan ( sinyal titik ). layaknya perumpamaan di bawah ini :
    peranginangin, kasiman ( 2006 ). aplikasi situs dengan php serta mysql. yogyakarta : penerbit andi offset.
    soekirno, harimurti ( 2005 ). langkah gampang menginstall situs server berbasis windows server 2003. jakarta : elex media komputindo.

    6. penulisan daftar pustaka yang kian lebih satu/dua orang penulis dalam buku yang sama. pertama catat nama belakang dari penulis yang pertama sesudah nama belakang beri ( sinyal koma ) lantas catat nama depan bila nama depan berbentuk singkatan catat saja singkatan itu sesudah nama pertama selesai beri ( sinyal titik ) lantas beri ( sinyal koma ) untuk nama ke-2 / ketiga ditulis sama layaknya nama sali alis tak ada pergantian, yang beralih penulisannya cuma orang pertama namun orang ke-2 serta ketiga terus. sesudah penulisan nama ke-2 selesai, nah bila tiga penulis pakai sinyal serta ( & ) pada nama paling akhir begitupula bila penulisnya cuma dua orang saja, sesudah penulisan nama selesai, ke-2 ; tahun pembuatan atau cetakan buku tersebut dengan dimulai sinyal kurung buka serta kurung tutup/ ( ) sesudah itu beri ( sinyal titik ). ketiga ; judul buku atau karangan sesudah itu beri ( sinyal koma ) serta ditulis dengan huruf miring ok. keempat ; yakni penulisan area penerbitan/cetakan sesudah itu beri ( sinyal titik dua : ) serta paling akhir kelima ; nama perusahaan penerbit buku atau catatan tersebut serta diakhiri ( sinyal titik ) ok. untuk gelar akademik tidak ditulis dalam penulisan daftar pustaka. nah ini perumpamaannya layaknya di bawah ini :
    suteja, b. r., sarapung, j. a, & handaya, w. b. t. ( 2008 ). memasuki dunia e-learning, bandung : penerbit informatika.

    whitten, j. l., bentley, l. d., dittman, k. c. ( 2004 ). systems analysis and design methods. indianapolis : mcgraw-hill education.

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 28 Agustus 2013 0:0

11 Agustus 2013
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

topik : warning , permission mohon beri fungsi, apa saja ekspresi lalu jabarkan, dan dialoque utk 4 org :((((


Ex. Warning   (Ungkapan tentang peringatan)

A warning means giving information of the danger or unexpected situation that my happen if a person does something. He/she wants that person will be more careful. When we see a snake on a tree, for example, we may shout our friends "Watch out" It means we inform them be careful and to pay attention to the snake.


A warning is usually in the form of imperative, but it may occur with the modal "must" and "should"


Expression of warning :

- You should/should not_______________

- You must/must not___________________

- Don't_______________________________!

- Beware!

- Beware of___________________________

- Look out!

- Watch out!

- Watch out for_______________________!


Here are other examples of expressing warning.

1.             Your little sister wants to cross the busy street. Then you warn her to cross carefully by saying,"Mind the traffic!"

2.             There is a long wire connected to the computer. At present you are using your computer and your little brother is playing a toy car behind the computer. You see what he is doing and warm,"Dont touch the wire!"

3.             There is blackout in the neighbourhood. A father lights a lantern and puts it on the table. His son is amazed and plays with the lantern. When the father sees, he warns,"Keep away from the fire!" or "Don't play with the lantern!"

4.             You are walking on the pavement with your friends in the rain. Suddenly you see a big hole on the pavement. You want your friends by pointing at the hole and saying,"Look out!"

5.             In the zoo, many cages of wild animals are applied with a warning board saying,"Beware of the wild animals!"











Expressing warning and expressing feeling in English/ Mengekspresikan peringatan dan mengekspresikan perasaan dalam bahasa Inggris FOR CLASS XI IPS ENGLISH


Expressing warning and expressing feeling in English


(Sumber: Sudarwati. Look Ahead. Jakarta: Erlangga.)




A.      Expressing warning

 1.      Informative notices:


o   Oout of order (for a machine that is not working).


o   Nno vacancies (There no more rooms to rent in hotel, there are no jobs in an office).


o   Ssold out (The tickets are sold out).



2.      Do this:


o   Please queue other side.


o   Kkeep right.



3.      Don’t do this:


o   No smoking.


o   No littering.


o   No parking.


o   No exit.


o   Don’t lean out of the window.


o   Please do not disturb.


o   Please do not feed the animals.


o   Keep off the grass.


o   Silence. Examination is in progress.


o   Don’t leave bags unattended.



4.      Watch out:


o   Watch your head.


o   Fragile (be careful, this will break easily).


o   Watch your step.


o   Beware of pickpockets.


o   Bewere of fierce dog.


o   Watch out. The train is coming.


o   Look out behind you.



5.      Advice:


o   Take good care of yourself.


o   Be careful.


o   Take care, please.


6.        Expressing warning and expressing feeling in English/ Mengekspresikan peringatan dan mengekspresikan perasaan dalam bahasa Inggris FOR CLASS XI IPS ENGLISH


8.     Expressing warning and expressing feeling in English


10.   (Sumber: Sudarwati. Look Ahead. Jakarta: Erlangga.)




14.   A.      Expressing warning


16.   1.      Informative notices:


18.   o   Out of order (for a machine that is not working).


20.   o   No vacancies (There no more rooms to rent in hotel, there are no jobs in an office).


22.   o   Sold out (The tickets are sold out).



25.   2.      Do this:


27.   o   Please queue other side.


29.   o   Keep right.



32.   3.      Don’t do this:


34.   o   No smoking.


36.   o   No littering.


38.   o   No parking.


40.   o   No exit.


42.   o   Don’t lean out of the window.


44.   o   Please do not disturb.


46.   o   Please do not feed the animals.


48.   o   Keep off the grass.


50.   o   Silence. Examination is in progress.


52.   o   Don’t leave bags unattended.



55.   4.      Watch out:


57.   o   Watch your head.


59.   o   Fragile (be careful, this will break easily).


61.   o   Watch your step.


63.   o   Beware of pickpockets.


65.   o   Bewere of fierce dog.


67.   o   Watch out. The train is coming.


69.   o   Look out behind you.



72.   5.      Advice:


74.   o   Take good care of yourself.


76.   o   Be careful.


78.   o   Take care, please.


Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 28 Agustus 2013 0:0

24 Agustus 2013
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Selamat pagi,saya mau tanya apasih asking for attention,showing attention sama comments on good news,comments on bad news. lalu bagaimana jika dalam penerapan percakapan ?? :)

Terima kasih sebelumnya. Saya harap jawabannya bermanfaat bagi saya 

Ungkapan yang anda tanyakan biasa digunakan dalam percakapan interpersonal.

-         Asking for attention yaitu meminta perhatian orang lain sebelum seseorang ingin mengungkapkan sesuatu. Misalnya: Guess what?; Do you know that…?; Have you heard that…? Listen, I have a good news!

-         Showing attention yaitu ungkapan yang menunjukkan bahwa si pembicara memperhatikan orang lain. Biasanya ungkapan yang dipilih bergantung pada situasi si pembicara, bisa bersifat surprise, menunjukkan empati, atau memahami kesulitan orang lain. Contoh: Really?; I see; I understand; It must be hard for you but …

-         Comments on good news: That sounds great!, Great!, Amazing! It must be fun! That’s nice, I’m happy to hear that!

-         Comment on bad news contohnya: Too bad!, What a day!, Shame on you!; How awful!; That’s bad news!

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 26 Agustus 2013 0:0


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