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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
dolpins are see mammals. they have to breathe air on they will die. they are member of the delphinidae family.
dolpins have smooth skin. only baby dolphins are born with a few birstly hairs on their snouts. these hairs soon fall out. they have a long tail and the fin on the top on their backs keeps the dolphin from skin to keep them warm when they dive very deep. teh dolphin's fornt fins are called flipppers. they use them to turn left and right. dolphins grow form 2 to 3 meters long and weigh up to 75 kilograms.
dolphins hunt together in a group. a group of dolphins is called a pod. they eat fish, shrimps and small squid. they live in salt water oceans. dolphins can bold their breath fox six minutes.
when dolphin hear or see a ship close by they go near it and follow it many kilometers. dolphins can leap out of the water and do somesaults. sometimes they invent their own tricks and stunts after watching ohter dolphins ferform.
dolphins are very friendly to people and have never harmed everyone. they are very playful animals
kak tlong donk di ksih brief commentary di text report ini, penting bnget
pake bhasa inggris yah..tar di krim ke email
conthnya. the text begin with a general calsification whic talking about...pokoknya pembahasan tentang texnya dijelaskan..satu text minimal setengah halaman A4.
dan diksih contoh lgi ttang report, radio, kinds of mountain, dan juga rice is the primary food for half the people in the word..
maksih yah..
kamu bisa cari yang kamu mau di
Operator 10 Juni 2009 0:0
ngin contoh teks narrative yang ada gerund, to infinitive, participle, sama conditional. dalam satu cerita...kirim jawabannya ke email aqu.. makasih.. n_n
silakan kunjungi
Operator 10 Juni 2009 0:0
mohon diberikan rumusan tenses bahasa inggris untuk semua bentuk lampau.
Terutama untuk penulisan sebuah laporan penelitian laboratorium.
Untuk menceritakan masa lalu gunakan Verb 2 atau past tense. Kalau lebih lampau dari past tense maka pakailah past perfect/ had verb 3. sselamat belajar
Operator 9 Juni 2009 0:0
tolong donk buatin contoh paragraf tentang conditional sentense !!!!
laz cpt yh....
Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of Conditional Sentences.
→ It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future
Example: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.
more on Conditional Sentences Type I ►
→ It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Past, Conditional I (= would + Infinitive)
Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.
more on Conditional Sentences Type II ►
→ It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past.
Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)
Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.
more on Conditional Sentences Type III ►
Sometimes Conditional Sentences Type I, II and III can also be used with other tenses.
more on Conditional Sentences used with other tenses ►
tolong jelaskan secara rinci tentang descriptive text beserta contohnya !!
Coba perhatikan contoh teks berikut:
Text 1
Genre : Report
Social Function : To describe the way things are (for example a man-made thing, animals, plants).
Text organization :
1. General Classification (Introduce the topic of the report such as: the class or the subclass)
2. Identification (tell the shape/form, parts, behaviour, habitat, way of survival)
Well, must be clear enough ya. Kalau masih belum jelas, boleh nanya ko. Reply aja.
ooooooya , tolong kirimin tips-tips tentang membalas surat dan tlg buatkan tentang
Menulis surat sebaiknya menggunakan step-step berikut ini:
1. Heading (kepala surat)
2. Inside address (alamat si pengirim)
3. Salutation (salam pembuka)
4. The body of letter (Isi surat)
5. Complimentary ( salam penutup}
6. Siognature (tanda tangan)
Berkaitan dengan pertanyaan anda, bagaimana tips membalas surat, antara lain sbb:
Ikuti langkah diatas, tulis salam pembuka, lalu tulis isi balasan surat yang isinya sesuai yang anda terima tadi di isi surat. Tergantung apa isi surat tersebut. Setelah itu beri salam penutup.
Bila perlu, tulis surat adik dulu, dan kirim kesini, kami akan bantu menyempurnakannya. Thanks
KK, tolong di koreksi dan diperbaiki teks eyi yach....Please, jawaban nya tolong kirim ke email saya....saya sangat mengharapkan bantuan dr KK. terima kasih..
Operator 5 Juni 2009 0:0
Tolong koreksi dan perbaiki teks eyi yach....please....!!!
Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
First of all I very grateful to God fall upon His mercy given to us, so on this occasion the good we can gather at this.
Friends that I love.
We know that youth is a very unstable period. Easily influenced by many factors both positive and negative. Usually factors negatiflah faster absorbed by our colleagues the other. This is certainly reflect on the life of the future.
We can see in different media, both print and electronic media, as well as in daily life. Their behavior is not very commendable. This is be pitied by which we feel a generation. They have a pregnancy outside of marriage, have joined the geng motor, which have penetrated the school have so habitue drugs and so forth. So that our generation tercoreng by whim a few of the younger generation is not responsible. We as young people are given the awareness that will always remind each other dangers free association, and the association is negative. Do not fall victim to our own but we do not feel that we become victims.
It is time again we are not easily tricked and tempted, not the more time we have no foundation. We must realize that once this life should be used carefully. Until we do not dissipate the youth who later regretted this in the elderly.
We must have principles in life, we must be independent and able to bring ourselves so that we not become victims of time, not that we become victims of the environment. but let us become a generation that is able to bring changes for the community.
As a youth, a lot of potential that we can develop. Many of the potential that we can optimize. Not for who but for our own. For the good of us the future.
Friends that I care about.
Let us as the young generation to rise up out of bed and show the world that we are capable. We have something of value that should be. We make sure that we not waste a generation bisanya only be the burden of parents and the burden of the environment.
From this moment let us set our future fate. Let us take advantage of this with the youth as well as possible so that our future bright.
So I can submit. We apologize if there is one word.
Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
Eyi tunggu email dr KK. Terima kasih.
Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
First of all I WOULD express my deepets grateful to God fall upon His mercy given to us, so on this occasion the good we can gather at this.
Friends that I love.
We know that youth is a very unstable period. Easily influenced by many factors both positive and negative. Usually factors negative faster absorbed by our colleagues the other. This is certainly reflect on the life of the future.
We can see in different media, both print and electronic media, as well as in daily life. Their behavior is not very commendable. This is be pitied by which we feel a generation. They got a pregnancy before marriage, have joined the geng motor, which have penetrated the school have so habitue drugs and so forth. So that our generation tercoreng by whim a few of the younger generation is not responsible. We as young people are given the awareness that will always remind each other dangers free association, and the association is negative. Do not fall victim to our own but we do not feel that we become victims.
It is time again we are not easily tricked and tempted, not the more time we have no foundation. We must realize that once this life should be used carefully. Until we do not dissipate the youth who later regretted this in the elderly.
We must have principles in life, we must be independent and able to bring ourselves so that we not become victims of time, not that we become victims of the environment. but let us become a generation that is able to bring changes for the community.
As a youth, a lot of potential that we can develop. Many of the potential that we can optimize. Not for who but for our own. For the good of us the future.
Friends that I care about.
Let us as the young generation to rise up out of bed and show the world that we are capable. We have something of value that should be. We make sure that we not waste a generation bisanya only be the burden of parents and the burden of the environment.
From this moment let us set our future fate. Let us take advantage of this with the youth as well as possible so that our future bright.
So I can submit. We apologize if there is one word.
Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
Operator 5 Juni 2009 0:0
contoh pidato bahasa inggris
Operator 5 Juni 2009 0:0