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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
tolong buatin 3 contoh adjective clause
tolong d bales ya
terima kasih
I know a man. His last name is Goose.
I know a man whose last name is Goose.
2. The people were nice. We visited their house.
The people whose house we visited were nice
3. The professor is excellent. I am taking her course.
The professor whose course I am taking is excellent
Operator 30 Juli 2009 0:0
pak/bu, mohon bantuannya...
saya memerlukan bbrp contoh (minimal 5) dari hal-hal brkt:
1. expressing complaining
2. expressing criticizing
3. expressing curiosity
4. expressing ability/disability to do something
5. giving couraging
6. giving suggestion...
tlg d bls y... as soon as possible...
makasih.. :))
sudah dijawab
Operator 30 Juli 2009 0:0
pak/bu mohon bantuannya...
saya memerlukan bbrp cth (minimal 5) dr:
1. expessing complaining
2. expressing criticizing
3. expressing curiosity
4. expressing ability/disability to do something
5. giving suggestion
6. giving couraging
expressing criticizing:
Do you think that would do any good?
* It's bitter. You should put more sugar in it.
* You look like a sack of cement on that dress.
* This is a really smart portion of chicken for Rp 12, 000.
* Your hand writing needs more shapes.
* Your writing is too argumentative.
* The service is too slow.
* Your moves need a lot of practice.
expressing curiosity:
I wonder if you could ...
* What is that/are they?
* Can I ...
* I want to know if/whether ...
* I'm so curious about ...
* Would you tell me ...
* Tell me ...
* Please let me know ...
* I need some information about ...
* Will you be information about ...
* What about ...?
* Is true that ..?
* Can I rely on ...?
* Where can i get the information from?
* Who/What/When/Where/Why/How is/are ...
* I'm curious to dead!
expessing complaining:
I want to complain about this shoes
Well, this is the most unsatisfactory.It's just not good enough
Something must be done.
I must object to your hotel
expressing curiosity:
I wonder if you could ...
* What is that/are they?
* Can I ...
* I want to know if/whether ...
* I'm so curious about ...
* Would you tell me ...
* Tell me ...
* Please let me know ...
* I need some information about ...
* Will you be information about ...
* What about ...?
* Is true that ..?
* Can I rely on ...?
* Where can i get the information from?
* Who/What/When/Where/Why/How is/are ...
* I'm curious to dead!
giving suggestion:
*Why don't you try this?
*Why not having that one?
*Shall we take her along?
*Perhaps you could go to his house
*Have you thought about it?
*I have an idea.
*Let's go to the movie, shall we?
*The best thing for you is ...
*Take that one instead of this.
*Here, this one is better.
*You should see the doctor immediately.
tolong dong kasih contoh pertanyaan dalam bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan kata tanya"whose" sekalian jawabannya z.....thanks
Whose book is this? That is hers (That is Sinta's book)
Operator 30 Juli 2009 0:0
kak, tolong buatin contoh soal tentang possibility donk,sekarang y,bingung ni...
Compare these two sentences:
We haven't heard from him for 10 years. He may/might/could have died.
He was very careless when crossing the road. He might/could have died.
The first sentence expresses uncertainty. We don't know what happened to him; maybe he died. The second sentence involves possibility; it was possible for him to die but he didn't. Note that in this meaning we cannot use may + perfect infinitive.
As we see could and might + perfect infinitive can express past certainty or past possibility depending on the context. Yet, in the sentences below, for example, only one meaning is possible (possibility).
I could have caught the bus if I had hurried.
If he hadn't been drunk, he might not have died in the accident.
Tolong berikan saya contoh tentang text procedure tapi yg bikin benda, Jangan makanan!!! kalo bisa yg ini : How to make a pencil box
Old newspapers
Craft glue that dries clear
Old pie pan
Craft brush or sponge
Paper for lining
Find a suitable box with a good lid. The box can have a hinged lid or one that is removable. If the pencil box is going to school, make sure it fits in your child's desk.
Step 2
Choose a theme to decorate the box. Find pictures, cut out shapes or make drawings to carry out the theme.
Step 3
Cover your workspace with old newspapers. If your child is young, you might want to have her put an old shirt on over her good clothes.
Step 4
Mix two parts glue to one part water in an old pie pan. Brush the glue onto the box. Dip the pictures, one at a time, into the glue mixture. Set the cutout pictures onto the box in a manner that totally covers the box. Cut any pictures to fit around corners and edges. Also, smooth out any air bubbles.
Step 5
Brush a final coat of glue over all the pictures when they are in place. Allow to air dry. The surface should be level and smooth to the touch when it's dry. If not, add another coat of glue.
Step 6
Cut paper to fit the inside of the box. Glue the paper and set into place. Let dry.
Contoh text procedure yang bikin benda
example : how to make a pencil box or etc
Old newspapers
Craft glue that dries clear
Old pie pan
Craft brush or sponge
Paper for lining
Find a suitable box with a good lid. The box can have a hinged lid or one that is removable. If the pencil box is going to school, make sure it fits in your child's desk.
Step 2
Choose a theme to decorate the box. Find pictures, cut out shapes or make drawings to carry out the theme.
Step 3
Cover your workspace with old newspapers. If your child is young, you might want to have her put an old shirt on over her good clothes.
Step 4
Mix two parts glue to one part water in an old pie pan. Brush the glue onto the box. Dip the pictures, one at a time, into the glue mixture. Set the cutout pictures onto the box in a manner that totally covers the box. Cut any pictures to fit around corners and edges. Also, smooth out any air bubbles.
Step 5
Brush a final coat of glue over all the pictures when they are in place. Allow to air dry. The surface should be level and smooth to the touch when it's dry. If not, add another coat of glue.
Step 6
Cut paper to fit the inside of the box. Glue the paper and set into place. Let dry.
Kak, atau siapa saja tolong bantu aku. berikan contoh text recount.
Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Smith Beach, which is only five kilometres from where I live. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there. After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people there. It was also quite windy.
After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach. Before we made the long trip back, we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down for a rest. While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that all the way back, we would be riding into the strong wind.
When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted! But we learned some good lessons that day.
Bu/pAk tlong beri perbedaan antara text report dan descriptive...please
Coba perhatikan contoh teks berikut:
Text 1
Genre : Report
Social Function : To describe the way things are (for example a man-made thing, animals, plants).
Text organization :
1. General Classification (Introduce the topic of the report such as: the class or the subclass)
2. Identification (tell the shape/form, parts, behaviour, habitat, way of survival)
Well, must be clear enough ya. Kalau masih belum jelas, boleh nanya ko. Reply aja.
tolong jelaskan tentang recount teks . makasi .. :)
you can klik www.understandingtext of type
Operator 29 Juli 2009 0:0