Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
bu ada soal gini
-my family is eating at our favourite cafe tonight itu
trs yg ke 2, we had eaten at the cafe many times before
as usual, everyone ate a large meal
the chef was cooking an enormous number of meals
she had coked for over one hundred people
my mother cooked for the family nearly every night
bisa tolong kelompokan mana yang single word verb, a compound verb, a main verb , or auxiliary verb ?
single word verb adalah kata kerja yang terdiridari satu kata saja ex: ate, eating dll
compound verb yang terdiri dari beberapa kata, ex: is eating,dll
main verb adalaah kata kerja utama ,ex: was cooking ( main verbnya cooking)
auialary : was dll
Tolong cariin contoh short functional text engenai brochure and label ya! moaci..
Silakan buka di file terlampir. lampiran
Operator 26 Oktober 2009 0:0
ass...pak/ibu saya mo bertanya tentang kata - kata yang tdk ssuai dgn kalimatnya..kalimatnya seperti ini
Prof.Ober is reading.He has a new book.He is reading about sea life.He ordered this book a long time ago.He waited and waited. Finally, the book came.He opened the package eagerly. Now the professor is reading about one of his favorite subjects.He reads every day.
Prof.Ober is reading a book.He has a new book.He is reading about sea life now .He ordered the book long time ago.He waited and waited for it . Finally, the book came.then He opened the package eagerly. Now the professor is reading about one of his favorite subjects.He reads it every day.
Dengan Hormat.
saya mau belajar bahasa inggri.sejujurnya saat ini saya belum sedikitpun berbahasa inggris.jd.saya mohon bantu.
yang ingin saya tanyakan kepada operator adalah darimana saya harus mulai belajar bahasa inggri sehingga kedepan makin lama cepat bisa..
belajar adalah proses yang panjang. mulailah dari hobi anda musik, nonton atau nyanyi. usahakan hobi anda yang ada hubunganya dengan bahasa inggris, pelan pelan anda akan bisa. selamat mencoba.
Operator 24 Oktober 2009 0:0
tlg kirimi aq contoh causative, condition sentence, unreal past.........
cpt ya kak.....!!!!!!!!
The following is a mini-tutorial on the use of the causative verbs "let," "make," "have," and "get." After you have studied the tutorial, complete the associated exercises. If you already know how to use these verbs, you can skip the explanation and go directly to the exercises.
[let + person + verb]
This construction means "to allow someone to do something."
[make + person + verb]
This construction means "to force someone to do something."
[have + person + verb]
This construction means "to give someone the responsibility to do something."
[get + person + to + verb]
This construction usually means "to convince to do something" or "to trick someone into doing something."
Sometimes "get someone to do something" is interchangeable with "have someone do something," but these expressions do not mean exactly the same thing.
pak, tolong buatkan sebuah paragraf bebas dengan menggunakan present. cepat y pak...
saya yakin anda bisa buat sendirri dengan baik
lihat contohnya di
sselamat mencoba
tolong buatin explanation text tentang "how a prostitution can happen in our society"
djwb secepatnya ya
Operator 24 Oktober 2009 0:0
mba/mas, yang di maksud dgn shopping list itu apa yha???
tolong dikasih contohnya dua saja & masing-masing shopping list di beri pertanyaan+jawaban minimal tiga, agar saya bisa mengerti...
Shopping list adalah daftar yang berisi barang-barang yang akan dibeli ketika akan berangkat berbelanja yang berfungsi untuk mengingatkan.
Text 1
· Fancy lamps 5
· Blue caps 40
· Colourful balloons 25
· Fresh vegetables 2 baskets
· Curry noodles 5 kg
· Sweet cakes 40 pieces
· Long ribbons 50 meters
· Soft drinks 40 bottles
· Candle 1
1. What kind of text is that? That is a/an ….
a. advertisement c. information
b. timetable d. shopping list
2. From the text, we see that there will be a ….
a. school party c. farewell party
b. dance party d. birthday party
3. “Long ribbons”. What is the opposite of the underlined word?
a. wide
b. short
c. big
d. tiny
Text 2
4. When do you usually buy those items in the shopping list?
a. New academic year
b. Birthday party
c. Camping
d. School anniversary
5. How many items are on the list?
a. three
b. four
c. five
d. six
tolong jelasin tentang struktur kalimat narative text dump, cz bntar lg ulangan nih , masi belum jelas jg .. Cepetan yaa .Makasih
silakan klik
selamat belajar
Tolong di perbaiki kata2 ini jd present /past verbs -breakfast is an important meal.i\'m always eating breakfast. -during i was working in my office yesterday,my cousin stops by to visit me. -portugal lays to the west of spain -zuki staied home because she catched a bad cold. -my brother is looking like our father,but i am resembling my mother -as a verb \'sink\' is meaning \'move downward\' what it means as a n0un? -sang joon are you listen to me? Iam talk to you! -i rewinded the rented video before i return it to the store yesterday -john is want a snack. He\'s being hungry - anna r0se her eyebrows in surprise - yesterday i was w0rking at my c0mputer when ria was c0ming to the do0r of my office. I wasn\'t kn0wing she was there. I was c0ncentrate hard 0n my work.when she suddenly speak,iam jump. She startle me - while i was surfing the net yesterday, i was finding a really interesting web site.
ciri-ciri present tense ada kata : every...., always,
kalau past ada kata ; yesterday, ...ago, last ...
silakan dikerjakan dulu nanti saya cek ulang
selamat belajar