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1 Januari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Kk, tolong buatkan pidato tentang kebersihan sekolah atau pentingnya membaca... Ak binun bgt ni mau buat ky mana.., oya, kk ak masih binun ni dgn situs ini.. Ntah pertanyaan ku uda d jawb ato ga ak ga tau.. Mo liat pertanyaan q sebelumnya gmna y kk? Kalo boleh kirim k email q kk... Thx...

Kk, tolong buatkan pidato tentang kebersihan sekolah atau pentingnya membaca... Ak binun bgt ni mau buat ky mana.., oya, kk ak masih binun ni dgn situs ini.. Ntah pertanyaan ku uda d jawb ato ga ak ga tau.. Mo liat pertanyaan q sebelumnya gmna y kk? Kalo boleh kirim k email q kk... Thx...  Dalam membuat teks pidato ada beberapa langkah yang bias dipersiapkan yaitu:

  1. Memilih topik
  2. Tentukan tujuan dari pidato tersebut
  3. Mulai menulis teks dengan memperhatikan struktur pidato: pembukaan, isi, dan penutup.

Berikut ini saya berikan contoh pidato dengan Topik: Earth Day; Save Our Earth; Global Warming; Environment in Indonesia. Judul: Save Our Earth; Save Our Forest

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.First of all, let us praise to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are able to attend this English speech contest. Secondly, may peace be upon the prophet Muhammad Saw who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness.I also would like to say many thanks to the juries and MC who have given me opportunity to deliver an English speech in front of you all.Ladies and Gentlemen,The title of my speech is “Save Our Earth; Save Our Forest”.As we know,people from all over the world always commemorate Earth Day every 22nd April. The idea of earth day is based on the awareness to save this world from the environmental destruction. It aims at making global movements to participate actively in saving our earth – the only planet in which we live.Our country, Indonesia, which is known as the emerald of equator, has an important role to keep the balance of world ecological system. 63 percent (or 1,134,000 km2) of our land territory is still as a forest. Meanwhile, the water area is more than 317,000,000 km2. 17 percent of world plant and animal species live in Indonesia. It indicates that the ecosystem and environmental condition in Indonesia will affect the world. In other words, the environmental damage in Indonesia will influence the sustainability of world environment.Ladies and Gentlemen,One of the causes of environmental damage is deforestation, or known as the destruction of forest. The deforestation has caused many disasters in this world, including Indonesia. Floods, earthquakes and landslides are examples of killing disasters which make us realize that the existence of forest is very important.In Addition, another effect of deforestation is related with the global warming or the increase of global surface temperature which is mainly caused by the greenhouse effects. We all know, one of the most crucial issues in celebrating Earth Day is the global warming. It warns us that our earth is in danger and we should participate actively to take care of our environment.Ladies and Gentlemen,The question is, what is the relationship between Earth Day, global warming, deforestation, and Indonesia?Indonesia lies in the equator, between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Because of its location, Indonesia is rich of rainforests. Scientists state that the function of rainforests is as the lungs of the world. They absorb greenhouse gas emissions, turn carbon dioxide (CO2) into oxygen (O2). It means that if deforestation keeps going on, the greenhouse effects can not be reduced and finally the global warming will keep increasing.Ladies and Gentlemen,We live in the same world; in this earth. The importance of saving our environment, especially our rainforests, is the need for all of us, for human being to survive. It is not only for us, but also for our next generation… 
ENDANG TRININGSIH 8 Januari 2010 0:0

1 Januari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Pak/Bu, pertanyaan2 saya belum semuanya terjawab, termasuk pertanyaan saya ini. Terima kasih sebelumnya.


Enjoy a selection of Jimbaran Style fresh sea food barbecues plus a traditional Balinese dance performance every Friday and Saturday evening from 7 – 10 p.m. at our poolside. You won’t believe that you’re not in Bali.

1. The restaurant opens ……….

a.   every Friday and Saturday

b.   from 7 – 10 pm

c.   every Friday

d.   every Saturday

Jawaban benarnya menurut Bpk/Ibu adalah yg A. Yg buat saya bingung kenapa yg B salah ya, Pak/Bu? Kan di teks nya juga ada.

2.   Which statement is true according to the text?      a.   The restaurant locates in Bali.      b.   The restaurant opens the whole day.      c.   The Balinese dance is performed twice a week.      d.   The customers can enjoy the food and Balinese dance.Jawaban yg benar: C atau D ya, Pak/Bu? Saya bingung antara keduanya. Mohon penjelasannya. 



Enjoy a selection of Jimbaran Style fresh sea food barbecues plus a traditional Balinese dance performance every Friday and Saturday evening from 7 – 10 p.m. at our poolside. You won’t believe that you’re not in Bali.

1. The restaurant opens ……….

a.   every Friday and Saturday

b.   from 7 – 10 pm

c.   every Friday

d.   every Saturday

Jawaban benarnya menurut Bpk/Ibu adalah yg A. Yg buat saya bingung kenapa yg B salah ya, Pak/Bu? Kan di teks nya juga ada.

Terimakasih atas pertanyaan anda. Untuk jawaban B, silahkan dibaca ulang dengan kalimat pertanyaannya. The restaurant opens from 7-10 pm. Artinya restoran itu selalu buka pada jam 7-10 malam setiap hari. Padahal mestinya hanya hari Jumat dan Sabtu.


2.   Which statement is true according to the text?      a.   The restaurant locates in Bali.      b.   The restaurant opens the whole day.      c.   The Balinese dance is performed twice a week.      d.   The customers can enjoy the food and Balinese dance.Jawaban yg benar: C atau D ya, Pak/Bu? Saya bingung antara keduanya. Mohon penjelasannya. 

 Jawaban yang benar adalah C karena Balinese dance memang dipertunjukkan hanya 2 kali seminggu. Sedangkan jawaban D keliru karena tidak setiap hari pengunjung bias menikmati dua-duanya.


Operator 6 Januari 2010 0:0

31 Desember 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Kk,, bantuin aku buat pidato bhs.inggris, tp tema nya tentang kebersihan sekolah,, dan bahasanya untuk kelas 3 smp ya kk.... thx...

Terimakasih. Silahkan adik buat dulu pidato tersebut. Kirimkan kembali, bila ada kesulitan kami akan membantu menyempurnakannya. Dengan demikian adik juga akan belajar menulis sebuah pidato.

Selamat mencoba.

SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 6 Januari 2010 0:0

27 Desember 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9


 Pak/Bu, terima kasih atas jawaban2nya. Masih ada yang ingin saya tanyakan:

Enjoy a selection of Jimbaran Style fresh sea food barbecues plus a traditional Balinese dance performance every Friday and Saturday evening from 7 – 10 p.m. at our poolside. You won’t believe that you’re not in Bali.

The restaurant opens ……….

a.   every Friday and Saturday

b.   from 7 – 10 pm

c.   every Friday

d.   every Saturday

Jawaban yg betul dari Bpk / Ibu adalah yg A. Yg saya bingung kenapa pilihan yg B salah ya, Pak/Bu padahal ada di teks bacaan nya jg. Terima kasih.

Dan ini pertanyaan terbaru saya dng teks yg sama:

2.   Which statement is true according to the text?      a.   The restaurant locates in Bali.      b.   The restaurant opens the whole day.      c.   The Balinese dance is performed twice a week.

      d.   The customers can enjoy the food and Balinese dance.

 Jawaban yg benar: C atau D ya, Pak/Bu? Saya bingung antara keduanya. Mohon penjelasannya.



Enjoy a selection of Jimbaran Style fresh sea food barbecues plus a traditional Balinese dance performance every Friday and Saturday evening from 7 – 10 p.m. at our poolside. You won’t believe that you’re not in Bali.

1. The restaurant opens ……….

a.   every Friday and Saturday

b.   from 7 – 10 pm

c.   every Friday

d.   every Saturday

Jawaban benarnya menurut Bpk/Ibu adalah yg A. Yg buat saya bingung kenapa yg B salah ya, Pak/Bu? Kan di teks nya juga ada.

Terimakasih atas pertanyaan anda. Untuk jawaban B, silahkan dibaca ulang dengan kalimat pertanyaannya. The restaurant opens from 7-10 pm. Artinya restoran itu selalu buka pada jam 7-10 malam setiap hari. Padahal mestinya hanya hari Jumat dan Sabtu.


2.   Which statement is true according to the text?      a.   The restaurant locates in Bali.      b.   The restaurant opens the whole day.      c.   The Balinese dance is performed twice a week.      d.   The customers can enjoy the food and Balinese dance.Jawaban yg benar: C atau D ya, Pak/Bu? Saya bingung antara keduanya. Mohon penjelasannya. 

 Jawaban yang benar adalah C karena Balinese dance memang dipertunjukkan hanya 2 kali seminggu. Sedangkan jawaban D keliru karena tidak setiap hari pengunjung bias menikmati dua-duanya.


SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 6 Januari 2010 0:0

27 Desember 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12


 Pak/Bu, kalo teks ini yg ditanyakan itu adalah the leading characters siapa saja ya? Terima kasih sebelumnya.


            A dark, edgy, origin-based BATMAN flick that kicks the asses of the last two Bat-tries, kick starts the disenfranchised franchise and finally provide us with an actor who has completely believable as both Bruce Wayne and Batman himself, Christian Bale. BATMAN BEGINS is great movie in many ways, but did not completely blow me away, as it seems to have others, with a small number of nagging bits, nudging me along the way. First, allow me to get the good stuff out of the way. Based in reality, unlike it predecessors, this film really gives you that sense of a world that might actually be possible, with characters, gadget and situation.

            The actors in the film were also great across the board, particular. Bale, who I have fallen in love with since AMERICAN PSYCO and who here, continued to embody characters entirely with a rendition of Bruce Wayne that married his anger, humor and action man. Tom Wilkinson was also tops as falcon, as was Michael Caine as Alfred the butler, adding that required sense of Wayne history and honor to the proceeding. Bad-guy wise, you have to give the thumb up to Cillian Murphy, super creepy as Dr. Crane and the scarecrow with a steely look that would put the fear in anyone.

            That said, I had a bunch of little problems with the film, the biggest of which would probably have to be its fight sequences – the hand-to-hand combat stuff – which much like many of the recent Hollywood flicks, were simply edited too fast, cut too quickly and left way too much to the imagination. For fuck’s sakes. Why don’t director leave the camera back away anymore, so that the audience can actually SEE the people fighting? Quick – cut – fighting sucks! Other small bits that bugged me included Batman’s voice when he was Batman, versus his voice as Bruce Wayne.

            Last paragraph aside, I really did enjoy the movie overall, with its awesome look, its brilliant story, providing as with a great sense of why this dude decide to don Bat-Shite all over himself, and the charismatic performance by Bale, and creepiness from Wilkinson and Murphy, providing the film with just that right amount of evil. Gotham City was also wickedly designed; the film subway conclusion was a breathtaking ride a la SPIDERMAN 2’s subway shtick. The film works overall, capture the true essence of Batman and provides us all a great hope for the future, particularly in the film’s final scan, which literally announces the villain for the next go-around.

leading character adalah tokoh yang utama dalam cerita tersebut. tetapi pertanyaan ini biasanya untuk text narrative bukan seperti ini. Walau begitu jawabanya adalah  BATMAN
Operator 6 Januari 2010 0:0

1 Januari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Pak/Bu, terima kasih atas jawaban2nya. Tetapi ada beberapa pertanyaan saya yg belum terjawab.

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.

            The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, “Did you not hear us?” The frog explained to them that he was dead. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.

Yg ingin saya tanyakan adalah:

Apa arti dari idiom ‘as good as dead’?


I think it means just die, do not try to do anything that makes the pain.
Operator 5 Januari 2010 0:0

1 Januari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Bpk/Ibu, terima kasih atas jawaban2nya. Tetapi ada 1 pertanyaan lagi yg belum terjawab.


            If like a war film, “We were Soldiers” is the film to see. It is started by Mel Gibson and directed by Randall Wallace.

            Mel Gibson plays the leading role as Lieutenant Colonel Hal Moore. This film is about American heroism in Vietnam War. Lt. Col. Hal Moore leads a battalion of US army in Vietnam.

            Most his troops are young men that are innocent to war. His mission is to seize a strategic valley, named la Drang or the valley of death, from Vietnamese soldiers.

            To motivate his young troops, Lt. Col. Hal Moore said, “I swear… when we go into the battle, I will be the first to step on the field and I will be the last to step off. I will leave no behind… dead or alive. We will come home together. “With braveness, all the troops go to the battle. The 400 US army fight with 2,000 Vietnamese soldiers.

            Even though Lt. Col. Hal Moore fails to take control of the valley, he can show his loyalty to his country and to each other. This multi-million production has some breathtaking scenes. It is a film full of suspense. The special effects and stunts are spectacular and create an atmosphere of tension. Don’t miss seeing it.

Yg ingin saya tanyakan adalah:

"To motivate his young troops, Lt. Col. Hal Moore said……….”

      This part of the text belongs to the ……… of the story.

      a.   Interpretation

      b.   Complication

      c.   Summary

      d.   Evaluation

      e.   Orientation

      Jawaban yg benar itu C / E ya, Pak/Bu?           

Terima kasih

The answer is A. It is the interpretative recount of the film.
Operator 5 Januari 2010 0:0

1 Januari 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12


 Pak/Bu, terima kasih atas jawaban2nya. Tetapi msh ada beberapa yg buat saya bingung.


A film review by Chris Cabin – Copyright 2008

            The new Iraq war film Battle for Haditha was directed by the seasoned British documentarian Nick Broomfield and is, by a large margin, the most sustained and unshakable narrative film to investigate. It was November 2005 when a convoy of American soldiers were attacked while patrolling a main strip of road in a suburban, section of Haditha, a city in the western Iraq province of Al Anbar. The resulting death of Lance Corporal Miguel Terrazas is said to be the investigating factor in the massacre that directly followed the attack.

            An investigation by Time magazine’s Tim McGuirk, which included a video of the houses where many of the victims were shot, prompted an eventual investigation by the U.S. military. These investigations led to the revelation that all 23 of the victims were massacred by the enraged Marines in a vengeful tirade following their comrade’s death. The end result: Eight of the Marines involved were charged while most of the higher-ups who OKed the shootings were given free passes. As of early 2008, only three of the Marines were actually being fully prosecuted for the crime.

            Although there are some weaknesses such as the mostly non-professional cast is made up primarily of soldiers, Haditha finds them as an essential and very real part of the current war’s pastiche.

Pertanyaan2nya adalah:

What is the bad side of the film? ……… not professional.

      a.   The cast of the soldiers is made up.

      b.   The make up man is.

      c.   The actors are

      d.   The actress are

      e.   The director is

      Pertama kali jawaban benar yg diberikan adalah yg C, kemudian ada jg Bpk/Ibu guru lain yg memberikan jawaban yg benarnya adalah yg A. Jadi yg benar yg mana ya, Pak/Bu? Mohon penjelasannya. Terima kasih.

When evidence implicates Tom Ludlow (Reeves), a veteran LAPD cop, in the execution of his former partner, he sets out to find the real murderers responsible and bring them to justice. With the help of a young Robbery Homicide Detective, Paul Diskant (Evans), both are forced to go up against the cop culture they’ve been a part of their entire careers.

      David Ayer gave comment “I know LA, I know law enforcement, I know cops, I know gangs, and that gives me the confidence I need to really explore performance within that arena. Having said that, I’m absolutely up for some Science Fiction now.”

Bpk/Ibu meminta saya untuk mengirimkan teks lengkapnya, tapi teks yg saya dapatkan cuman seperti tsb diatas. Jadi untuk pertanyaan saya ini, mana jawaban yg benarnya ya, Pak/Bu? Apakah masih tetap yg A? Terima kasih.

The paragraph (When evidence implicates……… of their entire   careers.) is called ………

      a.   Orientation

      b.   Evaluation

      c.   Summary

      d.   Interpretative Recount

      e.   Evaluative Summation

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.

            The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, “Did you not hear us?” The frog explained to them that he was dead. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.

Which is the best lesson suited to the story?

      a.   There is power of life and death in the tongue.

      b.   Be careful of what you say.

      c.   Don’t judge the book from its cover.

      d.   Early bird catches the worm.

      e.   A great talker is a great liar.

     Bpk/Ibu sudah memberikan jawaban yg benar adalah yg A. Yg ingin saya tanyakan adalah: "Apakah maksud dari ada kekuatan kehidupan dan kematian di lidah itu ya, Pak/Bu? Mohon jelaskan hubungannya dng teks bacaan tsb diatas." Terima kasih

I think the answer is A, based on paragraph 3 (such as the mostly non-professional cast is made up primarily of soldiers)


For the second text I think it's not orientation but interpretative recount, the text is review. Unfortunately the text is not complete.


For the third text, I agree with the answer, A. There is a power of life and death in the tongue. The reason is the two frogs are trying to save their life. That's why they ignored the comment though they know they get closer the death looking how difficult to get out of the pit.

Operator 5 Januari 2010 0:0

23 Desember 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Pak/Bu, terima kasih atas jawaban2nya.

BIG SALE: March 2nd, 3rd, 4th!


Elite Suites, Shirts, Ties, Jackets, Jeans, Shoes, Eyewear, Bags &         Ladies Handbags, Perfumes, Accessories, etc.

Only US $20 – US $200 / pcLast Season Collection

(Usual Price US $300 – US $1,200)

100% Made in Italy

                                                            Jakarta Post, March 3rd, 2007


Jl. Barito II/15A, KBY BARU, JAK SEL

Open 10 AM – 8 PM

Telp. 72796101

We Accept Credit Cards

      Yg ingin saya tanyakan adalah:      Which of the following sentences is true according to the text?      a.   The offer takes effect only during March 2007      b.   All items offered are from the whole world      c.   The store are open 24 hours      d.   The customers can pay either in cash or by credit card.

      Jawaban yg benar adalah yg D, tapi ada jg Bpk/Ibu guru lainnya yg menjawabnya A. Saya jadi bingung sebenarnya yg benar yg A / yg D ya, Pak/Bu? Terima kasih.

Authentic Sporty Style Assurance of Extra Comfort

      The purpose of (1) ……… is the starting point of fashion. You will understand its real worth when it is (2) ……… It’s the quality of the material and workmanship which gives this product its (3) ……… of individual taste. Enjoy your sporty style in life.

      Untuk isian no. 3, Bpk/Ibu menjawab yg benarnya adalah yg B. Maaf Pak/Bu, bukankah di kalimat selanjutnya ada kata individual? Apakah arti personal itu berbeda dng arti 'individual'? Terima kasih.

      3.   a.   manner

            b.   personal    

            c.   authentic

            d.   perfection


BIG SALE: March 2nd, 3rd, 4th!
Elite Suites, Shirts, Ties, Jackets, Jeans, Shoes, Eyewear, Bags & Ladies Handbags, Perfumes, Accessories, etc.
Only US $20 - US $200 / pcLast Season Collection
(Usual Price US $300 - US $1,200)
100% Made in Italy
Jakarta Post, March 3rd, 2007
Jl. Barito II/15A, KBY BARU, JAK SEL
Open 10 AM - 8 PM
Telp. 72796101
We Accept Credit Cards
Yg ingin saya tanyakan adalah: Which of the following sentences is true according to the text? a. The offer takes effect only during March 2007 b. All items offered are from the whole world c. The store are open 24 hours d. The customers can pay either in cash or by credit card.
Jawaban yg benar adalah yg D, tapi ada jg Bpk/Ibu guru lainnya yg menjawabnya A. Saya jadi bingung sebenarnya yg benar yg A / yg D ya, Pak/Bu? Terima kasih.

Jawaban yang benar adalah D karena kata kuncinya jelas ada di kalimat We Accept Credit Cards. Sedangkan kalimat pada jawaban A kurang tepat karena kata ‘during March' berarti Big Sale- nya berlaku di semua hari pada bulan Maret. Sementara di teks tersebut tertulis tanggal tertentu yaitu : BIG SALE: March 2nd, 3rd, 4th

Authentic Sporty Style Assurance of Extra Comfort
The purpose of (1) ......... is the starting point of fashion. You will understand its real worth when it is (2) ......... It's the quality of the material and workmanship which gives this product its (3) ......... of individual taste. Enjoy your sporty style in life.

Jawab: Mohon maaf RALAT jawaban yang betul yang kami maksudkan dulu adalah D yaitu ‘perfection' terimakasih.

Operator 4 Januari 2010 0:0

27 Desember 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Pak/Bu, terima kasih atas jawabannya. Tapi saya masih bingung dengan jawaban yg ini. Mohon penjelasannya. 


What is the bad side of the film? ……… not professional.

      a.   The cast of the soldiers is made up.

      b.   The make up man is.

      c.   The actors are

      d.   The actress are

      e.   The director is

      Jawaban yg benar dari Bpk/Ibu adalah yg C. Mohon penjelasannya. Terima kasih.



A film review by Chris Cabin – Copyright 2008

            The new Iraq war film Battle for Haditha was directed by the seasoned British documentarian Nick Broomfield and is, by a large margin, the most sustained and unshakable narrative film to investigate. It was November 2005 when a convoy of American soldiers were attacked while patrolling a main strip of road in a suburban, section of Haditha, a city in the western Iraq province of Al Anbar. The resulting death of Lance Corporal Miguel Terrazas is said to be the investigating factor in the massacre that directly followed the attack.

            An investigation by Time magazine’s Tim McGuirk, which included a video of the houses where many of the victims were shot, prompted an eventual investigation by the U.S. military. These investigations led to the revelation that all 23 of the victims were massacred by the enraged Marines in a vengeful tirade following their comrade’s death. The end result: Eight of the Marines involved were charged while most of the higher-ups who OKed the shootings were given free passes. As of early 2008, only three of the Marines were actually being fully prosecuted for the crime.

            Although there are some weaknesses such as the mostly non-professional cast is made up primarily of soldiers, Haditha finds them as an essential and very real part of the current war’s pastiche.

The answer of the question is not c but a, it's based on the last paragraph. tnx for your  question.
Operator 31 Desember 2009 0:0


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