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1 Juli 2010
fitria mustikawati
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

assalamualaikum, Bapa/Ibu saya mau minta bantuan untuk menbuatkan Text  descriptive mengenai Keong, Situ Bagendit, Toba Lake, Timun Mas. terimakasih sebelumnya,ditunggu

 w salam

silakan adik buat sendiri dengan mengakses


selamat belajar

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 2 Juli 2010 0:0

23 Juni 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

saya ingin nanya kak..

sebenarnya perbedaan 'nobody' dan 'no one', 'somebody' dan 'someone', 'every body' dan 'every one' ada gak?

ada literatur menyebutkan kalau 'nobody' artinya benar2 tidak ada orang sementara 'no one' masih ada orang tapi sangat sedikit sekali.

lalu, perbedaan modal seperti 'can' dan 'could' lalu 'may' dan 'might' selain ditinjau karena bentuk lampau nya.. ada yang lain gak?


no one lebih formal dari pada no body. dalam tulisan formal lebih tepat menggunakan no one. sedang dalam percakapan atau lirik lagu lebih banyak menggunakan no body.


could bisa di gunakan dalam present tense tujuannya untuk memperhalus atau lebih sopan.

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 24 Juni 2010 0:0

23 Juni 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong dijelaskan pemakaian other, others, the other, the others, another.

terima kasih

Dalam bahasa Indonesia ‘other’ artinya ‘yang lain’.

Perhatikan contoh berikut:


  1. There are many balls on the floor. There are also some others on the table.
  2. Some balls are on the floor. Other balls are on the table.


some others’ dalam kalimat (1) menunjukkan ada beberapa bola di atas meja, tetapi tidak ditunjukkan secara spesifik (definite).

‘other balls’  dalam kalimat (2) sama artinya dengan kalimat (1), perbedaannya kata ‘balls’ disebutkan secara eksplisit.


3. My friend has two cars. One is black and ......... is red.

4. There are four girls in my apartment. Two are called Casey and Ambar, the others are Joanne and Lindsey.


the other’  dalam kalimat (3) menunjukkan bahwa ada 2 mobil, satu mobil berwarna hitam dan satu yang lain (sudah pasti) berwarna merah.

‘the others’ dalam kalimat (4) menunjukkan bahwa sisa orang yang lain berjumlah lebih dari satu.


            5. Hans:  “Hmmm this cake is very yummy. Can I have another, Mum?


‘another’ dalam kalimat menunjukkan bahwa Hans masih menginginkan lagi satu iris kue yang lain. Ibunya menyediakan beberapa potong kue dan Hans menginginkan salah satu di antaranya.


SUSANA ENDANG CAHYANI, S.Pd. M.Pd. 23 Juni 2010 0:0

18 Juni 2010
seftian dwi paratama
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

cari apa perbedaan , persamaan dari report descriftive anechod dan spoof beserat contoh nya .. ????

silakan anda pelajari di

semua ada di sana 

selamat belajar

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 19 Juni 2010 0:0

18 Juni 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

saya ditugaskan untuk membuat power point mengenai descriptive paragraph, tapi saya tidak mengerti apa saja yang berhubungan dengan paragraf deskriptif. yang saya tahu hanya pengertian dan generic structurenya saja. tolong buatkan contoh paragraf deskriptif yang sudah disertai generic structure dan apapun mengenai paragraf deskriptif. terima kasih. saya harus mengumpulkan tugas ini dua hari lagi.mohon cepat dibalas. sekali lagi terima kasih.

penjelasan text description  adalah sbb:

Social Function: To describe a particular person, place or thing.
Generic Structure:
1. Identification (identify phenomenon to be described)
2. Description (describe parts, qualities, characteristics)
Language features:
 Focus on specific participants
 Use of attributive and identifying processes
 Frequent use classifiers in nominal groups.
 Use of the Simple Present Tense

munkin yang dimaksud guru anda adalah yang bagian ke 2.

ini saya kasih contohnya: 



Sawahlunto is about 94 km from Padang, 38 km from Batu Sangkar or 137 km from Bukit Tinggi. If you want to go to Sawahlunto, you can start from any of these three places and take a bus, a taxi or join a trip arranged by a travel agency. If you start from Padang, you can get to Sawahlunto in two hours.

If you take a bus from Padang, you will have to pay Rp8.0000. A taxi will cost you Rp. 200.000. If you join a trip, you will have to pay the travel agency Rp 20.000.

At present, The Tourism, Art, and Culture office of Sawahlunto municipality prepares a tourist package called “One day City Tour of sawahlunto”. If you take this package, you will be taken around the town on a tourist train, locally known as dressing, or a tourist bus.

A tourist train is available every day at Sawahlunto station. It starts at 10.00 a.m. and will take you to Muara Kalaban station, which is about 5 km away. This tourist train can accommodate a maximum of 12 passengers and the return fare is Rp. 75.000.

On the way, you can see the tower of the old electric power plant and will be plunged into darkness as you enter the 900-meter-long tunnel.

If you wish to travel by bus, you can charter a tourist bus. It is big enough for 25 people and the charter fee is Rp.250.000 The bus will take you around the old town, visit the living museum, the former open mining pit, and the location of Ombilin Mines Training College (OMTC) and the grave of Prof M.Yamin in Talawi.

When you visit OMTC, you will get information about mining activities through a simulation system of underground mining. You can also visit the geological museum and a coal mining laboratory.

At the end of your tour, you can buy local handicrafts as souvenirs.


Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 19 Juni 2010 0:0

17 Juni 2010
dede aji
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

mencari perbedaan persamaan dan contoh report descriptive anech dot dan spoof..????




tolong bantuin yaa..

terima kasih...

silakan anda klik


selamat belajar

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 18 Juni 2010 0:0

17 Juni 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

tolong dong pak/bu

ajarin aku, cara menggunakan somebody, anybody, everybody, dan nobody.

ajarin dong selengkap lengkap nya mulai dari apengertian nya, di gunakan kapan, dlm bentuk apa, persamaan nya apa, materi atau judul pelejaran nya ttg apa, dll.


sya ada contoh kalimat dari kata kata tersebut: 

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.


Some, any + -body / -one, + -thing, + -where

The compounds of some and any behave in the same way as some and any, that is to say, some-, in affirmative sentences and, any-, in negatives and questions, although we use some- in the interrogative to offer something, to ask for something or when we expect a positive response, as we saw in the previous unit. Examples:

contoh dalam kalimat:

I saw somebody there.

I did not see anybody there.

Did you see anybody there?

Would you like something better?

Instead of I did not see anybody there, we can say I saw nobody there, but we cannot use two negative words: *I did not see nobody there.

Anybody, nobody and somebody mean the same as anyone, no-one and nobody respectively. No-one can also be written no one.

Any can also mean "every" or "it does not matter which / who":

You can take any pencil.

Anybody can do it. It's very easy.

Let's see the following examples to end with:

Somebody told me you were abroad.

Nobody came to the meeting.

Was there anybody in the house?

I want something to eat.

I don't need anything.

I need nothing.

Would you like something to drink?

Is there anything in that drawer?

I want to go somewhere else.

I didn't go anywhere.

I went nowhere

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 18 Juni 2010 0:0

17 Juni 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

perbedaan persamaan dan contoh contoh teks repot

 Report is classifying and describing general classes of phenomena. While Factual Description is describing a particular living, non-living or natural phenomenon.
 has more complex explanation. Descriptive reports give information about something; they describe what something is or does. They characteristically use technical terms and present tense, and they build technicality through noun groups. The structure of a descriptive report is General statement followed by Description.

 We can make it sure as Descriptive text. But if the thing which is described in the text just the representative of the whole group of the thing mentioned, we can judge it as Report Text.
So what is the easy way to differ report form descriptive text? Well there is not easiest way to see the difference between report and descriptive text since a text is possibly built from several types of text. Frequently, a text is combined from several genres. However taking a look at the participant of the text is very helpful to define whether the text belongs to report or descriptive. The particularity of the participant is a key to see the difference between report and descriptive


please visit

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 18 Juni 2010 0:0

16 Juni 2010
dedhe ashary mony
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

cari persamaan , perbedaan , dan contoh dari report descriftive

 Report is classifying and describing general classes of phenomena. While Factual Description is describing a particular living, non-living or natural phenomenon.
 has more complex explanation. Descriptive reports give information about something; they describe what something is or does. They characteristically use technical terms and present tense, and they build technicality through noun groups. The structure of a descriptive report is General statement followed by Description clearly states that If the thing which is mentioned in the text is clear about its name. We can make it sure as Descriptive text. But if the thing which is described in the text just the representative of the whole group of the thing mentioned, we can judge it as Report Text.
So what is the easy way to differ report form descriptive text? Well there is not easiest way to see the difference between report and descriptive text since a text is possibly built from several types of text. Frequently, a text is combined from several genres. However taking a look at the participant of the text is very helpful to define whether the text belongs to report or descriptive. The particularity of the participant is a key to see the difference between report and descriptive.
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 17 Juni 2010 0:0

16 Juni 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

toloooooong buatkan saya soal relative pronoun beserta jawabannya. memang di arsip pertanyaan sudah ada yg menayakan tentang soal relative pronoun tetapi mengapa di soalnya tidak terdapat whom, which dsb.. oleh karena itu tolooooong buatkan soal relative pronoun 

sebelumnya terimakasih :)

silakan anda klik

selamat belajar

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 17 Juni 2010 0:0


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