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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
saya sudah membuat pidato dengan tema "what can i do for my school?"
tapi saya masih belum yakin benar, tolong diperiksa lagi ya?
karena saya masih belum pas dengan penutupannya...
thanks before....
Good morning Ladies and gentlemen. Dear brothers and
Thank you for the chance given to me. I am very honoured to stand here to
deliver my speech.. Firstable I want to introduce my self, my name is vina ,
I’m 17 years old.
Before I start my speech I want to thanks to God, because,
I’m nothing without Him.
And I thanks to my parents , my teachers and I don’t forget
too, my friends, because my life is empty without them.
Okay in this very nice occasion I want to talk about “ what
can I do for my school?”
Let me begin by a simple statement from me, do you want to
hear me??
Yes I think, because you’ve bored here, listening a lot of
I will start it with the another way. Now I want to ask you.
Everyone at this school. Do you ever get a punishment?? I’m sure everyone of
you ever get punishment, Include our teacher I don’t know maybe from our
teachers or from our head master. When you get a punishment You didn’t like it,
you’re spoiled and get angry. Then you can say “oh… I hate this school” or
you can
singing. Like “Cause you had a bad day You're taking one down” yes you ever do
it. But that just a little thing , that cannot erased your memory. Come on
close your eyes and hear my voice. Just get flashback, remember at the first
time you arrived here and remember your everything that can make you happy at
this school, when you’re laugh together with your friend, you feel funny and
you can’t stop smiling, you’re so happy. You get a good mark and you say
“horray”. Remember when you’re get down and you crying together because of
love, because of your family, your friends here, accompany you, your teachers
here understand you. Now open your eyes, and reliazed how can you get this
precious moment? Its from our great high school. As we grow up everything can
be chance,my hair, my voice, my life. But memory will not be fade from my
brain, it’s there and alaways be there. We will remember many things that make us
laugh and cry when we was high school students.
Now one thing that crossed my mind. What can I do for my
I have simple experience that expressed a little thing that
I wan to do for my school. A few a days ago, this school held an even, we must
clean up our class and decorated it. My friends work hard , sleep late , make
some decoration and buy some ribbons to win this competititon. But when I go
walk around to see the another class, I feel so sad because theres a lot of
class doing almost nothing to their
class. I think this competition can show how our contribution for our school,
but why they not give the best?
That’s the point,
what can I, what can we do for this school is giving the best and make them
proud. Not just at this event but everyday in this school. So I can make a
comfort place for study. Maybe now I
just can spread my spirits, my smile and just can decorate my own class. But
who knows, when I’m absolutely grown and be a successful woman, I can renovated
this school. Make this school to be a great high school.
I think that's all I have to say now. Thank you for your
Good morning Ladies and gentlemen. Dear brothers and sisters.
Thank you for the chance given to me. I am very honoured to stand here to deliver my speech.
First of all, I would like to introduce my self, my name is vina, I’m 17 years old.
Before I start my speech, I want to thank to God for His blessing so that we can gather here in this nice occasion.
And I’d like to thank to my parents, my teachers and my lovely friends, because my life is empty without them.
Well, in this very nice occasion, I want to talk about “ What
can I do for my school?”
Let me begin with a simple statement from me, do you want to
listen to me??
I think, your answer is ‘NO’ because you are getting bored here, listening a lot of speeches.
I will start with the another way. Now, I want to ask you, everyone in this school. Have you ever got a punishment??
I’m sure some of you have including our teacher. I don’t know maybe from our teachers or from our head master.
When you get a punishment, I’m sure you don’t like it, you’re spoiled and get angry.
Then you can say “oh… I hate this school” or you can sing like “Cause you had a bad day You're taking one down” yes you ever do it.
But that just a little thing that can not be erased from your memory. Come on, close your eyes and hear my voice.
Just get flashback, remember at the first time you arrived here and remember your everything that can make you happy at
this school, when you laughed together with your friends, you feel funny and you couldn’t stop smiling, you’re so happy.
You got a good mark and you say “horray”. Remember when you were down and you cried together because of love,
because of your family, your friends here accompanied you, your teachers here understand you. Now open your eyes,
and relize how can you get this precious moment? It’s from our great high school. As we grow up everything can change,
our hair, our voice, and even our life. However, memory will not be lost from our
mind, it’s there and alaways be there. We will remember many things that make us laugh and cry when we were high school students.
Now, one thing that comes to my mind. What can I do for my school?
I have a simple experience that will express a little thing that
I want to do for my school. A few days ago, this school held an event, everyone must clean up the class and decorated it.
My friends worked hard, slept late, made some decorations and bought some ribbons in order to win this competititon.
But when I walked around to see the other classes, I felt so sad because not all students did the same as we did.
They did almost nothing for their class.
I think this kind of competition can show our contribution for our school, but why they did not give the best?
That’s the point, what can we do for this school is just do the best what we can do and be the best what we can be.
Not only in this event but also in every single activity.
Maybe I just can spread my spirits, my smile and just can decorate my own class.
But who knows, when I’m absolutely grown up and be a successful woman, I can renovate this school. Make this school a great high school.
I believe by having a good sense of belonging, we can make our deram come true.
I think that's all I have to say now. Thank you for your fully attention.
Good bye.
The Malay marriage is a regal affair. The bride and groom are treated as king and queen for a day.
The pre-wedding meeting between the bride's and the groom's parents will determine the dowry that is to be given to the bride as well as the date of the solemnization. This may be as early as a year before the wedding itself so that arrangements could be made in advance. Often the wedding is held on one convenient weekend so as to accommodate relatives who live far away and to reduce costs. The berinai (henna application) ceremony is held prior to the wedding. The bride's palms and feet are 'decorated' with the dye from the henna leaves. Sometimes this is followed by the tukar pakaian (costume changes) and the bride and, less often, the groom will don different clothes for photography. The pelamin (raised dais) will be beautifully decorated for the purpose.
Marriage is a contract, and the akad nikah effectively forges the union. The solmnization is normally presided by a kadhi, a religious official of the Syariat (Shariat) Court. In olden days, it was customary for the bride's biological father to perform this function. The akad nikah ceremony is in effect a verbal contract between the bride's father or his representative (in this case the kadhi) and the groom. A small sum of money called the mas kahwin (in Singapore, it is S$22.50 as of 1998) seals the contract.
bagaimana contoh text hortatory exposition??
tolong dikasih contohnya, karena saya tidak mengerti..
tolong secepatnya y! karena saya benar-benar tidakmengerti..
trima kasih..
Hortatory Exposition
The function of the text is to persuade the readers or listeners that something should or shouldn’t be the case.
The generic structure is thesis, arguments, recommendation.
Here is the Example of Hortatory. Please follow the steps below:
Country Concern
In all the discussion over the removal of lead from petrol (and the atmosphere) there doesn't seem to have been any mention of the difference between driving in the city and the country.
While I realize my leaded petrol car is polluting the air wherever I drive, I feel that when you travel through the country, where you only see the another car every five to ten minutes, the problem is not as severe as when traffic is concentrated on city roads.
Those who want to penalize older, leaded petrol vehicles and their owners don't seem to appreciate that, in the country, there is no public transport to fall back upon and one's own vehicle is the only way to get about.
I feel that the country people, who often have to travel huge distances to the nearest town and who already spend a great deal of money on petrol, should be treated differently to the people who live in the city.
saya ingin membuat pidato tentang peraturan di sekolah , tetapi saya tidak tahu susunan membuat pidato bahasa inggris dan aturan - aturannya . tolong bantu .
This is just the example if you want to make a speech. You should make The outline first.
It usually consists of: Opening- Content- Closing.
It's just the example for you.
Good morning honourable ...
Good morning Ladies and gentlemen/
Dear brothers and sisters.
Thank you for the chance given to me. I am very honoured to stand here to deliver my speech.
Ladies and Gentlemen
In this occasion I'd like to tell you about Indonesian independence day.
Let me begin by telling you the struggle of our brave heroes.
(Please continue with the content of your speech. Tell the audience who they were , what they had done and what so special about it).
Here you can tell the audience how proud you are to be an Indonesian
And to end your speech, you can say your closing speech, for example: "I think that's all I have to say now. Thank you for your attention.
Okay, Now please try to make your own speech. If it's possible please send it to us. We will help
tolong terjemahkan ruang gawat darurat dalam bhs inggris terus cara pembacaan can't gimana???tolong balas secepaaatnya yah
Ruang Gawat Darurat : Emergency Room
Cara membaca can't itu tergantung Anda mau menggunakan British English atau American English. Kalau British, can't dibaca /kΛnt/ (huruf 'a' dibaca jelas seperti dalam kata 'kantor').
Sedangkan jika Anda menggunakan American English, can't dibaca /kænt/ (huruf 'a' dibaca jelas seperti dalam kata 'negara Kenya').
Tolong terjemakan kata terjadi dalam bhs inggris soalnya saya lupa dan lagian kamus milik saya tidak lengkap tolong dijawab ya pleaseeee
Dalam bahasa Inggris, arti sebuah kata tergantung konteks kalimatnya. "Terjadi" bisa diartikan
Happen/take place/occur
Happen --> untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi tiba-tiba dan tidak terencana
Contoh: The accident happened because the driver was careless.
Take place --> untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sudah direncanakan.
Contoh: The funeral will take place on Monday, March 24, 2008
Occur --> Digunakan dalam situasi resmi.
Contoh: Police reported that the accident occurred lastnight at 9.30pm.
bisa tidak teks pidato berikut diubah ke dalam bahasa inggris?
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua.
Yang terhormat Bapak Kepala Dinas Pendidikan,
Yang terhormat Bapak Kepala Sekolah SMPN 206 Jakarta beserta wakilnya,
Yang terhormat Para Pengurus Komite SMPN 206 Jakarta,
Yang terhormat Bapak dan Ibu Guru SMPN 206 Jakarta beserta karyawan-karyawati,
Yang terhormat Orang Tua Murid kelas 9,
Yang saya hormati kakak-kakak alumni serta teman-teman sekalian yang saya cintai.
Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yang telah memberikan nikmat sehat dan karunia beserta limpahan hidayah-Nya sehingga kita dapat berkumpul bersama untuk melaksanakan acara perpisahan ini.
Dihari yang berbahagia ini, saya ingin berbagi sedikit renungan kepada teman-temanku sekalian mengenai nilai baik yang dapat kita ambil selama kita belajar di sekolah ini. Nilai itu adalah “bagaimana mewujudkan suatu target”. Kita semua tentunya harus belajar karena dengan begitu kita dapat menggapai cita-cita yang kita inginkan. Tetapi pandangan tiap orang untuk belajar berlainan. Ada yang menganggap belajar sebagai hukuman tapi ada juga yang menganggap belajar sebagai hobby, sehingga tidak jarang dari guru-guru kita menganjurkan kepada kita agar belajar dengan menerapkan program seven nine dalam arti kita mulai belajar pukul 7 malam selesai pada jam 9 malam.
Belajar merupakan suatu proses pengembangan ide dan kreativitas atau dapat juga dikatakan bahwa belajar merupakan suatu proses dimana dari kita tidak tahu menjadi tahu dan dari kita tidak bisa menjadi bisa. Sarana untuk kita belajar adalah berbeda-beda, antara lain belajar dari sekolah, les, lingkungan masyarakat, bahkan juga keluarga. Tapi ada satu hal yang lebih penting dari semua itu, tanpa hal ini kita belajar bagaikan kita berjalan mencari suatu tempat tanpa peta. Hal ini merupakan keberadaan seorang guru. Guru merupakan sebuah sosok yang rela dan ikhlas membagikan ilmu yang didapatnya kepada anak didiknya agar mereka menjadi manusia yang pintar dan berpendidikan serta berguna bagi nusa dan bangsanya. Jadi seorang guru dapat kita artikan sebagai seorang ibu yang mendidik anaknya dengan baik, jikalau anak itu berhasil maka si Ibu akan senang atau jika anak itu melakukan suatu hal yang menyimpang maka bersedialah si Ibu untuk memperbaikinya. Jadi sosok seorang guru merupakan lembaran hidup yang penting bagi kita semua.
Hadirin yang saya hormati,
Sekolah kita tidaklah kalah dengan sekolah lainnnya. Banyak kakak-kakak kita yang telah lulus dari sekolah ini yang berprestasi bahkan ada yang telah membawa harum nama SMPN 206 Jakarta. Jadi secara potensi kita tidak kalah. Hanya saja ada satu kekurangan yang kadang saya rasakan. Kita kurang tekun dalam mencapai satu sasaran. Barangkali hal ini terjadi karena kita kurang mencintai belajar. Tentunya hal ini dapat dikurangi, kalau kita dapat menumbuhkan kecintaan pada belajar. Sebagaimana kata filosof : Yang penting bukanlah mengerjakan apa yang engkau cintai. Tetapi mencintai apa yang engkau kerjakan.Hadirin yang saya hormati,
Dalam kesempatan kali ini, saya mewakili siswa kelas 9 ingin menyampaikan banyak terima kasih kepada para guru sekalian yang telah mengajar dan mendidik kami untuk menjadikan kami pelajar yang terampil, terdidik dan berilmu pengetahuan selama 3 tahun lamanya. Ucapan terima kasih juga kami utarakan kepada para orang tua kami yang telah memberikan dukungan kepada kami sehingga kami dapat melanjutkan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi.
Hadirin yang saya hormati,
Sebagai penutup saya ingin menyampaikan sedikit pesan kepada teman-teman sekalian. Cintailah gurumu sebagaimana engkau mencintai orang tuamu dan cintailah orang tuamu sebagaimana engkau mencintai gurumu. Sekali lagi kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada guru-guru sekalian dan orang tua murid yang hadir di sini, serta kami mengucapkan permohonan maaf sebesar-besarnya apabila ada kesalahan kami yang kurang patut untuk dilakukan. Dan untuk teman-temanku sekalian belajarlah lebih giat lagi untuk mencapai keberhasilan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi dan mencapai apa yang ingin kita cita-citakan.
Akhir kata saya ucapkan terima kasih atas perhatiannya dan mohon maaf apabila ada kata-kata yang kurang berkenan di hati anda.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Mohon maaf, Tim KBS tidak melayani pembuatan tugas/terjemahan, silakan Anda mencoba terjemahkan dulu lalu Anda kirimkan ke kami dalam bentuk bahasa INggris. Kami akan bantu merevisi nya.
ada dua buah himpunan yaitu A dan B. Diketahui n(A)=19 dan n(B)=25, jika n(AUB)=15, berapa n(AnB) dan bagaimana bentuk diagram VEnnnya?
n(AnB)= banyak anggota irisan A dan B
Maaf ya dik, Apakah soal adik tidak salah? Dilihat dari n(AUB) = 15 lebih kecil dari n(A) dan n(B), maka soal tersebut sepertinya salah deh.
Coba diperjelas lagi ya....
tolong dicarikan conyoh-contoh teks spoof beserta generic structurenya
Mohon maaf, untuk sementara kami melayani pertanyaan untuk siswa SMP.
bisa minta tolong dicarikan contoh-contoh spoof text beserta generic structurenya, makasih
Mohon maaf, untuk sementara kami melayani untuk siswa SMP dulu.