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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
AsSLm.,di suatU Daerah berada pd ketingGian 3500 m di ats pRmukaAn LAuT SUhUNYa -8 derAJAT CLSUs,jKA STiap tRN 100 M SHu bRTamBh 1 dRjt C,Mka sHU Pd kTinGgiaN 400 M Di atS PrmKAan LAuT SAat itU ADL., wSsLm
ooTurunnya ketinggian dari semula = 3500 - 400 = 3100 m.
berarti Pertambahan suhunya = 3100 : 100 = 31oC.
Jadi suhu di ketinggian 400m = -8oC + 31oC = 23oC.
Semoga jelas.
tolong dong ka beritahu pengertian and contoh narative teks dengan sesempurna mungkin dan banyak... dengan munggunakan b.inggris.. sxan saya belajar b.inggris pleaseeeeeee....
text narrasi adalh text yg dibuat untk menghibur dan akan terdapat pelajaran dari cerita itu lampiran
tolong minta contoh deskripsi
Sudah banyak sekali contoh teks yang dimuat, termasuk yang anda tanyakan (descriptive). Silahkan anda buka lagi di arsip jawaban. Thanks
tolong contoh deskripsi dg tema prambanan
Untuk membuat teks descriptive dengan tema Prambanan, anda bisa membuat sendiri dengan mengikuti generic structure untuk teks descriptive yaitu identification, description. Anda identifikasikan dulu candi prambanan, untuk paragraph 1 kemudian paragrap 2 dst, anda gambarkan tentang candi prambanan dari ciri-ciri, nama-nama candi yang ada di kompleks itu, dll.
5f trima kasih
Maaf Anda salah memasukkan pertanyaan. Ini di kolom Matematika. Thanks.
tolong buatkan teks deskripsi dg tema bebas esok dikumpulkan
Terima kasih atas peretanyaannya. Mohon maaf kami tidak dapat membantu. Silakan anda coba dulu nanti kami coba menyempurnakannya. Selamat mencoba.
i need some examples for news item(at least two). and if it`s okay, i want you to add some questions to each of the articles(at least 4 questions per articles). thanks for the help.
Well, you can find in a textbook. After you find the text, just make the questions by yourself based on your own texts.
can you tell me some examples of news item(at least two)? and, if it`s okay, i want you to add some questions to each of the articles(at least 2 questions per articles). thanks for the help.
Here's one of the example of the news items. You can find some other else in the internet.
News Item
It is factual text which informs readers events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
And the generic structure of the text is: newsworthy event(s), background event (s), sources.
This text has language features such as: short, telegraphic information about story summarized in one sentence headline, use of material or action processes to retell story and it oftens dramatic use of participant structure.
Ciri Kebahasaan: Menggunakan action verbs, misalnya eat, run; binatang, benda tertentu; Disusun Menggunakan past tense; Menggunakan keterangan waktu dan tempat; sesuai dengan urutan kejadian.
Russian Nuclear Catastrophe
(Elaborasi kejadian): Moscow-A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.
(Komentar saksi kejadian): Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of Shkotovo-22 near Vladivostock.
The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobly disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor class sub marine during a refit had been a 'thermal' and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean-up operation to remove more than 600 tons of contaminated materials were sworn to secrecy.
(Pendapat para ahli): A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.
The questions :
1. What had happened in Russia ?
2. How many tons of substance is being
contaminated ? Selamat mencoba.
sorry, but can you tell me some examples of descriptive teks(at least two)? and, if you don`t mind, i want you to add some questions to each of the articles(at least three questions per article). i`m really grateful if my all of my questions answered. thanks for the help....
Maaf Anda salah memasukkan pertanyaan. Ini di kolom Matematika. Tolong pindahkan ke kolom Bahasa Inggeris. Thanks.
sorry, but can you tell me some examples of descriptive teks(at least two)? and, if it`s okay, i want you to add some questions to each of the articles(at least three per articles). thank you very much for the help..........
Museum Sejarah Jakarta
Also known as Museum Fatahilah, this museum was named after the sultan who defeated the portuguese in 1527. the Museum, located in Taman Fatahilah, used to be the heart of Dutch colonial administration. Formerly it was the Stadhuis or the Town Hall of Batavia, bult in 1627 and then renovated in 1705 – 1715.
The Museum has a collection of 18 th century furnishing, chinaware, ancient map of Jakarta, and potraits of former colonial governos. In the back of museum, there is a big old Portuguese cannon called is Jagur, with writing in Latin: Ex Me Ipsa Renata Sum (I am Reborn From Myself). It is said so to show that the cannon was remolded from several smaller cannons. It is believed that Jagur possesses certain mystical powers. Many women who aren’t able to bear children visit it shopping to be blessed with children.