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11 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

butin q contoh procedure tetx tentang teknologi

How to use Fax Machine

Step 11

Check the fax machine plug. After you check the fax machine power supply, check to make certain that its telephone cord is plugged into a phone jack.

Step 2
Insert the document that you wish to fax into the "outgoing" fax tray. Machines differ, but there will usually be an icon or picture directing the user as to where to place the outgoing document. Most fax machines require the user to insert the documents face down, but check your specific machine.
Dial the phone number to which you wish to send the document. In some offices, you may need to dial a number such as "9" for an outside line. You may also need to include the area or country code.
Step 44
Wait for the receiving fax machine to "answer." You will hear a sound like a computer modem: a series of high-pitched squeals and static-like noises. Depending on your fax machine, you may have to press the "Start" button to send your fax, or your model may automatically start sending the fax by itself.
Step 55
Look at the fax machine display console. It shows if pages have gone through successfully or if you need to resend a fax due to an error. Generally, when a fax has gone through successfully the machine will beep or display a "success" message.
Step 66
Stock your fax machine with plenty of paper in the "incoming" fax tray. That way if you receive a fax, it instantly prints on the paper provided. Even if you are out of paper, your fax machine will keep received faxes in its memory, and it will print them when you finally do stock the machine with paper.
Step 77
Note whether your fax machine has its own dedicated phone line. If so, it should receive faxes automatically. If you use one phone line for both your fax machine and a regular telephone, you may need to press "Start" to process an incoming fax. You can recognize an incoming fax easily; if you pick up the phone, you will hear the same modem sounds as when you are sending a fax.


11 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

saya pelajar smp kls 3,saya mau minta tolong!

apa sichh puncional text tuh,dan juga contohnya pliss 

Functional text adalah teks yang ditulis untuk maksud-maksud komunikasi tertentu. Ada pesan khusus yang akan disampaikan kepada pembaca baik secara lisan maupun tertulis. Contoh: advertisement (iklan), invitation (undangan), announcement, brochure, lists, graphs, notice, etc.

11 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

saya pelajar smp kls 3,saya mau minta tolong!

apa sichh puncional text tuh,dan juga contohnya pliss 

Functional Text adalah teks yang ditulis untuk tujuan komunikasi tertentu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tiap teks itu berisi tujuan khusus yang hendak disampaikan kepada pembaca/pendengar.

Contoh : advertisement (iklan), announcement (pengumuman), invitation (undangan), brochures, dll.  


11 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

saya pelajar smp kls 3,saya mau minta tolong!

apa sichh puncional text tuh,dan juga contohnya pliss 

Functional Text adalah teks yang ditulis untuk tujuan komunikasi tertentu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tiap teks itu berisi tujuan khusus yang hendak disampaikan kepada pembaca/pendengar.

Contoh : advertisement (iklan), announcement (pengumuman), invitation (undangan), brochures, dll. 


11 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

mas saya minta pengertian dari puncional text donk...

Functional Text adalah teks yang ditulis untuk tujuan komunikasi tertentu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tiap teks itu berisi tujuan khusus yang hendak disampaikan kepada pembaca/pendengar.

Contoh : advertisement (iklan), announcement (pengumuman), invitation (undangan), brochures, dll. 


11 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11


minta contoh analytical text dunk..

mohon segera ya....

Sebenarnya kami sudah banyak memberikan macam-macam contoh text dan penjelasannya termasuk analytical exposition. Silahkan anda membuak arsip jawaban kami. Thank you

10 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Jelaskn tntang narrative dan ksie Contoh text narrative pendek yg blom prnah d critain??tolng sgra d jwab

The Bears' Feast
A man had come to town with two tame bears. They were very clever bears, and could climb posts and trees, dance and turn summersets and do a great many other tricks besides. One day the man was taken ill and had to stay in the house all day. He thought the bears were locked up in the barn. But the bears decided they would go for a walk by themselves. They managed to get away without being seen and started in the direction of the schoolhouse. The children were at recess when they suddenly saw the bears. They were frightened and ran screaming into the school-house. The bears were very tame and kind and wanted to make friends with the children, so they followed them. The children jumped on the desks screaming and crying and the teachers were frightened too. When the bears saw that they could not make friends or play they began quietly walking about the school-room. Finally they came to the dressing-room where all the dinner-pails and baskets were hanging. Smelling the food, they managed to knock some of the baskets down and then such a feast as they had! They sat on their haunches and ate sandwiches and fruit and drank milk out of the bottles just as the children would do. When they had eaten enough they quietly left the school-house and trotted down the road toward home. After the bears were gone the children became calm again and returned to their lessons. The man and the bears disappeared the next day and were never seen again. (from Cinderella or, the Little Glass Slipper and Other Stories )

10 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

minta contoh personal letter dooong please :)

Personal Letter sangat dekat dengan kehidupan kita. Misalnya kita bermaksud memberi kabar dan atau menanyakan keadaan kita pada teman jauh, atau menceritakan suasana liburan yang sedang anda alami, dan lain-lain. Tujuan menulis surat sangat pribadi tergantung kebutuhan masing-masing.

Untuk itu silahkan anda mencoba menulis  sesuai kebutuhan anda. Jangan lupa formatnya menyertakan kepada siapa anda berkirim surat, tanggal/hari, tempat, alamat, dll. Selamat mencoba.


10 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

mau minta con report text serta struktur bagiannya . seperti kalau di narative orientation, dsb . terimakasih :)

Dear Astrid

Contoh report misalnya,


Whales are  sea living mammal. It looks like a fish ...........

Whales breathe using lunk .....

There are two kinds of whales.

Generic Structurenya adalah:

1. General Classification

2. Descriptions

Semoga anda paham dengan penjelasan kami. Thanks


10 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

tolong terjemahin "kita harus selalu menjaga kebersihan lingkungan agar hidup kita bisa sehat dan nyaman. caranya yaitu dengan tidak membuang sampah sembarangan. Di indonesia, sampah itu menjadi sumber masalah yang mengakibatkan banjir. walau kita tahu, namun kita masih tidak bisa merubah kebiasaan kita untuk membuang sampah sembarangan. Seharusnya Indonesia belajar dari negara lain untuk tidak mengotori negaranya sendiri yang nantinya akan merugikan diri sendiri. maka dari itu mulailah menjaga kebersihan lingkungan kita. Terima kasih kepada kalian telah mendengarkan pidato saya yg singkat ini."

bhs inggrisnya "kebersihan lingkungan" apa?


trima kash ya 

We have to keep our environmental clean in order to stay healthy and comfort.We have to put rubbish in the right place. ....... untuk selanjutnya anda pasti bisa menterjamahkan


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