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14 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

buatin pidato bhs inggris 

Contoh teks pidato sudah ada di arsip jawaban. Silahkan anda mencarinya. Thank you

14 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

duhh aqyu minta tolong nihhh

gmna cranya paling gmpang bkin pidato bhsa inngris

ttg hri kmerdkaan

penting buangeeeeet


Langkah-langkah pembuatan pidato:

1. Tentukan tema dan tujuan pidato anda.

2. Buatlah kerangka pidato yang berisi ide yang akan anda sampaikan.

3. Pertimbangkan pula siapa audiencenya sehingga pemilihan bahasa akan sesuai.

4. Kembangkan kerangka anda menjadi teks pidato utuh.

5. Setelah anda selesai menulis teks tersebut, maka silakan untuk membaca ulang dan menyempurnakannya.

6. Siapkan cara yang menarik untuk menyampaiakn pidato tersebut. 


14 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

duhh aqyu minta tolong nihhh

gmna cranya paling gmpang bkin pidato bhsa inngris

ttg hri kmerdkaan

penting buangeeeeet


Langkah-langkah pembuatan pidato:

1. Tentukan tema dan tujuan pidato anda.

2. Buatlah kerangka pidato yang berisi ide yang akan anda sampaikan.

3. Pertimbangkan pula siapa audiencenya sehingga pemilihan bahasa akan sesuai.

4. Kembangkan kerangka anda menjadi teks pidato utuh.

5. Setelah anda selesai menulis teks tersebut, maka silakan untuk membaca ulang dan menyempurnakannya.

6. Siapkan cara yang menarik untuk menyampaiakn pidato tersebut.


13 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

mnta teks recount donk......temanya "my childhood experience".............mau dkumpulin bsok

ANda bisa menyusun teks sendiri sesuai dengan pengalaman masa kecil anda. hal terpenting dalam penyusunan teks, harus diperhatikan generic structure dan language featurenya. Thank you

13 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

mnta teks recount.........tntang pngalaman di masa kecil

Teks recount menceritakan pengalaman atau peristiwa masa lampau. Isi pengalaman biasanya bersifat nyata dan situatif. Biasanya isi teks recount akan lebih hidup bila ditulis oleh orang yang mengalami. Pemakaian kata-kata yang menyangkut feeling (perasaan), kesan serta suasana nyata akan lebih hidup. Untuk itu silahkan anda mencoba dahulu menurut pengalaman anda. Dengan senang hati kami akan membantu memberikan masukan.

13 Agustus 2008
selin dan fanti
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

kak tolong ksh tau dunk contoh dan pengertian dari anecdote text! please........ bsk dikumpulin nich buat presentasi!

Jenis Teks: Anecdote (Cerita Lucu)

1.  Ciri Umum:

(a) Tujuan Komunikatif Teks:

Menceritakan kejadian/peristiwa lucu berdasarkan khayalan atau peristiwa nyata yang bertujuan menghibur.

(b) Struktur Teks:

·  Pengenalan;

·  Krisis;

·  Tindakan;

·  Koda.

(c)  Ciri Kebahasaan:



·         seruan/kata seru, pertanyaan retorik dan kata-kata seperti Listen to this! And do you know what? It’s awful, isn’t it? dsb.

·         action verbs, misalnya go, write, dsb.

·         conjunctions yang berhubungan dengan waktu, seperti then, afterwards, dsb.

2.  Contoh dan Struktur Teks:



Snake in the Bath



How would you like to find a snake in your bath?

A nasty one too!


We had just moved into a new house, which had been empty for so long that everything was in a terrible mess. Anna and I decided we would clean the bath first, so we set to, and turned on the tap.


Suddenly to my horror, a snake’s head appeared in the plug-hole. Then out slithered the rest of his long thin body. He twisted and turned on the slippery bottom of the bath, spitting and hissing at us.


For an instant I stood there quite paralysed. Then I yelled for my husband, who luckily came running and killed the snake with the handle of a broom. Anna, who was only three at the time, was quite interested in the whole business. Indeed I had to pull her out of the way or she’d probably have leant over the bath to get a better look!


Ever since then I’ve always put the plug in firmly before running the bath water.



13 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

berikan contoh teks report mengenai televisi..




Television is a widely used telecommunication medium for sending (broadcasting) and receiving moving images, either monochromatic ("black and white") or color, usually accompanied by sound. "Television" may also refer specifically to a television set, television programming or television transmission. The word is derived from mixed Latin and Greek roots, meaning "far sight": Greek tele (τλε), far, and Latin visio, sight (from video, vis- to see, or to view in the first person).

Commercially available since the late 1930s, the television set has become a common communications receiver in homes, businesses and institutions, particularly as a source of entertainment and news. Since the 1970s, recordings on video cassettes, and later, digital media such as DVDs, have resulted in the television frequently being used for viewing recorded as well as broadcast material.

A standard television set comprises multiple internal electronic circuits, including those for tuning and decoding broadcast signals. A display device which lacks these internal circuits is therefore properly called a monitor, rather than a television. A television set may be designed to handle other than traditional broadcast or recorded signals and formats, such as closed-circuit television (CCTV), digital television (DTV) and high-definition television (HDTV).


13 Agustus 2008
selin dan elok
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

saya minta contoh dan pengertian dr anecdote text ya cz bsk di kumpulin.Mksh ...



Snake in the Bath



How would you like to find a snake in your bath?

A nasty one too!


We had just moved into a new house, which had been empty for so long that everything was in a terrible mess. Anna and I decided we would clean the bath first, so we set to, and turned on the tap.


Suddenly to my horror, a snake’s head appeared in the plug-hole. Then out slithered the rest of his long thin body. He twisted and turned on the slippery bottom of the bath, spitting and hissing at us.


For an instant I stood there quite paralysed. Then I yelled for my husband, who luckily came running and killed the snake with the handle of a broom. Anna, who was only three at the time, was quite interested in the whole business. Indeed I had to pull her out of the way or she’d probably have leant over the bath to get a better look!


Ever since then I’ve always put the plug in firmly before running the bath water.


13 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

minta contoh anecdote text yg lain donk cz aq suruh bikin kliping nich .Thanks.



Snake in the Bath



How would you like to find a snake in your bath?

A nasty one too!


We had just moved into a new house, which had been empty for so long that everything was in a terrible mess. Anna and I decided we would clean the bath first, so we set to, and turned on the tap.


Suddenly to my horror, a snake’s head appeared in the plug-hole. Then out slithered the rest of his long thin body. He twisted and turned on the slippery bottom of the bath, spitting and hissing at us.


For an instant I stood there quite paralysed. Then I yelled for my husband, who luckily came running and killed the snake with the handle of a broom. Anna, who was only three at the time, was quite interested in the whole business. Indeed I had to pull her out of the way or she’d probably have leant over the bath to get a better look!


Ever since then I’ve always put the plug in firmly before running the bath water.


13 Agustus 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

apa sich struktur2x anecdote text ituw?aq bingung nie tlong jwb skrng ya please!



Snake in the Bath



How would you like to find a snake in your bath?

A nasty one too!


We had just moved into a new house, which had been empty for so long that everything was in a terrible mess. Anna and I decided we would clean the bath first, so we set to, and turned on the tap.


Suddenly to my horror, a snake’s head appeared in the plug-hole. Then out slithered the rest of his long thin body. He twisted and turned on the slippery bottom of the bath, spitting and hissing at us.


For an instant I stood there quite paralysed. Then I yelled for my husband, who luckily came running and killed the snake with the handle of a broom. Anna, who was only three at the time, was quite interested in the whole business. Indeed I had to pull her out of the way or she’d probably have leant over the bath to get a better look!


Ever since then I’ve always put the plug in firmly before running the bath water.



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