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19 Mei 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

Tolong donk kasih contoh Spoof text......

Truz bikin 10 P'tnyaan yg sesuai dgn isi spoof nya.....

Tolong y om......



A landowner from Seoul went to visit his farmer in the countryside and was treated to a grand dinner of boiled chicken.

In the course of the meal, the farmer’s youngest son ran in, shouting, “There it is!  He’s eating the dead chicken.”

The landowner thought that he had been served a long dead chicken.  So he put down his chopsticks and told the servant to clear the table, politely saying, “This is enough for me.  My stomach can’t take any more food.”

Just then, the boy started eating the chicken’s leg greedily saying at the same time, “Oh, this is really delicious.”

“Why are you eating the dead chicken?” asked the surprised landowner

“Who eats live chicken?” replied the boy


1. What text type is it?

     A. spoof

     B. procedure

     C. narrative

     D. description

     E. report


2. Where was the landowner from?

     A. Jakarta

     B. Seoul

     C. Countryside

     D. Tokyo

     E. Beijing


3. Who was shouting?

     A. The landowner

     B. The landowner’s youngest son

     C. The farmer’s oldest son

     D. The farmer

     E. The farmer’s youngest son

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 20 Mei 2009 0:0

18 Mei 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

 pak.saya bingung tentang re-orientation,orientation,resolution dan complication dari cerita ini.tolong jelaskan dan apa re-orientation,orientation,resolution dan complication dari cerita ini.thx.


Long ago, before automobiles had been invented people came to town to shop or go to the bank or post office in buggies or wagons drawn by horses. The horses had to be tied to a hitching post so that they didn\'t wander around while their owner shopped. A long hitching post and rail was built along side the street next to the long side of the store building.

One winter there came a deep snow, maybe as much as 8 or 9 inches. The snow piled up high on the steep roof of all the buildings in town, including the tall store. People needed to shop or go to the bank but horses could come through snow even that deep. Several wagons parked alongside the hitching post and the horses were tied to the rail waiting there for their owners to return. It had turned quite warm, the sun had come out. Heat from inside the store and the sun on the outside heated up the slates on the roof and melted the underside of the snow. Then, all of a sudden, all the roof snow slid off the slates, just like an avalanche, and dropped down right on top of the horses tied to the hitching rail. Snow can be very heavy and there was lots of snow on that roof. It was a terrible accident. All of the horses were frightened. They tried to break free. Two of the horses were killed, several of them were knocked down and some had legs broken. The buggies were badly crushed. People came running to help free the horses and treat them if they could. The accident story was soon in the newspaper. People quickly learned not to ever tie their horses to the hitching rail next to the tall building if it had snowed and it was still on the store roof.

silakan kunjungi
Operator 20 Mei 2009 0:0

18 Mei 2009
Satria Kukluh
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

Bisakah Anda membuatkan retelling story / fairy tales tentang The ThinderBox. Kalau bisa tolong buatkan sesimpel mungkin dan ada percakapannya agar mudah di hafalkan. Terima kasih.

silakan kunjungi
Operator 20 Mei 2009 0:0

17 Mei 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5

anak saya kelas 5 SD harus membuat tugas writing ttg menulis surat ke penpalnya di inggris tentang bali. terima kasih.

Terimakasih atas e-mail ibu. Sayang e-mail ibu masih bersifat informatif, belum jelas apa yang akan ibu konsultasikan atau tanyakan.

Bila ananda dalam menulis pen-pal ada yang kurang yakin atau ingin berkonsultasi, kami persilahkan. Setelah mendorong ananda untuk mencoba menulis sendiri, dengan senang hati kami akan membantu mengedit tulisan tersebut.

Penpal letter biasanya berisi tentang :

  • Greeting dan tujuan menulis penpal. Contoh: Hi. My name is …. I’m from …. I want to make friends with everybody.
  • Mendeskripsikan data pribadi , hobi, keluarga, kota/negara asal, dan sebagainya. Contoh: I live in Sisingamaraja street No 34 Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I’m a student of Elementary school. I’m in Class 5. I have 1 yournger sister. Her name is ….
  • Bila penpal letter yang harus dibuat merupakan respon dari teman penpal yang lain, maka ide dapat dikembangkan dengan menuliskan pertanyaaan  atau informasi sekaligus tentang sesuatu hal sebagai respon terhadap isi surat penpal-nya.

Selamat mencoba.

Operator 20 Mei 2009 0:0

17 Mei 2009
melis normayanti
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

saya mnta tlong,tolong buatin tentng dialog embarrassement,relive dan annoy,secepatnya ya pak,klo bsa skrang d tunggu,trimakasih.

Giving Advice

Salah satu materi kelas XI di semester 1 adalah Giving Advice yang artinya memberikan nasihat. Kata-kata yang sering digunakan untuk memberikan nasihat antara lain:
You’d better….
You ought to ….
You must…
You should….
You have to


Read the following dialogue and then act it out.
Father is telling Erika that somebody on the terrace of their
house is waiting for her.
Father : Why don't you meet the boy?
Erika : No, Dad! I won't meet him. I feel embarrassed
about seeing him.
Father : Err... what's wrong with you?
Erika : Nothing. But my friends say that he likes me.
And you know, Dad. I don't love him. Help
me tell him about it, I can not sat it to express
my feelings.
Father : Is that what makes you avoid him?
Erika : Yes, Dad.
Father : Honey, listen to me! It's not good to avoid
him, just go and tell him the truth. You should
explain it by yourself.
Erika : Okay then. I'll try to explain it. Thanks,
Father : That's my girl.

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 20 Mei 2009 0:0

19 Mei 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

tolong kasih contoh pidato b.inggris tentang sampah yang isinya pake text hortatory exposition, pleasssse!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trima kasih pertanyaan anda, silakan anda periksa di website ini, sudah banyak sekali penjelasan berikut contoh dari teks-teks tersebut. Tq Good luck.
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 19 Mei 2009 0:0

19 Mei 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

mr/mrs. Ada contoh teks hortatory exposition tentang street children??kalau ada sya mnta tlng..thx

Trima kasih pertanyaan anda, silakan anda periksa di website ini, sudah banyak sekali penjelasan berikut contoh dari teks-teks tersebut. Tq Good luck.
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 19 Mei 2009 0:0

19 Mei 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

ass.wduh bsa tlong bkinin contoh paragraf present tense,please cz mw d'kmplin nech...

Trima kasih pertanyaan anda, silakan anda periksa di website ini, sudah banyak sekali penjelasan berikut contoh dari teks-teks tersebut. Tq Good luck.
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 19 Mei 2009 0:0

18 Mei 2009
tri rahayuningsih
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

tolong buatin contoh announcement dan news item tapi simple aja gak panjang2.please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trima kasih pertanyaan anda, silakan anda periksa di website ini, sudah banyak sekali penjelasan berikut contoh dari teks-teks tersebut. Tq Good luck.
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 19 Mei 2009 0:0

18 Mei 2009
adithya junarti putri
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

assalamu'alaikum wr.wb

 saya ingin meminta satu contoh text yang berkaitan tentang recount text about experince.. terima kasih...

Trima kasih pertanyaan anda, silakan anda periksa di website ini, sudah banyak sekali penjelasan berikut contoh dari teks-teks tersebut. Tq Good luck.
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 19 Mei 2009 0:0


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