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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
bisa minta tolong berikan saya contoh advertisment text, announcement text, dan invitation text? kalau bisa textnya sepanjang 1 halaman untuk tiap jenis text. Terima kasih banyak ya.
Example of invitation:
You are a part of our lives
please be a part of our celebration of
life and our commitment
Together with their parents
Frances A Hinckley
David Henri Bren
request the pleasure of your company
at their marriage
Sunday, the third of September
at five-thirty in the afternoon
Martha Clara Vineyards
Dinner reception to follow
Solution: (Parent's names at the end) | |
We are pleased to announce
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Williams
Trade Publications Advertising Text SampleAdmissions Officer-
tolong buatin narative text dong ka , tp tntg pengalaman yg tak trlupakan dr yg sedih n happy ending . Aku dpt tugas dari guru .. makasih
The Three Sheiks and Queen of Arabia
Maura, who liked to be thought of as the most beautiful and powerful queen of Arabia, had many suitors. One by one she discarded them, until her list was reduced to just threes sheiks, all equally young and handsome, rich and strong. It was very hard to decide who would be the best of them.
One evening, Maura disguised herself and went to the camp of the three sheiks, as they were about to have dinner, and asked them for something to eat.
The first gave her some leftover food; the second gave her some unappetizing camel’s tail; the third sheik, who was called Hakim, offered her some of the most tender and tasty meat. After dinner, the disguised queen left the sheiks’ camp.
The following day the queen invited the three sheiks to dinner at her palace. She ordered her servants to give each one exactly what they had given her the evening before.
Hakim, who received a plate of delicious meat, refused to eat it if the other two could not share it with him, and this act finally convinced Queen Maura that he was the man for her.
“Without question, Hakim is the most generous of you,” she announced her choice to the sheiks, “So, it is Hakim I will marry.”
Please give the examples of expression for asling ans giving permission
coba kunjungi
Operator 22 Agustus 2009 0:0
Gimana sih caranya story telling yang baik dan benar???
Terima kasih atas pertanyaannya, cara story telling yg baik dan benar adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Kuasai cerita dengan baik dan buatlah improvisasi misalnya dengan penyampain pesan moral atau latar belakang cerita, sehingga pendengar lebih tertarik dengan cerita anda.
2. Persiapkan media dan kostum (bila diperkenankan).
3. Pastikan anda telah menguasai dengan baik hal-hal berikut ini: pronunciation, accuracy, fluency and performance.
4. Tampilah dengan penuh percaya diri, tidak nervous, dan penjiwaan yang baik.
5. LIbatkan audience dan juga jury dalam story telling anda, dalam hal ini anda diharapkan untuk lebih komunikatif dan ekspresif sehingga penampilan dan cerita anda mampu menghidupkan suasana.
Maaf, saya ada pernyataan. Tolong dijawab. Ini pertanyaannya "Bagaimana cara membaca pidato yang baik ketika lomba?"
Terima kasih atas pertanyaan anda, berikut adalah hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam berpidato :
a.Akitivitas di Mimbar
a). Pakaian harus rapi
b). Wajah selalu senyum
c). Sikap badan tegak dan santai
d). Adanya keseimbangan gerak
e). Adanya keserasian dalam pembicaraan
2.Menumbuhkan percaya diri
3.Pandangan, harus :
a). Seramah mungkin
b). Adanya kontak mata dengan audience
c). Pandangan merata keseluruh audience
b.Sikap seorang penceramah itu harus serba menarik :
2.Air mukanya
6.Rias ( make up )
c.Suara seorang penceramah itu harus :
1.Dapat didengar
2.Pengaturan intonasi
3.Bahasa bervariasi
4.Disesuaikan dengan intonasi dan kondisi
5.Usai pidato nada kalem
d.Gaya penyampaian pidato harus :
1.Adanya selingan seperti humor ( metode cerita, plesetan kata-kata, kombinasi lagu-lagu, pergaan )
2.Sekali-kali dapat digunakan suatu pertanyaan
3.Adanya do’a sebagai kekuatan dalam berpidato
4.Aluna suara yang syahdu ( aura, nuansa, suasana )
Berikut ini kesalahan yang sering terjadi dalam berpidato :
a.Kesalahan dalam penampilan dan sikap :
1.Penampilan yang tidak bersemangat
2.Kurang ada kontak mata dengan pendengar
3.Hanya mengarahkan mata dan perhatian pada satu titik atau tempat didalam ruangan
4.Gerak-gerik yang tidak terkontrol
5.Tangan dimasukan kedalam jaket atau saku celana
6.Berdiri sambil memeluk atau menaruh perut pada mimbar
7.Tidak tenang melenggang kesana kemari
b.Kesalahan dalam berbicara :
1.Terlalu banyak mengulang
2.Tempo bicara yang terlalu cepat
3.Suara yang monoton tidak ada tinggi rendah
4.Terlalu banyak bunyi-bunyian yang menggangu sebagai tanda bahwa orang tidak menguasai bahan misalnya : eh,e,u...dll
5.Penggunaan dan penerapan kata-kata asing yang salah
Didalam berpidato kita harus mempunyai prinsip dan watak yang tangguh dalam menyampaikan ceramah pidato. Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi jalanya pidato :
Faktor Intern
1. Pembinaan Teknik Berbicara
Teknik Berbicara merupakan bentuk dari efektifitas monologikal dan dialogika tergantung pada teknik berbicara yang meliputi unsur teknik bernafas,mengucap, dan binasuara.
2 Berbicara
Sebagai calon pembicara atau orator hendaklah memiliki syarat-syarat sebagai berikut :
a. Adanya minat
b. Keberanian tampil (dihadapan publik)
c. Memiliki kemampuan menyampaikan
d. Memiliki suara yang baik
e. Simpatik
f. Berbakat
Faktor Ekstern
1. Suara luar yang mengangu misanya seperti suara gema atau salon yang terlalu dekat
2. Audience yang ribut
3. Cuaca
Tolong dong buatin karangan tentang hari2 disekolah dngn rumus past tense.. Plus indonesianya.. Thx
Thanks for participating in KBS. But, we are so sorry. We are here not to do the students' homework fully, but we will help the students when they have tried to do it and then find difficulties.
So, please try to make it first, then send it us here. We will help you to correct it.
Just to tell you, 'past tense' always use VERB 2 or to be : 'WAS / WERE".
For Example:
Last week my school commemorated the Independence day. All my friends were very happy because there were many kinds of contests conducted to celebrate it.
Silakan anda teruskan, Prinsipnya: apa yang anda ceritakan adalah hal yang sudah anda alami. Karena itu, anda harus menggunakan 'past tense' seperti yang tercetak tebal.
TrimakasihTolong dong buatin karangan tentang hari2 disekolah dngn rumus past tense.. Plus indonesianya.. Thx
Thanks for participating in KBS. But, we are so sorry. We are here not to do the students' homework fully, but we will help the students when they have tried to do it and then find difficulties.
So, please try to make it first, then send it us here. We will help you to correct it.
Just to tell you, 'past tense' always use VERB 2 or to be : 'WAS / WERE".
For Example:
Last week my school commemorated the Independence day. All my friends were very happy because there were many kinds of contests conducted to celebrate it.
Silakan anda teruskan, Prinsipnya: apa yang anda ceritakan adalah hal yang sudah anda alami. Karena itu, anda harus menggunakan 'past tense' seperti yang tercetak tebal.
tolong bwatin contoh banner,poster,and pamflet dunkz...
skrg iagh...
The following is a portion from a general pamphlet combining "Personology" and "Chinese Face Reading." This excerpt is about 1/8 of the pamphlet.Steps in Face Reading
Ears: Information Gathering and Processing | |
Forehead: Thinking Style | |
Eyebrows: Thought Patterns | |
Eyes: Attitude, Life Perspective | |
Nose: Work Style, Financial Priorities | |
Mouth: Self-Expression | |
Cheek: Perceived Power | |
Jaw: Actual Power | |
Chin: Strength, Stress Tolerance |
Moles, Hair, Eye Creases, Laugh Lines |
Face Balance: Top, Middle, Bottom
Top = Abstract, Intellectual | |
Middle = Practical, Social | |
Bottom = Intuitive, Physical |
The longer the zone the more emphasis the person puts on that area of life. The length of the zone is judged in comparison to the lengths of the other zones.
Face Symmetry: Left, Right
Dominance: Owner’s Right Side if Right Handed; Owner’s Left Side if Left Handed | |
Dominant Side = Public, Conscious, Expressed; Submissive Side = Private, Subconscious, Hidden | |
More Symmetric = More Open, Honest, Even Tempered, Stable Lifestyle | |
Less Symmetric = Less Open, Breaks Rules, Unevenly Tempered, Irregular Lifestyle |
Any feature can show asymmetry. Double features (like ears, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, etc.) can be compared to each other. Single features (like chin, forehead, nose bridge, etc.) can be broken into two halves or can be leaning towards one side.
A small amount of asymmetry is desirable, for one does not want to be transparent. However, much asymmetry suggests that the person has had a wide variety of experiences, both positive and negative. Furthermore, those with irregular features are more apt to have novel ideas. On the other hand, they don't usually feel compelled to conform.
Face Shape: (Listed in Increasing Size)
Jade (diamond): fearless, initiator | |
Fire (triangle pointing down): full of ideas, passionate, consumes then moves on | |
Bucket (trapezoid pointing down): ideas with follow though | |
Wood (rectangle): social | |
Long Moon (oval): social climber | |
Heart (heart shaped, usually with widow’s peak): romantic | |
Water, Moon (circle): social, clever | |
Metal (square): reliable, responsible, stable | |
King (large square, with strong jaw and chin): leader, domineering | |
Wall (large, horizontal rectangle): leader, inspiring | |
Earth (large trapezoid pointing up): leader, stubborn, driven | |
Mountain (large trapezoid pointing up, narrower at top and wider at bottom than Earth): obstinate |
The basic (elemental) face shapes are the fire, wood, water, metal, and earth. The other shapes are mixtures of these. Fore example, the long moon face is a mixture of the wood and water faces. The heart face is a mixture of the fire and water faces.
Relationships: Fire « Wood « Water « Metal « Earth « Fire: Connected = compatible, get along and mate well; Not-Connected = not compatible, at odds. This names can be used as a heuristic to remember compatibility. For example, a fire face and a water face would be incompatible because they would destroy each other. Also, a fire face and a wood face would have a passionate relationship. Even though the reaction of water and metal to make rust seems negative, in reality it is a gradual, complete unification which does not destroy either.
I give an example how to make a poster on rain water harvesting and a pamphlet on check pollution.
Both the poster and pamphlet should be concise, so try using few words:
- Rainwater harvesting:
--- Useful, resourceful and unexpensive
--- Remember to treat before drinking
--- Employed domestically, industrially and by stockbreeders
- Check pollution:
--- Think about the future
--- We're not alone, we're part of nature
--- If you can spend a minute throwing pollutants in the street, you can spend it not throwing them.
tolong kasih contoh OTOBIOGRAFI y,, yang simple aj,, !!
I was born on a warm, sunny day in June in Sarasota, Florida. I still live in Sarasota, Florida, and I go to school at Booker High School. I live with my mom,Kate; my brother, Jake; and my Aunt Molly. When I was born, my bother was fifteen-months-old and hid under the table from me. Jake is a sweet kid and he would do anything for me, but like all brothers and sisters we fight like cats and dogs. Sometimes when no one was around, Jake would come up to me and bite my toes for no reason. I still love him but only because he is my brother.
Who I am in life.
My name is Sally Friday. I started school when I was six-years-old. I went to kindergarten through fifth grade at Booker Elementary and while I was there, I won an award for perfect attendance. I also won an award for honor roll all four terms. Then I attended Booker Middle School, and there I also won a couple of awards: one for perfect attendance and two for being named Student of the Year--one in sixth grade and the other in eighth grade. I am now a senior at Booker High School. I plan on finishing school and maybe going to a community college.
What life means to me.
Life to me means friends and family who you can trust and who trusts you. I am pretty much on the happy side of life, but like all teens I do I have my "days of." That means I do have some sad days or depressed days. I have a few frinds here that sort of look out for me and when I am having a bad day, I have someone here at school to talk to. I make my school days go by thinking of either the next hour or what I will do when I get home or on the weekend. I'm not seeing anyone now but when I did have a boyfriend, our favorite places to go were the movies and out to dinner. Sometimes we went to the beach. Only once we went to an amusement park: Universal Studios. We were together for twenty-nine days and then we broke-up; so no, I don't think it was forever.
tolong berikan contoh dialog tentang "granting request". thanx
To express requesting, you can use:
1. Would you mind ... ,please?
2. Can you ... ?