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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
mohon bantuannya, apa bedanya regular dan irregular? terima kasih
Menurut maknanya 'regular' berarti teratur sedang 'irregular' tidak teratur.
Dalam bahasa Inggris istilah ini dipakai untuk membedakan beberapa makna seperti:
1. regular/irregular verb yaitu pada perubahan kata kerja dalam bentuk present - past - past participle. Misalnya: work - worked - worked (regular verb)
play - played - played (regular verb)
go - went - gone (irregular verb)
break - broke - broken (irregular verb)
Kk tolong berikan satu contoh drama dalam bahasa Inggris donk..... Please,,
terimakasih atas pertanyaan anda.
Kami sarankan anda untuk download dari internet lewat google dengan spesifikasi 'drama script'. Anda bisa memilih kategori drama yang sesuai dengan keinginan anda. Selamat mencoba.
Saya senang sekali bisa ,medapatkan info tuk berbagi dalam mendalami b.inggr,esp pd
grammar nya. ada bbrapa hal yang saya ingin tanyakan;
1. bgmana cara mudah mngerjakan soal2 UN SmP en SmA yang notabene dgn pendekatan
2. ketentuan apa saja yang harus diperhatikan dalam merubah Adjective Clause mjd
PArticiple? misal pada tenses simple, continous, perfect dan future. mohon diberi
contoh satu persatu.
3. cara menentukan itu text spoof dan anecdote coz perbedaan nya sangat tipis?
4. apakah text naratif itu cerita nya pasti KHAYAL?
mkasie, mungkin itu baru sedikit dulu.
Arif Nur Sidik (Program Pend. Bhs Inggris,UNS)
1. Pendekatan genre pada teks monolog sebenarnya bisa membantu siswa dalam mendalami isi teks terutama bila pertanyaan berkisar pada isi bahasan, tujuan penulisan sebuah teks, ide pokok tiap paragraph (karena ini berkaitan dengan generic structure tiap teks).
At a certain point in your writing in English, you should be able to identify every sentence you write as simple, compound, or complex. Two additional structures, adjective clauses and appositives, will give you a much greater sentence variety within which to accomplish your writing objectives. This page contains a small amount of information about adjective clauses along with just ten very difficult exercises. First, we will define what adjective clauses are and how they work.
v Adding a Modifying Clause
Using a modifying clause with that.
Adding descriptive information for things.
Example :
v Relative Pronouns
Adding descriptive information for people and things
Omitting an object pronoun.
Example :
Adding descriptive information for possession
Example :
Adding descriptive information for time and place
Example :
Example :
Adding descriptive information by telling “how much” . Expressions of quantity:
Example :
Adding descriptive information for animate or inanimate possession
Example :
v Identifying and Nonidentifying Clauses
Talking about something specifically or “in general”
Example :
Example :
Example :
v Reducing Clauses to Participial Phrases
For example:
Example :
For example:
Example :
Example : The Golden Gate Bridge, (which was) designed by Joseph Strauss, attracts tourists.
Example :
v Agreement in Complex Sentences
Example :
3. Untuk pertanyaan tentang teks Spoof silahkan anda mengirim kembali pertanyaan ke kategori layanan SMA Bahasa Inggris.
4. Pada umumnya narrative text memang cerita khayal, namun ada pula yang didasarkan pada peristiwa nyata. Namun penceritaan ulang bisa dikemas menjadi sebuah cerita, diskenario menjadi sebuah cerita yang memiliki alur menurut genre sebuah teks naratif. Contoh cerita dalam film ‘Titanic”.
Terimakasih kami juga terbuka terhadap masukan serta tambahan wawasan dari anda. Namun demikian layanan ini kami sediakan terutama bagi siswa-siswi SMP yang mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris.
Semoga bermanfaat.
Bu, kalau ' movie ' dan ' soap opera ' itu beda artinya, lalu kenapa jawaban yg benar utk pertanyaan ini adalah yg C padahal yg ditanyakan yg NOT TRUE, Bu. Saya bingung nih.
Which statement is NOT TRUE about Lindsay Lohan? a. She was born and grew up in New York. b. She released her debut album “Speak” in 2004.c. She made her first appearance in the movie at age 11.
d. She has become a pop singer since she was ten years old.Lindsay Dee Lohan (born on July 2nd, 1986) is an American actress, model, and pop music singer. Lohan started in show business as a child fashion model for magazine advertisement and television commercials. At age 10, she began her acting career in the soap opera “Another World”. At 11, she made her motion picture debut by playing identical twins in Disney’s 1998 remake of The Parent Trap. Lohan rose to stardom with her leading roles in the films “Freaky Friday”, and “Mean Girls”. Her subsequent roles include appearances in “A Prairie Home Companion” and “Bobby”. In 2004, she launched a second career in pop music by yielding the albums “Speak” (2004), “A Little More Personal (Raw)” (2005), and the forthcoming “Spirit in the Dark” (2009). Lohan was born in New York City and grew up in Merrick and Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island in New York. She is the eldest child of Donata and Michael Lohan. She has three younger siblings, all of whom were child models: Michael Jr., who appeared with her in “The Parent Trap”; sister Aliana, who is also an actress; Dakota, the youngest Lohan child.
jawabanya D
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 15 Maret 2010 0:0
Halo TIM KBS... tolong bantu saya dalam mentranslate kalimat di bawah ini tentang "Your Favourite Teacher", soalnya saya salah terus dalam penggunaan verb/ejaannya nya...
::Guru favorit saya adalah Bu Rini, Karena saat mengajar selalu sabar dan mudah di mengerti.Dia mengajar pelajaran Agama di kelasku. Dia selalu memakai kerudung,bentuk wajahnya oval, matanya agak sipit, tubuhnya langsing dan agak pendek.
Dalam membimbing kami, dia jarang sekali marah dan selalu terbuka terhadap semua siswa, sehingga saya bisa paham apa yang diajarkannya.Bu Rini selalu mengedepankan musyawarah dalam menyelesaikan pelajaran yang sulit dimengerti.Walaupun penyabar, tetapi jika ada murid yang tidak tertib Bu Rini tidak segan-segan memarahinya, tetapi dengan cara yang baik dan tidak kasar.
Oleh karena itu, banyak murid-murid patuh kepada Bu Rini karena sifatnya ini.::
Kalo ada yang salah atau kurang tolong di betulkan ya....
tolong dilampirkan juga text bhs inggrisnya
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 15 Maret 2010 0:0
Bu, jawaban yg benarnya adalah yg C. Yg ingin saya tanyakan apakah in the soap opera itu sama dng in the movie? Kalo pilihan jawaban D itu kenapa salah ya? Terima kasih.
Pertanyaannya adalah:
1. Which statement is NOT TRUE about Lindsay Lohan? a. She was born and grew up in New York. b. She released her debut album “Speak” in 2004.c. She made her first appearance in the movie at age 11.
d. She has become a pop singer since she was ten years old.
Lindsay Dee Lohan (born on July 2nd, 1986) is an American actress, model, and pop music singer. Lohan started in show business as a child fashion model for magazine advertisement and television commercials. At age 10, she began her acting career in the soap opera “Another World”. At 11, she made her motion picture debut by playing identical twins in Disney’s 1998 remake of The Parent Trap.
Lohan rose to stardom with her leading roles in the films “Freaky Friday”, and “Mean Girls”. Her subsequent roles include appearances in “A Prairie Home Companion” and “Bobby”. In 2004, she launched a second career in pop music by yielding the albums “Speak” (2004), “A Little More Personal (Raw)” (2005), and the forthcoming “Spirit in the Dark” (2009).
Lohan was born in New York City and grew up in Merrick and Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island in New York. She is the eldest child of Donata and Michael Lohan. She has three younger siblings, all of whom were child models: Michael Jr., who appeared with her in “The Parent Trap”; sister Aliana, who is also an actress; Dakota, the youngest Lohan child.
the soap opera itu sama dng in the movie? tidak sama tapi hampir sama bidangnya yaitu acting. opera sabun adalh sinetro movie adalah film layar lebar
Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 12 Maret 2010 0:0
what is the communicative purpose of text advertisement
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selamat belajar
In this sequel to the 2003 highly successful film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, you can see everyone’s favorite scoundrel, Captain Jack Sparrow (the brilliant Johny Depp) trying to weasel out of paying a blood debt owed to the mythical Davy Jones, the captain of the otherworldly ship The Flying Dutchman.
Time is being his biggest enemy, and Sparrow pulls every trick he knows to find a way to escape the 100 years of servitude owed to Davy Jones. His old friends, Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley) and Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), are once again sucked into Sparrow’s misadventure.
The success of the first sequel relied on the simple thrill ride charm of a classic swashbuckler. Unfortunately, this second sequel over extends that charm without adding anything new other than a long, contrived and rather unnecessary plot twist.
The only true pleasurable aspect of this film is Depp’s reprise of Sparrow, which never fails to generate laughs. Without Depp, this film would have simply drowned in an ocean of redundancy.
Pertanyaan2nya adalah:
1. “Without Depp, this film would have simply drowned in an ocean of redundancy”
This means that the film is ……………
a. interesting
b. exciting
c. adventurous
d. dishonest
e. awkward
Jawaban yg benar yang mana? Mohon penjelasannya karena saya tidak tahu arti dari kalimat tsb diatas.2. Which of the following statements shows the appraisal to the film?
a. Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley) and Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) are once again sucked into Sparrow’s misadventure.
b. The success of the first sequel relied on the simple thrill ride charm of a classic swashbuckler
c. Unfortunately, this second sequel over extends that charm without adding anything new other than a long, contrived and rather unnecessary plot twist.
d. The only true pleasurable aspect of this film is Depp’s reprise of Sparrow, which never fails to generate laughs.
e. Without Depp, this film would have simply drowned in an ocean of redundancy.
Jawaban yg benar yang D / E ya, Bu?
1. interesting
“Without Depp, this film would have simply drowned in an ocean of redundancy”
tanpa johny depp film ini hanya akan menjadi film yang menghabiskan bayak uang dan akan kurang bermutu/menarik
2 D
Outraged by the high fees her computer consultant charged, a friend asked Mr. Laurens which service he used. “My sons,” he said. “They both have degrees in computer science.”
“So you get that kind of work done for nothing,” the friend marveled.
Mr. Laurens smiled. “Actually, I figured it cost me about $40,000 for my kids to fix my computer for free.”
Pertanyaan2nya adalah:
1. Apakah betul teks tsb diatas termasuk jenis SPOOF? Jika betul, ‘twist’ nya mulai darimana?
2. Apa arti dari 2 kalimat terakhir ini:
a. “So you get that kind of work done for nothing,” the friend marveled.
b. Actually, I figured it cost me about $40,000 for my kids to fix my computer for free.”
3. It can be inferred from the text that ……………
a. Mr. Laurens did not pay at all for his computer to be fixed.
b. Mr. Laurens also paid a lot of money for his computer to be fixed.
c. Mr. Laurens also paid a computer consultant to fix his computer.
d. Mr. Laurens’ sons paid nothing for the computer.
e. Mr. Laurens’ computer is very expensive.
Apakah jawaban yg benar itu yg B? Mohon penjelasannya.
1 yes
Mr. Laurens smiled. “Actually, I figured it cost me about $40,000 for my kids to fix my computer for free.(TWIST)
b . sEBENARNYA saya memutuskan harganya 40.000 dolar tapi untuk kerjaan yang dilakukan anakku gratis( kurang lebih spt ini)
3 a